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Butt Anonymous 03/13/2021 (Sat) 10:17:21 No. 186
want to dump it with >>182 (182) but it would be too offtopic >forget file Hey BO, disable make thread without file
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Some older stuff I have saved from different threads and tumblr pages. I suppose that the last one is not butt focused but anyhow.
>>350 Yeah but hes got a nice dick so it evens out.
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>>351 Yeah, I believe these are from the same guy.
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>>352 >>353 Damn. Nice ass
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>>355 I've got some decade old stuff from tumblr, but no idea how to authenticate the age of individuals pictured. Shame.
>>356 Anon, you are such a faggot holy shit. Post it.
These one's aren't sexual and shouldn't be illegal. >BMP not allowed. Dammit.
>>357 Happy?
>>357 They are what they are.
>>357 Do you have any idea how hard it is to find IRL shota traps? One more load of five but the rest are mine. Don't ask about the cheerleader. I forget the story.
>tumblr Bullshit. This is the verysis set from... Oh. Don't ask where he got those.
>>360 >>361 >>362 >>363 BO here, I uh unless global vols deem it against the rules, I won't delete it. I won't ban anyone either, this is my board and i DON'T like banning people but if like Acid or someone wants me to delete this just say the word. kay~
>>367 Well lets not let this kill the thread. Keep posting guys. Uh. Preferably not such borderline content? Uh. Idk.
>>369 Yeah I agree, keep it less borderline guys.
>>367 I thought this thread was for butts though, not children in dresses. I mean, they look like ass, but that's not really the same thing
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>>371 Indeed it is, posts some butts then!
>>372 Ah wholesome asses. Just what this thread needed.
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>>374 hehe
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>>367 >letting pedoniggers post kids in dresses in a fucking porn thread Nigger what the fuck are you doing
>>378 The BO is likely a pedonigger as well.
>>379 It's Kazu unless I'm mistaken, and while he's memed as a pedo I doubt he actually is. It just seems like someone randomly gave him BO so I have no clue how invested he is in this board or if he's just messing around, but under no circumstance should sexualized material of children be tolerated on this site, but especially not on a fucking adult oriented porn board. Even for Kazu not instantly deleting those posts is fucking brain dead.
>>380 Simply the premise that this is a thread of butts is enough reason to delete kids in dresses. It's patently unrelated spam. You don't even need to think about whether or not it's acceptable on the site in general. But yeah, he was made BO as a "ha ha you're a fag" prank I think, since Mark was also a vol
>>378 I'm so sorry, I just don't want to be a rulecuck.
>>382 I can understand not wanting to start going hard on moderation after being randomly handed a board while also thinking anyone who doesn't instantly delete images of literal children in a porn thread is an idiot. Not being a rule cuck isn't apart of this equation. >>381 I don't need to analyze it in the context of this thread. It's not acceptable on this thread, this board, or this entire site.
>>382 Sometimes it's okay to delete shit. If anyone is mad about it fuck them. That shits not cool.
>>383 >>384 You guys are absolutely right, I won't let stuff like that slip by again. I'll delete it as soon as I see it.
>>385 Right on man. And if you are worried about backlash just blame me or mark. I dont care.
Now all that's fixed can we please post more butt's? Lets not let the pedonigger kill the thread.
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>>387 for u
>>385 Good to hear. Never like pedoniggers gaslight you into tolerating their presence.
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NEED cute boyfriend!
>>516 Same, i'd give anything for a cute bf.
>>536 Worst part is most cute boys are huge sluts. I want someone who's cute & loyal only to me.
>>542 You have to turn them loyal anon, with your dick!
>>547 But I want them to be pure! Not floozies that take cocks on the regular! That's the problem because like almost all of them are like that! Floozies!
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>>548 The answer is obvious then make another anon your boyfriend
>>549 Where would I possibly find a cute virgin anon to marry?
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>>551 Hmmm I'm not sure what you're implying, anon. Maybe you should give me your contact info like a dicksword so we can discuss this further.
Well this thread took a turn. You guys gonna fuck?
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>>552 E-eeh, but i'll have to make an account! Is Element fine?
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>>554 I don't know what element is!
>>555 >dicksword geez anon, this is a bad look for a BO y'know kazbeat#9509
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>>556 A boy who's cute & has power? Anon you have me swooning already!
Inb4 this all goes horribly wrong for kaz somehow
>>558 Inb4 it all goes great and they're together for many happy years.
>>558 this is interesting
>>559 I mean I hope so, but I still reserve the right to say "I told you so",and act incredibly smug later, if it all goes tits up.
>>555 Element is front-end software for the matrix protocol, basically chatting software similar to dicksword but FOSS. It also actually encrypts your messages so your gay ERPing can't be read by anyone with access to the servers like they can on shitscord.
Well? Did you guys fuck yet?
>>563 >implying anons live anywhere near each other The curse of distance is the one thing stopping anons from achieving world domination.
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>>564 Tell me about it. It's crazy hard to find people in Texas to begin with. Much less cute feminine boys.
>>563 Yeah, no.
>>563 Anon blocked me...Gold, I just wanted to be your friend, i'm so lonely. (ಥ﹏ಥ) Why do people always do this to me.
>>574 That's what you get for using gayscord
>>575 I guess, if anything this reinforces my cynical worldview as the right one.
>>576 You should expect every person you interact with online to ghost you within 48 hours. I guess you could call that cynical but that's just how it goes. Not really worth getting bothered by. Personally I see zero reason to maintain online social interaction with someone I know I'll never meet unless I already know there's significant overlapping interests in vidya or something. But I'm also not going around adding random retards and then blocking them, but I don't hold the same standards for everyone else as I do myself.
>>577 Checked and agreed
>>574 What happened? That sucks anon. I'm sorry.
>>598 We were too far apart, maybe anon did a good thing by blocking me instead of giving me hope that never was there in the first place.
>>601 Yeah bro, plus I think he may have been gay. Anyway maybe the next guy will be better.
Also underrated thread
Call me to exchange (boys) Telegram: https://t.me/alladiner333
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