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Brocolli Butts/Slut Elf Anonymous 05/12/2020 (Tue) 06:44:41 No. 13
Remaking this thread except this time combining relevant webm's into a single file. Going to take a little while longer to dump all I've got.
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>>26 Oh, I think I have those socks, or at least they're full length and not tubes
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I love this faggot now.
Jesus, this shit has me hard af
>>56 based if true
god these are amazing
>>56 GF (♂) wwww
I wish I have a loyal fuck buddy (straight/bi) to do shit like this for cash and tease show.
>>56 >>13 we need his discord
The elf is a skinny fat junkie now
>>13 >>233 source?
>>255 lel use key terms like i did, he has a pornhub account guys4femboys or use the term elf femboy.
>>233 ewww
>>27 His moans in this one are so fucking adorable
https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph6059e21dd9e9e if only he'd take off that obstructive mask
I found him in a shitty web irc chatroom for teenagers back in my pedo doxxing days
>>471 I miss being able to embed any porn site on old 8chan.
>>13 Does anyone have a maga drive or something else that has all this stuff in an easy-to-download format?
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Not sure if this place is dead or not but I found the elf I found elf slut. He is a trans woman now called Olivia Robin. https://mobile.twitter.com/theoliviarobin It maybe hard to believe at first but if you see her onlyfans you can see. It is 100% him. He/she is 24 now and is trying to get "thicc"
>>2937 True if big.
>>2937 How sad but unsurprising.
>>2937 He was always mentally fucking ill, funny to see it progress further.
>>2937 They don't really look very similar.
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dios mio , is that you cock wizard ?? >>13
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Yuuuuuuuuuuuuuup..... >>2885 it's you , lol how many kids did you groom back in the old days on 8ch , I'd heard stories from people of how you went around asking underage types for pics like that one kid from Tel aviv.. I've never had any direct interaction with you as far as i'd have known (I know why your here it's pretty obvious) your very arrogant as I've heard
>>2972 schizo detected
>>2941 gotta remember how much time has passed plus weight gain plus hormone therapy, i followed OF there were some early hormone pics and some non hormone pics (only two) and it is 100% him
>>2937 Can't make this shit up I swear. The elf likes black dick,
>>2937 The fuck. Well I always got weird vibes from him but still I hate seeing troonery spread.
>>2937 Lmao they look nothing alike, that's a completely different person you faceblind retard. Olivia Robin used to be called Toni Minxx and has posted on 4chan for years. Elfslut quit the femboy shit and tried doing straight porn with some brown girl called Amirah Kamara but that's gone now too. Anyway here's another fake Instagram account pretending to be him and reposting his old pics https://www.instagram.com/arend_the_elf/
>>3088 sub to the of and scroll to see the pre hrt pics with face mask its 100% him
>>3091 https://thebarchive.com/b/thread/809343435/ Here's one of Olivia's /b/ threads from 2019, when elfslut was still doing stuff with broccolibutts. You're a fucking moron kek
>>3098 hmm maybe your right then, could have sworn it was him anyway mystery continues
>>14 source of 2.webm pls???
>>3098 >>3099 no still pretty certain its him the time adds up it is him
>>56 Sounds like a Gigachad, I wouldn't mind sucking his huge cock and fucking his ass. No homo though.
>>56 Remember the pic where he had a commie flag in the background of his room. Weird turn of events.
>>2937 Fake and gay, this is him doing shit with mentioned pajeet gf https://twitter.com/juicyamirah https://coomer.su/fansly/user/479332282541285376 If you have a good eye and memory retention, you'll notice some of the background are rather familiar. Its the same shitty apartment he's been in for several years and he even has the same battlestation since the coxwizard days on halfchan.
>thread created 4 years ago This place is dead, isn't it?
>>3975 Yeah sadly.
>>3976 It was good while it lasted.
>>3977 Dunno what killed it. It's not like there's a lack of demand for gayshit on the site.
>>3978 Perhaps it has to do with people not knowing this place exists to begin with?
>>3979 Could be. How trending boards at the top works is weird too.
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I actually did look for a him like a year ago just for fun but couldn't find any leads. I did get near to locating where Broc's apartament was in Sweden. He lived near the Jönköping area but I don't know exactly where. As of Elf I have no clue what happened and couldn't anything >>3972 Yeah that's for sure him. I managed to swoop some face pics of his ( he was still covering his chin for some reason ) too but i have no fucking clue where that file is. I also didnt know people still give a shit about him? Weird.
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i cant find anything actually nice i had lmfao
>>207 >>4088 Unfortunately, he DFEd (discord, twitter etc) but the Fansly. Oddly enough, brings the question if he's keeping it up for cash or simply doesn't care to do anything with those accounts. Its not the first time he's done this either, good luck finding the old Tumblr and its contents back when he was dating Maya around 2014-17, only 4ch niggas would know this. Same with his personal elfslut and broccolibutts Tumblr that got nuked after the 2018 ban exodus, though some of the contents can be found on Tumbex. https://www.tumbex.com/elf-slut.tumblr/photo?page=1 Never personally knew the guy, only communicated a handful of times. He seemed chill but he was one narcissistic cunt, shameless about it. I still wonder where did he go and he'll ever come back in another made up alias, who knows.
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>>4090 Also never interacted with him, but everyone I knew who did thought he was insufferable. A shame that all the hot ones are fucking crazy.

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