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Fitness Advice thread Anonymous Board owner 07/25/2021 (Sun) 23:25:54 No. 297
Do you want to achieve that peak /cutebois/ aesthetic? Do you want all the homosexually repressed anons to lust over pics of your thighs? Say no more (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و This thread is meant for anons to share diet, exercise and lifestyle advice so you can be the best version of (You)rself. Remember, "A sound mind is a sound body" and nobody likes a fatty. I'll periodically update this OP with any meaningful links that I might find or that get shared here if this thread takes off. >Soda is really BAD for you and is the main reason why 2/3 of America is obese https://skinnyfitalicious.com/soda-bad-for-you/
Edited last time by kazu on 07/25/2021 (Sun) 23:35:31.
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Step 48. Dancing. Anon's take a local dance class if you have time. It will come up if you are /cb/
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Now let's talk lifting. For starters. Don't. No. For the first two months you wanna start with some hiking, jogging, and pushups. Pullups. Situps. Remember gym class? Yeah basically we are doing that for an hour or two a day. Always remember to stretch before physical exertion, and hydrate.
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Sometimes people ask me. Why? Why be in shape? Why workout and eat right? Read pic related, and yeah side effect is you may become super fit. And also may swear off women.
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Sometimes Anons ask me. They ask me "anon, just what is acceptable behavior at the gym?" And I tell them. Dont leave your shit everywhere. Don't be gross. Try to always be polite. Oh and never scream that you are going to take fellow patrons to anal town.
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>howto cook anon? Yes this comes up fairly often. And judging by pic related, it is more difficult than it appears. Today we are doing something easy. Salad. Yep no heat, and nothing you can possibly fuck up. I call it my confidence booster salad. No I don't I'm fucking lying. Get iceberg lettuce head. Wash. Smack middle out with bulging muscles. Chop the shit out of lettuce leaves. Stick in giant bowl. Next combine olive oil, balsamic vinegar, salt, pepper, and a little mustard. Really combine the shit out of it. You got a whisk? Fucking use it. Sealable plastic bottle? Dump everything inside and shake like it's an unwanted baby. Pour mixture of chopped leaves. Do not add cheese you fatass. Nor bacon. You can chop up carrots super fine and add those.
>>315 thoughts on oatmeal, anon?
>>316 Easily cooked, filling, and not totally garbage nutrition wise. Needs more protein. Do not add sugar, and butter to it when cooking. It will taste amazing. But it conflicts with the spartan aesthetic this thread demands.
So lifting weights, from what I've read, burns fat fast than cardio. Anyone have any routines they've gotten good results from? I've been seeing noticeable change but not fast enough to get rid of this chubby belly.
>>318 The belly is the hardest. I struggled with that for years. In the end it wasn't upping the exercise. It was diet. I went keto for a month. Only protein. Combined with initially 5 sets of twenty sit-ups nightly.
>>319 Dang. Alright just gotta keep at it then.
>>320 Yeah it takes more time than anything else. Appreciate every little improvement because it is a slow process.
>>321 I will say my pecs are starting to take shape at least.
>>323 Yes! Exactly anon. You are doing it right then. Just keep at it. You got this. Next summer you wont even own a shirt. Gonna get you a leather vest and go all billy idol.
for if u are a fat fuck https://yewtu.be/watch?v=SjKEiUGgWEI
Aside from careful shaving and drinking more water, does anyone have advice on skincare?
>>412 hot water for shaving to open pores, make sure you wash the newly shaved area right after with a aloe body wash to guard against irritation. Cold water rinse after watching to close pores. I stopped getting in grown hairs after using this tech
>>466 Not him but I will try. Never thought of using hot-cold water like that
>>412 Exfoliation is pretty important. If you don't do it, you can get a lot of ingrown hairs and little bumps, especially on your butt. There's dozens of ways to do it, from a scrubbing brush to gritty soaps to the greek olive oil method (this one is pretty nice).
>>412 Bumpin this thread If you want your skin to be smooth and give you a younger look then use crepe correcting body complex. You can use this all over your body if you want. For face I either use those charcoal face masks or Adapalene which is for acne but can get rid of wrinkles and scarring that you might have.
Bumping the fit thread. Anons how are you doing fitness wise? Lets get ripped.
>>1252 I think I have a hernia.
>>1258 Dammit anon. Life with your legs. And also go see a doctor maybe.
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>>1252 I'm doing alright Anon. I'm doing pretty alright.
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Do you have a bf, anon?
I like it when men are healthy
>>1265 I don't lift. I probably have atrophied muscles from being sedentary. But the symptoms seem to be going away on their own.
Jk, imagine anyone even remotely attractive wanting my ass anyway.
>>1295 What features of your face do you not like? I've seen cutebois get with some 5/10 guys.
>>1296 Spots, spots on my face, shoulders, & all down my upper-back, they are stubborn af & I have breakouts all the time. I'm 19 btw.
>>1298 Would need more info, but check your diet. I'm not even gonna mention hygiene because Ive had some shit like that before and was terrified of being called a grimy minger. Have you tried any skin cleansing stuff? Uplifting sidenote, if skin problems is all you have, it's only a temporary/nonpermanent thing
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>>1298 Use this shit and follow the directions for it. I started using it last week and I've noticed a big difference. Also if you do, stop drinking soda and wash your sheets weekly.
>>1299 I exfoliate twice a week, showering & washing my face every night. That's been the goal for the last few weeks, anyway. I suppose the flannel itself constitutes mechanical exfoliation. Idek about my diet, but I scarcely ever consume fizzy-drinks or fast-food. >>1300 Thank you, I'm looking into it.
>>1302 Yep talk to a doc IF you don't live in the land of the free.
>>1298 Acne doesn't bother me because I struggle with it a bit myself. If someone has clearly cute features you can look past the acne easily. >>1302 You could try washing your face with cold water to close the pores. Also doctors can usually provide shit that actually works like >>1303 says. It's just kind of annoying having to deal with doctors.
>>1304 You can also just use makeup if your acne is just redness. I've done it before. If you got pimples then the makeup wouldn't really cover those up.
>>1305 Maybe, but makeup can make acne worse so it's probably not a good idea to use it unless you're just covering up a bit. Plus makeup is fraud.
>>1306 This. This poster is poggies.
>>1311 What did I do wrong? >~<
>>1312 Hey I'm alright with it
Don't eat food off the ground
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Get a doggy to walk twice a day & take care of, if you're equipped & prepared to do so; choose the breed carefully.
Can doing just calisthetics give you abs?
>>1350 With high enough reps, probably.
how do I have without getting ingrown hairs?
>>1399 have what
>>1399 Rejoice comrade, for now with glorious leader we is to be having right now. And there is not in grown hair
>>1400 how do I shave with getting ingrown hairs?
>>1402 With to be using bayonet comrade. And very carefully I think is to being the answer
>>1402 >with You mean like how to shave so that specifically you do get in grown hairs?
>>1402 Try waxing
>>1404 no I want to make my skin smooth
>>1406 But comrade man is hairy yes?
>>1407 yes sadly
>>1408 Then to be rejoicing comrade! For is hair is warm. And is very cold in siberia gulag. Also I am to be giving bad news for you comrade.
>>1409 yes comrade brother?
>>1410 We is to be needing warmth for filthy prisoners. Please to be shaving soon for to be donating hair.
>>1411 how do I do this hair removal comrade brother?
>>1412 First comrade Wash the skin first to help prevent bacteria from entering the skin. Then you is to always be Changing your razor frequently. Avoid dull blades. Then remember this comrade. Remove hair in the direction of growth. Use shave gel and warm water. Apply lotion to the area afterward.
I have a shaving balm, myself! ^w^
>>1415 Semen is not a shaving balm, and using it as such is probably why you have ingrown hair. Don't do that.
>>1417 Very amyoozing, anon. ¬w¬
Do squats: get ass.
What are the best meats and plant sources of protein that help develop muscle but doesn't cause your body to produce a lot of body hair? If it even makes much of a difference all for that matter. >>1420 >Do squats: >get ass. Good advice, got a bigger butt.
>>1287 Poost moar
>>3515 >doesn't post butt

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