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Anonymous 08/15/2022 (Mon) 01:20:13 No. 3312
this it gay to have sex with boiis?
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only doing things i dont like is gay and i like doing boys so its not gay
>>3312 Dunno. Never tried it.
wanting to be came inside of by your husband during loving & consensual missionary sex is in fact biologically heterosexual (this is true)
>>3312 Well to be honest it is gay but when I tried it It never felt gay because of his feminine body and not bad ass it just felt natural it didn't feel wrong like it didn't feel like gay sex or straight sex or whatever it just felt really nice and unlike when you have sex with a woman and feel like shit afterwards after you have sex with a cute boy it actually feels nice afterwards too I don't even know how this works but it does
>>3312 >this it gay to have sex with boiis? So long as the balls don't touch it's perfectly heterosexual. Also Felix is a faggot yes but technically he's a straight faggot since he's basically Crusch's submissive house maid and is made into an even bigger femboi bitch when you take into account he uses his magical powers to heal people so he's a literal heal slut, but a straight heal slut non the less. Now that you've been given this context please stop avatar fagging with him while also homo posting, especially when there's plenty of alternative traps that are actually gay. Crusch on the other hand is technically a crypto dyke who is okay with penises.
>>3312 >this it gay to have sex with boiis? Depends on how you go about doing it, pic related for example is perfectly straight. >>3318 You should give it a try with one of the anons here. Who knows you might even be close be in the same country or province and at that point you have no choice but to meet up, play some vidya and then have a few gamer moments with each other. >>3417 Good for you anon. Got any stories to tell?
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>>3467 Somehow, despite living in one of the largest states in the US, I've hardly met anyone who lives in Texas or in the same city. It's a pain.
>>3501 >Somehow, despite living in one of the largest states in the US, I've hardly met anyone who lives in Texas or in the same city. It's a pain. What method where you using? That Z-map that hasn't been updated in decades from the original cripplechan /cb/ board or whatever that board was called? Gimme a break it's been years.
>>3520 I've tried multiple methods including the maps & discord servers over the years. No luck.
>>3524 Isn't Austin the faggot capital of Texas? I was under the impression it was actually pretty easy so long as you search near that city.
Of course that's assuming you want to fuck a hipster anyway. Maybe you do maybe you don't. I have no delusions you'll actually find a QT cowboy twink there.
>>3542 I don't live in Austin & it's full of actual faggoty hippie types. >>3543 That's the problem.
>>3546 Alright how do we convert Austins hipster twinks into cowboy twinks and in the process create Ram Ranch city? I guess getting ride of all the unicycles and Tesla EV's and replacing them with horses and saddles would be a good start.
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>>3547 You'd have to kick out all the hippies, fruity fags, other left leaning psycho types, & then actually get a competent leader in charge of the city.

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>>3561 >You'd have to kick out all the hippies, fruity fags, other left leaning psycho types Sounds like we need to gather an army of gay cowboys and train them as cavalry units and gun slingers. >& then actually get a competent leader in charge of the city. Is it really that bad there? Yeah I'm aware of the fact that's where all the over priced IPA beer brewers, snobby tea shops, people with daddy/mommy issues go to have a bunch of music festivals and sheeit but surely it isn't LA levels of terrible right?
>>3589 It's the California of Texas. Big tech start up companies, kale companies, & artsy hipster shits basically cover the city. Even has steep hill houses like San Fran.
>>3593 >It's the California of Texas. Big tech start up companies, kale companies, & artsy hipster shits basically cover the city. Even has steep hill houses like San Fran. Yikes, though I do like kale chips occasionally I prefer to just make them myself. Sounds like bulldozing half the city is the only solution, gotta start from a clean slate if it's basically a San Fran/LA colony.
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>>3595 Just need to change the political leanings of the city's leadership or better yet make the whole state very red to scare away the californians & hippie faggots. The area is home to a lot of bats though so that's not something that should be destroyed just because of the shitty people who live there.
>>3596 >or better yet make the whole state very red to scare away the californians & hippie faggots. So basically my original plan of getting rid of all the E-cars and replacing them with more horse trails and instead of sports stadiums we'll have rodeos and cowboi shooting competitions with lever gays and revolvers. Also deporting all the dude weed fags and vape fags to Colorado where they belong would help too. >The area is home to a lot of bats though so that's not something that should be destroyed just because of the shitty people who live there. Agreed, I like bats too. They eat a fuck ton of mosquitos during the Summer at night and are good for the health of soil. Bat frens should be protected.
>>3604 >Also deporting all the dude weed fags and vape fags to Washington Fixed, we have enough problems in this state.
>>3604 >>3605 Very good ideas.
An actual off topic thread ffs.
>>3542 nope not at all
>>3547 This is really dumb.
>>3561 Grow up.
>>3589 California is a great state fun fact most of the 8ch servers are from there
>>3593 And? Anything else?
>>3596 how innocuous is innocent you are
>>3604 You ask for twinks not bears or hunks why would you do those?

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