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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3912: Burnt At The Stake Edition Anonymous 11/01/2023 (Wed) 15:50:30 Id: 1a1701 No. 411080
Sadiq Khan will be burned in effigy on bonfire night in Kent town furious over his Ulez expansion scheme as London mayor becomes latest celeb to be torched after Harvey Weinstein, Russell Brand and Saddam Hussein https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12697415/Sadiq-Khan-burned-effigy-bonfire-night-Kent-town-furious-Ulez-expansion-scheme-London-mayor.html Nearly 1,000 Ulez cameras have been stolen or damaged in the last seven months - as two people charged with criminal damage https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12697165/ulez-cameras-stolen-damaged-people-charged.html How a gang of CHILDREN is holding the Isle of Wight under siege: Marauding schoolkids are terrorising second home owners, and running riot in shops and town centres - after couple's £1.2m home is left 'looking like a warzone'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12697365/Warning-child-vandals-half-term-crime-spree-Isle-Wight-group-30-teens-let-fireworks-town-centre-try-break-shops-couples-1-2m-home-left-looking-like-warzone.html Storm Ciaran sparks red warning in Channel Islands as residents brace for 100mph winds with ferries, flights and lessons axed as 'weather bomb' edges closer to UK mainland https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12696329/Storm-Ciaran-Huge-torrents-80mph-gales-batter-UK.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:34:04.
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What's all that about in the Isle of Wight? A teenager uprising against mainlander, 2nd home scum?
>>411085 based teens putting in work tbh
shneet lads
Israel/Palstine twitter just making me go insane
>>411087 Night, lid.
society is collapsing
>>411092 Interesting. I thought we banned anybody that advocated for a homeland for their people from entering Britain to give speeches or debate.
>>411093 Only of they are white, which little ben shapiro is not
>>411094 He is 100% scoobydooish according to his 23andme.
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>didn't even have to use the beheaded baked baby spirit bomb finishing move these jhadis aren't sending their best
another day of norwoodmaxxing complete fresh raghead genocide https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luSmy40Sa40
I got a refresher on how fucked we are recently so many boomer whiteoids are dying off that local population change is only in the region of 4-6% more than previous decade, however so many new immigrants are being imported that they are replacing all of the dead whites and increasing their local mass by that same 4-6% the percentage may even be yearly
>>411100 recipe for a more dynamic local economy tbh
saving the white race with chicken KIEV and veg for dinner
To the Tesco I go!
>>411103 >he took the grannypill
>>411104 They are the wheelybins of the streets.
evening lads, god I hate that little jewish goblin ben shapiro
bins has a wicked custom basket built into his zimmerframe tbh, pretty cool
fresh based niggerman reviewing... le beer! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmqa2mxn9SA
>>411107 keeek thinking of him like the family guy nonce now
https://youtu.be/eXvBjCO19QY I'm sorry but niggers are fucking cringe
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Kill niggers.
grotesqueposting is also cringe albeit
So despite being hidden we're still known about on this site. Someone's mentioned the board on /v/.
>>411113 I'm sure nothing will go wrong not really much overlap between /brit/ and /v/, can only think of shitty videogame companies based in the uk smh, lionsgate or whatever molyneux's shite was and creative assembly
>>411114 They were actually just asking what the active boards on the site were.
the knower mentions an endchan /brit/ community wonder if that's the drvids
>>411116 Dark times when the original 8chan got destroyed.
>in absolutely vile house full of incel types being watched by thousands of other incels >dress like this don't like letty, not at all except for a bit of rapebastardry
>>411118 You're not actually watching fishtank are you?
>>411119 the free episodes as they release
>>411120 I've never really been into reality tv.
>>411121 it's le cuh-raazy enough to scrape by on association with scam heeb tbh
>sam bullying the chugcel for his paedo fantasies despite allegedly being a literal nonce (by burger definition)
ngl I wish that 1920-30s chicago/jew york neo-classical skyscraper aesthetic was more popular in europe
Who /diggingforgold/ here?
>>411124 I think there probably were some developments in that vein but they'd have been btfo during the second war
and after the war it was commieblock shite time smh
>>411126 the chicago tribune tower would have looked better in london instead of the giant dildo building
>>411121 don't get it tbh why satirise a genre of TV everyone stopped watching 15 years ago
>man survived 5 concentration camps the jews are evolving
>>411123 Sam isn't a nonce
>>411128 yeah smh
>construction businesses going out of business in Norway as nobody can buy new houses What effect will this have on cost?
>>411123 wasn't it legal in the state where he bummed her? Shame on him for casualy sexin such a cute jewess cor. Why wouldn't you breed that? *remembers the jewish phenotype of boys and men* Oh. Yikes
>>411134 >>411131 don't know or care about the lore tbh
>when you are a residential building full of niggers strange kind of pareidolia keek
>>411109 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>411130 thought that was wee gordy brown lmao
>>411136 >dormer windows on a 40 storey skyscraper keeek it looks like a shitty loft conversion that's not a good looking building lad
>>411141 book tower is not kino its grungy and abandoned but it has the fallout aesthetic
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2qUt0vufQ8 Fresh responsible manchild child having chads.
gen 1 skyscrapers are always cucked compared to the art deco gen 2s but they are both superior to le glass box kike shit
>>411142 The interior looks nice tbf. Feel like a lot of 20thC American architecture had much better interiors than facades
>>411145 its all wasted on niggers while us chud cope from our le small towns. the city library has a massive mural on the ceiling of the british building the fort and general wolfe and tecumseh
do you lads agree with alfred rosenberg that skycrapers are furren to evropa?
What is proper xitter etiquette when replying on twitter, should I only reply to the person I am replying to, or the creator of the thread and the person I respond to?
>>411147 yeah tbh would accept BIG neoclassical british empire stuff or chudly speer stuff though
>>411147 yes tbh no structure on holy europa should be more than 10 stories tall unless it's explicitly a monument.
>>411149 yeah neo classical seems like it would suit evorpa better like the original 1920s-30s ones always though that the older US skylines like chicago look better than shitholes like houston and phoenix and los angeles
>>411150 indeed
Skyscrapers are literally Tower of Babel shit, my niggas.
>tfw you can tell the chain won't fit
>a paypig just gave mark £1000 to say this >mark I apologise that I haven't donated enough, can you please get on new people e.g. richard vobes, sydney watson, paul joseph watson, bjorn andreas bull-hansen, neil oliver and joshua bonehill-paine please challenge civ nats to unite, please talk with ashlea simon about the tamworth by-election
>Norwegians crimestatposting on national television keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>411157 vvery norwegian looking presenter there
keeek what the fuck elon
>>411158 magic soil, lad. He was a presenter for children's tv shows when I was a kid. Our national tv channel has had forced diversity forever
>>411159 putting on a show for the seals to clap he won't ever actually do something smh
>>411161 t. lad saving the white race by doing thankless toil and treking to iceland for something to vore
>>411155 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the faith people have in noseley
>>411162 I WENT OUT THERE lad I DID SOMETHING smh not my fault that the only things peasants can do are impotent and actively counterproductive (like sieg heiling on the high street)
actually recently secretagentfagging has led to me seeing some interesting things nothing really revolutionary or truly secret but interesting nonetheless to see a bit of how the big boys play can't say more you understand
I used to post about breeding rats in our basements then releasing them to bring zog down years ago and this paki fucked it all up
>>411171 smh lad should have taken the initiative now you'll never be the big cheese of british nationalism
>>411118 reminder her nudes got leaked
>>411169 well what are you waiting for go and have it >>411173 didn't know this not surprised thoughever might even have done it herself on purpose for le clout
>red arrows pilots are getting sacked and "disciplined" because of a "toxic male environment"
>>411174 her boyfriend did it, he seems unhinged, also is barely a normie yet he coomed in her, seems weird lads can get le sex all the time but just not us, whole female race conspiring against us.
>>411175 hope they hire some female asian pilots to replace them so we can get some real spectacle going
>>411177 Women can't actually do acrobatics because of their wombs, something to do with the internal void and g forces.
them gaza niggas finally started releasing some drone grenade footage
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Oh i was into whips and things, and she was into pain, and I would beat her black and blue when she called me names, chained her to the basement wall, where she went insane and I was into whips and things, and she was into pain
only chad gets to do bdsm THOUGH (le good because sexual freedom!) for you it'd just be regular kidnapping and torture (le bad!)
why yes I am into BDSM Breeding, Domestic life, Sex for procreation and Marriage
A plane passenger from hell who shouted 'white children are easy to rape' has been jailed for 14 months after drunkenly hurling racist and misogynistic abuse towards women on two flights back to Britain. >A plane passenger from hell who shouted 'white children are easy to rape' has been jailed for 14 months after drunkenly hurling racist and misogynistic abuse towards women on two flights back to Britain. >Father-of-three Mohammed Shiraz Riaz, 42, fat-shamed an air stewardess and called her a 'f…ing white b****' during a nightmare journey from Marrakesh, Morocco, to Liverpool John Lennon airport, before later biting a policeman and leaving him with teeth marks on his arm. >As he was placed in a police van, he went on: 'No wonder it's so easy for us to rape your white children - you're all a bunch of p**. You f*ing s*s, fat-a* c. White woman are easy to rape. White children are easy to rape because white men are p****.' >At Minshull Street Crown Court, Manchester, Riaz was jailed for 14 months after he admitted being drunk on an aircraft, assaulting an emergency worker and four charges of using threatening behaviour. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12696759/Passenger-hell-yelled-white-children-easy-rape-white-men-jailed-hurling-drunken-abuse-white-women.html lets kill this nigga /brit/gang
>>411181 Thinking that for all the escaped kidnapped and long term rapees that there are probably a dozen more who don't want to escape and just become content. Can't know if you'll bond with a lass that way until you try.
>>411183 >literally rubbing the niggercattle's faces in it >they still won't do anything ACK
>>411183 what a unique cultural experience so glad he is here to teach us how to put spicy chicken in a rolled up piece of bread
>a string of 30 offences on his record >Riaz was not charged with any racially aggravated offences. >from Dewsbury, West Yorkshire
>retarded daily mail readers / bot accounts highest complaint is that he should have gotten 5 years in jail how about execution or asset stripping and deportation AAAUUUGH
seethe tight lads
Antifa in Greece got ambushed in a train on their way to desecrate a memorial in Neo Iraklio and got massacred. One antifa was arrested. https://twitter.com/panos7rei/status/1719803694454022318
>>411189 night lad
Mark is doing phenomenal work.
>>411192 I heard he was being interviewed, who by?
>>411194 le war porn!
>>411183 and british lads will receive 8 years for having a daft pdf
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What do anglos think of Peep Show?
>>411200 Good show for it's time.
>>411200 first 4 seasons are good rest are shit snany lad have wessie brap cave video
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>>411203 ta lad x
holy wewe the weather rn. my bins must be in derbyshire by now
>>411205 they have a greater destiny lad
>>411207 he was looking kind of dumb with his finger and his thumb around a gun pointed straight at his forehead
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9QwPBqRDfg God I fucking hate the British police.
Oh god please don't be bbc please don't be bbc PLEASE DON'T BE BBC
>>411183 I sneethe
>>411212 Really going insane with everyone calling everyone nazi. LOOK WHAT THE JEWS DID JUST LIKE THE NAZIS LOOK WHAT THE MUSLIMS DID JUST LIKE THE NAZIS *sceams*
t. redwall modder >Work problems, uncertainty, and the recent war in Israel have taken their toll WAR IN ISRAEL ISRAEL AAHHHHHHHH KEEEEEEEEK I HATE JEWS I HATE GOLEMS FUCK OFF KEEEEK
>>411213 Sounds like what a nazi would say.
NOT LIKE THIS BOOMERBROS not like this.... pakidemic agent was just the start of the rot....
>>411201 >>411202 I love Mitchell and Webb skits as a non anglo and went into the show expecting more of the same, instead it's not a cringe comedy as much as cringe sitcom with occasionally memorable quotes. I agree that the first half of the show was more fun than the second just because the duo got in more realistic situations. I also didn't expect it to be so continuity-heavy.
>>411220 snot going to sit through thirty six minutes of sneethebait tbh but the general premise seems sound
51 year old yenta out there giving birth. smh.
>>411226 See lad, just get yourself an older woman. They can still breed.
Thinking of getting a sugar mummy and living life on easy mode.
>>411209 >Socoom of ACK-kad and cronies not questioning the antics of a jewish mp which clearly helped to bring the same “problems” Israel apparently faces to Britain so we empathise with Israel and back zionist project which benefts US and UK foreign policy which doesn’t in fact benefit us and who is now working for sanctioned Russian jewish founded company seeking to profit from Britain and ehichhformerly owned North Sea oil and gas fields Smh tbh lads
>>411228 Post menopause women are more mental than the younger ones I have heard
>>411230 lad, do you even have intimate experience with women of any age?
>>411228 tbh there's worse ways to live than being a kept man >>411229 he'll never confront the real issues smh
>>411229 just another traitor. he's only upset because he sees it as a slight on the jews. not that there's hordes of people that belong miles away, waving a foreign flag in our own capital that we are now a minority in.
oh wait, he's jewish himself?
Everybody really is jewish.
>>411226 She's also a kike.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-67298418 I'd bet good money that it was a nigger
>>411238 >The Turks constitute the largest NATO contingent, and several days ago President Recep Erdogan declared to the cheers of his parliament that Hamas was not a terrorist organization but instead the national liberation movement of the Palestinian people and denounced the Israeli attacks against Gazan civilians; he later condemned Israel as a “war criminal” at a massive pro-Palestinian public rally. Col. Douglas Macgregor and others believes that Erdogan is laying the basis for possible military intervention against Israel, which might bring it into direct conflict with America and would obviously mean the end of NATO. if only
>increased movement of people.
>>411242 smh didn't realise the victim was a wog. I shouldn't be surprised really
>Multicultural London English But it's just talking like a nigger.
>>411245 Still, it was obviously niggers. Would've done the same to a White man if he had been walking along at 12:50AM. Or any time really.
>>411246 ah, but butchering the English language is "innovative and interesting".
>>411246 it's so vibrant lad they should be teaching it in schools
death of a culture so vibrant.
>>411243 Says it all
>>411253 your worst gimmick 22
>>411254 >your worst gimmick 22 and that's saying something.
>>411255 >CUNY
>>411257 That made me laugh
>>411257 keeeeek
went back to bed and stared at the ceiling for a few hours tbh
>>411261 Careful of the deep vein thrombosis, lad.
>>411261 I'm about to have a snooze myself.
>>411262 yeah smh >>411263 hope things are comfy and you do NOT think about the future
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>>411261 based no toil today meself hoping that uberbossman gets served his court papers soon so I can get my 6k
>>411264 Lad my future is years of grinding poverty, I'm resigned to it.
>>411267 >still has 1.5million followers
>>411266 I repaired a boiler that didn't really need repairing and got £60 out of it.
>>411266 really hope you succeed in it and don't get fucked over by lazy cunts or enemies >>411267 same tbh
>>411265 we're winning >>411267 tbh learnt to stop expecting anything from life
>>411272 we are so back
Wonder if Dobby is making anything from TikTok
How come we've never seen how gas chambers actually worked?
>>411276 keeek. reminds me how based playing F1 games on full manual with the full setup is.
>>411275 lot of words just to say she's a professional complainer with brown skin >>411276 cor
>one day and sixteen hours into NNN
>>411280 jeeeeeeeeej
>>411280 Just want society to collapse and to be part of an incel rape gang
I guess that's one way to no longer be an inshell.
WANNABE AMERICANS WITH ATTITUDE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JEPoSM2i28g
>/argentina/ the eight most popular board
>>411285 Time to rename this board…..THE FALKLANDS!
Why are Anglican priests like this?
>>411285 And that's a good thing
>>411287 Don’t know anybody in Yorkshire who like this tbh Wouldn’t be saying this to anyone in a small town up there if I was him
>>411291 He's a best selling, fantasy author millionaire too I'll have you know.
It's funny because the articles he writes are also fiction.
https://youtu.be/V3P_6wrmzpE the way he sucks up because he talks about a japanese man. civics are the real racists?
>>411295 >world's oldest holocaust research library "research library" there's so much rot bros smh so many things that need to be erased
>>411297 Damn, this country has been sucking off jews for a long time.
snooze complete
>>411298 yeah smh got to look at databases of charities/bequeathment/grant organisation things recently and it's disheartening to see how many old elites were already zoggies and jews and all of their trust fund charity things are dedicated to jewish causes and such and also how such structures can be taken over by unscrupulous politicos since even the furthest left wing retard who died in 1880 and gave his fortunes over to the advancement of women in science probably didn't mean for it to become a gender war commie political anti-white anti-male organisation etc >>411299 considering going back for a second round myself tbh alas, the exigencies of toil preclude it
there are tens of thousands of charitable foundations that give sums of money to ever left wing cause in britain and not a single one promoting indigenous british culture or rights beyond vague "heritage" sentiments carefully stripped of any racial meaning by the current day operators of the funds
>>411301 We should move into defrauding these trusts.
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>>411299 just finished toil after an all-nighter smh running on fumes again this week, this is the 4th week in a row I've done at least one all-nighter during work
>>411303 wew thought my screen had gone black there for a second and I was staring at my reflection smh. At least we get some toil tokens for our trouble
>>411303 I used to have it down to a science where I new I could manage 3 days on 4 hours sleep and 2 on 6 but now I'm almost out of my 20's and I need to sleep. I had about 4 hours last night and having to get up to it being dark and pissing down is probably one of the more demoralising experiences of my life.
nine hours a night not accounting for time spent lying awake trying not to think of the future and it's still not enough
>>411305 Get your sleep in, fool.
>>411308 >put on a high vis jacket and get in front of a camera and suddenly everyone will believe you fuck off jews don't care even if a tenth of your hysterical libel is true in fact, just like the holocaust, I hope it is true and a thousand times your lies are visited upon you in reality
>>411309 An oldie but a goodie just a little bit of absolutely sharia compliant olde worlde partnparcel innit?
>>411301 at uni a girl i knew got credit for working for a black british charity who turned out to be an insane afrocentrist group called SONS/DAUGHTERS OF AFRIKA MOST NOBLE or something and all they did was talk about getting all black people to go back to africa.
>>411269 based
>reading shitty escapist webfiction again >all of a sudden, trannies and the author breaks story flow to insert a dissertation on how cool and epic trannies are and le EGG BREAKING and all of that actual grooming shit fucking hell I hate them so much there's no escape
>>411313 that is quite based tbf so long as it actually worked
>>411309 kekking at all the swarthoids in the comments going we din do nuffin itall whiteys fault.
>>411313 Idea : The Afrika Korpse
Why does the racist nazi far right daily mail have stories like this?
>>411159 was gonna post this. this is amazing >jevvs are behind middle eastern war >jevvs bring shitskins to the west to destroy whites >PATTERN RECOGNITION??? t. Tucker & Elon >the Ukraine is owned by bloodthirsty jevvs and Mother Russia is fighting a holy war against them t. Putler >>411161 even making that tweet is seriously sticking out their necks
>>411320 >film trailer release teaser website for their propaganda keeeeek
>>411322 Is Pootin being sly or is he just saying he is fighting "nazis" smh
would you lads accept thicc mazandarani tradwife? https://youtu.be/-TG3UejtMso
fresh depopulation of future new israel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WcuKoeVwzas
>>411327 not one who wears makeup that thick and films herself for internet clout
>>411092 Ben Shapiro EVISCERATES[/doom] anti-Israel activist at Oxford University [doom]USING FACTS[/doom] and [doom]LOGIC
new 'toss I like the Khamenei
>>411331 >Doom Logic Sounds based.
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>>411336 >milk has evolved from white supremacist dogwhistle to dangerous weapon of assault
>>411336 yeah I hate getting wet, especially with anything other than water. I now support blocking streets
>>411338 >empathising or sympathising
>>411336 I'm sure they're being paid well to block those streets and get doused in milk.
new film bins will never stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OoWO1oRlt0I
>>411340 yeah by giant zoggy oil companies and associated multinationals and government ties smh
>>411341 Big daikon conquers Japan during the Edo period Baste.
Listen, if bums is not going to stream Japanese kino, I will.
And I'll start with Kurosawa classics.
>>411345 based lad, do it (but not before or during a toilday)
considering taking a break from driving a truck now that winter is here, lads *screams*
>>411347 do the bossmen at least allow you to drive slowly and carefully or is it all REEE GO FAST STICK TO THE SCHEDULE EVERYTHING HAS TO BE DONE ON TIME AND PERFECTLY
Leader of the Swedish SD party has a message to the muslims in the country: GO HOME(I think it is a dubbed AI video keeeeeeeeek)
>>411348 The bossman's bossman is the latter. I hate how you do all these courses teaching you all these rules, then you're immediately expected to break them when you start working. I don't care though, just in my lane doing my own thing tbh
>>411347 If you think you're at risk of an accident, get a dashcam and if possible livestream your treacherous journeys through norgay.
top 10 anime betrayals
This can't be real, right
>>411353 of course it is keeek
hassling retard niggers/wiggers in retard cars is kind of good albeit
normies really saying they wish they guy with the silver mask in kingdom of heaven and saladin were leaders in the middle east todays o there could be piece
>>411341 not sure why they're doing another shogun tv series, this looks shite more grey slop for the crystal prison *shags mariko in my mind fortress*
cant tell if theyve turned mariko into some kunoichi or onnamusha or whatever its bloody cringe!!
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>>411353 What a soyfag. Archetypal Blairite police.
another unproductive pointless day nearly over another productive but still pointless day of toil ahead
>>411356 Toss them into a pit. >>411361 night lad, anything to keep the hands busy and the mind occupied.
>>411223 Lil Tarquin
ZOGs greatest trick
when do we get to have sex
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>>411361 I looked at how many hours I logged on MTW2 since 2007 yesterday lad 860 hours
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so america is just letting in like a billion goblinos from the southern border a year now.
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i wonder what the endgame of this is
when america is just brazil what will be its southern brazil equivalent?
>>411372 Probably a group of midwestern states.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mmn_fQeiOgo now this is my culture *watches*
>>411375 One day they'll be towing niggersweeper 5000's up and down Anglo lands.
wessex daily driver at 18:44
>>411377 keeeeeeeeeeek, we can finally create wessbots final form by fusing him to it.
https://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1698978323735511.webm is this ww3 shit going to nothingburger status as well lads?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Ria8Po4leM >ywn run over kikes in the ULTRA MEGA XL tractor
Wasn't greg talking about how they held the debt market closed for the Hamas attack. It's probably spiral out when they realise hyperinflation is imminent.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDthSdwjGfY&t=2s greg says its an XL hyper balloon
had my first in-person bennies meeting today smh going to have to sign up for courses and shite >>411381 >when they realise thought the writing was on the wall already tbh surely nobody seriously expects things to get better smh or even to just stay the same
israel has resorted to rationing iron dome missles and allowing less populated areas to get rocketed. crazy that mighty america literally cant front their two allies.
>>411384 the more the cracks begin to show the bolder their enemies will become can't wait
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im so sick of waiting while even normalfags at the gym say that they can't even afford to be adults anymore. its so fucked and nothing is being done about it
>waking up to the alarm instead of a minute before so you can turn it off ACK
>>411388 Based smorblings.
>>411391 >that subtle out of tune flute version of titanic at the end Je queeq
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>still rainin
>>411394 good morning from kazakhstan lad
>>411359 I survived another day
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Poor Dorset
More bullshit >Most British people hold positive view of immigration, survey reveals >dear reader you will also like immigration https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/nov/03/most-british-people-hold-positive-view-of-immigration-survey-reveals
>>411400 I breathe therefore I seethe.
>Israeli media reporting Israeli soliers nicking everything in sight from deserted Israeli settlements around Gaza https://www.themarker.com/news/2023-11-01/ty-article/0000018b-8593-dd28-a7df-959714d30000
>>411402 They see offence everywhere. They need to fuck off. They don’t fit and never will
>>411404 I thought that was a parody, it reads like she's describing a Christmas cartoon as some sort of commentary on Israel.
Neo-Nazi who said he would 'kill a mixed-race child' and named his son 'Adolf' could be freed within weeks as he prepares for parole hearing https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12703123/Neo-Nazi-Adolf-freed-weeks-parole-hearing.html >A neo-Nazi who said he would 'kill a mixed-race' child and gave his son the middle name 'Adolf', could be freed within weeks. >Thomas, then 22, was handed a six-and-a-half-year sentence at Birmingham Crown Court in 2018, while 'remorseless' Patatas, then 38, got a five-year jail term. >'At a time when we are seeing on our streets frighteningly high levels of sympathy with another antisemitic terrorist organisation, albeit of a different variety, these parole decisions do not reassure the public.'
>>411407 The Daily Mail boomers, usually up in arms over le free speech, think he should be in prison forever of course.
>>411407 What was his crime though
>>411410 Being too based for this gay earth
>Freedom of assembly but only when it's something I support. You know for a generation of people that toss the word Nazi and Fascist around as much as they do they seem to have a lot of sympathy for of the tenants of authoritarian rule.
>>411410 ex-NA
https://metro.co.uk/2023/11/01/child-sex-ring-ran-by-witches-and-wizards-operated-out-of-drug-den-19753238/ >Three children were said to have been victims of a litany of sex crimes including rape and sexual abuse in a drug den where heroin and crack cocaine were used. >In her closing speech for the Crown, advocate depute Cath Harper told the High Court in Glasgow the children were allegedly subjected to ‘group rapes’ by the 11 accused, some of whom also face charges of attempted murder. >The older children were also alleged to have been forced to abuse a younger child. >It is also alleged dogs were tortured, although Ms Harper said there was ‘no forensic evidence of these events happening’. Scotland was a mistake
fasting today
>>411416 bizarre and cringe. but par for the course in clown world.
But it is funny that the journalists didn't get to ask any questions.
>>411420 She should be put down. But we can't do that anymore because of jews.
Lush Ohioaoan kikemutt eating pie and mash https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5MDpGjrSpI8
£62 for some fucking breadrolls with wartime ration portions in a bought and paid for building? Oy wot!
>>411397 Never watched it before. Girl with the stockings is cute.
>>411424 Government, elites and judiciary should be banged up for extreme hatred of British people tbh for literally engaging in genocide and terror against the natives
>>411425 yuppies will spend it too.
>>411429 Bet Douglas Murray thinks the cenotaph represents freedom of gay buttsex.
any jewish groups going to protect the cenotaph? After all some of those men did 'die for the sole purpose of stopping 6 gorillion of them dying'.
>>411414 Looks like the excited red blood cell of an Anglo that can smell the precious heamoglobin producing Aryan RBCs it wants to consooom.
>>411430 Butt they have something on him tbh
What happens here?
prosthetic legbros... we're finally in lego
>>411424 we keepin the streets warm for you lil nigga
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We made it, toilees
this song goes out to wessex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FYyZ-ZbEh-U
>>411441 A bvll with no pointed horns and no confidence to thrash around and break the walls of his death march cube. Much like the hu'white man in modernity.
>>411444 is that in scotland?
>>411446 Norfolk
>>411442 incredibly comfy
>>411449 Tell her she's correct because we are not currently engaging in sex, as she has observed.
>>411449 Tickle her tits with a white feather
>>411449 >larping with eachother on the internet these niggas gay
>>411453 Yeah keeeeeeeeeeek at least Poombs and I did it in the privacy of our bongo
We're going to pick up other people's trash
*to the tune of we will rock you by queen* we love we love wessex we love we love wessex we love we love wessex
Not sure attacking the poshos is the way to go though
>>411456 Read recently this is yet another account operated by the unowhus
>>411457 I'm confused but here is a (you)
>British holidaymakers heading for Spain could find themselves sharing their hotels with illegal immigrants from Africa. >Human rights organisations are asking hotels in various holiday hotspots to give up rooms for around £35 a night so asylum seekers can receive proper accommodation. >The plea follows a major crisis for the Canary Islands which are seeing near-daily arrivals of illegal immigrants who have survived the deadly sea journey from Africa in tiny boats. >So far, hotels in the Valencia region have agreed to help while the popular British destination of Benidorm has refused because the request hasn't come from the government and they think it has not been 'thought out properly'. >The migration crisis in the Canary Islands broke all records in October, surpassing even 2006 when thousands tried to head for the likes of Tenerife, Lanzarote and Gran Canaria. Almost 15,000 people arrived on the coasts of the islands last month. https://nitter.net/tomhfh/status/1720190654700016007 >Sunak also trumpets easy migration cites how many firms are founded by migrants- and praises post-Brexit visa regime changes. >Sunak praising the post-2019 visa reforms may prove contentious. He’s right they’re great for innovation, company founding, and growth. But those same reforms also led to the highest inward migration on record >“If you look at our fastest growing companies in the UK… over half of them have a non-British founder… we’ve got to be a place that is open to the world’s best and brightest entrepreneurial talent. So the visa regime we put in place I think does that, makes it easy for those people to come here.” So if one bame/foreigner is on the board or staff of a startup that counts btw so he is lying. Again
what did nasrallah say. im assuming its a nothingburger because nobody is posting about it
>>411463 >they slaughtered the jews first and then raped them because otherwise they'd be complaining the whole time and ruining the mood
>>411449 "We aren't married."
Norgebros... I don't feel so good
>>411466 geen >>411467 the toll will be paid
Women really spend 7 years of their 20s educating themselve so they can go sit in an office doing nothing all day
hamarse apparently getting a few hits in which is nice to see
>>411470 always think of this when I see le tactical war map thumbnails https://youtu.be/bF6qElf9GJ8
>>411467 Looking forward to the sequel
blood sugar be low and shit ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
>>411470 Heard that le socom sent US speshops in to rescue ‘Americans’ Idfs rep is in tatters keeeeeeeeeeek Watched a video of one trying to use a hammer the other day smh
>>411472 has he tried not acting jewish? funny how they never try that
>>411472 I ain't reading all that shite being spewed from a JEWs mouth >>411473 comfy propaganda smh got a look at some 1920s histories of ww1 recently and it's insane how much blatant propaganda is in it, "documented proof" of germans being baby eating granny bombing subhuman apes and all
>>411474 keeeek
>>411427 Remember your lines, people!! Okay let's start over from the beginning, again
>>411484 le... BASED?! faggot!
the crude antisemitism of normies. Why can't they be refined, like me?
>>411485 Keeeeeeeeeeeeek. Classic. >the fearful hyperventilating keeeeeeeeek
>>411485 smh why is hitchens like this
Binema still shut?
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>>411488 I've gone nuts with this one fucking classic I've got shitloads now
>>411491 Seems like it. He said he'd be back on wednesday, but he's still not home. I don't understand why it is so hard to keep promises smh
>>411492 keeeeeeeeeee'eee'eeeeeek *screams*
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Surely you didn't make all these
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>>411498 teehee
>ywn watch the RLM recommended Star Trek: The next generation episodes with Bins for the first time again
he's gone insane
>>411496 no5 is my pick
Russian fpv drone with mouse strapped to it but with an added helmet this time
>>411499 keeeeeeeeeeek that silent hill one >>411501 tbh
>>411505 Never liked that song
visually confirmed large scale losses of mousian forces after failed assult on russian trench
>>411509 do you follow these guys lad? https://odysee.com/@joeldavis:0/joel-and-blair-2-11-23:2 they are going on about how australia is being pooed to death smh
>>411512 both their channels on yt got liquidated so missed the last weeks shows smh
>>411485 Top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>411512 don't really keep up with ecelebs tbh can just step outside if i need to be reminded of the enpooening smh
evening lads i trust all is well distant pops and bangs reminding me that other people are out socialising and are mere hours away from having sex fireworks should be banned tbh
>>411516 Why don't you have sex?
>>411517 i missed the prerequisite quests and i am now unable to gain the required skills for it, too high level smh
>>411143 Everyone thinks that He Man was homo, when in fact he was just a wholesome Aryan softboi with an impartial sense of justice, it was actually the sassmonger Skeletor who was embarrassed to like children, who was the true homo misogynist.
>>411516 bit early for fireworks smh
Is it the fifth of snovember already?
Joel Davis is a grass.
Bring in fireworks licensing I say
>>411524 source?
>>411526 >source? There isn't one.
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>>411518 Just use the game exploits (prozzies, rape) lad.
>>411529 I heard that tends to corrupt saves and make you lose all progress made.
>>411530 Try a different server, SEA etc.
>>411471 >hamarse apparently getting a few hits in
>>411530 You just make a parallel save file and load warp between them (hide it well from people you know and lie to the prozzies about absolutely everything).
>>411523 The Indian Bob Revealer
"The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe, for the axe was clever and convinced the trees that because his handle was made of wood he was one of them."
>>411536 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. Claw for tearing the shirt, blade for cutting the bra
>>411538 truly we live in a society
>football lads
but why are there holidays for british war dead when the british are always on the wrong side of every war?
>>411542 >show nakh baghs bichguwa
>>411545 keeeeek
>real nationalism is totally blocked off so we are just going to repeat 2010-2020 in perpetuity til the shite race is dead
>>411534 redpilled
>>411549 more useful to collect funko pops tbh
>>411549 >After school, I sleep for three hours as I'm so tired, I wouldn't be as productive. Then I wake up at 7pm and go to bed again at 2am. nap-pilled tbh
>"innocents were not bombed in WW2" >"errm actuallly we did bomb innocents and that was a good thing, so it is okay to do it again" damn, sben snapiro really is sharp
>>411549 *fails them all horribly* >>411550 ban him.
Damn why you all right wingers want that girl dick? fr
>>411549 I really don't get it when children skip ahead with their studies, like doing A levels or a degree years before everyone else. How were they allowed to? Probably pushy parents. Putting aside the fact that having so many A levels is fucking pointless (why does anyone need an A level in environmental management or thinking skills anyway?), you just know it's not only on the teenager's merits. I did very well academically and probably could've skipped a year or two ahead, but it was never presented as an option for me.
all kids that skip ahead end up fucked up and weird. t. ted kacynski
you're forgetting that she is most likely just a low iq poo cheating her way into it with cronyist racial nepotism
>>411559 Yeah it means not belonging and not being able to be near friends of the same age
>>411416 sunak is a WEFnigger right?
>>411570 excellent post
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been thinking about these two webms recently
>hate march Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek Absolutely shameless in the face of an arguable hate bombing of Gaza tbh. They should all piss off over there and hate each other to death tbh and let us enjoy are country in peace
every day i pray this country gets nuked. i hate this cesspit more than you can believe.
>>411557 A lot of midwit takes in the replies.
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the brazil we needed the brazil we got
>>411562 yeah >>411563 why thank you
>>411558 If she was that smart she’d have heard Elon telling Pishi AI will make everyone redunant. Also who is paying for these exams?
>>411562 Probably. You can Sunak would much rather be CEO of a tech company than PM. He likes the prominence of the role, but not the role itself. Doesn't really have any ideas for domestic policy beyond fiscal measures.
I can't accept these time warp antics
jhared is bullying us lads >Britain Is So Desperate for Famous Blacks It Invents Them https://odysee.com/@AmericanRenaissance:7/BlackBritain:c
>>411485 remember the one where she vores the person into her bum and then poos them out and vaporizes all these people
>>411574 He's right to in this regard.
keeeek he's such a cheeky pickaninny
>>411574 Yep. Not seen one ad or trailer without one for ages. Saw an ad with a white kid and indian kid a black dad and a romanian looing mum the other day supposed to represent the modern British family
>>411579 The pervasive fiction that the Cheddar Man was brown is just to distract you from the existence of Double Gloucester Man and Red Leicester Man.
>>411582 can't believe the daily mail just outright said race mixing is bad smh when will this far right rag get shut down
>>411583 we must research this more, for delicious science
>>411583 We all know this is to sideline the cracker man who's basically been the foundation of this nation since the beginnning.
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>>411588 tbh very odd reflex social media addiction and the clout-farming mindset that it creates are truly cancerous
>>411588 keeeek that whale must have been bored.
>>411590 they don't even have goodscreen to give them some interactivity in their coomcubes like us smh poor lads
>>411591 They have to get inventive or go insane without the steady e-celeb pipeline.
looked closer and everyone in the video is a shovel faced asian and therefore a racial enemy of all marine life liable to consume them at a moments notice so fair play to the belugas tbh
>>411593 Tbh it's eat or get eaten in Chinkistan.
>>411593 keeeeektbh
>>411565 In my entire life the opinions, fears and emotional reactions of various minorities has always been considered first before any state or corporate action. A mans right to speak is always trumped by the fear or discomfort to protected classes that speech might cause. To take action on organised modern day slavery in the form of rape gangs was stalled to prevent distress amongst the perpetrators communities. And yet never, not even once have the fears, hopes and feelings of the indigenous British majority been considered to influence state policy. On the contrary the constant psychological abuse from state media is designed specifically to make the majority of this country feel afraid, alone, powerless and depressed. Our state TV produces programs like Ridley Road, or BBC documentaries on various far right figures or movements, always with the explicit agenda of justifying and then celebrating state-backed violence on isolated civilians simply using their democratic rights. People have been trained to see it as laughable that we even have feelings at all, they'll react without fail with "oh wont someone think of the poor White/English people!" to any emotional reaction to the various atrocities we've suffered. The idea of seeing English emotions as legitimate is a genuine threat to state power. No man should ever be ashamed to to weep for the state of his country, it means an honest-to-God conviction to this cause and a natural reaction of any good man under the same conditions. The only time the opinions of the majority are ever considered is when they may cause real life consequences in the form of mass political movements bringing public disorder, violence and a "break down in race relations". The states reaction to this is to immediately to misdirect this movement through infiltration, though they'd rather not have to invest the millions in controlling it through police/asset wages, damages and court proceedings in the first place. The only way the state can be made to ever consider our interests is a legitimised consensus of English rage and sorrow at what's been done to our nation fuelling mass political gatherings and occupations in our cities and towns, absolutely irreproachable by media spin or state violence through an unassailable moral fortitude.
>>411596 decent post tbh lad accurate seethe and a nice dream
>>411587 Very true. Legend has it that his name was Jacob.
synthetic man is live, lads. playing robocop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDBshNBk4WU
>>411601 want to pick that up at some point tbh looks like a good goom
>>411601 >it's a faggot pauses the game to talk to his chat for three hours episode
https://youtu.be/3cj8vKae4Wk Buying peanut butter tomorrow to make a fried peanut butter and banana sandwich like the king
>>411601 why would you link this
https://youtu.be/ffC65X9_Sbo This is what Steiner could be having
>>411606 Always been more of a brunette man. Blondes seldom do it for me.
>>411609 Never got caring about haircolour.
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don't let me catch you out here making mistakes again https://youtu.be/V8bnf2EtV0w
wow thanks youtube this is definitely what I want to watch
>>411612 >pharaoh records WE
>>411611 hate niggercattle so much
>>411615 >>411616 why is bristol so full of subhumans
>>411615 best to just liquidate these mongs
bristol literally has modern day slavery gangs targeting the white working classes children btw https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bristol_child_sex_abuse_ring i would actually murder these cunts if ever face to face with them.
>>411613 sick of hearing about ice spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine) >>411612 choon that
>>411618 >>411619 h8 all this ‘i’m ‘ard toothless antifa crackpirate me’ bollocks tbh. He should have nutted him
>remembering that vid in Manchester where the pig is harassing a 'racit' white lad for filming foreign groomers, and they just ignore open threats to mug him later on
It's a mistake to assume the white underclass is on our side its largely the downwardly mobile white middle and working class who are frustrated by their new social strata that side with us. You'll see a lot of white underclass who accept their place as trash along with the new comers and adopt black/muslim culture and patois, these are some of the people that make up Antifa. Look at the Bristol Kill the Bill riot arrests, plenty of them had long lists of convictions for drug possession and petty crime. also these substance abusing scums cant fight, years of substance abuse means theyre a stiff breeze from hauling over and the local cops hate them.
Hasn't Bristol been a lefty shithole for a long time?
>>411625 Yeah, the hwhite untermensch I've met are weedsmokers from council estates, with separated biological parents. Raised around niggers, noticably odd pronunciation of some words due to foreign influence.
>>411625 Having been a shameful degenerate a while I can say it's a coin toss with underclassoids if they're going to be apolitical or diehard antifa scum.
Nogs poshos and gays >no kids, no snow >still pushing the diversity meme in 2023 >60,000 views >500 likes >119 comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyHauuJ6WeA
>>411620 Pretty woman. Shame she's snold
>people can't buy houses in Norway >politicians want to introduce EU-law that will make houses even more expensive *screams*
>>411634 You'll always have your lorry lad.
thinking about how women ruin everything, it really is just jews and women tbh
>>411615 >didn't knock that cunt out pathetic tbh
>>411634 Same everywhere in Europe You will own nothing and be happy
It's not Christmas until the John Lewis advert comes out.™
>>411641 They've released a preview
>>411642 spoiler that, fucking hell.
>>411499 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK that yanking song keeeek thats the number one queen ass clap song
>Ohh, an Asian. I bet they like Nintendo Switch too...
>>411646 Keeeeeeek >he stayed awake all night making that
Do they know it's Christmas, is really quite patronizing now that I think about it
>>411648 tbh tbh but how would those savages know to put up a tree and some tinsel if we didn't deign to tell them? like children they are smh the white man's work never ends
>>411649 going to watch this unironically
wifey baked some cookies
>>411651 It wasn't worth it tbh. Just boring
IT IS SATURDAY MY DUDES >forgot to reserve a table for locals night and now I probably will miss out on the only reasonably priced time to eat out of the month ACK
>>411655 many such cases
>>411656 kicking myself smh going to go along and check just in case because it's too good to miss even the chance >breaded deep fried camembert with cranberry sauce >followed by cottage pie topped with cheddar mash and kale >with golden syrup pudding and custard for dessert >for £15
>>411657 >golden syrup pudding and custard lad what are you waiting for go right now smh stop wasting time
>>411658 half an hour until t'pub opens
we've talked about your fried cheese intake lad...
>>411660 it's okay I've been good haven't touched a morsel of the stuff just this once won't make me fall off the waggon
>>411659 >non-animated gif that looks like it should move just for that i hope they don't have any tables >>411660 it greases up all the valves and tubes tbh keeps things running smoothly
[police voiceover: later that evening wessex was caught in the bathrooms of the templar doing lines of string cheese.] >>411662 ACK smh it should be a moving gif too, not sure why but sometimes when I save stuff it doesn't format correctly
anyone got any other working variants?
>>411663 keeeeeeeeeek
>bathrooms >commodore_what's_his_name.jpg
keeking at the soyim taking up the mutt meme tbh quite wholesome really, yanks finally learning a kind of british humour and doing with it as we did with the norf FCs
>>411668 it's all about the haplogroups
thoughever it's always cool seeing those small pockets of blue eyed blonde haired people out in the middle of nowhere tbh some isolated afghan tribe or some little chinese village in the middle of nowhere we wuz all kings until the melanated hordes came along smh can't find my incredibly convincing infographics and screencaps of article headlines though
something something annunaki something pochette key pyramids and suchlike civiliser myth if you will
so far so good on no fap lads wasn't intending to do it this year time is going quite fast so i didn't realise it was already november missed the opportunity for a last wank smh
>>411672 good lad accidentally failed at one am november first because i didn't realise what day it was smh trying anyway because if you let your defeats own you that's all you'll ever know we can be better than this
>>411673 did you get any superpowers yet
>>411674 i can cast prestidigitation now tbh pretty handy
just found out melbourne has some kind of ongoing public works project to build a subway tunnel that will cost $125 billion and won't be finished until fifty years from now luv tunnels and suchlike tbh might actually be worth moving to m*lbourne, v*ctoria for if i even knew how to get my foot in the door smh many concepts to ponder upon
think I got a reservation despite the nice barlass being too low IQ to operate her scheduler >>411676 >the anglosphere will collapse under the weight of wog colonisation before it's built so it's just a big advanced fraud project smh
>>411677 based lad you weren't supposed to say that part out loud
>the learned pig, so much admired in England
>>411618 Because they aim to control the centres of power and concentrate the schizoism on big cities >>411620 Wood still coom on her eyes
>>411648 Yeah, "no rain or rivers flow" keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>It's Christmas time, there's no need to be afraid Except of constant terror attacks from wogs such as that which drove a truck through a crowded Christmas market in Germany among other atrocities. >At Christmas time, we let in light and we banish shade The commercialisation of Christmas has led to the holy day being a cause of depression when parents can't afford to buy their children the new sneed box. >And in our world of plenty we can spread a smile of joy We don't have plenty. We have less and less. Few can afford homes and many are trapped in cycles of debt. >Throw your arms around the world at Christmas time Let's start at home. >But say a prayer, Pray for the other ones. At Christmas time it's hard, but when you're having fun Let's pray for our countrymen first. Let's pray for our own communities first. >There's a world outside your window >And it's a world of dread and fear >Where the only water flowing >Is the bitter sting of tears >And the Christmas bells that ring >There are the clanging chimes of doom >Well tonight thank God it's them instead of you Credwch i me, there is fear and dread in England. There is doom in England. We are minorities in our major cities and our children are victims of mentally ill people pushing perversions and imported rape gangs. Not to mention the rampant criminality where the niggers have been imported. >And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time Someone should tell all the African ski resorts like those in the Drakensberg mountain range. >The greatest gift they'll get this year is life True for everyone. Especially those suffering brothers war in Ukraine. >Where nothing ever grows Rhodesia was a bread basket. Now it's a basket case. Blame de-colonisation. >No rain nor rivers flow They have rain forests, "rainy seasons", and some of the largest rivers on Earth (the Nile, Senegal, Niger, Limpopo, Congo, etc.) >Do they know it's Christmas time at all? Aye. "The statistics from the World Christian Encyclopedia (David Barrett) illustrate the emerging trend of dramatic Christian growth on the continent and supposes, that in 2025 there will be 633 million Christians in Africa". There are hundreds of millions of Christians in Africa, I'm pretty sure they're aware of the major holy days. >Here's to you >Spare a thought this yuletide for the deprived >If the table was turned would you survive If the table was turned we would survive because we are a superior race. The soil isn't magic, the white men are. >Give a little help to the helpless Yeah, I'll give fresh socks and hand warmers etc. to Liverpool's white homeless with my fellow PA lads. >Do they know it's Christmas time at all?
>>411679 keeeeek >>411681 not are fault they decided to set up shop in dusty wastelands
>no rain or rivers flow in the continent where many countries are names after rivers and lakes I keep keeking!
>>411685 it's just so ridiculous smh put a huwhite man in charge and you've already won
one day the niggercattle will realise what they're doing
>zionist woman tells two pro-palestine jews that hitler made a mistake and they should be put in gas chambers
KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK Look at this propaganda lads https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k34LKIkTfLE
>>411691 no, I don't think I will
>>411676 >HS2 Learn from it This is just an exercise in stealing $120 billion AUSD tbh lad. It doesn’t take fifty years to build something like this and which won’t ever be needed tbh
>>411691 jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeej is this actually real? i choose to believe that it is
>>411693 yeah true smh but if they'll pay me to go underground and bang rocks together then it's worth it just have to figure out how to make that happen tbh i get on the payroll and then it's gravy street one hundred keanu chungus nation wholesome
>>411679 zayum that boar looks comfy
smh wish that the warband LOTR mod had the shire, dunland and angmar
>>411699 mmm literal zogslop tbh >>411700 for me it's wasting bandwidth on downloading total shart atilla again to try the 1212ad mod even THOUGH that won't fix any of the base issues with every game made since rome 2
>>411701 tbh manor lords looks like it will be the next strategy kino creative assembly is done like the zionist entity
>>411702 just a shame it is not a large scale strategy game and focuses on settlement building instead could never really get into colony or city builder games smh
>>411702 creative assembly is dead smdh
>>411704 newest seething commie scot video about it just dropped https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EFa84qRqUKo
>at least three more total slop games are still being made KEEEK
>>411705 wew they're even more of a shambles than i thought they were
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RcjwuIx5-nI I tried rome 2 but it was shit, creative assembly was a bit of a 1 hit wonder IMO MTW2 and RTW were the best. by the time empire came out the poz was sharting. once they got to RTW2 it was cancer with female generals and then obv. they no focused on their top heavy middle management shite instead of kino games. and really it was the modders that made the games good
>>411705 I forgot about him, I always remember him as the saltiest Total war critic going.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KvRHIvAxZoE tbh this is the next generation once modders tune it for fighting and remove or tone down alot of the sim city shit it will be kino
>>411708 sad how that keeps happening smh
>>411708 They probably didn't give too much of a fuck while the warhammer stuff was printing money but now even those paypigs are starting to revolt so they're starting to sweat at corporate.
like their aesthetic better I always hated in MTW and creative assembly shite you'd end up with massive stacks of knights fully armoured even in the early and mid-middle ages instead of peasant grunge kino with only a couple of lances
>>411710 I actually just want it as a medieval village manager.
>>411709 he has the madlad gene >>411708 female generals is one of their most ridiculous moves, they had abandoned rome 2 (like all their previous games) for half a decade or whatever but then hired some new poz commissar and poz grant harvesting foids so they went back and added that "feature" solely for the diversity scheme shekels keeeksmh
>>411712 yeah never played the warhammer stuff it looked too fursona tier with the gay monsters and stuff. third age total war is good enough for me even if the latest version mongd up the AI to make isengard less OP so some paynigger patreoncucks could have an easier rohan campaign
>>411714 tbh I like the scale I hate when strategy games get stellaris tier. its like CK2 as a small count/duke and you have your sheriffs and maybe a lance of good men to protect your demense. looks super kino
>>411713 tbf to manage that properly they'd have had to flesh out the pop system into classes so you could hard cap certain units.
also call to arms ostfront is another top level strategy goom wish it had the SS in it though
>>411718 yeah like in AD 457
>>411716 I've found it fun but I'm not spending any more money after 2.
>>411713 >>411714 >peasant grunge kino >medieval village manager baste
not a patch on are dec tbh
>MANE W IZ JUS CHURCH GOERS PICKIN’ UP AN’ REFORMIN’ HOES! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyAuwnZ8Pbs
>>411723 tbh still thoughever not everybody can see the shapeshifters it's like they live except instead of having a modicum of compassion they're just horrible creatures who destroy
>>411725 it's funny in context because the accused shapeshifter is a nigger (a horrible creature which just destroys)
Picking on the Germans again
>>411727 based lass
>not even six o clock might demonstrate an IQ of 168 by having a little pre-dinner nap tbh
>>411729 Based snoooozer
I have the bananas. I have the peanut butter. I have the bread. Soon.
>>411731 Never liked peanut butter.
>411732 Ummmm . . . I don't care?
>>411733 You should try marmite instead.
>>411735 Is that something you generated?
>411734 You should keep your cringe opinions to yourself.
>>411735 >SA on his way to the Knights Templar
>>411737 I didn't make it >>411739 smh he ain't taking the bus
>>411740 >smh he ain't taking the bus That nigga waitin' for the train knowamsayin'?
>>411738 You really shouldn't out yourself as a wog like that lad.
>The fool replies to me despite being filtered
>>411727 >no antisemite gf
he's such a salty nigger keeek.
will never understand the white wimmin who associate with darkies tbh, surely its a form of mental illness
>>411746 Probably just a wide spectrum shitest against western men and society.
Shame public beatings are out of fashion.
>>411746 Xenophilia.
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worried the new COD won't be mint lads
>>411750 There's always fifa lad.
>>411746 >>411747 their minds aren't made for social media smh if even 0.001% of men give in and simp that means in their eyes all men have failed and the 99.999% who didn't give in get thrown away because she can do better >>411750 cod peaked at advanced warfare lad none of them are mint after that the people decided they didn't want cool movement mechanics because all that nerd shit was too confusing
>>411752 I think I stopped playing at blops 2
>>411752 Tbf it's all media perception really, women really believe it's cool to racemix now.
smh why did I watch the boogie documentary if JF is just gonna summarise it for me
>>411755 desperate for content?
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My snagnum snopus.
>>411757 Why do you make these, lass? Are you autistic?
>>411759 what a retard
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>>411758 What do you think?
jevvs are like those yappy litle dogs that start a fight with a big dog and then run behind the owners legs expecting them to take that fight on for them
If cows don't want to be eaten why don't they just do this against humans?
>>411763 Yeah. Moose will fuck you up tbh
>>411763 Aren't moose much larger than cows?
>>411763 Based mooselad getting revenge against his race's eternal enemy. Speaking of cows, they do, when they aren't falsely secure around us. Smh.
You mad, cowboy?
This ask channel is so racist keeek
https://podbay.fm/p/the-troubles-podcast/e/1695752117 Imagine if bumbum swallowed a dictionary too
>>411769 Looks whiter than the US keek.
>>411772 I don't need to flex my wide vocabulary, I'm already right without the poos and snistles.
>>411770 keeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>411753 it was fun tbh cool jetpack boosting all over the place smh got dropped immediately and never touched again because it confused the double-digit iq niggercattle smdh >>411759 want to dunk his head into a tank full of sulphuric acid tbh and occasionally pull him back out every time he's out i'll remark that he's looking worse than the previous time smh maybe all this fresh air is bad for him he probably just needs more acid tbh he's at the nexus of a big change tbh whilst he may object to the acid therapy without it he would not survive i'll be resented for my leading role in this change but it has to be done future generations will thank me
>>411776 That sounds like a wonderful exercise in catharsis and hopefully as a jew he will understand the necessity for change that will better all people everywhere. Yeah I did enjoy titanfall 2 but i reckon the wall running scared off the cod crowd because of the high skill ceilings.
>>411778 tbh titanfall 2 had kino movement smh
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>the US steiner grew up in >the US steiner now lives in
>>411780 I would tell the paki cunts to fuck off back home.
shneet lids
>forgot to unset my alarm after waking up from the nap an hour early and gave myself toiltrauma on a toilfree saturday heart palpitations... sudden stress... bank account suddenly draining... ACK! >>411783 ni
>>411785 so relatable to see how they live in luxury in a giant home!
such WHOLESOME content with these BASED and not dangerous at all NIGGERS https://www.youtube.com/shorts/4aAOy86z6BM
Someonme AI art this please
>>411785 ikeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>411787 >twerking smh of course the boomer is a bbcslut
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>>411790 based and ethnic-exclusionary-pilled
bumbum is a crachach
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mRJ_3H9ule8?feature=share >It's darkies acting hard because they were frightened to talk back to a woman
>>411791 Saudi is another one of those allies that have an ethnostate that nobody would even think to criticize.
>>411793 smh darkies are so cringe, imagine trying to make a virtue out of being pussies
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>IDF pulling a khokhol and throwing their tanks into harm's way without infantry support >get rekt by 50 year old Soviet grenade launchers
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FSLKGfHPzWM?feature=share Ronaldo is the world's BumBum of brit/
God I wish that were me
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>>411801 It's not my fault you were raped as a child lad. Let it go. You lost against bumder prime, you lost against 22st, you'll lose against me. The looney troons need to accept that I'm sexually attracted to young women!
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The loony troons really are low effort. Another weakling into the snilter.
Open the door Poo on the floor Say nigger some more That's how you'll be sure That your based to the core.
>>411799 hopign this goes somewhere tbh and they don't just get a fresh injection of US zogbots and equipment
https://youtu.be/Af2xaLdcG8U What would happen if bumbum ever became bo
Goooooooood chatgpt is so hecking boring and neutered. At this point just google is better
>>411791 Hardly surprising they've always been desert kikes.
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>>411724 >girls like that actually hang out with skinny DYEL niggers who unironically still sag their pants like its 2002

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