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Socializing, contacts, maybe meetups Anonymous 07/01/2020 (Wed) 07:27:51 No. 89
Let's have a thread where we can chat and potentially exchange contact info through things like tox, email, or god forbid discord. I guess it could double as a meetup thread if any brave souls are interested in that sort of thing. https://tox.chat/
Edited last time by kazu on 10/15/2021 (Fri) 03:46:56.
B1437240A8B1E14F6953E7468D296B645A05595B2D64446BFC405CE8B5D0892E0AAA44E35AEB is my tox id @dragooner for telegram
>>90 Should post what you're interested in or what you like to do so people know if you'll have anything in common to talk to each other about.
>>91 Oh yeah, into cuteboys and doms. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198121770424 I also have this.
>/cb/ meetup and discussion threads Nope, I'm out
>>95 Im in love already
4E955239A2B5007690AE7CB35228BECB67A45656BD48BBACA977B319670E1D697B24E6F0745A tox id
>>413 Don't add this anon, he is a federal agent
anyone likes playing uh terraria or something
>>423 cease capcodefagging
>>424 I am boss of the gym, you can't tell me what to do!
>>89 DEA781C81916A29423628F3F1EE885875855B7973DD1118BCED1E8066DCB1B61D9390C239520 That's my tox Brazilian, 23 yo, bi
>>604 Get element
Any leafs?
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>itt we say gay stuff Not to be gay or anything, but I Really think Depeche Mode is a really good band
>>610 I agree :3 my tox id is 703F46D821EA0296210E9758D3F430159579CE3DAA2E8B0907F7756828604D7D8B1E5215F4C6
>>607 Two weeks have passed and I just now see your post, anon-kun. Yes, I do have Element. Maybe I could make a server for it if there was enough interest later down the line.
>>899 The interest is there
Updated the OP
>kazu begins funneling cutebois into a (((discord))) server >not only that but he also fragments them between (((discord))) and matrix at the same time If you're going to siphon away activity from the board at least commit to a single matrix server instead of this retarded arrangement.
>>996 it's the same one, can't you read? All posts are bridged.
>>1004 Them being bridged is arguably even worse. The point of using a matrix server is to avoid discord harvesting your messages. Why would someone even bother using matrix if they just ended up sending those messages to discord in a roundabout way? At that point you could just use an alternative discord client like ripcord if you think the client itself is malware.
>>1007 I personally don't care much for either but it got annoying to have several people adding me during these last two weeks asking for a server. Besides I find Element to be extremely lackluster after using it for a few months, when it comes to basic features it pales in comparison to Discord. If you are going to run a server with a certain degree of users, E2EE becomes a hassle anyway, I removed the discord link.
>>1015 Element does have plenty of issues and lackluster feature set. But I can't really imagine needing anything else for a basic social chatroom. For me FOSS and privacy principles come before just about everything so the weight of practicality and streamlined usability is less significant. But I'm one autistic individual and don't even really use matrix myself all that often. If everyone doesn't care about what I care about and are comfortable submitting their ERP sessions for harvesting by corporate overlords then who am I to deny them. Personally I can't stomach using software that actively fights against letting you delete any messages you've sent. Discord goes to such insane lengths to make sure you are the farthest thing from private or in control of traces you've left on their platform that it makes even jewgle blush.
>>1024 Matrix recently received 30M in funding and they will soon be adding P2P video calls. The future is looking slightly brighter for them.
>>1026 I know it's looking promising, though a promising future doesn't really convince people to use software today. I had thought matrix already had video calls, I guess they weren't P2P. What they actually need to implement is mumble into the element client proper. That would be a true killer feature.
>>1027 So looking it up mumble is a voice client? Element doesn't have VoIP?
>>1029 Lol oh okay. So it's getting more features like right now. Seems like a good time to start using element then.
>>1027 Very Mumble-pilled Mumble is the best VOIP ever in history, by far.
>>1028 Mumble is like teamspeak or ventrillo, a proper VOIP program with a lot of features like having various rooms and permissions. It's basically what discord cloned for their voice system. Element has voice chat, but it's done through a third party service called jitsi and it's more akin to something like skype and it very clunky and awkward to use. Mumble integration would be superior because of the kind of environment it enables where you can easily see multiple voice rooms and see the people sitting in them waiting for someone else to join to chat. Technically speaking element has everything shit like discord has in one form or another, but the implementations of it are just kind of annoying to use.
>>1039 Discord has never been on par with Mumble's incredibly quality and low voice latency, nothing is. Plus Mumble is fully open source and genuinely free, including of third party moderation and content policing. If Discord had cloned it maybe Discord would be slightly less shit, but their voice feature sucks ass in comparison.
Matrix is shit. It's like their own website has no idea how to register.
>>1114 But it's Free and Open Source(tm)
>>1114 Open in browser? This sentence is so shambolic, I'm not sure what you're trying to say.
>>1116 >Element Unsupported browser Your browser can't run Element Element uses advanced browser features which aren't supported by your current browser.
>>1117 What kinda deprecated browser are you using? Works fine with ungoogled chromium
>>1117 I'm on Brave tbh. I have the client installed as well, you can register on there if that doesn't make you schizo out about spyware.
>>1118 >>1119 I see it's a lost cause. I'll stay on tox then because it isn't shit
>>1120 Matrix is a protocol. Like tox there are a bunch of clients you can use for it. I'm fairly certain there aren't any browser versions of tox either so it seems like an odd gripe. https://matrix.org/clients/
>>1120 There are several clients for matrix.
>>1122 I know... I just can't fucking register... But at least your pseudo-patience is a balm on my rage burns.
>>1123 Matrix is also federated. You can sign up on any home server and interact with people on other home servers. So if you can't sign up on the element home server you can just use any other home server. https://www.hello-matrix.net/public_servers.php https://publiclist.anchel.nl/
I haven't found any good clients. I guess I'll just give up.
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Join the Element.
>>1174 SuperVuln-ement®
>>1175 Tox is compromised too. Needless to say about Discord.
>>1176 Ah fuck, cmon...
>>1175 Join the smoke signals group
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Add me if you're in the Bay Area! vermillion#7144
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>>89 Nobody uses tox lol. >dead meme
>>1824 like this board lmao
Are there any women intoo cute boys the aren't BTS aids? If yes where could I find them?
And there's a new chat https://matrix.to/#/#cuteboys:cuum.space Feel free too join the conversation And see a cute boy or two ;)
Edited last time by cutemod on 10/27/2021 (Wed) 20:54:04.
>>2091 Wtf happened too the old one?
>>2094 Weird drama. But these new one is drama free and growing everyday.
bing bing bong bump
>>2091 Fucking KIKe, why did you leave?
>>996 link?
>>2606 For the matrix?
joined, bump for interest
>>2091 it's dead, isnt it?
>>2996 nope, come join faggot!
>>2999 >#cuteboys:cuum.space is not accessible at this time.
>>3001 Son of a bitch. I told Wodian.
can't ping the address either so most likely dead where the fuck is everyone? been on 9ch, 3chan, here and all the boards are abandoned. not willing to use discord though
>>3003 The chats alive. The mods were fucking with settings though. And apparently it broke. The board is slow but alive.
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>Gender, Age, Sexuality 27 M / Verygay / Elf >Your issues F84.5 Otherworldlyness >Personality description Introvert, crazy >Physical description ~70 KG, long hair, feminine / androgynous appearance >Style description Wood elf, night hunter >Hobbies and Interests PC / Hardware, gayming, invertebrates, cuddling, nature, cooking, psychedelics >Favorite music genres/albums/songs Oldschool Goa >LDR yes or no? Can you travel? Necessarily, potential partners should have enough time for long visits >What you are looking for? A cute androgynous / fem(-)male (I would maybe consider a female if it was a match), ideally long haired, introverted, weird, alternative, spiritual, psychedelic interest Not into masculine males, beards, old men, people with gender issues (I like dicks) Someone who matches my lifestyle of NEETing, video gayming, excessive psychedelic use and endless cuddling / comfy life for monogamous long term - ideally lifetime bonding. Bonus points for someone who is into nature and coo(c)king I have my own place but you need to be financially providing yourself, I don't want another relationship break due to financial reasons. For a matching partner I would consider marriage to access a citizenship my countries social system - If we would be a promising long term match and you don't plan to leech on me. Our relationship can be "live in" style as long as you are self sufficient and help financially, electricity, internet, food. Don't bother me if you expect a quick meetup or purely sexual stuff. My e-mail: celestialanode @ emailn.de Discord / Telegram / Steam will not be given publically feel free to write a proper introduction why you wish to get in contact with me I may send pictures after introduction if I get the feeling it might be worth it
anyone uses KIK? I need someone to tell me if I'm ugly or cute. I'll reward your assistance with anything you ask for.

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