/cb/ - cuteboys

bois that are cute

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(953.00 KB 498x278 url.gif)

Anonymous 10/05/2022 (Wed) 22:29:13 No. 3425
Hello fellow cutebois, I was wondering, what do you do for hair removal? I am very hairy, but I wanna be smooth as a baby's bum. It seems to in general be four choices: shaving, hair removal cream, waxing and laser hair removal. What do you guys do?
>>3425 >I wanna be smooth as a baby's bum. how and why do you known what a baby's bum feels like?
>>3425 I guess there isn't any "real" cuteboys on /cb/, just a bunch of dudes jerking off to cutebois.
>>3428 im real and kind of cute i think
(1.36 MB hair.pdf)

>>3425 here you go anon
now that hair has a way to get rid of how can reduce pigmentation my ass is darker than my thighs and it doesn't look cute how can I reduce melanin in the skin there or brighten the skin

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