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/v/ is trying to design a character for the Steam Deck Anonymous 01/19/2022 (Wed) 02:13:03 No. 2598
Only "problem" is that he's already gay :^), but feel free to suggest more designs over there, or here if you like https://8chan.moe/v/res/515507.html
>>2598 >https://8chan.moe/v/res/515507.html >obvious newfag who doesn't know what he's doing Please lurk more next time before you embarrass yourself OP. >>>515507
>>2599 >>2602 That's awkward :^) I did that just in case crossboard linking didn't work the same way it did back on .net
(293.70 KB 595x842 94531310_p0.jpg)

>>2599 >>>>515507 >obvious newfag who doesn't know what he's doing Please lurk more next time before you embarrass yourself anon.
>>2598 pretty swinging stuff
I do unironically want a Steam Deck though. >>2616 There's a difference, I knew what to do I just fucked it up because I was tired. Lack of energy but not a lack of knowledge. Moral of the story is don't shitpost while sleep deprived. >>2603 Well now you know.
>>2629 Naturally, it's like a switch but with porn games.
>>2651 >Naturally, it's like a switch but with porn games. And that's a good thing, plus it's FOSS out the box too.
What are some /cb/ approved vidya games anyway?

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