/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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Dicks/Bulges Anonymous 07/29/2021 (Thu) 01:03:02 No. 427
big and smol, 2d and 3d. post them
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>>467 Nice cock
>>468 that thing is so gosh darned cute (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ
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You know you want to suck it.
>>2741 More like ride it.
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(5.87 MB 800x450 TrevorWong 8.mp4)

>>465 1st one is one of the most feminine penis I've seen 3rd one good lighting on thigh.
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where are the COCKS? This thread needs some boys suffering from NNN!
>>3446 Suffering? From Nonstop Nut November?
>>427 >>429 >>2913 >>3235 >>2741 >>462 >>429 >Those bed sheets Does having incredibly girly gay looking bed spreads also equate to having a bit and smooth penis?
>>3511 >bit and smooth penis? Big and smooth penis
>>427 >tumblr file name >DC/Dicks&Cock batman shirt >stripped ⑨ panties I guess he's a Scene fag then?
>>429 >bo's Seeing that remind me of this vid https://www.xvideos.com/video60863397/trap_rin_cosplayer_loses_her_anal_virginity_to_a_fan yes I know it is just random 1-off porn scenario, but whatever. getting random stranger to have you feel so wrongly hot The actual penetration is disappointing. Especially 1 of this prev video is about showing his good twink ass to viewer POV.
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