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(335.58 KB 1280x1280 fedora to femboy.jpg)

Anonymous 10/18/2021 (Mon) 18:55:18 No. 2058
ITT unsauceables
This is why you always make friends with the nerdy kids in school, boy or girl. When they getoolder they might end up attractive and remember you being their buddy or best friend.
(500.32 KB 2322x4128 dunno.jpg)

>>2064 why can't we have nice things
(1.19 MB 960x960 ClipboardImage.png)

>>2065 because we're in hell for homosexual sins
>>2058 >>2066 Makeup sure does wonders
>>2064 Fucking troons.
>>2066 WHY
>>2080 because you didn't take a stand and join the klan
>>2081 Is it tooo late?
(65.33 KB 720x718 klu klux krab.jpg)

>>2082 never
>>2064 liberals ruined gay people
>>2064 There is literally nothing wrong. If they weren't a troon, they wouldn't look like OP. Your disappointment is rent free garbage.
>>2157 lol they'd look the same with makeup.YWNBAW
Looks like PartialAsian, aka Sophie Wakita aka SupriseItsSteak.
>>2320 >>2064 already dis proven
>>2446 >>2420 >>2459 No one wants your craigslist snuff photos.
I don't even remember where I get this from, but I want more of this.
>>2730 I recognize this, I think it was a british twitter femboy named narcis-something. I don't remember exactly
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>>2738 Thank you. I plan to please myself with these.
>>2737 >>2738 He stopped posting didn't he, any idea if he's back or where he went?
Found these a long time ago on 4chin or somewhere. They look exactly like an old friend I knew from an old 4chin chat community. Any help would be awesome. Last pic is the person i used to know. They look kinda similar maybe?
>>2058 so that's what happened to all those guys lol
>>2792 Hard to say.
>>2108 >profound mental retardation
(1.13 MB 412x720 untitled.webm)

>>2738 >last posted october 2023 Probably dead

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