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bois that are cute

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what's it like to have a /cb/ boyfriend? Anonymous 02/04/2023 (Sat) 22:53:41 No. 3648
have anyone here ever had a boyfriend? and if so what was it like? what's the appeal? were they hot? (picture of my ideal boyfriend)
(1003.17 KB 1869x2879 FKsO84faIAECZXE.png.png)

>implying anyone on 8moe has been in a relationship, let alone in one with a cute boy
>>3649 I've seem ppl talking about bf's on here before
>>3650 also here must have been one
How about just being regular friends for now? Not a fag myself, just hop across different boards for the conversations.
>>3652 Mighty homosexual of you.
>>3648 I never had a boyfriend, but for about a year in college one of my friends said "hey, if you're ever feeling pent up you can come over and fuck my ass." I took him up on it a few times, I know my Japanese animes made me fantasize about losing my virginity to my childhood friend, but not like this ;_;
>>3674 Enjoy your childhood friend boyfriend then!
>>3674 What did he look like?
>>3676 light tan skin (half-pacific islander), brown shoulder length curly hair that he would wear in a ponytail most days I would always joke he looked like Jetstream Sam whenever he grew a goatee Very shapely ass and thighs, he used to be pudgy as a kid, but he lost a lot of weight in high school doing track. Except on his legs and ass. I think that might have been what made him give the offer, since I teased him about having a womanly ass before. It was really awkward at first, kept loosing my boner because the thought of "Hey, you've known this guy since you both were nine years old and now you're raw dogging his ass" kept throwing me off, but I eventually got over it.
The kind that does not exist.
>>3774 You don't know.

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