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bois that are cute

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Question for /cb/ Anonymous 10/25/2021 (Mon) 15:06:04 No. 2088
I've been in a relationship with a boy he is absolutely adorable and i love him so much and i have a question. is it just me the just feels so comforted by a cute boys presence i get the a lot when me and him are cuddling a lot in bed you just feel so much better when you cuddle or let's say dominate in bed with a boy the is adorable why is these feeling developed and is there any like science or just anything the tells me why these feeling exists cause it's so good.
>>2088 Humans are social animals. It is fulfilling too be in a relationship, and on toop of the just toouching another person releases the drug oxytoocin intoo your blood. Evolutionarily these feelings encourage procreation, but they arise regardless of whether offspring are a possibility.
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these may seem off-toopic but is it as good as fantasies? if what your saying is true than your so lucky, your living out my fantasy of cuddling with a cute boi especially with a "absolutely adorable" boi too be pacific how does it physically feel? is it warm, is it cosy, what does he's skin feel like,
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>>2088 >>2089 is right You should tell him how you feel.
What does anal feel like?
>>2830 Like pushing on your taint but from inside. Well that's the "best" form of anal. Depending on what you're inserting and how you're inserting it it can feel different. Some people just do anal to feel "full" and it's a sort of mental stimulation. Anal is mostly retarded and a good way to destroy your asshole so you end up in adult diapers early in life. But in healthy doses it's okay I guess.
Fucking jealous but good on you, love him hard for me k!

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