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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3856: Kensington & Fairfield Edition Anonymous 05/06/2023 (Sat) 08:43:01 Id: eca75c No. 367570
Labour now largest party of local government and Conservatives lose over 1,000 seats - local election results in maps and charts https://news.sky.com/story/local-election-results-in-charts-labour-now-largest-party-of-local-government-12873359 UK elections: Labour would fall 28 short of overall majority in general election, Sky News vote share projection shows https://news.sky.com/story/uk-elections-labour-would-fall-28-short-of-overall-majority-in-general-election-sky-news-vote-share-projection-shows-12873917 Ukip loses all six seats in local elections https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ukip-neil-hamilton-richard-tice-bournemouth-christchurch-b2333710.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:10:33.
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>british politics
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also /brit/ a.k.a. Brit/pol/ ought to be "British Politically Incorrect", not "British Politics" like it says up top
>>367551 >>367553 >>367566 Would have to gag that niggress before rapebastarding her tbh.
Smh four Swedish brothers, probably named Sven, Göran, Vilmar and Gustaf lynched a taxi driver. Why are Swedes like this?
>not coronation edition auslad is consistently the worst thread maker on this board
>>367579 could've made the thread yourself lad
>>367579 I'm proud of this one tbh >>242654, I rarely make threads but if a good idea hatches I will occasionally
>>367581 mmm oh my *smacks lips* is that a female politician? >>367579 Leave him alone, lad
>>367582 POOPY TOILET Als, them hiding people's faces but showing the face of his... gf and mutt baby
Keeeeeeeek Hey! Ukraine! Ukraine supporters in the UK are mostly not monarchists Also fuckoff. Your war, nuffin to do with us
>even gayists and nonces got to breed back in the day
The gay nonce rapist serial killer cannibal stare
>>367586 lightbulb shaped head smh
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>Fish's father, a fertilizer manufacturer
> The youth introduced Fish to such practices as urolagnia (drinking urine) and coprophagia (eating feces). Come on now keeeeeeeeeeek https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Fish
>>367591 sick of seeing niggers everywhere smh wish they didn't exist or at the very least wish they were very far away and teaching them to speak english was punishable with the death penalty
>>367591 dysgenic looking creatures keeeeek. Is that the funny part, that they look awful?
>>367594 keeeeeeeeek
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>>367592 Was watching one attempting to row himself upstream in a rubber dinghy last week. He was constantly having to pump it up because it had a slow leak and ended up drifting down stream with ihim pumping, not rowing, and crashing into the bank absolutely retarded
>>367597 must be that viking blood
>>367599 That’s the danger for them of all this we wuz literature and invented history they end up believing it and then try and larp at “dangerous sea voyages an sheeeeit”
>>367601 *screams* STOP
>>367601 permaban this poster that keeps doxxing people and suggesting reporting them to the scooby doos. find out what 'lad' persona is doing this and permanently exclude him from /brit/
imagine living at blah blah vegan smh
going to make a rule that dox poosts get deleted and repeated dox poosts get you a ban any objections?
>>367607 he does it as (1)
>>367608 tbh that's why deleting it takes priority over banning
>>367609 we need to get to the bottom of who is doing it though
>>367610 tbh not a fan of 22st's groomer arc but doxing /brit/ lads sets a bad precedent
>>367611 the man is trying to breed, I don't see the problem
>>367612 just think lads should stick to their own age range tbh stealing from younger generations is boomoid-tier
>>367613 women over 25 are gross and not viable for breeding
post your EDC, lads
>>367613 The poopoo cannibal murderer I linked earlier? His father was 45 years older than his breedee, and he himself was 9 years older than his arranged marriage breedee. Not that I need an excuse
>>367614 yeah i know lad it's shite >>367616 don't blame me when your son turns out to be a poopoo cannibal murderer lad
>>367617 wouldn't mind if he fathered 6 children like that poopoo cannibal
>>367618 keeeeeksmh bloodline continuity secured
>>367604 Blabber vegan
>>367615 >post your everyday carry Best form of defence tbh and even better than Captain Muttmerica’s shield Just hope they don’t ask to see your knob
>>367622 the ultimate uno reverse card
Why can't PA get on the electoral register?
>>367625 too busy gooming
>>367626 An issue I understand all too well.
>>367621 Jews (like almost every other group) have carried out ethnic cleansings including mass murder before in history and are doing it now yet it's seen as a gaff that this probably racist being smarter than the average magatard jew was called a nazi. Smh tbh.
>>367630 what kind of gas is she using?
Coronation precession just started
>>367632 https://youtu.be/nWmPw8dok3Q May as well watch it I guess
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>>367632 >SJW horses
>>367634 kleeek
>>367631 Notenuff(tm)
The king is a fascist? >>367634 kek. Also a lot of niggers spotted smh
heckin fasces on the carriage kingle charlen faasciesm confirmed?>>>?
>Outfits designed by alexander the queen What?
>>367638 >>367638 bvit slow there old chap
>>367642 keeeeeeeeeek
>>367642 >he still has more hair than you
>>367638 >>367637 Oh my heckin heck! The Globalist kang is a fascist!?
he got me twice
>>367639 McQueern tbh
Wipes a tear from my brow
>>367645 The KING is a Woes-enjoyer?
>>367649 Yeah I am feeling it myself even as a filthy foreigner
>>367646 >WELCOOM! all those sex tourists
>>367650 keeek
>>367653 >Returns to monking
>>367654 smh lad, he's clearly a chud in love. Nay I shan't call him a mere coomer, nay he is a romantic fatman.
She's an ofw servant/worker abroad tho
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precession was good but skip to any point earlier and its just niggers at every turn Katy Perry in the congreagation TWO lesbian bishops Dianne abbot 2.0
>>367660 Looks like he’s got a porn mag in there tbh
Look at this fucking paki, next to the king Hands in his pockets
>>367654 SEA monkeys are really dumb and have disgusting food. If the fatso is happy, fine. I wouldn't be.
>>367663 what the fuck
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HANDS IN HIS POCKETS Looking around all bored, doesnt want to be there Arrogance of the paki that we enable
>>367663 >>367666 Wtff! when are the drag queens on?
>>367666 Grubby fuckers wouldn’t even spend a penny on proper threads for a historic event. Should be executed and edited out. Fuck King Cuck, his diversity and the you know whos that orchestrated this farce
Primark pakis out!
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Ahahaha What the fuck am I watching What happened
I want Charlotte to be monarch
>>367671 Is Gospel a caribbean thing as well? or an amerilarp?
>>367671 It's to avoid criticism of the Coronation being too white. Throw some niggers in to appeal to the handful of niggers that actually care about our monarchy
>>367671 Silence bigot! respect da brvders and sistahs!
>>367671 >>367675 The funniest part of the niggers singing is that you can see people in the background visibly uncomfortable, just looking off to the side and trying their best to pretend it isn't happening, trying to hide their disgust
>>367676 Based
>>367678 nothing better than seeing people forced to wallow in the mess they made eat shit
Outraged horse injures female zogthot!
https://youtu.be/jjMpF7QUEoo Truly great attractions in London
smh, i think its hard to take photos if u're with someone.
>Fetch me fackin’ Royal bongo drums so I can join in with these niggers!
>>367681 Lol crying about that eeesh
>>367682 Yeah but if I wanted to see Vietniggers, I’d go to Vietniggerland
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sure love seeing tempting images while incel
watching it again
>>367687 coorrrr
>>367625 ​>back in the day Kenny Smith was accused by Nick Griffin of leaking the BNP membership list and started a civil war in the BNP >now he's PA's national administration officer >orchestrated a split in PA, stealing the party bank accounts and best known organisers for a splinter group >part of the reason for the split is because Kenny Smith insisted everyone shows him their passport, driving license, copy of their latest utility bill and allow a house visit from a PA organiser in order to join, and Collett objected saying it was scaring away new members ​>another reason was that Collett preferred to prioritise online activism such as live streaming video games and putting out book reviews, and was blamed for repeatedly failing to register the party
>>367630 white women are like parrots they will literally do the lisa simpson preachy nonsense about every single fucking thing the jews come up with. I bet 2 years ago this cunt was telling everyone to pull it up over the nose.
>>367684 they need to have a royal grill
>>367681 keek pussy as europoor coppers, ameriburger zogbots all would have their terminator sunglasses on and have shot the horse and then shot each other and 17 other people and then billed it all to the tax payer
>>367690 never watched this before
glad i missed it tbh. saw the end when they were on the balcony
what do you lads think thomas hobbes would think of the kang
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smh britannia deserves better than these german nonce satanist freaks. wonder what kind ed longshanks would think of his kingdom today
>>367697 It's a brit/pol/ classic
Thought the coronation was on Monday?
>>367701 >german nonce satanist freaks Typical ignorant yank opinion Prince Andrew was a helicopter pilot during the Falklands war. He has far more credibility than some yank whore going around suing everyone because Epstein paid her to be eye candy when she was 17.
>>367703 bank holiday is Monday because the actual event was during the weekend
>>367690 >One Dollar Man okay this is based
Behead those who dare cast aspersions on our monarchy
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for me its house godwinson
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>swears on the bible to rule his people justly >imports literal saracens to replace his people >taxes his people to death to fund gay shit from corporations ruled by republic traitor faggots across the ocean leviathan bros...
>>367701 > german nonce satanist freaks. fuck off you vulgar yank prick
steiners needing a ban for this tbh, the yid propaganda still has a hold on him, America is the anti tradition nation, absolutely repulsive people
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only thing i know about todays event is a bunch of niggers shuckin n jivin rip bozo monarchy tards
Needs a Burger Kang crown
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>>367713 keeeeeeek muh royals is literally just WWE uk edition.
>Prince Randy Andy itt Ahem american Australian thankyou
please ban me keeeek these people are all decadent scum who don't give a fuck about you, your people or your native homeland keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>367717 take it back..the traditiorino is sacred
>>367714 Pretty much this tbh.
>>367603 its a bongo troon
>all the foreigners of brit attacking our king >jannies do nothing
I am English as fuck and my GCHQ agent can verify.
fuck the king tbh
this is almost as bad as the muh constertooshun faggotry in my country
nobody cares about your country you fucking faggot
>>367729 It's almost like legislative-frameworks (states) have to be constructed upon a readily-defined set of ideas.
We should all go about in tracksuit bottoms and have a juggalo coronation where fat woman down mountain dew, they're all white though so its fine, steiner literally has the thought process of a resentful nigger.
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stop posting selfies
>we can't have it look respectful AND white what
>>367736 you should give us an incelrant about charles since you did one about elizabeth
Shocking display today of throwing in hundreds upon hundreds of foreign niggers with zero connection to Britain and the Crown, at the centre stage of what should be one of the most important events for decades. Must be criticised.
>>367738 nah I should talk about this shit anyway as a foreigner I can get the ritual of it (although that seems a bit popish tbf) morgoth should do something about it but I imagine he could give a fuck about it.
>>367739 tbh surpised he swore in on a bible at least there is still that
>>367740 *should not
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anyways to the mong who was shitting on me for being a yank, look at this pic faggot. white trash americans in trailer parks drinking mountain dew is higher class than this faggot shit. anglican heretic nigger female bishop, HAHAH stand up for that one faggot. lets see it, lets see how its trad.
Why is it important? Is CAROLUS REX III going to restore kraterocratic absolutist monarchy by this time next year?
>>367739 the commonwealth must die
>>367744 I wish and go back to orthodoxy and then invade america and kill everyone here
I wonder how the monarchy will react to the coming global depression.
Never seen so many mong takes here, was the same during the queens funeral.
>spreads anti monarch sentiment for wignat reasons publicly >privately motivated by my taig ancestry.
really rather indifferent tbh.
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>>367749 so many fenians in this country
Flagging for the king, lads
https://youtu.be/E3sWACtuZg4 smh republic bros looking soy as fuck sorry I am monarchism gang now
Wrong flag. It’s this one
im a muskhead now
Apparently someone was banned for being a 22st nonce or something, but that's me so you got the wrong guy. Unban him now
>>367757 why did it leave out black on black?
>>367759 keeeeeeeek
>367754 >all the mongs in the comments section who are on the same side as steiner KEEEEEEEEEEEK steiners really scored an own goal with this anti monarchy shite
>>367758 only way you'd know that is if you were in a bongo with him, in which case he deserves to be banned, you also deserve to be banned for making demands while being a foreigner.
>>367763 Ozlad will hear about this, mark my words
The USA has the exact same murder rate as Paraguay lol lmao.
Auslad needs to be taken down as BO, he surrounds himself with foreigners and allows them to control the board
>>367763 its in the logs lad
>>367768 so shartin was just randomly checking the logs? also he said "apparently" which implies he was told and didn't check you stupid FUCKING TRANNY
>>367771 Nobody is saying let's become a republic though
>>367774 you basically are, on the day of the coronation you are all engaging in a ceaseless assault on the legitimacy of the monarchy, its driven by resentment, totally left wing attitude, this is exactly what happened when the queen died when every wignat sperg was tripping over themselves to attack the queen and say she was a white genocide supporter and whatever else, just totally braindead tone-deaf spergery.
>>367775 im resentful towards niggers and pakis for existing
>>367775 Excellent post. Thankyou
>>367775 >just support the guys who have the power to end the suffering but refuse to do so and in fact contribute to the suffering, okay! Or are you a commie huh!?
getting pure masterbrew vibes from this lad
>high tories >blue labour >post-liberals >one nation conservatives >anglican mainstream
>>367775 So you want absolutely zero criticism of the foreigners and lesbians being placed in every position then? Just don't talk about it? Don't mention it? Keep your hands over your eyes and your mouth shut? You're absolutely ridiculous
maybe the government this gay ass nigga charles is meant to run should stop uh? i dunnoo?? genociding me????
>>367781 >So you want absolutely zero criticism of the foreigners and lesbians being placed in every position then? thats your second strawman, another one and you are filtered >>367779 >>367780 >>367778 strawmen
>>367784 gayman
Mongs do nothing but attack the monarchy then you ask them what the alternative should be and they embarrass themselves with gay republic larp, you should all kill yourselves.
Monarchy is showing itself to be repeatedly loyal to it’s own pockets tbh not to the nation and it’s indigenous people - as it should be - therefore it is illegitimate afaic
All the trannies, blacks, queers and jews their are surrounding themselves with are harming the Monarchy's legitimacy more than me criticising it is. >>367784 What do you mean strawman >>367786 This awful behaviour needs criticising you pussy
>>367787 yeah lets elect a president that'll surely save the white race
>>367781 That's the fault of the government, not the monarch
>attacking Stating facts. They’re the ones attacking us with their diversity globalism bullshit tbh
>>367789 Did I say this?
>>367786 what about a based republic. >>367790 the monarch wields immense influence and money power and it uses it all to beat down the british with pro-diversity anti white shit. sneed btw.
The monarchy gets its legitimacy from god its got nothing to do with how many niggers were at the coronation you 100 IQ subhumans
>>367792 50 posts talking about this and you've yet to state what your view actually is, just resentful ankle biting
>>367794 It gets it’s legitimacy from jews…
>what about a based republic
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>>367794 >the nonces said God said this nonce is king so you have to do what he says. even if that means the teenage girls in the area all have bleeding cunts due to being raped by the foreigners we import heckerino hang up the bunting
>le kike on a stick memi Ok varg, go worship odin then you blaspheming subhuman
>>367794 wrong actually, its in the magna carta
>>367798 and yet hes king, seems like gods on his side.
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mfw le commies and muslimists come and attack rKing and rNHS uhm, okay. crusade time much!!!!!!! ;-)
>>367790 The government aren't choosing the congregation and filling the abbey with Gospel coons wobbling and swaying in front of the country. The monarchy is responsible for today's mess, the King wanted today to be a "Beacon of multiculturalism" and we ought to at least talk about how this is bad behaviour from those who are supposed to lead us and be our bridge to divinity.
>>367804 Tbhtbhtbh
>>367801 and yet he kneels for niggers.
>>367804 yeah ok its bad behaviour, what now?
>>367806 must've missed that part
>>367807 Hitler dood
you republicans may say this online but NONE of you would say it to a high tories face irl lets be honest here.
>>367807 I honestly don't know "what now". I just feel its important to talk about. If we all talk about it and pass around ideas we might find a consensus on "what now". If we keep our fingers in our ears and ignore it, we never will.
keeeeeek smh
>all these (1)lets spamming muh kang dindu nuffin
>>367808 he made every duke and noble sit while a bunch of whooping church niggers from america did they dance and flexed on buckinfaggot palace.
>367811 >I honestly don't know KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK this is literally all republicucks on this board, absolute fucking mongs driven by ressentiment
>>367814 yeah that was bad, but what of it?
>>367815 I'm not a republican for the last time. So you want to not talk about wrongdoings, just ignore everything. Brilliant. How is that any better
>>367813 don't see any (1)s you coping mong
Now in monarchy the private interest is the same with the public. The riches, power, and honour of a monarch arise only from the riches, strength, and reputation of his subjects. For no king can be rich, nor glorious, nor secure, whose subjects are either poor, or contemptible, or too weak through want, or dissension, to maintain a war against their enemies; whereas in a democracy, or aristocracy, the public prosperity confers not so much to the private fortune of one that is corrupt, or ambitious, as doth many times a perfidious advice, a treacherous action, or a civil war.
I'm saying we should at the very minimum talk about the King doing bad things You're saying we shouldn't ever mention it. Why?
>>367817 I literally gave you the opportunity to explain yourself and like a mong you just said "I don't know", wow there was nogs and pakis at the coronation I am utterly shocked who could have predicted this.
No getting around the fact that King Carlos had the chief rabbit sleeping over at his drum before the big day. What was that about? Keeping him on track? Personal coaching? Fucksake lad This is not a legitimate monarchy acting in the intersts of this nation and it’s people. It is killing us It’s clear who is running the show
>>367821 >You're saying we shouldn't ever mention it. you are just blatantly lying now, I am offering you the opportunity to explain yourself and you are doing nothing
>>367822 You're offering absolutely nothing here. All you're saying is "Don't talk about it" I'm asking why
>>367804 I dislike Charles too. An elected official would certainly not be any better. He is King of Commonwealth countries in Africa. Much of what he's done is an attempt to placate various different nations to ward off republicanism. I have no issue with that.
>>367824 thats all me, try and keep up sharter.
>>367826 >All you're saying is "Don't talk about it" quote where I've said that?
>ressentiment ? Frogs out tbh and take yer fucking onions with you Francois
>>367827 Yeah that's agreeable
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>kangoids now spamming le laughing man because they were being blown the fuck out by a yankee doodle posting laughing man images before them smdh kangoids
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>>367828 damn that is one devoted monarcuck
>>367829 Here I guess, >>367775 All you've said so far is that any criticism of what's been happening is "assault on the legitimacy". I'm not offering alternatives, solutions, I can admit this. For the 3rd time now, all I am saying is I think we should talk about wrongdoings, and you seem to disagree with this. If you DO agree with this, maybe we're just misunderstanding each other and can leave it at that.
the kang could literally go on the *word I cannot say* and become a tranny and then transition into the royal queen and then get fag married by a gay nigger anglican bishop (still lmaoing at this one here *winks at papismbros*) to a muslim ftm who becomes king and the monarcucks would be ready to charge into gunfire at their satanic majestys request
Spackers on here will literally post clips a screenshots from cromwell while crying about how bad charles had it then during a coronation they'll sperg out and attack their own traditions because the king added some niggers to the ceremony
>>367823 he wants to be the defender of "many faiths" that includes kikery
>>367835 yeah when that happens you can gloat
seriouspost please consider thoughtfully: I respect reactionary types but all throughout modernity the monarchy has mostly often sided with foreigners over their own blood. you have remarkable monarchs here and there even some who are racially foreign but rule fair and have a genuine desire to better their subjects. we dont have that and we're all aware we have the opposite. i'd say our government and nobility today is like the ottoman nobility as the empire collapsed, surrounding themselves with foreigners who are less likely to complain than the actual turks until they get couped by the young turks and deported to europe. nobody can contend that turkey would be better off keeping a bunch of wealthy internationalists that despised their own countrymen and spent all their time abroad than a great commoner like ataturk. the weight of tradition cannot be used to strangle a peoples desire for self preservation. we're better off without it, whats the point of preserving whats old when the only people on earth who can build it die out?
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Bitch niggaz hatin' coz they lazier Pass me the chalice make this abbey get hazier I'mma sip lean til the visuals get crazier so much damn ice in my hat call me glacier
>>367840 Removing the monarchy would only serve to accelerate the very changes that you decry. You know this.
>>367837 Monarchy is literally being dictated to by jewry. They are defending the monarchy in their own interests The monarchy is on board with it or they know it will end up a republic scenario because the chosen will soon see to that if they don’t comply They’ve been running the show for ages now tbh
This is what I'm defending. Our history, tradition, culture and faith in God Theres a Reason leftists are all republicans, even the very existence of a king implies belief in God and in Tradition and culture which they despise, you are all a disgrace.
>>367842 monarchy and nobility are long gone we live in the time of money power. monarchs from all across europe in the 1890s-1940s were marrying wealthy jews and nigger jazz musicians while american movie stars bought up their ancient castles. we dont live under the social conditions where power is derived from blood ties and inheritance it is the undeniable case it comes from money. the monarchy is just a pantomime and an ally to moneypower. the only thing that can come next is great men of action using force to subjugate the power of money.
yeah I bet they had lean in that big chalice
>>367845 >monarchy and nobility are long gone we live in the time of money power. Try buying the coronation we just had today, not possible no matter how much money you have, stupid cunt. >monarchs from all across europe in the 1890s-1940s were marrying wealthy jews and nigger jazz musicians not ours
>>367842 read carl schimtts dictatorship and his essay on hobbes
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>>367844 >IT'S JUST LIKE MY 40K COMICS!!!!! you might see some boomer draped in gold and think "woooow", but i remember the child rape him and his clan have allowed. you are a nonce enabler.
>>367844 first two pics are good pics and have strong energy I can see what you say lad but they are only images, the man himself is puppet of the jewish empire that runs the whole of the english speaking world and you know that if he was the puppet of the british nationalists it would be another thing entirely
>>367846 nobody cares about your yank pol memes
>>367850 >IT'S JUST LIKE MY 40K COMICS!!!!! you've got it backwards, what do you think those 40k comics are based on
>>367852 lmao all you have is "yank" yet the very men who got so sick of the trash like you defending imbred subhuman medieval vampire socialist programers left almost 500 years ago and made a country 10x times the size of yours
>>367850 N-Neo is that you?
>>367849 again, the royal family are all that matters
people gotta realise the west fell in the 1890s-1930s, we're only living with the consequences. this was all predestined because everyone thought they were preserving what they had instead of rising to actively stop it.
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its okay if you want to live in your little fantasy playcastle mandrake just make sure you keep those frigates in the bosphorus, wouldn't want to mess up the special relationship would we? yeah he sure had a cute dress on like one of them tranny things the kids these days go on about
>>367844 I get you lad, I agree. As far as I can tell everyone here really are wanting to defend our history, tradition and faith in God. Today we've seen an assault on our traditions. What should've been the biggest celebration and display of our great traditions and culture has been hugely blemished. It's very unfortunate. It wasn't all muddied though, there were many fantastic displays, like much of the precession.
>>367854 all you have is your nigger obsession, just because you were bullied by nogs in school doesn't mean those of us who actually grew up in a white country are obsessed by niggers, you need to control your resentment. >>367854 >trash like you have you seen your country? > defending imbred subhuman medieval vampire socialist programers incoherent word salad, also the inbred royals thing is a jewish meme > and made a country 10x times the size of yours don't see the relevance, your country is literally THE jewish mafia state that controls the world and is enforcing white genocide
imagine a nation existing as a single indomitable unit with every component subjugated to the national will. bruh....
>>367860 >everyone here really are wanting to defend our history, tradition and faith in God. no, people like steiner and the other mongs who have posted about this are TDS tier mongs who are totally consumed by resentment and would rather burn everything down than try to save anything, and worst of all they are all nihilists who don't believe in god.
>>367862 means nothing if they don't believe in god.
>>367863 reminder you would NEVER say that to a fashy goys face irl. keep typing tory boi
>>367859 based yeah if he was actually an absolute monarch and blew the fuck out of liberalism I would become a royalist and support him destroying america and annexing canada openly
>>367861 keeeek its bbk ironically being a royalist
tbh the roundheads and puritans were superior to monarchism faggots no cap america only became fake and gay because of the jews who came to america via the bank of england jew hive
>>367866 there's a pretty easy strat to annexing all the dominions and creating the imperial federation by 1939 on historical focus ironman, then you just wait for america to join the allies so they create world tension then you kick them and you can justify war even if you're both democracies.
>>367867 I'm not bbk, also you are clearly having a major bipolar episode.
keeeeeeeeeeeeeek wessie is missing all of this
>>367867 It's madlad lad.
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wish we could just depose bonnie charlie and not have some junoir branch from the pedo house of wettin i propose that we nominate...... Y TIN TIN BRENIN all rise for are majesty and his imperial parade
>>367871 Isn't he in France?
>>367872 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>367853 horrific feedback loop. get out of it maybe? >>367855 no, she's long gone. married, even >>367873 bit gay that
>>367869 I personally like to go none aligned and then invade france and belgium by 1937 to unite africa for my autistic map painting fantasies.
niggas realise liberalism is killing them so they just go "uh why dont we try to do the thing we had before" and fall for this pantomime royalism thats just commodified celebrity gossip. we cant go back, the social conditions for it do not exist and you cant create them we need to follow this part of history to its end conclusion to create whats inevitably next. an ideology i refer to as fashy goyism, its simple all we need to do is name them.
tbf it is a pretty cool pic of him in that outfit he should wear that all the time and just stare at people who come up to his throne and speak to them only in latin while not blinking and just boring into them with those big eyes.
What's our PPH hitting
>>367874 yeah with his big untailored suit
>>367841 Underated rap fr fr
>>367880 I think only ozlad can check.
>>367878 tbh the "leader" is just the return to the princeps system of the early early middle ages
>>367876 >no, she's long gone. married, even How do you know?
can imagine how terrifying the monarch could be in that ritual space, can see madlads point but then you remember that the russians could glass the whole hall with a MIRV while 2 miles under the urals
>>367878 Who knows maybe the institutions can ride out this period of utter collapse.
>>367887 we can start naming them whenever. all we need to do is go out there and name (((them))) tell the people what their name is name them DO IT NOW
>>367878 >the social conditions for it do not exist and yet we just had a coronation for the new king, its not panto royalism just because you say so, stupid prick, we just had the largest military parade in 70 years, also all this talk about "social conditions" makes you sound like a marxist >we need to follow this part of history to its end conclusion to create whats inevitably next. an ideology i refer to as fashy goyism, its simple all we need to do is name them. mong
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>>367885 if you know, you know >>367889 I got called gay for singing this in school, but i hold my chin up high knowing that even today this is an absolute banger
>>367890 look at you. you wont even name them
>>367891 ha gay
>steiner falling for aggs hegelian larp
>>367891 So you are Neo
yeah thanks alot cuckservative, the monarchies really going to help me out while im surrounded by a bunch of fucking niggers.
Agg is yet again subverting the board and mongs are falling for it, being on this place has been so enlightening in realising that the reason the bolsheviks succeeded was because people are easily led retards.
>>367897 i am the lenin of the white race
>>367846 Da juice in dat chalice was bussin’ grape flava Hennesy champagne fr fr
>bongo trannies and marxists openly posting and destroying the board Can't believe Auslad stabbed me in the back for this
>>367898 you aren't even the lenin of the dinner table
>>367902 Come on man give me her contact info
This place is not your personal echo chambre madlad. You can state your case and points but you cannot ban half the board because they don't share your own exact views on every subject.
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calm down lads, big supercell potential west of I35 tonight
>>367903 no lol
Can we please stop meta posting about troons.
>>367858 peter Sellers who played mandrake was a h##b
>>367907 t.tranny
>>367904 >not your personal echo chambre its literally me and 1 other lad against the whole fucking board you low IQ cunt >You can state your case you are nobody > but you cannot ban half the board because they don't share your own exact views on every subject. The only people who were ever banned were trannies and poofs and people who push anti white and anti british filth
mfw niggers
>>367911 you are not the grand arbiter of any of that and more often than not you're just making a petty power play against people that had personally annoyed you.
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>>367911 >The only people who were ever banned were trannies and poofs and people who push anti white and anti british filth >calling out child rape is anti British and anti white
>>367913 trannies, poofs and the anti white get banned, if that bothers you then maybe you should not post as a tranny a poof or an anti white.
you can cloak your anti monarchy shite in defending le children but it won't work, even here nobody is low IQ enough to fall for it, also nobody was ever even banned for that anyway
>>367915 Yeah okay lad.
>>367914 luv that slayers film tbh never got too into the tv show wish naga would burry me in her cleaves
go ahead and ban the troons
walked in on nun shuckin and jivin to some old time blues to honour our new king.
>>367916 >Hey guys, dont fall for it, you're not low iq, are youuuu? where am i wrong though? that faggot clad in gold has the power to speak up and rally the native populace but all he does is sit on his arse and worry about his pennies. >>367921 woah, we got a commie here!
Ahhhh he avatarfags as girls he's definitely a hecking trannyrino *screams* mods, get him
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it's the tories holding rKing back he still my king, despite the shuckin n juvin hang up the bunting and bang pots for rNHS
its that time again
*screams*, board king, defend us
wish i was born in the REPUBLIC of brazil
>>367926 22 why do you encourage your cadre of bongo homos to shit this place up?
>>367929 I just want them to ban you and trannies, lad
>tranny pretending to care about children just a malicious shit stirrer
>>367930 What have i done?
Also just filter the fucking troon.
>>367932 I have already answered this before
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>>367931 why wouldnt i care about native children?
>>367934 What are you on about?
>>367860 Agreed. Apart from that cunting ukraine flag and the jews never shutting the fuck up about it Also an increasing number of are ambassadors are jewish Gleikin, Simmons, the one to Israel the one to Bolivia etc etc Wish they’d fuck off tbh Their banks have all bought up Ukraine businesses and prime property and the smaller property of the dead Ukie soldiers and ones about to die will be bought up by the ‘smalle’r ones amongst them. Sickening behaviour > Alternatively, just as in the case of fish of the sea, any fish that is bigger than another swallows the other, so too in the case of people, were it not for the fear of the ruling government, anyone who is bigger than another would swallow the other. - Avod Zarah 4a Babylonian talmud But there is no government as far as jews are concerned in Ukraine and certainly none that they fear and they will swallow it whole like they have swallowed other countries. They consider the whole world theirs like their semitic cousins They talk God but are godless and fear no repercussions - temporal or spiritual - for their misbeahviours. Gangsters the lot of them
Was trying to get archery up to 100 in Oblivion for the first time. Stealth class, archery as a major skill, fired about 1000 arrows, breaking 2 daedric bows, at Umbra on max difficulty because she's the tankiest in the game and can take it forever. Still haven't reached journeyman level. Save scumming a lot because now and then she'll just overcome the terrible AI pathing and glitch up to one shot me where I'm stood firing at her while overencumbered. Smh this feels much like my endeavours to save the white race.
this mong constantly posting about jews
I liked the aesthetics of it, browns and niggers aside. Penny Mordaunt's tits too.
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"They talk God but are godless and fear no repercussions - temporal or spiritual - for their misbehaviours. Gangsters, the lot of them."
>>367896 keeeeek I wish I still had that video
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>>367940 mummy penny was looking fine af
>>367944 Imagine the size of those norks if she had bred
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king of england, sheesh, who need that. imma be king of the trailer park, fat ass bitches bouncing on my dick like my name tony stark, iron man 100 grand in a day, while all you niggers go to school learning how to be gay
>>367946 *bites it*
>>367947 based and jahanspilled
>>367937 Kek that Ukie flag. They really did it.
changed my mind im pro monarchy now.
in crow news >A loving crow returns to visit a woman who rescued him as a baby, raised him and set him free
>>367952 Reminds me of when Sting returned to save WCW from the nWo
its no dishonor.... for a man to cry...
>>367941 sauce?
>>367957 Heavenly Delusion, Tengoku Daimakyou, 天国大魔境 Postapocalypse anime airing now
>>367958 Thankee, sai
>>367958 >>367959 I'm sorry, I just got to this part. So that's why the tranny avatarfagged as it
>>367960 ruh roh
>>367952 Good lad for posting.
>>367960 oh dear. perhaps not worth a watch after all. I'll stick with Macross and Love Live then.
>>367952 if he was a migrant i'd be telling you to let them all in now
>>367963 Not familiar with that anime... but we don't know the conclusion here either, m-maybe she changes her mind
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>>367967 kek can't wait until they burn down their own house kek he is proud of killing another nigger
>>367968 False alarm, lad, there is a twist in episode 3 that explains the tranny shit
>>367971 oh, good good
>>367973 the top soy comment keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. What is wrong with these people man, how do they not understand self-preservation or the law?
>>367974 I'm trying to upvote this post smh. 8chan needs upvotes
>>367973 Smh, get your hands up and throw some back atleast. Poor lad froze up.
Smh He should have really Neeley’d him with a double Floyding for good measure
>>367978 that nigger couldn't punch himself out of a wet bag, tbh at this point might as well put a big ass butchers knife in his throat and see him try to act puffed up when you go troy kell on him
>>367979 >urbancucks actually do this kek I have never even seen a subway
one time I saw the CTA on the elevated tracks in chicongo once as kid
smh whitoid went full npc
https://twitter.com/VenturaReport america is getting hispanisised rn
los campos de santos.
>>367985 spics are going full aztec mode keeeeeeeek good thing that is happening in the south
Nashun of Eezlam is what changed yankiewogs tribal startegy and made them aggressive. They used to devout Christian themselves befor ethat and self police thinking not fighting back made them morally superior
>>367986 the south is controlled by real mayan patriots.
AAAAAAAAAA CALIFORNIA IS COLLAPSING CARS ARE BEING TORCHED https://twitter.com/henrykleeKTVU/status/1654866805838741504
>>367987 Chickenheadednigger
>>367989 I think about this every time people mention food. I thought you couldn't put price on a human life, yet you can trade it for... food
>>367993 yeah and zero black countries have any good food. jerk chicken, okra, their savoury bananas can all suck dick. ethiopian food is ok but theyre not black.
Starting to think the world is just 6000 years, lads. These are just silly
>>367991 you are lazy bloody immigrants bich sirs
just give me any meat and salt and pepperino and i'm good
>>367996 spics vs niggers is white man's kino just kill the ones that survive
i usually just eat boiled potatoes sour cream and smoked salmon most dinners, add chives when im feeling fancy.

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watching them again lads I hate niggers
one thing that was remarkable to me was when that french boomer did a meme massacre in paris all the shitskins chimped the fuck out and attacked cops for a couple days. meanwhile in the anglosphere its more of a news story with a mural so they can film it and show it on the news. then its like it never happened.
Didn’t know the Grim Reaper went to the wedding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2KkGjGr5wGo
>>367998 Thats a poo sir
>>368000 are the nigcels there doing anything serious yet?
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>>368005 doesn't seem like it just yet
>>368007 wypipo be like -tier
>>368006 PHWOAR This is real life incel, the 3D printed statue gets the girl.
>>368007 yikes.
>>368007 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
dogs b like *eats poop* *licks your face*
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>>368017 based
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smh nigger already got killed by the cops
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it's nadin' time
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nigger mass shooter victims warning its fucked
>>368021 Damn. Imagine being dead because of a nigger
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smh really need to get my pistol carry license and a smith and wesson
Had le sex last night. Feeling handsome.
>>368028 Make sure you washed your arse fag
>>368029 uh oh stinky. I've only had sex with women. Not a bumder.
>>368030 Keeek good lad well done
Funny that Steinzog will post any gore he finds over at 4cuck, but throws a wobbler over the slav stuff.
>>368021 >>368026 smh hate evil niggers
smh I hate this country at least you lads don't have to worry that some crazed nigger is going to kill you parents when they go to the store like over here
>>368034 get rid of your second amendment then chud
unironically like listening to riff raff
>>368035 tbh next purchase once uberbossman pays up that money $$$ is a proper 5 inch smith and wesson military and police in coyote tan
really captures the totally absurdist pointless mong zietgeist in shartica
>>368037 Based. Wish I could do the same.
>>368039 plumber at the construction toil showed me one of these police style handgun only 600 and its pretty much a leet pistol that you never have to polish since its ceramic coated
then have to take all the classes to be licensed to carry it conceiled smh would not want to have to rely on my massive cowboy style revolver
New videos of niggers being niggers every day, yet there's more tolerance of them than ever before. It's sick. It's disgusting.
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buy a jewel-encrusted gun
>>368043 keek yeah you can get those can't afford them sometimes on auctions you can find those nickled 380 pistols. tbh don't care for snub nose revolvers like the full sized ones
tbh wish they still made the webley
>>368043 works even better what you hold it side-ways too.
>>368046 when* I'm a retard
>>368041 >would not want to have to rely on my massive cowboy style revolver WELL LOOKEE HERE. GOT OURSELVES A GUNSLINGER
>>368041 thought you wanted to be a cowboy smh >>368042 hope big moike protest this mass sharting with his chudlets like he did the last few
>>368049 >hope big moike protest this mass sharting with his chudlets like he did the last few They will. Always do.
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>>368051 Looks like a spic to me.
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>>368052 tbh you might be right
>>368021 doesnt look real tbh
>>368042 i've noticed a pretty big shift in how people see nigger crime nowadays t b h
keeeeeeeeek blm are now standing on rails to block trains in new york https://twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1654974029378224130
>>368006 >2 dogs taking a shit behind the statue
>>368056 hope they get splattered tbh
awful saturday dinner, had to sit through the b'xoomers unironically soying over le diverse coronashite and good king chuck then the bus didn't come for three and a half hours and I had to watch all the slags out on the town being vile crass cunts shouting and swearing etc one dressed up as a giant penis and 8shite is fucked and didn't let me poost
>>368059 smh that's grim
smorn fellow none sleepers.
yeah catcha was fucked last night for me aswell.
Yesterday was horrid between the troon, 22 being bongo niggers and madlad having a meltdown about the monarchy and not being able to go on petulant power trips with people he disagrees with anymore.
>>368063 oh yeah that was the second part of the poost I tried to poost yesterday maldmong's take is asinine and unnuanced and it seems like he forgot that there is a different between monarchy (the institution, based) and royalty (the family, cringe)
>aswell AUGH stop it
>>368064 Yeah like I said I'm indifferent but it's not like we haven't traded in monarchs before because the existing one wasn't fit for purpose.
tbh I was very close to banning him but I thought better of it in the end.
dreamt that I fought eggy in a street beef and he was wearing his vikang hat and did a bull charge
>>368068 kino, last dream I had was kicking the shit out of some people I hadn't seen since secondary school.
>>368067 he would just turn on his (1)spam vpn again smh >>368069 love the ultraviolent dreams tbh, cathartic wish I got some featuring pooliticians
>>368070 yeah it's one of the reasons why I didn't bother and yes very cathartic though I prefer the dreams were I'm in some sort of resistance cell fighting in a dystopian future underground city myself.
>>368068 smh no more brother wars >>368071 based
I am fucking inundated with empty tinnies right now. I need to really reel this in now.
>>368056 >no electric rail smh
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doing some lethal braps right now
>>368079 good lad
>>368081 >implying that round blob consists of musculature the muscular system would look basically the same as the other, you'd just have these massive fat deposits everywhere bogging him down
didn't some famous person say he thought the white race was doomed because white men wouldn't be able to resist persian women or something? I remember reading that. they are definitely hot and suit my tastes
watching that video a few times it becomes clear why islam insists that they not show their hair. it really is a slippery slope, that chick sneaking her curls out of the burqa to show off, you tolerate that and 20 years later it's yoga pants
>>368083 time to beat them with a rod. Imagine wearing a symbol of submission and still acting like a whore.
>>368084 chin up lad
>>368083 Time to re-organise the beatings.
oh false alarm, he got something in his throat and they were doing the heimlich maneuver
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>>368089 seems like nigger activity is heating up. maybe the millionth time will be the charm and the normals will begin to get tired of these savage black beasts
Hard to believe the BLM protesters are real, who are they demographically speaking lads?
The protesters seem like complete drones
no cops, no kkk, no fascist usa, what they are smoking, these are incredibly cold takes
>>368092 any day now >>368094 they just want to destroy things and larp as le resistance without any consequences they don't have any goals
>>368097 are tomboys dominant in volleyball?
>>368098 don't think so
>>368097 who are these teenage boys and why are you posting them?
>>368100 Shiho Yoshimura. Someone on /v/ was posting her and I thought I'd post her here
We're having anither street party to celebrate the Coronation, like was done for the diamond jubilee. My coworkers are astounded that I live in a house, on a street where people actually have a sense of community and national pride.
>>368102 sounds comfy tbh
>>368103 my mum's doing the same tbh
>>368104 based
went back to bed and had a shitty "everything everywhere all at once" type dream culminating in being monologued at by aaron diaz or elizer yudkowsky (shitty transhumanist faggot copers) so I got up and looked the first guy up and he trooned out predictable smh
>>368108 I feel like there's some sort of esoteric connection between trooning out and all transhuman philosophy. I remember reading somewhere that jews see it as a return to the perfect human before adam had his wife made. Both genders held perfectly in one form or some such nonsense.
>>368108 smh clearly a direct psychic attack >>368109 it's some alchemy thing tbh can't remember exactly what they see it as the perfect union of male and female because they're idiots who only think in the material
>>368109 >>368110 isn't it satanism? baphomet being a hermaphrodite or something like that
>>368111 something like that
>>368111 It is absolutely a rebellion against god but such is the nature of the jews.
>>368113 choon
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competitioneliminatorcel directly calling out filipinalad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aE9XRDSc_U8
>>368117 I already know all of this. Filipinos are retarded and I don't want anything to do with them. I was bamboozled by her being so nice and complimentary and constantly sending me cutesy texts.
If I'm to be with a woman, it will be with one who's already a British citizen.
How can being nice possibly be a bad thing? When it gets to the point of being insincere and not being candid about things.
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>>368118 >>368119 >>368120 Deep breaths lad we'll bomb Manila just for you once in power.
>>368122 when China takes back Taiwan, they'll have to disrupt the US operations in the philippines, so at least some filipinos will die horribly in the not too distant future
>>368021 >jawless polface lying over little girl
state of british nationalism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UHyhiqPYhHg
>>368126 keeeeeeeeeeeeek PA is full of fucking mongs like this but they're all good, well-meaning lads
>>368124 He should have listened to Spic and did Jaw exercises
Spic is a jelqer
noseberg finally put the PA update out and nothing in the title or description references the split https://odysee.com/@MarkCollett:6/PA-Update-Apr-2023:4 will watch and repoort back >>368127 seems like a comfy night out tbh
but first.. more half life mods
>>368131 truly the backbone of british nationalism
>>368131 Watching Renfield soon, on ur head be it lad
watching with a bit of lunch tbh, cottage sheesh on toast think maybe whomever did the editing on their opening videos left or was rattled because it's shitter than usual, loads of jump cuts and lack of context
>>368133 it was decent tbh
>>368118 I'm nice to u lad, how come u're not in love with me?
the spelling mistakes
>>368130 tbh, looking forward to the Chess competition
>>368116 smh tik toks just make me feel old, back in my day the hot girls in college did kino things like roast the prof with sexual innuendos. keeek this one time the actor who played mini me came to our uni and these blonde bimbo girls stormed the Q&A session after and kept asking him if he was a tripod until he fucking rage quit the interview. fit like that girl in the video but with actual personality. smh maybe I am just old but the selfie tik tok shit is just so alien to me.
tbf as I have gotten older I really like blonde women when I was a zoomer I thought brown hair blue eye girls were best
>>368139 boomer dog will be speaking to the housing association about the lowering property values because he has nigger neighbours
>>368118 yeah they are just like mexicans but the asian version, they are trying to establish an ethnic colony in michigan as well I fucking hate those little squat fuckers. they have already taken over huge areas of the below deck roles in the american navy as ethnic gangs. ugly nasty looking people like mexicans, some mexicans can be aesthetic and based and mexican culture can actually be cool but pinoys are just totally alien to western civ
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDqfNahFZfg *beheads you for being too good of a general and too loyle a lad
how long can you last lads? >White Nat1onal1st - Challenging his Views >This might be our most controversial guest yet… yes even more challenging than T. R0bins0n 😭. We can’t post his details because YT rules (you are smart people you will work it out), but this one promises to be a fire cracker. Safe to say we didn’t agree with a lot of his views but we definitely found some commonality, it was a good opportunity to understand the other side of the coin.💰 In this episode we cover everything from the great replacement theory, mass immigration and if we should all just fuck off back to Africa? 🌎 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t35J_BGT4T8
>>368145 Yep certified flip moment.
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imo it seems like the whole era of le debate shite is over, maybe not in europe but really seems like the best aesthetic (madlad wouldn't agree) is going full white trash prole juggalo "riding the tiger" and forming white or incel gangs and a parallel society that will dominate resources. engaging in debate or even honestly engaging with niggers at all beyond laughing at them and noticing how gay and effeminate their mannerisms is seems like a waste of time. in my ideal society I won't ever smell that nasty fucking sweaty nigger smell ever again. no niggers within 200 yds (182.88 m) of white communities should be the extent of the debate. https://youtu.be/ancvv2LMYJw
>>368148 nogunz really stifles european gutter culture smh maybe inner city brits should start larping as le peaky blinders and sewing razorblades into their caps again
https://streamable.com/thrfq4 >LET'S GO GET SOME SCIENTISTS
I mean these non white groups have already formed parallel societies within our collective socieites so why shouldn't white men? of course it won't look as kino as le king or le dress up as a ronald reagan frat boy but the matt heimbach (heimshevik strategy) plan of a parallel gang within the lower class is the solution. tbh mark colletts debate reeks of secret agent fag middle classoid nonsense, everytime I talk to a nigger I know in my head they are thinking 'fucking white boy' so I don't take anything they say seriously, finish their sentences for them and steer every conversation in a way that highlights our racial differences. the only solution to our interaction is for them to leave our lands like joe says
>>368149 tbh poorfag britons seem tough enough to stomp out the shitskins plus you have less of them. smh just need the council estates lads to take over the bennies and make it only for natives like how the midwest KKK took over the real estate buisness in the 1960s to not sell niggers houses in white neighborhoods
>>368150 >if I smashed your atoms, would you die? <it would be extremely painful >you're a fat man! >for you BRAVO NOLAN
>>368151 alright lads let's start designing some uniforms
>>368152 digital currency and automatic payouts etc get around that smh unless chavs just start b&e into nigger hoods and taking all their prooducts
aryan nations/ "the brand" guys are pretty terrifying tbh, only ever met one of them at a truck stop on the highway in ohio. if that organisation ever escapes prison during the collapse they will unironically take over the lower class white community and do exactly what us polfaces talk about and all our books won't be of much use to them. hardcore prison guys just do that thing where they look through you and you feel like a kid
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>>368154 keeek
>>368157 tbh let's reclaim the swastika
>>368149 They larp as niggers instead.
>>368155 keek yeah thats the start but I think that they have to have secret agents in the dole office and take that over. keeeeeeeeeeeeek smh the state would crack down pretty hard if white natives did half the scams that the shitskins do to us
>when a white supremacist says something so white supremacy you hit them with the racetraitor stare
>>368146 its so disturbing to see these niggers in your country lads especially them trying to act dominant
>>368146 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek he talks about the holocaust with them
>>368163 looks like a good memi template tbh
>>368167 >obsessed with Neo smh typical homosexual
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rauu_MNZXgo practicing the schmooves for the wedding dances
>>368168 don't really have any other single post screencaps smh not even the right colour for the paper
Enjoyed Renfield, nice that he got a cute gf at the end too
I think all the english side there are supposed to sing... an irish pop song...
>>368173 >knee-based activity insensitive smh
37:50 mark starts wanking himself off about how well he got on with the niggers on their podcast and that 7k views of mostly his own supporters and regular wakandan watchers is worth more than 270 vootes from real local white people
>>368174 you should fold you arms and stand there scowling
>>368177 need to commission bbk to make a new dance move called "do the polface", you open with that then transition into wildly seig heiling and screaming nigger while goose stepping across the dance floor
been doing quite well with my goose stepping practice tbh, might be a lardfat but I can get my toes above my eyeline the jews will fear my STOMPs
>mark will put up articles from anonymouses on the PA website someone clean up and send him the paraguayan posts tbh can you use temporary emails to send rather than just receive?
Love that Wessie is being him, being Wessie
>>368181 >entering into the manic phase of anxiety and depression again
pay attention lads
>>368185 keeeek butt matrix
>>368182 the manic phase is the good part. ride the high. enjoy yourself whilst it lasts
>That lad who keeps posting a skeleton pointing at a clock everytime Wessex starts posting Ban him.
>>368190 it's a bit funny tbh don't mind the reminder since I remind myself constantly anyway not like there is anything better to do than shitpost anyway, for an incel on this bitch of an earth
>>368191 lad no way u're dieing this year anyway
>>368192 feels like it tbh very floydian recently and no idea how to fix it other than what I'm already doing can't just be being a fat bastid because I am less fat than before and I didn't have problems then
fresh consoomercel >he's defending goyslop now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OvVPoDiK8wA
I wouldn't even care that much if I were terminally ill at this point. I'd probably splash out on a nice holiday in Roma for a couple of weeks and then wait to cark it
>>368195 tbh I keep thinking about using my savings to do something but there is always hope that are based NHS will pull through
>>368195 Yes wessie could follow in the steps of Gibbons
>>368195 tbh wessex should go live in the turqouise coast of turkey and have some paid cappadocian servant women rub his knees if he was ready to take the road to Elysium
https://youtu.be/svebHG7qEXc Quite like it when they rap, its a bit better then Korean rappers.
>>368199 the world would be a better place without the low-iq faux hispanic slant eyed midgets. The Heneral Luna film was somewhat enjoyable though
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been rooting in those UK nightlife videos and just really basking in the utter failure that is my youth at being a normalfag at anything and mentiravirus and losing my job and becoming a subhuman laborer has basically removed any presence of femoids from my life where the one time I saw a really actually attractive lass on the street it was like some dead circuitry in my brain reactivated. just seeing all those slags walking around with all the normalfags and knowing that even anyways by the time society returns to normal I will be 35-40 anyway so I will never be able to have a life like those people and really just basking in the fact everytime some boomer fuck looks in my face and says "back in the day" and thinkin g about how 10-15 years from now how ice cold ruthless of a man I am set to become. smh already turning into a really really ruthless construction worker as well. these richfags at the neighborhood I sided but still am owed 4.5k were trying to show me how cute their new baby was while I was digging out an escape window pit for their basement since uberbossmans spic laborers all quit over no pay but I was being a good dependable midwestern squire for my cowboy midwestern construction leige lord and I just became invisible and talked over the richlisa simpson cunt and didn't even acknowlege there baby and when they went inside I loaded up almost 1k worth of light fixtures for foreman boomer so he could sell them through the amish scrappers and I also threw all my lunchbox trash in their garage. fucking rich normalfag scum don't even know my name and refuse to pay up to uberbossman and then expect the white trash peasants to exalt in the fact that they spawned a little proto-soy
>>368201 seeing it all in person for myself yesterday was an experience
its crazy how 100 years ago even psychotic nonces like albert fish could breed
>>368201 /brit/ should do a lads tour of blackpool together before we get proscribed.
the difficulty of breeding arises from the fact that largely only the lowest untermensch or the elites breed. If you come across an attractive woman, she will probably say that maybe she will consider having kids in her thirties
>>368205 Its partly lookism and also anglos segregate the sexes too much and are generally anti-social
>>368204 slags seem kino they dress up way more than americunt slags plus they all smoke like chimneys but they generally have the style of real upper middle class suburban "dentist wives" type americunt women so its kind of confusing seeing what in shartica would be high class women doing low class shit makes me keeeek
>old boomer bossman texting me trying to rehire me thats right boomers sounds like there might be a labor shortage maybe you should start taking us snowflakes seriously
>>368209 what'd he say lad?
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Conditions near perfect for large tornados in Iowa today lads. Got this bad boy last night with the entire mesovortex contacting the ground, briefly forming a giant wedge tornado. It's ogre if one of these spins up over a town https://youtu.be/Zqs7Nc5TTLM
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>>368212 how are they so comfy, lads? love the really cheesey channels
neet communist friend getting to move into his gf's inherited house (late tradie father) in London, wew, yea, life sure is merocratic
love twister me good to watch on a stormy day
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>>368215 EXCELLENT lad
Some chud just did a vehicular jihad on migrants in texas https://www.koco.com/article/brownsville-texas-injuries-deaths/43818195
>>368217 holy sneed is the great race war about to shart?
>>368210 hey steinhog I am really full up on my schedule would you be willing to come back and work on my team this summer
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>>368212 >tfw protected by comfy lake michigan and on top of that in a river valley so the trailercucks in the outlying villages get rekt instead
wedgeboys will throw you 10k feet in the air like its nothing and obliterate entire buildings
>>368212 keeek kino video only ever been in one tornado and it was a cucked one that we get in michigan back in 2003 at school
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>>368214 smh at uni toil was trying to breed this richfag lass from georgia who spoke with a fake northern accent and her mummy was a shareholder of sketchers shoes, smh could have became a neet richfag factory owner but she had to go buttmatrix in california despite being not good looking enough for the butt matrix
Reminder that hair is vestigal in humans and that Norwood is evolution
>>368221 yeah that's kino af, the sirens are so terrifying
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>>368228 willing to bet the nigger thinks that thing is made of solid gold
>tooth or filling chipped great. I literally taught about how I wasn't looking forward to the dentist appointment later this year a few days ago, and now I have to make an appointment *screams*
>>368228 shitskins just revert in all arguement to this vague "you aren't from here" nonsense whilst speaking in english in a country they aren't from as well in a town they didn't build, in a house they didn't build, using shit their people didn't invent.
>>368227 >brownsville
just done a brap that smells like an actual gas leak
>>368148 Nice wigger discipline
Disenchanted with twitter. Weeks of likes and retweets. What has it amounted to?
>>368237 how old is that? I can't find the tweeter
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he won, lads >In 2021, the Arab League initiated a process of normalisation between Syria and other Arab nations. In the aftermath of the 2023 Turkey-Syria earthquake, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Jordan, the United Arab Emirates, Tunisia as well as Oman and Bahrain had sought better relations with Syria. There is a consensus in the Arab world that the isolation of the Syrian government is not conducive to peace and prosperity in the region.[27] On 7 May 2023, at the meeting of the Council of the Arab League composed of foreign ministers, was agreed to reinstate Syria's membership.[28] >On 7 May 2023, Syria was readmitted to the Arab league after a vote by Arab foreign ministers in Cairo well before the scheduled meeting in Saudi Arabia later that month. Earlier, Kuwait and Qatar had opposed al-Assad’s presence at the Arab League summit. The regional normalisation effort had caught the U.S. and its European allies by surprise, as they were opposing an “Arab-led political path” in solving the crisis. According to the statement, al-Assad would be allowed to the meeting on 19 May 2023, if "he wishes to do so". Despite a critical stance by Jordan towards readmission of Syria to the alliance, the new political process was dubbed the “Jordanian Initiative”. Nevertheless, Syria remains under western sanctions after millions of Syrians had been displaced or sought refuge in Jordan and European countries during the civil war. The changes to the relations between Syria and other Arab States would allow many of them to return to their homeland, according to the announcements made earlier by Jordanian and Saudi officials.[29][30] >>368239 idk
>19 assaults and doing my night in the cell to lower 10 of my major skills >need to repeat this about 80 times to get 1488 health I give up. Smh.
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>>368241 you ever play daggerfall? I gave up in the adamantium tower dungeon fucking liches
>>368242 urge to rape
>>368243 >you ever play daggerfall? Not yet tbh.
>>368245 they have alot of cool mods making it more fun, its brutally hard but I had a playthrough as ben garrison the nordic barbarian and I spent most of it in hammerfell depopulating entire villages of shitskins
>>368246 Keeek remember you saying. Some of the mods look kino. Remember a vid about the mace of molag bal where a guy had a horse and cart for loot and was doing banking and other autism.
fresh vertically spinning saxon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fpiZ3mDzJs
>>368248 much better than the yank ones where they just spam laser swastikas
old godders think getting an HD camera was a mistake smh he's still saving the white race when he looks like a testicle >UK Coronation - Beware King Charles THE WOKE! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhX9p-2t6Ok
>Mr Bloom reminds King Charles that it is not the job of a monarch to be political smh no this started with liz 2 and it's SHIT the whole point of monarchs is to be a political force safeguarding the people of the land they rule from rootless cosmopolitan career politician scum
https://youtu.be/bZAr3n3cYi0 smh hope that shitagain stays a backwater so that it can become the ethnostate obama era the jews were very driven to populate west shitagain with somalis
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>>368256 soon spic will get up to post "whiter than you, chugtato"
ey ese, we saving la blanco raza, mang
AR-15s are white supremacist its an aryan rifle 15 which comes from the 15 words which is: kill niggers. behead niggers. Impale niggers on a pike. slaughter niggers. run over niggers.
no homie I just didn't put on my lotions today ese
lusitanian homes
>>368259 it even has an arm attachment which goes up (to a 45 degree angle)
>>368256 >>368259 keeeeeeeeek
>>368187 Nigger?
any lads into cars? I've never understood the 'into cars' thing, people that have favorite brands of car and a 'dream car' and all of that, to me a car is just a tool for transportation and even if I were rich I wouldn't be fussed about having a super nice one, probably just nice speakers for music and relatively crash safe, fast acceleration to make merging onto highway easier, that's about it https://youtu.be/VXHluxZnj3E
kek hol hols just ignore the gay ass westoids larping 16 mins in
>>368266 Me neither, it's not like most people get the chance to try that many cars either. I just like cars based on how I find driving them
>>368266 I would prefer a horse and buggy tbh, both are as out of reach as far as internal combustion engines go, something reliable that I could repair myself, or a giant impractical mad max chudmobile capable of total nigger crushing
>>368266 for me its trucks but only in a utilitarian sense luxury sports cars are gay
me? I roll in Aventadors https://youtu.be/An7zNxfgz_Y
>ywn deploy trikes like chariots in the warlord era
seriously fuck hol hols they are /b/: the country
>>368277 I don't get the nazi LARP with a jewish leader, and how none of them see how this war is just slaughtering their men
>>368278 The only way I can make sense of Azog dafties is that they are 100% real hardcore death cultists.
>>368266 Nigguh p-leaaaaaase!
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>>368266 Same as steiner in that luxury sports cars are fashion/status symbols for LA queers and brown saudis in London. But I like motorsports, and I love following custom tuner builds and the work going into multi-year projects. I'm into cars where there's skill, research and work involved rather than outright buying. Better for the youth the rebuild engines than to rebuild lego computers. I guess I like the process of a project car more than the end result.
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>>368279 Fucking what? He doesn't break anything down "as a statistician", He's literally just waffling on words and words but saying nothing. What a useless thread
>>368266 not massively, kept a suzuki supercarry for my gardening work till i sold it last year for a hijet, but even then i didnt drive it around much outside of work do luv me top gear, its as far my interest in cars goes. always watch a special every christmas with my mam my dream car has always been a mitsubishi 3000GT vr4
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>>368282 https://youtu.be/fr8xLrw7RcU tbh probably same as with vanmen for me muh truck is like muh horse in the old days.
yeah like manxlad says real sports cars and racing is super kino and based itlalian futurism pilled
>>368217 >According to the Washington Post, Garcia may have had white supremacist or neo-Nazi beliefs. A patch the gunman was wearing on his chest alluded to his ideologies - although no formal motive has been released.
>>368287 yank tier
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a long time ago Jocko said that if this coin drops to $2 it's potentially a good buy. almost there.. it did hit $60 before, that'd be a 30x if it does that again next bullrun. price has been stagnant for a LOOONG time though so it could just be a dead coin
https://youtu.be/UzRuCbBnvOs watching it again lads
>>368292 Pathetic and embarrassing tbh lad
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>>368297 >literally the bread and butter
>>368287 Lmao. why are cops such pussies when it comes to dogs? you just literally just have one guy hold it down and lie on it.
>>368296 yeah american cops would have killed 4 other people then kneeled on the dogs
>>368298 Wish she’d get arrested and deported instead of them arresting everyone else. 100 years ago she’d have been swinging for this or outright murdered by an outraged citizenry. King Cuck bent over backwards to accomodate her ilk and to what avail? To get insulted. Serves him fucking right tbh
then all the white women would have protested for the death of grover and floyd the dead dogs and they would yell "I can't get bred"
>>368288 keeek the song
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>>368300 Could just have tased it and tied it up. Tactitool pussies. Hate wimpy muh gunz spastical cops
>>368301 They’d have arranged the 911’ing of that entire building with an airstrike as it was full of citizen terrorists
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>>368305 Do you have the original lion video?
>>368305 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>368311 thanks, love
>>368317 smh not a gorey b me
>>368317 it was another spic that did it
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Close enough.
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>>368317 welcome to america
>New York, Ukraine https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York,_Ukraine >The first official mention of the name of New York (Нью-Йорк) dates back to 1859 as one of the results of the census of the Yekaterinoslav Governorate, then part of the Russian Empire.[6] >On October 19, 1951, in the context of the Cold War, an ukase (decree) of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic ordered the change of name to Novhorodske (literally translated as "new city").[10] >From the start of the Donbass war in Spring 2014, the local authorities, together with citizen groups, undertook to restore the historical name of the locality. In the wave of name changes required by the so-called “decommunization” laws of 2015, the City Council validated the return to New York. >In 2021, the vote of the Verkhovna Rada formalizing the renaming of the city launched a wave of cultural events. On the initiative of the Ukrainian writer Victoria Amelina, whose husband had roots in the settlement, the first "Ukrainian New York literature festival" was held in October.[21] The "New York marathon", inspired by the American event, brought together several dozens of participants at the beginning of November.[22] kek the hohols literally made up a fake history so they could rename a city "New York" in preparation of Russians invading it
>>368320 Your company in the thread is all that matters lad
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>>368327 >prime alizee
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>>368328 >tummy
>>368326 >dates back to 1859 lad? it was probably named that by mennonites that used to live there.
Future school shooter right there
bagsy not making the next thread
>>368333 not it
>>368331 future saviour of the white race
Someone post the screen cap where the leftists rage because we adopted chudjack
>>368330 dubious, can find no reference before mid-2010s. Referenced document doesn't include "New York" in Cyrillic as far as I can see
https://youtu.be/NiTClu5FnpU keeking at this too
Do some fucking posts. Go on!
oh ok, don't do posts then
im not longer a tepid muskhead. i am now a part of muskalinis black shirts.
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I'm not bitter or crazed.
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Getting back into Moly tbh. The fact he isn't on any of YT or Twitter makes it even more cultish. I like it.
>>368352 nice pic where did you find it?
>>368353 probably stormer or 4cuck
around the time Eminem did that Trump diss, that Trump completely no sold and didn't respond. keek.
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I only have this left over after the hardrive change
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friendly reminder that this lass was horrifically murdered by shitskins and americunts did nothing about it
gonna play some soyberpunk till 4
>>368357 lad we've had pakis raping and butching our own for decades and nothing has happened. If there was any justice and community left in the world the pakis would have been massacred hutu style like agnonce said.
>world west
>>368361 do you have the one of molynuex in the park with a snub nose against his temple?
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>>368359 I blame boomers smh that little scotch lass thrown off the cliff by shitskins
>>368362 yeah I know that one, don't think I have it
>>368357 poor girl. smh
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>>368357 why what happened
>>368367 some mutt nonce raped her and strangled her
Much to think about
far-right won in chiles constitutional council election. the leader of the republican party is an ethnic German José Antonio Kast
>>368372 Don't think they mentioned his grandfather being a Nazi enough tbh.
>Captain America party logo. keeek.
>>368373 it was released by the media a few weeks before the last presidential election when it was 50/50 and as a result he dropped like 5 points.
article on spoiled ballots kek
something very uncomfortable about this smh
>>368378 >orcs
>>368379 trying to watch it and they are being absolute cunts smh celebrating russian conscripts getting irradiated and telling their viewers to join the meatgrinder
>>368373 >His father’s name was Schindele and his mother’s Rist >Schindele Rist Top keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>368384 what the fuck. Take women's rights away. NOW
apparently the cartel spic was a white supremacist. 40k tweets on twitter talking about how he wore a RWDS tag and lived with his mum
>>368376 >nigel thornberry
>>368376 >>368387 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK I didn't see that. The eternal anglo
https://twitter.com/OliLondonTV/status/1655344951981481984 Guess this whole anti-trans thing is largely bread and circus but I don't mind having a keek alongside the terfs tbh. In Norway the left is trying to bully terfs as far right pushing even more normal people our way.
>>368392 the sooner regular people get sick of hearing about them the sooner we can all move on from this shite chapter of westoid history tbh "accidentally" baiting a troon into throwing a tantrum and then dobbing xe/xir in to corporate hq is a revolutionary act
Arresting anti-Monarchy protestors is based tbh
>>368394 tbh voicing opinions is one thing but attacking fundamental institutions is another if the king is shite then say he's shite but letting people screech about it in public just cedes ground to r*publicans who'll feel like they can spew their shite now if you aren't willing to start a civil war to put your own based lad or lass if pickings are that slim who will listen to you on the throne then stop talking and go home
i'm on team tilly btw just for transparency
Oh, ozlad is a nonce, that's why he won't ban the nonce
>>368399 wrong show me the nonce
>>368392 >Clap clap clap Lol >Thot trying to deny she’s transphobic WELL I BET YOU FUCKING WELL ARE NOW LUV!
shitty "bacon" empanada for today's meal iberian week is easily lidl's worst even worse than alpinfest
well a polface needs a heil needs a heil needs a heil and a pair of stompin boots stompin boots stompin boots
>>368403 yeah tbh keeeeeeeek honestly unsure about his groomer arc tbqh on one hand he's not breaking any laws and he stops interacting with them when they say no but on the other hand it's just weird that he's going after barely-legal retards and like clockwork someone's going to accuse me of liking old hags and simping for roasties etc. for making this post yes w*men are age are shite, sorry we all missed the boat >>368404 >empanada lad they literally just sold you a pasty for double the price because they convinced you it was furrin sorry to say but the joke is on (You)
>>368406 yeah smh it was all rubbery and all not a patch on the bakery ones
>>368407 oggy oggy oggy
>>368408 there used to be all three major pasty companies all right next to eachother on the high street but one of them closed down and there's only barnecutts and oggy left smh can't even remember what the third one was but they claimed to be the oldest and most trad of the lot
>>368409 there's no room left for trvditivn smh only endless goyslop factories churning out shite and paying less than the natives are legally allowed to work for
*accidentally makes myself sneethe*
>>368403 Keeeeeeeeeeeek clever lad >>368406 Smh lad it's the groomees and retards that flock to me, partly because they have yet to hit peak woman narcissism and will actually respond and chat. Sad to say there have been many yet I have still to breed. The face that I came face to face with child protective services and nothing came of it is proof I am a goodlad.
All these lads on twitter saying this oh my SIENCE. WE'RE BACK
>>368412 keeeeek based >>368413 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek giga based ultra based singularly based, even a sort of "unabased", if you will
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>>368417 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>368412 yeah this one lad I knew married a slavoid me and her were roasting niggers all day long the one time I got to visit in my early 20s and needless to say the westoid husband never invited me again
>>368417 superlative
>>368417 hyperlative
>>368419 he felt threatened that you were connecting with her on a level that he never could
>>368417 >>368420 >>368421 unalative, if you will
>>368422 kek I wish
smells like incel in here
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>>368426 >no bingo unlucky lad
>>368426 smh lad describing yourself as a patriot is supposed to be a free space smh it's a mindset lad the real nation lives on within your heart smh all these people on tv are pretenders
>>368429 need to get myself some xrw tattoos tbqh
>>368430 smh patriotism has become such cancer as it is something Libertarians believe, they believe in ideas over demographics. Kind of ironic given how patriotism literally implies blood and soil.
>>368432 yeah smh it got hollowed out and turned inside out and now civicry wears it like a suit
*makes a distinction between big l Libertarians and little l libertarians*
>>368433 I keek every time I hear or see his name
>>368426 The only actually negative things there are lies or characterise leftoids more than us. Typical.
>>368435 keeeeeeeeeeeek I don't know why I capitalised it
Thinking ahead more this time.
>>368428 thats the double whammy right there late 20s early 30s woman attacking young lads to poison their relations with women and also woman attacking visibly weaker younger men instead of doing it to some big blood tribe tier chud with a massive throbbing godrod figuratively oozing with patriarchy ready to destroy and subjugate in the most intense slavery a lost little girl
>>368439 how are you going to get the necessary -12 hp lad?
>>368441 Set up a similar kind of character just lowering the skills to begin with instead of my smolbrained idea to start doing that at level 51; He'll have 100 endurance and health ending in 8 by level 14.
Nothing crashes this game more than save scumming and loading to get the right skill decrease on serving prison time though. Wew.
>>368442 based
>>368404 It's because it's all the cheap over processed crap, the Spaniards hate us because of Ibiza and they get their own back by selling us cancer shaped like air dried ham.
https://youtu.be/NiwHAGuzQC8 did you lads see the video of the boomer larper getting rekt by cops? smh boomers only get violent when it comes to money in their little boomer world but as far as the rest of society they could give a fuck
>>368447 >could give a fuck >could that's a paddlin'
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>>368417 Fucking fantastic lad.
the masculine urge to be tucket in by your mummy
>>368443 yep, I'm fairly sure that bethesda engine is held together with spit and glue now. I can't believe they simply refuse to just produce a new one. I reckon starfield will still sell somehow though.
another video filtered by the great atlantic digital wall.
>>368451 smooth
>>368453 youtube is so shit and incompetent you can just search the song title and find an upload that isn't blocked
>>368455 I did.
https://twitter.com/UltraDane/status/1655457048593846273 I don't get what evolutionary purpose of escalating situations like this is. I'd get it if it actually worked in scaring away other people, but if two niggers do it they just both escalate and come to blows.
I thought country and western in the US was dead thanks to people like Taylor Swift. Or is it that just Nashville specifically is a liberal shithole that doesn't produce country anymore?
>>368457 the least aggressive dies first survival of the niggest
>>368457 You eliminated the competition for sheboons.
BBC is so good at making it so that yanks can't view your shows so we can stream them back to you because of that licensing thing its super complicated just to view qt
In real terms it's all backward shallow ego driven shite about not being caught "frontin".
>>368458 yeah it seems to be coming back but you have to be careful because some soyfag shit is infesting it and they are trying to shoehorn niggers into it
>>368461 just vpn up lad. I don't pay for a tv license and I watch iplayer all the time.
>>368464 yeah thats what I do
why would you ever willingly consoom BBC content?
>>368447 wew smh >>368451 audiokino
>>368466 Yeah chinks think they're so smart playing both sides of the divide like that wasn't the intention with modern democracy anyway.
>>368467 mainly just there for the nature documentaries but even those are becoming more show over informative content.
ngl i believe everyone should have guns as big and as many as they can afford can't elaborate on that because i'm going to sleep smh toil tomorrow >>368466 they're everywhere tbh they take to subterfuge like fish to water smh
>>368470 I assume any "documentary" put out by them is still about 75% propaganda, ex if it's a nature one it's going to have shit in it about global warming or whatever cannot watch any TV at all tbh, last time I saw anything was before the boomers sold their house and grandad would watch forgotten engineering or some shit and every single episode a manfaced hairdyed manvoiced cunt and her beta soy golems would do at least one segment on some EEEEVVIIIL nazi civil engineering project with spooky music overlaid
>>368471 every british citizen should have a full size punt gun and free access to parliament so we can vaporise a dozen politicians any time we want
>>368473 There'd be no representative left in about 15minutes.
>>368471 night lad, and you're right. It does make me wonder of the opal miners ever stumble across buried arsenals.
>>368474 imagine
>>368466 dont' blame the chinks really the west is just an open nigger cattle pasture where our gov'ts are so criminal and self absorbed they can't even do basic threat prevention shite
we are at 900 posts lads. this cant go on any longer. somebodies gotta take responsibility.
>>368478 ride it to the bottom tbh >>368477 tbh
>>368477 I don't think the government give a fuck because they're basically in bed with China as long as it's profitable. I know most of our government is because they're whores for foreign investment to stop this little island sinking back into obscurity.
'Charlie Big Potatoes' claimed Hitler 'did nothing wrong,' court told https://www.liverpoolecho.co.uk/news/liverpool-news/charlie-big-potatoes-claimed-hitler-26869095 >An alleged far-right fitness guru who distributed terrorist manifestos and claimed Adolf Hitler "did nothing wrong" told a court he does not believe in violence. >The self-described British fascist is part of the right-wing group known as Patriotic Alternative. He added the main aim of the organisation was "not to become minorities in our own home". >"There are numerous videos that suggest violence is looming, violence is inevitable. The evidence is consistent with intent rather than recklessness. It is evident from the defendant himself, the images and words he has said which suggest he is of the mind that violence is inevitable and that others should commit acts of violence."
>>368481 Yeah they'll just infer whatever they want at this point to balance out the numbers of chuds being arrested against the swarthoid terrorists.
>>368481 >they are still dragging this out fucking evil cunts smh he's been held for almost two years at this point and pled guilty at the start of the year just to get the persecution to end, he has a wife and child to get home to in spain
>>368483 Yeah and this is the priority with court cases now backing up to over 2 fucking years.
>>368481 >predictions and fears are a wish or incitement Realitybros...
>>368482 >>368483 Meanwhile you can go to Liverpool Central Library and take out a copy of Das Kapital which states that "violence is the midwife of all old societies pregnant with a new one"
>>368485 bit strange that a private military company would beg for supplies from their employer I guess if it's in the contract it's fair, otherwise they should be supplying themselves
fresh kino larp >What If Baron Ungern Succeeded? | Alternate History https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e3JrQ5wMDUQ
zog telling venezuelans and iranians there is no political solution and to fuck their optics but us lads in zogs home terf cant even post online.
never mind I think it's a shitpost smh
Battling middle class pinkos on the Echo tbh, looks like bum bum's back
>>368493 good lad, saving the white race
>>368495 Il qeeqe
Just got back from filling the car, I had to put up with some nig doing the intimidating scowl because he couldn't grasp right of way.
>>368489 Internal politics, Prigozhin is making Gerasimov look like an incompetent head of the army so Gerasimov is trying to fuck Wagner over.
who here /vitruvianman/?
That and Prigozhin has a groundswell of popular support in Russia due to being the only person that seems to actually be fighting to win. This has made him more than a few political enemies.
>>368498 smh, hate that shit bad enough with petty office politics wish people were less egotistic, just want to be part of a greater machine all working for a common purpose me
why do married people defend porn
>>368502 Because they are sick fucks.
I don't know 22 but fuck you for making me remember that the ur-coomer has a wife and multiple children
>>368504 Based breeder
>>368506 Probably but will be away from Liverpool when it's on smh
Even suitcases breed
drag queen story hour people are the real nazis
>>368510 they're the real fascists.
>>368512 just over a week before, yet need to get my suit tailored tomorrow, or order a smaller one since I wasn't as lardfat as expected
>>368513 Glad you took my advice of getting your suit amended. Get your current one amended, rather than buying another.
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>>368415 twittermongs are loosing their minds about this.
>>368457 They killed her hair mane
>>368514 sneed to see if the lady can do shoulders tomorrow, if she can't I have to go down a few inches all in all it should be good enough
>I can't speak for the nerd kids that never leave their gaming screens. But for me, a 53yo male. I knew when I was 18 in the late 1980's I was never getting married and not having kids. I saw the hell on Earth my older relatives and friends were going through with divorces and alimony, losing their houses, child support and child visitation problems. Fck that! The cards are stacked against the men. I haven't gone more than a few months without sex my whole life, and always have girlfriends. If my girlfriends are any indicator, I'd have been divorced a half dozen times and working til I'm 100 to support them. god I hate xoomers
>>368520 gen x is so much worse than boomers tbf
>>368518 >ooks sharp enough though Good lad
Me? I'm going to try and make a . . . book nook! That's right! A book nook for my book shelf! Hehehehe!
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>>368505 luv akooooma him and ibuki were my mains in 3rd imapct and sometimes chun li smh
Nothing like a bit of the old woes is me, incel poosting to start the week.
WEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JAP WAR SURVIVORS AND BOOMERS BTFO BY GLOBALISTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12tjqwfuzDg https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/may/08/plan-75-ageing-japan-euthanasia-suicide > Japan once placed its elderly at the top of the social hierarchy, even holding a national holiday to honour their contributions to society. But no longer: Fumio Kishida, the country’s prime minister, recently said the ageing population poses an “urgent risk to society”. Announcing a new government agency to address the issue, he said: “Japan is standing on the verge of whether we can continue to function as a society.” > In her new film, Plan 75, Chie Hayakawa posits a policy the agency could try: voluntary euthanasia for the over-75s. Instead of being burden, a bother, a resource-draining nuisance, anyone aged 75 can simply place themselves in the calm, efficient hands of the state and painlessly slip away. Those with money and family can do so at the end of a two-day premium package, after spa treatments and special meals. Those without are given enough cash to pay for basic funeral costs before lying down on a campbed in a dark, silent room divided by curtains where they quietly acquiesce to being gassed to death. Gas seems to be the answer
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>>368528 >a two-day premium package, after spa treatments and special meals. This part had me laughing.
>>368528 what the fuck is it with Japan and suicide? They've got kamikaze, sudoku, living mummies and now this.

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