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bois that are cute

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Monsterboys Anonymous 05/18/2021 (Tue) 00:01:49 No. 238
Post all cute monsters boys here! SFW or NSFW! As long as they're cute! Gonna start us off with the newest trend to hit due to Final Fantasy. Bunny boys.
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Haven't seen any NSFW pics so far but I've been collecting the good pieces I do find off twitter.
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That's all for bunnies right now. But I still got plenty of other boys saved to share!

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>>238 resurrecting this thread
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>>3186 Thank you for your contribution.
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>monster boys >not monster boys What's the point in calling it a separate genre when it's yaoi with funny horns?
>>3191 Okay furry.
>>3192 Not everything non-human is furry. Gfur is usually boring in my opinion, if it's not boring it's gross. Furries do make a lot of lot of smut but most of it isn't good. Something more vanilla for you.
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>>3193 Guess for me I just more prefer human faced monster boys more so than male monsters. Faces are the most attractive feature for me.
>>3194 I like male monsters but I understand if you don't, it's a niche kink. For me, it's precisely those exotic elements I like.
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>>3408 >spiderboy So cute! Though his weird face and mouth in the second image are a turn off for me, not to mention that hairline.
>>3410 Big ass forehead full of gay thoughts.
Mushroom boi
>>3581 That's more of an outfit than a real mushroom boy.
>>3583 G O A T
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What about a twink monster? Don't say he's not cute you'll hurt his feelings, he's trying his best
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>>3408 mandible job
>>3682 wew
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>>3683 Spiders are fuzzy, that would probably feel like two carpets on your pecker
>>3686 Might be a little bit of a tickle but the fangs I'm a little wary of.
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We call them 'monster boys' but humans were the real monsters all along.
>>3840 Deep
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>>3840 They're monsters for not dating me, I agree.
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>>3863 nice pics anon

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