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Anonymous 09/27/2023 (Wed) 17:28:18 No. 3901
I got permbanned from 4chan cuz the jannies thought i was underaged, where do i make gay ass threads and post nudes now?
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>>3901 Whats with every meme nowdays having 100 tiktok watermarks? Also, about question OP... I think you know the answer
>>3901 Post nudes to prove you're not. Duh.
>>3907 >Also, about question OP... I think you know the answer seeing how dead this board is i would say no, i still dont know the answer >>3911 honestly im starting to think they know im innocent its just they have something personal against me pic rel for anyone wondering what banned me
>>3917 You're just a tiny guy, anon.
>>3918 yep but i am of legal age, ive explained this to the jannies BUT IM STILL PERMABANNED God damn retards
>>3917 cute, got more?
>>3917 PFFFF NIGGER I KNOW YOU! i promissed to send you cock pics or something like that, and them forgot about it! you soy drinking faggot
>>3919 Well nothing to do about that. Just post more here.
>>3917 >seeing how dead this board is i would say no, i still dont know the answer This is as good as it gets anon, if you wanna change that then B& evade the 4cuck and spam/advertise this site there.
>>3901 >'tranny jannies on 4cuck B&'d me' Many such cases... How the fuck did you find 8Cake anyway?
I reset my ip and got unbanned lol

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