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What if? Anonymous 11/11/2022 (Fri) 01:28:41 No. 3489
What if everyone who lurks and posts on /cb/ got together to spend a week down south and shared a comfy little vacation house near a secluded private beach property? What kind of wild wacky shenanigans do you think we'd all get up to anons?
Avoiding you nigga.
>>3489 I live in the south!
>>3489 You'd all get raped by the bara daddies that stalk this forum.
>>3498 >Avoiding you nigga. Ouch rude >>3502 >I live in the south! Which sate anon, is it Texas? >>3504 >You'd all get raped by the bara daddies that stalk this forum. Well there's like seven or nine regular posters here total so maybe we could out number him or two of them?
Whatever you homo's do please for the love of god don't actually try and climb up a coconut tree. You'd be surprised just how many stupid tourists die every year from those dropping like a brick into peoples skulls, just spend like the five extra cents to the coconut merchants because it's not worth dying for free coconuts.
Assuming we're near coconuts anyway.
If we were all cute? A lot of seggs. Still, I have no false impressions that most anons here aren't uggo bastards. I feel like we lost all the trve cuteboys long ago on the original board when the pigfarmer brought in the boomer "daddies". One day I will become a wealthy man, and I will hire and groom a cadre of perfect cuteboy butlers and cuteboy maids to serve my mansion. Maybe you can join there anon.
>>3544 I can confirm that I'm hairy, have acne, and have gyno.
>>3545 >I can confirm that I'm hairy Same but usually I'm to lazy to shave properly so I just trim with an electric razor. >have acne, Maybe you need to cut down on diary or sugar consumption or perhaps change your body wash. >>3545 >and have gyno. Do push ups and whatever else works your pecks muscles. If your an old ugly man you might as well be a /fit/ bara anon, we can't all be smooth twinks forever. >>3544 >Still, I have no false impressions that most anons here aren't uggo bastards. I feel like we lost all the trve cuteboys long ago on the original board when the pigfarmer brought in the boomer "daddies". It's worse than that anon, Discord, Tiktok and to an extent 4Jannies anti fun autism habits spilling into other websites is what killed /cb/, Pig Fuckers Qultists crowd was just salt in the wound at that point. Could we or some other anonymous image board having a phoenix rising from the ashes moment? Perhaps some day but not in this current culture of tech literacy where everyone just uses a smart phone so in other words blame Google and Apple an their user base as well as social media companies in general. >>3536 >>3540 What if I wear a hardhat and use a long stick to knock one down?
>>3548 >Discord, Tiktok and to an extent 4Jannies anti fun autism habits spilling into other websites is what killed /cb/ Tbh I miss the days of drama-laden contact threads. No one gets up to things anymore on any of these boards, no one seems to know eachother outside of their containment site. A kind of jaded lethargy always kills these things eventually. Doesn't help that 8moe is also mostly third-worlders, weird fetishists or niggers
>>3552 >Tbh I miss the days of drama-laden contact threads. Same here my man, lurking the 4hotpockets /soc/ threads and watching retards, namefags, and trannies argue with each other over dumb shit was quite enjoyable, I mad many laughs from those meet up threads. >No one gets up to things anymore on any of these boards, no one seems to know eachother outside of their containment site. A kind of jaded lethargy always kills these things eventually. Such a shame indeed and yet another reason Commiefornia and the CCP are the enemies of humanity especially to image boards because of their retarded social media apps that drain your phones battery life with in minutes because of their inefficient spaghetti code and spyware that runs in the background. >Doesn't help that 8moe is also mostly third-worlders, weird fetishists or niggers Learn Spanish I guess anon, I'd argue it's not the worse fate though given most webring sites are ghost towns and your lucky if you get a reply after a couple of months. At least it's organic and not just bots like what happened to most of halfchan. >t. former webring poster Shit I guess I'm technically guilty as well for not fucking a retard lolcow or two on 4Jannies, sorry for not sticking my dick in crazy for the team I guess...
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>>3545 Exercise, shave, and wash your face with anti-acne creams on the daily. A bit of acne isn't too big a deal if you use makeup anyways. Gyno does sound like a bitch though. >>3548 >we can't all be smooth twinks forever Maybe, but you can still aim for a refined kind of beauty. Men like David Sylvain prove men can be proper handsome well into their old age.
>>3548 >Maybe you need to cut down on diary or sugar consumption or perhaps change your body wash. I consume virtually no sugar. >Do push ups and whatever else works your pecks muscles. I already have developed pecks. I lost 20lbs recently which made the gyno look a bit less retarded. There's some meds I need to ask the doctor about for it but I'm lazy. >If your an old ugly man you might as well be a /fit/ bara anon, we can't all be smooth twinks forever. I'm just a regular guy. I never had any intention of being feminine or cute. >>3554 > wash your face with anti-acne creams on the daily. I've washed my face twice daily for years. Adult acne is just apart of life unless I want to rape my body with acutane. I don't care that much I just like indulging in self-loathing every once in awhile.
>Rub petrochemical scam shite on your face every day I'd rather just put up with the pizzaface at this point.
>>3545 I <3 moobs!
>>3576 Maybe your microbiome is messed up and you should eat more Gayreek Yogurt and organic mushrooms instead. Or maybe when you where a baby some landscaper sprayed with a gallon of Roundup and your just fucked for life. I hope I was helpful anon.
Spending a week or two at a warm beach is sounding pretty good right now.
>>3603 Too many niggers. Niggers avoid the cold, therefore cold good.
I'm cold, I wish it were still Summer.
>>3941 I wish it was 2016 and I could find an autistic guy from 8channel to meetup with.
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>>3941 to hell with the sun

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