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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3841: A year to save my life Edition Anonymous 03/05/2023 (Sun) 21:49:25 Id: cad7d9 No. 356259
Rishi Sunak vows to end asylum claims from small boat arrivals https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64848101 Toblerone: Swiss rules mean chocolate bar to drop Matterhorn from packaging https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64854720 Ukraine war: Russian reservists fighting with shovels - UK defence ministry https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64855760 Ukraine war: The Moldovan enclave surrounded by pro-Russian forces https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64824517 Globalist shills laugh at lavrov https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/world-europe-64848508
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:04:32.
Anyone got Alizee's nips?
just found out kantbot has bred
>>356262 Who knew you could get pussy using twitter clout?
>>356259 >Rishi Sunak vows to end asylum claims from small boat arrivals
Wish I could meet a cute based redpilled lass like this
>>356265 Let me guess. You are Bins and that's a tranny
Speaking of Bins, Fresh OC just dropped
Nah, I prefer women.
I still have spicy vom every time a burp, and farts are spicy too.
>>356265 Fuck off, Dorshit.
>>356262 women will literally fuck a trog as long as they are "popular" its all such a pile of shite. if kantshite didn't have a pseudo-intellectual buttmatrix to attentionwhore in then he would be a low status male
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>>356270 wtf is up with zoomers why are there so many trooned out people its so fucked he just looks like a basic teen guy in like 5 years (which is nothing) he won't be able to pass if he starts lifting he will be built as fuck
>>356272 being gay is in vogue.
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>>356272 i live in a town of like 40,000 people and i keep seeing new troons everytime i go out.
>>356271 Maybe you should start posting shite philosophical takes on twitter, you'd have have a harem in no time.
>>356275 I think I've seen around a dozen over past couple of years
>>356276 yeah good thinking lad I was a mong for using rumble and not portraitfagging
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>>356278 Maybe rumble will be a slow burn and you'll end up with all the bi-polar conspiracy enamoured women in a couple years.
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remember all the troons for trump that came out of 4chan? wonder what happened to those guys.
>>356282 They're all in Poombs' troon server smh
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poombs is such a mong he looks like the lead guitarist from japan crossed with a 50 something jaded divorcee mom who chainsmokes
>>356285 I definitely saw more of the single mum aspect in him tbh.
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why do people like or at least pretend to like benders
guy on keyboard keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
imagine going to school now and half your class is gay femboys or pretending to be a different gender.
>>356289 Glam rock was just a different time tbh,
>>356291 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek I can't even imagine zoomers hell, the worst thing in the 2000s was wiggers
bins should become a teacher
imagine being a white kid at school during the 2020 blm whiteycaust.
>>356294 we don't need more bummer about.
>>356295 It's okay the gay zoomer perm offers great protection against racial attack.
>>356295 yeah they are like dhimmi blending in with the conqueror
wish I had thousands of cows
moos are good lads just like pigs
gypsy vs nigger warfare breaking out rn
>>356303 they're better be some btfod nigcels after this
>>356302 based niggers in the west need to be put in their place so fucking bad they have this mentality that they are our lords and they control us under the spell of calling us racist
obviously white vs black would be the coolest race war but it think there's some minor ones on the undercard that'll keep us entertained for a while, really looking forward to the 2024 chinese vs indian race riots in san francisco.
>>356306 you think the poos and chinks are going to fight it out over there?
>>356307 ofcourse once ai takes all the programming jobs you'll have hundreds of thousands of unemployed indians getting fired by chinese tech managers.
>>356308 hope your right from what I've seen it looks like the entire western coast of north america is being colonised by both of those groups
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>>356303 >all these williamoids who've watched snatch commenting i mean they wont take it lying down, but everyone thinks they are going to turn up in their range rovers and assassinate all the wogs and disappear. it's like all the same people who gloat that everyones going to get raped in prison.
>twitter lumpen
>>356285 > poombs is such a mong he looks like the lead guitarist from japan crossed with a 50 something jaded divorcee mom who chainsmokes Tbh, he’s become such a “hon” The very thing he derided others for being
how is this shite still escalating, muslims are getting so bold and the govt do nothing, surely they are fucking up here? whats the govt play on this, do they really think even the slightest slap down will cause a riot, is this country THAT much of a powder keg
>>356313 mate mate it's for community relations mate, we need to calm the situation down mate, inflaming tensions is just not on yeah?
is wakefield a paki hive?
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>>356315 couldn't read all of this shit because of how much I started seething
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>>356313 They probably let it happen so they can produce more chuds to prosecute.
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>Russian reservists fighting with shovels - MoD >lose an artillery war 10-to-1 >"time to put out the ancient SpN shovel meme to cope, the normies with think it's funny!"
sargon's is so good now. wtf.
>>356320 what makes you say that?
>>356321 his twitter
>I fucking hate pakis. They are the worst race on earth. PERIOD.
Didn't even the Turks deport them?
>>356324 They deport anyone that enters their country from the south or east, they just happen to try deporting them north most of the time.
>there are over 9000 coomers watching this how much wealth and lost hours of productivity in this world are these thots resposible for?
>>356281 A subsection of younger millennials and zoomers seem to dress in fake silk shirts like spic homosexuals from the seventies & early eighties. It's really tragic, and I cannot stop laughing at them irl.
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Just started watching a film, Cold Skin, and I predict it's going to be kino by the jolly old captain talking to the main character.
>>356330 Hate the polis but I hate antifa, I don't know who to support. Perhaps just wishing for mutual carnage is the best?
>>356328 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek >>356331 tbh would be nice they start killing each other but I doubt the weimartican police will do anything serious
>>356330 that wouldnt happen in the southern part of the forest
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Spoke to soon, there's a nigger in it.
>>356335 Antifa are pathetic, 0/10.
kek southerners wearing jackets in that weather keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>356329 Largely forgettable.
>Pedro Rodrigues Filho (17 June 1954 – 5 March 2023), also known as Pedrinho Matador (Killer Lil’ Pedro, Killer Killer Petey, or simply Killer Petey), was a Brazilian convicted serial/spree killer known for pursuing and killing exclusively suspected criminals as a teenager, between the age of 14 and 19, in particular an entire gang in response to the murder of his pregnant girlfriend. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedro_Rodrigues_Filho rip
>>356226 >walnut >assume it'll boil to nothing soon ah yes, dissolving nuts
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It was decidedly unkino.
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toil complete >>356341 too based for this world smh
Smh NHK really cranking down on the copyright stuff. All the sumo channels have been shut down. Hope NattoSumo can find some place else or put them up for torrenting.
>>356345 japs are big autists about copyright and intellectual property and all that shite smh
>>356346 They've been slow catching on with this. Lads have been getting away with it for years.
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I hearing rumours Ubisoft is going to shut its's doors. >20,000 employees >hasn't made a game in 2 years
>>356348 keeeeeeeek >>356349 we can only hope
>>356349 It will be okay, this new nigger pirate game will save them, right?
Assassin's Creed, Far Cry and all that Tom Clancy shit still sells or not anymore?
>>356350 Reminds me of that engineer that died the other month from that pop up pisser. He wasn't as fortunate.
>that video of two kids pulling a prank on another kid and he ends up crushed in the elevator
>>356353 with the amount of money they spend on each game it's not enough to churn out iterations of tired old franchises
The Joomer has only gone to Israel. Absolute mad man. https://youtu.be/VBevvFRonm4
Fucking terrible in that video take keeeeeeeeeeeek.
terrible take in that video*
>>356357 stopped watching when he started defending zionism smh don't know what's wrong with his brain that makes him worship jews so much
>>356357 >zionism is just jewish nationalism >just like how Italians have Italy and the French have France keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
Far Cry 5 was fun because it validated all the preppers and doomers in the storyline that the mongs were screeching about alt-right dog whistles. Far Cry 4 was comfy.
just find it really jarring how he can see most things clearly but has a blind spot for kikes tbh where does this kind of thing come from
>>356362 enjoyed far cry 5 a fair bit when i played it tbh very comfy atmosphere in that goom
>>356363 He lived there when he was much younger. Probably has nostalgia for the place. His first wife was jew convert to Christianity also. Hmm.
That's me being non-conspiratorial at least.
>>356365 >jew convert to Christianity smh he should've taken the hint and followed suit
Also fuck Israel, The Ashkenazi Jews are a fucking mess, Orthodox Judaism is really fucking autistic like deep unfunctional autism, Reformed Judaism is really fucking gay and poz. Israeli is basically a de-facto Sephardic/Mizrahi Jewish state because everyone is sick and tired of Anglo-American Ashkenazi kvetching tbh.
Just gonna get myself some face tattoos that shows I am a member of the MS-13 gang. What's the worst that could happen? ACK
>>356368 it's deeply satisfying knowing that jews become even more dysfunctional and neurotic than they usually are when they're surrounded only by other jews >>356369 bizarre tbh kikes only followed the letter of the law and quibbled about rules so hard that a whole new covenant had to be made (which they then refused to even acknowledge besides an offhand comment that are jesus is now boiling in a pit of poo forever for daring to suggest that they aren't god's favourites anymore) yet there's still apparently an endless supply of mongs who not only somehow think these creatures are equal to us but actually look up to them as superiors just bizarre tbh where do these people come from can't pin everything on the scofield bible since these mongs exist worldwide >>356370 bet they're feeling really smart now keeeeeek
>>356371 I thought the point of a jewish state was so jews would become less paranoid.
I got the catcha in one today lads, i t's going to be a good day.
>>356372 living around jews is enough to drive anyone insane >>356373 based not robot lad
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usually get the captcha in one go but today it took me four tries hope i'm not a synth sent here to spy on you lads
>>356375 You're fine lad, unless you find yourself trying to bruteforce the catcha with over 100,000 iterations a second.
right I have to go repair a boiler
>>356377 have fun lad
>>356362 I only played Far Cry 2. there were some very good things about it but the gameplay was too repetitive- you drive, get ambushed at intersection, tighten a nut to stop the car from smoking, repeat...
>>356379 if was more of a tech demo, the fire physics for example never returned to another far cry game.
>>356379 tbh far cry 2 was kino but honestly it was kind of shite still love it though but i'm not in any hurry to replay it fond memories of playing it tbh complete dearth of huwhite lads to choose as your character but i always picked quarbani singh as my buddy
>you will never be a mercenary in africa helping good acronym btfo bad acronym and then fuck off as soon as things turn sour
>>356369 boomoid cucks posting gibberish again I see. SA would agree with this though.
>>356369 Jews don't even have faith in God.
>>356384 And that's a good thing. t. Rabbi Chaimowitz
>tfw have nothing to do for a whole month and a half
Kyrgyzstan has had THREE ethnically Russian prime ministers since independence. Two of them did not speak Kyrgyz. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Igor_Chudinov https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikolai_Tanayev https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artem_Novikov
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I wonder what happened to all the ethnic Kyrgyz
Built for Russian cock.
Not as good looking a Kazakhs though.
their version of head dress are very cute.
>The genetic makeup of the Kyrgyz is consistent with their origin as a mix of tribes.[45][46] For instance, 63% of modern Kyrgyz men of Jumgal District[47] are Haplogroup R1a1 (Y-DNA). Low diversity of Kyrgyz R1a1 indicates a founder effect within the historical period.[48] >A 2022 study found that Kyrgyz people from China were found to have more West Eurasian ancestry than the Kyrgyz from Kyrgyzstan. Kyrgyz people from China clustered more closely with Europeans and South Asians.[54] they're white btw.
Love a good Eurasian, I've only met one IRL.
successful 13 hour long snooze might as well spend my aftersnoon playing cossacks
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>>356387 >Igor_Chudinov
https://youtu.be/anQIk1f-a9w Bit weird to see this video of her alive and knowing she was eaten and that her naked skull only with hair attached is what she is now.
>>356390 They look like they've taken a lot of Russian dick over the centuries.
Boiler repaired.
>>356392 Lad you don't need another flip arc landlocked edition.
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Eurasians were always my shtick anyway.
>>356396 Sad. Especially given 4 chinklets will grow up without mummy. Smh.
>>356401 Not a fan of that sort of upturned nose tbh.
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Time to shid like poo down the toilet.
>>356403 Is that the spicy chicken again?
God, I hate breaded chicken.
The Democratic Progressives and Liberals on Taiwan tried to push through a policy to make it legal for 16-year-olds to be drafted in war, but got u-turned hard.
>>356406 don't think 16 year old taiwanese zoomers would be of much use in a war either way
>>356406 Over a year and I've still heard no criticism of Zoglenski drafting 16 yos. Think it can be considered a war crime in itself and like every other terrible thing our rulers aren't bothered.
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>>356408 hol hols are also casually using chemical weapons, cluster bombs and cluster mines but its all okay when kikes do it but it was a red flag when saddam did a cheeky halabjah
>>356408 did you see the fucked up vid of the hol hol teen anheroing because he was drafted smdh poor little lad
if pookraine does fall where will zelensky run off to
>>356413 Miami, too many Russian Jews in Israel.
>>356413 he has a mansion in florida
>>356414 >>356415 keeeeeeeeeeeek imagine if he became a shartican senator after the war
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antifa around Atlanta holding this sign, one of those stupid things simping for the indians.. but with a twist
*enters thread*
>dead board innit
dead board innit
need wessie to start posting again
>>356409 Lovely work as always lad.
>Watching Friend to Foes, Foe to Friends >The Red Army officer refuses to spit and run with the gold >The White Army officer replies: Ета Кино
Ето* шмдх
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not so fast chud
>>356437 don't care what these ugly orc looking pooskins think about society
that lad better be right about an upcoming pajeet vs chink racewar
>>356427 than kslad
>>356439 i have never been wrong before
>>356438 Thanks for your insight into the matter. >>356439 Haven't the Chinks been funding Maoist guerrillas in northern Indian for forever?
Eating a really nice combination that not many people know about right now, its Milk! a glass of milk with a bar of dairy milk, chocolate and its very nice
Well don't go all silent on me
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did literally anyone freeze to death this winter?
smorbing lads
>>356447 Hello sir
>>356446 yeah several people in buffalo
who here /darkaryan/?
>>356448 good morning sir
>>356451 I'm so fed up of Dravidian scum in YouTube comments.
Talk absolute shite
>>356452 tbh poojeets on the internet are a menace smh there's so many of them
does anyone have that ted cruz shooting video with fart sounds?
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>>356449 lol owned
an employee at SPLC got arrested and charged with domestic terror over the atlanta thing along with like 40 other people. this is why those city slickers will NEVER try it in the south again.
>>356459 based imagine if it was in the southern part of the south
>>356458 I think most were niggers
Alleged execution of ukrainian soldier
>>356463 smh at least it was quick
>>356463 mean tbh
>>356466 is that a black sun inside the imperial japanese flag tattoo?
>>356464 >>356465 stop simping for cuckhols. they are fighting for your replacement
Advancing wagner troops find ukrainian trench full of dead soldiers, Can't even see the trench floor towards the end of the video
Inside a US m113 after coming under russian fire in ukraine
>>356468 I do not support the current brother war
>Toblerone is to remove the Matterhorn mountain peak from its packaging when some of the chocolate's production is moved from Switzerland to Slovakia. >Mondelez said it was moving some production outside of the country to "respond to increased demand worldwide and to grow our Toblerone brand for the future". smh this is your choccy on yanko-globalism
>sunaks plan to stop the boats will cost 3bn on top of the 3bn we already spend housing them in hotels >it'll be ages before its even in law if it actually passes >the number of migrants that can be sent to rwanda is capped at 200 >meanwhile foreign secretory nigger was in india signing an immigration agreement with them
>>356468 you're a pillock
>>356473 Tories can't even dissimulate well anymore. Yet centre leftists still think they're third reich tier.
>>356473 Even if the law came into place quickly, under 18s and the 'vulnerable and sick' won't be sent back anyway. Literally nothing will change.
>>356477 You're wrong , things will change. They'll waste even more taxpayer money and there will be many more of those failed deportation flights with about 5 people on the entire plane, and even them being kept in the country at the last moment by human rights lawyers.
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keeeek. Not the heckin Hijaberino. Apparently the legislation can be read later today. I'll pay close attention to the small print, just like the Rwandan one.
>any from war torn part of the world is fine
>>356481 >obligations under the european convention on human rights smh they love that old cop out
oh fuck chudbros arnold shawrznigger just btfo'd us for good https://twitter.com/Schwarzenegger/status/1632823423159107591
Well well well
the best part is he did this on behalf of a zionist media outlet run by zionist matthew segal. hate ALWAYS loses btw, except when it involves genociding palestinians, then you get an 80 year win streak.
>>356484 It's just asking for an edit.
>The Fixated Threat Assessment Centre (FTAC) is a UK police/mental health unit, whose function is to manage the risk to public figures from stalkers and others fixated on celebrity. It was formed in 2006 in acknowledgement that such offenders overwhelmingly suffered from psychosis, and could often be identified in advance from behavioural signs. Preventive treatment could then be applied, for the protection of the relevant public figures as well as the families and neighbours of the sufferer.
tbf it's overall pretty good propaganda, tho it's just liberal democracies might makes right ww2 schtick re-heated. framing history in a Manichean struggle between Love vs Hate that's played out in big wars involving america throughout the centuries. the lovers of the union defeated the haters of the confederacy, only for hate to arise in the next century and the coalition of Love: the british empire, 1940s america and USSR coming together to defeat the haters of nazi germany and imperial japan, decisively dropping love on the cities of hiroshima and nagasaki. now the haters have emerged again and the forces of love; the fbi, mossad and blackstone inc (who own ATTN media) must unite once more yadayada. overall it's biggest problem is the main point; that the Hate side always loses, that conflict is driven by an overarching static moral framework throughout hundreds of years, and that one side was predestined to win. that if anything we should pity the Hate side for picking the wrong horse, just like the native americans or west papuans who deserved it i guess. all the while this is made by an ardent zionist working for blackstone inc (owner Stephen A. Schwarzman). you could almost feel like he was talking directly to palestinians instead of us, that they will lose, that they will be hurting themselves and their families fighting a futile struggle against the IDF. that giving in and accepting what's already the case is in reality the only moral choice even if you only care for you and your families well being. and they'd be right, a palestinians material interest is in giving up, they'd be bombed a lot less often and have better wages working as an israeli's gardener than a volunteer in hamas. and yet so long as they struggle in what in their lifetime is a futile goal the existence of the palestinian people and the potential for their final victory no matter how small will remain. in reality only interests based off determined existing groups and their ability to enforce those interests ever matter and there is nothing moral to be found in surrender against enemies that will always have contrary interests to your own. it is always the losing option. traitors have existed in every group in history and their punishment is without change the same in every one of the earth's disparate and divergent cultures for a reason.
>>356490 it's as much gloating as it is an invitation to surrender tbh
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>the media company that made the arnie video is owned by the production company of Israeli thriller series Fauda
just read about the trojan room coffee pot this is what britain used to be about
>>356493 >Fauda Why are Sepharadi and Mizrahi mummies so yummy?
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Ruskies getting cocky, meanwhile the Spring counter-offensive is well in the works. F16's are now a part of the arsenal and The Ghost of Kiev has been cloned multiple times. Prepare your angus, Putler.
The thing is Russia doesn't do big arrow offensives for Ukraine to counter. It's just Ukrainian offensives that digs the grave deeper as Russia slowly chugs forward like a train of death in a sea of treacle.
>>356498 >Kiev how embarrassing
>>356463 Came from Ukrainian sources, looks like the "filtration" of deserters is happening again. It's why there's bunch of top units in the rear guard.
>>356501 makes sense, then they get their propaganda video
Not long now and the Avenger tanks will be putting orcs on the back foot. All those gains will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
>>356502 Also the rifles are barebone AK-74Ms, Wagner and VDV usually trick them out.
>>356499 tbh nobody except for marvel soy golems really expects the ukraine to win they'll sue for peace eventually and the only questions are when that will happen and how many die before then and how much was spent on them to postpone the inevitable >>356501 poor lads smh pressganged into dying pointlessly
they do the "filtration" so others will hear about it and be too scared to desert. this is literally like a reverse wwii ostfront with the disposable meat slave army zerg rush tactics
Yes, they also do it to civilians and the canonical Church as well.
reading about impressment smh kind of a rough deal ngl
smh i liked this one russian gaming and checked his twitter that's just him gloating about russian conscripts getting btfo and how much he wants to leave the country.
stalking the streets of my old village on google streetview night lads
>>356509 Sickening tbh.
In a lecture rn having a cheeky look at brit tehehe
Took the afternoon off to sort the stove out hows the weather where you are boys
>>356515 Sorry nige bought me mummy a gift already. It's cold but sunny here, perfect white mans weather tbh how about you lad?
>>356515 Sort the stove out?
Finish a book, time to start a new one.
>Kiev is still going to try and zerg Buckmutt WEEEEEEEW
>>356463 New icon just dropped
>>356516 Good lad, cold but sunny here too. -2° this morning, some snow and ice from the night but not a cloud in the sky in the day, perfection >>356517 Ye, I've got 3 empty propane cylinders but the shop only had 1 left to swap, but that'll last a few months and at least I can cook now
smh don't get how you lads can live with explosive canisterinos in the house smh
>>356522 Well it's easier to sleep at night knowing there's a chance you might not wake up
smh don't like suicidal lads me
>>356525 thank you finally.
>>356525 >>356525 did he just see this old pic?
>islam is BASED and TRAD niggas immediately letting their boycock lust show after converting
>>356529 It's sad that I've been on the net long enough to recognise those images.
We're back
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>Tsai is unmarried and has no children, making her Taiwan’s first unmarried president. >Tsai is known to be a cat lover, and her two cats, "Think Think" and "Ah Tsai", featured prominently in her election campaign >the cats have their own wiki The more I read about Taiwan, the more I hate it, it's like that feminist witch cult in power in South Korea.
>>356534 yeah didnt they tear down statues of chang hi shek?
>>356533 hope zognald btfos that spic
>>356535 Wow they have since 1999, the US are psyoping and memory holing them.
>>356534 where did all the BIG MEN of the world go?
https://twitter.com/EndWokeness/status/1632863836603662337 >tfw you grabbed a tutu as a 2 year old so your dad chemically castrates you
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Is that a Chicken Kiev with pasta and a mushroom sauce? Looks like it.
>>356539 soyim are breeding and sterilising their offspring
Just read about Lord Boothby. This is what the conservative party used to be about. >>356544 keek >>356500 fucksake lad I remember this video
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>>356545 >Kiev
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they're colour revolutioning georgia.
>>356550 Yeah, Georgia passed a foreign agent law that makes it harder for America to zog it's poz.
>Protesters in Georgia's capital Tbilisi have broken the barriers at the main entrance to the Georgian parliament. https://mobile.twitter.com/Faytuks/status/1633204738089992192 we've just been jan 6'd chud bros
>>356552 smh the government should just start killing those threats to democracy
lets face it my fellow chud pissbabies we cant hold back the georgian peoples will for liberal democracy, state subsidised NGO's and an international rules based order any longer. i give in.
I wonder how long until Tbilisi will be renamed Tpillsi because Tbilisi is too Russian.
https://youtu.be/I3X2bl5h9zc watching it again lads
churkroaches are trying to meme now? smdh georgia couldn't even defeat abkhaza
>>356557 American zoggies chud charging parliament over NGO laws.
seeing a lot of blonde hair in the crowd. wouldn't be surprised if this is like 50% russian libtard expats. would be kek if they get deported to russia and conscripted on the border
>>356556 keeeek his walk
Listening to kino vapour memory again.
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Fresh truck mounted 57mm naval autocannon.
>>356544 >he called me a niglet keeeeek
>>356556 Unfathomably based/
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>>356520 >Crimea
you lads should eat the grays tbh
>>356566 I'd give it a go.
>>356566 it's a small price to pay to support globohomo in ukraine.
>>356568 keeeek the adl must be run by mongs
Russian KA-52 over Donetsk
>>356570 it tells a lot about how they think of themselves as so far above the goyim. rather than carefully crafting effective propaganda, like the media does, the ADL sees themselves as making decrees- the Jevvs hereby declare that x is not allowed, and the goyim must obey or suffer the consequences. they don't even stop to consider how a tweet like that might be perceived, the goythoughts are much too petty for a chosen mind to concern itself with
Dmitry Kotsyubaylo, commander of one of the units of the 67th brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (DUK Right Sector), was KIA near Bakhmut
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>>356566 Silly Russians, we've called in the diversity brigades to fend off the cost of living crisis
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>20 past midnight
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Found it at last smh
>>356560 he looks like he is postal man
>>356573 mudshart facial hair
>>356573 Bit Ottoman tbh.
Beijingese Femcel spotted.
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aha 'member these lot?
>>356585 >not posting the video
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>>356573 what the hell is that phenotype. Gypsy? Caucasian? Ancient Iranic/Scythian? Cuman? Tatar? He's from Galicia so a bit far from the places that would make some of my guesses possible. His surname means "fire poker"
>>356587 probably some turkish-donian mongrel rape spawn
>>356515 I would have bought some if the discount code was 'Mummy'. Prefer this grift to the Pokemon cards Trump sold.
Wonder who the IP hopping homo is.
>>356594 based
>>356596 Wonder what he's thinking
>>356597 he's pondering the orb
wish i was an orangutan smh
at toil on monday there were these two old ladies who because they're old and also regulars get their coffee delivered to their table (while everyone else has to pick theirs up at the counter) and when i was bringing them their coffees one asked me for some trivial thing which i forget but it's not important but she said "could you do a favour for two old ladies?" and i completely missed the chance to theatrically look around and say "of course, where are they?" was on the tip of my tongue but i decided at the last second to play it safe smh bet it would've gotten a laugh out of them been kicking myself since
kind of miss the nice old lady who i used to see at woolies tbh we'd chat whenever we bumped into each other she grew up in south africa and had a real proper recieved pronunciation accent tbh
>>356600 aaaaaaaah they would have loved that lad, next time you know to do the thing
>>356602 tbh next time
shnight lads the commonwealth (of massachusetts) is calling me
>>356604 shnight
>>356517 >Shartin lives in this kino utopia whilst I'm stuck in greymudland
>utopia because it looks good Maybe you don't have it so bad, lad
>>356609 Is your dictator a brown migrant tax dodger?
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>Støre was State Secretary and Chief of Staff in the Prime Minister's Office in the first government of Jens Stoltenberg; the government was inspired by New Labour and oversaw the most widespread privatization in Norwegian history rip
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Why even watch his shite lad, he's a meme
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>wake up with head banging >sneeze >there's blood >it's been snowing all day
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>>356606 >ethnic Ukrainian representing Russia
where's our wess?
women's day lads
it took me 45 minutes to complete the captcha. had to go away from the computer to calm down before i finally got it.
Saw that takeaway lad today keeeek complete with his little table and a cameraman, all while stuffing his face with goyscran. Sadly no slagged up totty by his side for me to goon at
>>356620 squint your eyes and go with your gut lad, don't overthink it or second-guess yourself
>>356620 I still keep getting the unsolvable "reload captcha, captcha [already] reloading". Haven't done anything to block cookies and I whitelisted this place with adblock. Anyway that no cookies captcha that I've had to use doesn't seem to have caught up with absurdly difficult ones to solve, so try that next time?
>>356619 Wdsmbt?
>>356608 >that tiktok muhbortion seething demon
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4a6zYyL-81s >norge cunny's friends get vored by demon wolf then she become a vverevvolf Could make a good film night with subs.
>>356627 looks embarrassing
>Glow nigger Ned Price at the US State Dept resigns out of the blue >The US State Dept. floats an article over to the NYT >Nord Stream was a done by a ''pro-Ukrainian organisation"
we did it
>>356631 good lad was looking for my toasting polface to reply with but couldnt find him
>>356630 That's hilarious and great. Seems like a goodlad and I actually like how his comic looks. Some of his other art is great
>>356634 I really hate that shouty music where the singer sounds like they really need to brap, but can't for some reason. Truly awful.
They sound like they have troubles breathing as well, almost like they're breathing with their neck and clavicle than their diaphragm.
You'll end up with neck problems doing that.
>Cross Fit niggers
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>>356638 >lgbtq historian
>>356644 code name for fat spic peedo
did anything come out of that january 6 zog event in georgia
>>356634 no more coomer shit.
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>>356638 I haven't been able to use twitter for years because it just sharts itself whenever I try to log in. Looking it up on google, this error has been around for years and they still haven't fixed it. Obviously I could delete my cookies or make a new account but this outcome is much better.
>>356646 Just Globohomo NGO being twitter lumpen, kvetching that they are about to be kicked out of Georgia due to the new law passed.
>>356650 >EU >Georgia
>>356650 Their script is pretty decent.
I support EU expansion into Georgia, or even North Africa, anywhere really, don't care.
>>356653 I support it's expansion into hell so we can build our politicians luxury retirement condos down there.
>>356653 Let's have everybody join the EU. It can merge with the Eurasian Economic Union and ASEAN and form a super bloc to surpass the chinks and yanks both. Just need to make peace with Russia.
>>356619 whats wrong with old white men? why do white women think its okay to attack senior citizens? I get that they don't want to be seen as part of the white race for virtue signal points but why attack old white men I don't understand
>>356608 whats wrong with mud lad? https://youtu.be/kKlpfWtDrnU
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>>356655 >Let's have everybody join the EU. It can merge with the chinks and the chinks and form a super bloc to surpass the chinks
>>356656 The implication is that since the vast majority of great men have been white and many lived to old age, they all gained prominence and success through some sort of old boys solidarity rather than merit. It's borne from a fundamental misunderstanding of the world, and one can infer from this that she thinks that cronyism should be the norm, only with women and wogs in charge.
>>356659 keeeeeek
>Irakli Kobakhidze, chairman of Georgia's ruling party, slammed the anti-government demonstrators from the LGBT Shame Movement and Droa as "extremist organisations" who are funded by foreign entities to promote "Bolshevik propaganda against the [Georgian] Orthodox Church."
>>356656 I think you put more thought in than that women did.
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>>356663 yeah I agree but I think that women shouldn't feel comfortable targetting old men, women (if they are equal) should be putting their fair share into society like young men do. its young men's job to criticize old men, women can criticize old women but they really have no business criticizing old men
>>356619 shoryuken!
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>>356655 Large EU could be based but only under Duginism or some form thereof >>356662 >that phenotype Is Georgia Welsh?
>>356669 >>356670 Posting soyjaks doesn't change the fact that I have good taste.
>>356673 You lust after digital stills of gooks lad.
>>356672 who knew, I thought they wouldn't be very good with symbols what with ruining Saint George's Cross
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*tears her belly piercing out*
>>356679 good lad i'd hook that thing up to a table saw and turn it on
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I think they arrested tbbk
>>356649 It was some rando but I thought the self own was amusing; he was comparing Matt Walsh saying trannies started pushing their bullshit on everyone else before Tennessee reacted, to muh literal nazis saying jews wanted war and they got it (also just factual).
>>356681 Isn't that the lass that got cancelled off disney for not actively supporting troons?
>>356683 Twitter seems to agree that Matt is a fascist (self described).
>>356684 It was over the Holocaust lol.
It's over
>>356681 I could beat her up
>>356688 Come on Steiner you don't have to be 100% incel mode all the time.
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I. will. never. simp.
>>356690 God I wish I had that phenotype
>>356693 yeah smh just pure chuddic
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mannimarco is really ringing the alarm bells on the economic collaspe lads
>>356697 taking too long for my liking
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>>356698 TBH its just grating having to have already gone into hard mode while so many normalfags are still coasting on bad screen memi jobs
>>356699 You'll be trading your skills for sex and food soon.
I'll take payments in toilet paper, I reckon it will be a third currency after silver and weapons.
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>>356700 thats my cope
>>356673 >some gook with a receding hairline >good taste she does have a nice tiddy vein but otherwise meh
I'm gonna watch the latest mannarino vid even though it's going to be a talk about lions and then some market jargon I don't understand.
and now superchats
>>356705 yeah I kind of just skip around
five little chuddies posting in a thread
I'm really glad I have a couple grand in cash right now
>Have sex incel
>>356715 smh the ruszis must be working with the nazi remnants down there
>>356715 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
>>356686 She was cute before she started bulking up and getting trooned out of her eye. >>356715 quality, I was hoping they were going to start with this kind of propaganda.
*sniff sniff*
Prigozhin in the centre of bakhmut
toil ends >>356719 cor
Just thinking about how badly managed the Coonye West coming out against the jews debacle was.
>>356724 Spic Fuentes describes him as "my boss". if he can tame this monkey enough to get him on the Republican debate stage talking about the Jevvs it will actually be a major happening, as long as the bluegum doesn't make antisemites look stupid
>>356724 it was always going to be a mess tbh >>356725 tbh there's the potential for some peak clown world kino there
>>356726 >it was always going to be a mess tbh Yeah but ending up on Tim Pool's show means you've fucked up somewhere. God, I hate that cunt.
>>356718 All the PEDs and hormones caught up with her, hope she doesn't end up being a completely disgusting mutant like Stacy Burr, Marianna Gasparyan, or Michelle Mazulis. I want to throw up now.
I don't know what to do with myself
>>356729 go for a walk lad
>>356730 it's 3am
plus it's cold and I don't want to leave the house
>>356728 tbf she's just old and overweight. Nice tits though.
>>356731 night walks are kino
>Russian MFA is having a press conference today Hope Maria Zakharova isn't two hours late like last time.
When was the last time the FCO had an actual press conference/briefing on foreign policy position? All I can find is tweets and blogs.
still don't know what to do with myself. guess I want to watch something, like an anime, but there's a total drought right now gonna post a gook. she has ayylien-like eyes and it's kind of appealing how she's all skinny and yet has some boob. shiny black hair too kinda nice. I suppose gooks are decent fuckpuppets for the white man after all
other than go to work and come home what to people do? what are we supposed to do?? other than breed obviously. I guess the idea is that most of your time is taken up by working and raising your breedlings so you don't have to think about what to do with yourself you just have to spend most of the time doing obligatory work stuff
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It's just the FCO wagging their fingers at countries that transgress their vapid "UK-backed values" at intergovernmental events, then publishing it online like it's tumblr. Our Foreign Office fucking boils my piss, you wouldn't fucking believe it, lads.
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>british politics
smh Chinks, nips and gooks aren't even good looking Asians.
>>356740 treating geopolitics like teen drama smdh
>>356743 posting eurasians is cheating. they look more european than asiatic
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Still finding dried blood up my nose.
>>356746 that's why you're supposed to get a permit first lad digging for nose gold right next to a high pressure pipeline smh mad
>>356748 Just shows you how cucked the UK/EU is tbh.
>>356749 the UK is in the same bracket as Spain/Italy/Slovenia/Croatia/Estonia. even ESTONIA which was part of the USSR 33 years ago
I said Croatia when I meant Czechia and also I think Czechia/Estonia might be one color down idk I can't tell
>>356748 smh martin's doing alright for himself >>356751 yeah they are
>>356745 That's the point.
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cmon lads, post
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I learnt how to view my Youtube comment history yesterday.
>>356755 saw two goth-ish lasses at the shops today one had blue hair and was wearing a black semi-transparent (except for the chebs) top and tartan miniskirt and the other was wearing a pastel pink dress with flowers on it but she had black hair and black lipstick and was wearing those yuge platform boots with a billion straps and buckles only saw the the blue hair lass from afar but almost walked into the boot lass and did the pedestrian dance and she smiled at me and i smiled back >>356757 based
ban him it's him
>>356761 say it ain't so
It's Payne. Whack him.
War bad
>>356765 hmmm booba didn't read words
>>356765 hey it's that hohol thot I've posted before! >>356766 her body is insaaane
I told you to ban him
>>356768 should've listened to you
Disgusting taste in women tbh as per for /brit/.
>>356771 >white woman bad >gook good isn't that unbaste?
>human sex doll is now white
>>356773 >unspoilered titty verboten! she's ukrainian and therefore part iranian. does seem to have lip injections
>>356772 >slavs >white
>>356774 Okay, Mykola.
is everyone full coomer mode this morning?
>>356775 ukrainians and russians are whiter than other slavs due to their iranian and nordic blood, respectively. compare them to a pole, for instance, who is pure distilled cringe
>>356777 spic being spic and asian poster
I'm starting to feel bad for hohols, to be honest. for a year I was ridiculing them, "you get what you deserve", "holodomor 2", yadda yadda, but now it's like laughing at a retard that keeps banging his head into a pipe because he can't learn that it's there because he's retarded. it starts to feel mean at some point
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>>356777 If this cunt is cooming to that ugly shite, he has bigger problems then cooming tbh.
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>Zakharova is late to her own press briefing again
>>356783 Wew lad, what a sexy Armenian.
>>356783 keeeeeeeek
>>356777 my coomer poost was for ironic purposes only >>356778 slavs are their own ethnic group tbh >>356780 the people being thrown into the meat grinder aren't the same people as the ones dictating that the grinder needs more meat pookraine is cringe but that shouldn't stop you from feeling bad for lads who get sent to die in the name of total resistance just for their government to eventually buckle and act like they're forcing the russians to accept concessions that would have readily been offered had they surrendered three days in >>356783 keeeeeeeek
If only this worked
>>356787 >the people being thrown into the meat grinder aren't the same people as the ones dictating that the grinder needs more meat but they are idiots that support the war too. otherwise they would flee the country like some have >>356788 she's fully clothed, lad
see like look at this mobilized attention whore on KC for example. they have them doing this 'Two Minutes Hate' daily ritual against Putin and the hohol zerglings all eat it up
I need a new bigger ssd
>>356789 They get fed propaganda like everyone else.
>>356788 they'd go bankrupt if that button did anything instagram is an onlyfans billboard and everything else is just a distraction so they can larp as a real business >>356789 did you recently hit your head or are you just conveniently forgetting how the borders are closed for everyone except jews and lads get grabbed off the street and forcibly conscripted >>356790 they're blank slates lad like any other zoomer
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>only 45 mins late Punctual.
ran out of ginger wine smh night lads time for an hour of gooming before bed >>356785 >>356795 this is why you don't give women responsibilities
>>356794 >did you recently hit your head or are you just conveniently forgetting how the borders are closed for everyone except jews and lads get grabbed off the street and forcibly conscripted if they really wanted to leave then they'd find a way, some have. the border is huge, you could just slip through the forest into Romania for example
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>Zakharova is giving a "Grave of the Firefly" level of detailed history lecture on the American firebombing campaign of Tokyo
>>356742 Nogi46 is great tbh
Fuck, Russian press briefing are hard work. It's a University lecture with Russian in one ear and broken English in the other.
>>356798 based
>see what's subbed on Chinese TV >Stalin
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>when his road hog gets stuck in the mud
I found this.
>Draft law on foreign agents withdrawn from Georgian parliament
>>356808 ZOG wins again
>>356807 keeeeeeeek steiner will seethe at that when he gets on
>>356808 so they can draft foreigners now?
>356811 JANNIES
wouldn't have happened on madlad's watch
>>356814 >>356808 no source provided, no context, no explanation why it matters
the more you get into anthropology the more you realise europe is just germany. >proto-celtic hallstatt culture originated in modern austria >proto-italics originated north of the alps >proto-celtics inhabited the Po valley before the italics arrived around 2,000 BC >the germanic lombards settled the Po valley after the collapse of the roman empire >visigothic kings ruled all of italy >iberia was inhabited first by various celtoiberians before being overrun by germanic suebi's and visigoths after the collapse of the roman empire >france was inhabited by celtic gauls before being overrun by germanic franks >all parts of the roman empire were conquered by germanics after it's collapse even north africa and greece >swedes, danes and norwegians are all germanic
Saxon means Seax-Man. We are knife-men.
love BIG knives me
>>356818 Tbh. Missed my woodcarving club today because the boomers weren't going to show up in this weather. Smh.
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>just spent 40 minutes trying to find the power button on my new monitor why is everything so needlessy complicated and overdesigned? it's not even a button it's this tiny little recessed sliding switch thing with no visual indication on the bezel of there being something there
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>just spent 40 minutes trying to find the power button on my new monitor
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XylUpySnckA GOOD DAY >Picks nose >Scratches Balls
>>356816 Mong.
I'm a mong, you're a mong, we are mongs all, and when we get in trouble, we do the mong call. Caw caw caw
week long thread this
MASS SHOOTING IN HAMBURG GERMANY 6 DEAD DOZENS WOUNDED >A federal warning was sent on the NINAwarn app that around 21:00 (20:00 GMT) telling locals that "one or more unknown perpetrators shot at people in a church". https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-64910415 >>356828 hh brother
>Jehova's Witnesses keeek garlic festival tier
Too many things happening tbh. Don't like it. The Israeli interior minister sacked a bunch of high ranking police and IDF officers today too.
im a fucking ARYAN BARBARIAN mate.
The hour of judgement approaches, lads.
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New zoggy just dropped.
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>check out cuckchan's /b/ for muh nostalgia >it's as revolting, edgy and retarded as ever >ai art and porn thread >someone posting about exploding knees I keek.
>>356835 Some of the AI generated sexy ladies I've seen are preddy gud tbh, technology is getting so good we won't even need women to make porn.
>>356817 You forgot about Russia
Aidan Aslin got spotted in Backmut.
It isn't him.
>>356687 God I wish that was me
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>>356838 I'm here in Zaparozhia Oblast because something really exciting is coming. Here it is! It's the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System! This is so exciting. What a treat
Ching chong bing bong fing fong, shuuuur leh.
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>>356844 Very good lad
>>356806 so when you take a girl on a dinner date, you have to YELL for the waiter, noted
>>356850 It's current year social media-fuelled gender conflict trash, it's not worth giving it a rent free mental abode. There are redeemable lasses out there I'm sure, though I haven't got a clue how you're supposed to find them. It's a sad irony that technology keeps making society a worse place for humanity yet we cannot collectively forget what we know and instead must keep developing more technology in the expectation that maybe somehow it will improve the world.
>>356841 keeeeeeeeeek
>>356851 fuck that I say we smash the cotton gin
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>RuAF finally doing bombing runs on Ukies since May last year on Azovstal Thank fuck.
>doubling capital gains tax essentially grandfathers in the rich people as the permanent elite and everybody beneath them can only get poorer
>>356857 too much of a mong to understand taxes lad explain it to me
>Good news ➡️ the Georgian government intends to withdraw proposed "foreign agent" laws that would have made it difficult for NGOs & media to operate. The people of Georgia made clear they want a country with free expression, a free press, & a path to Euro-Atlantic integration. https://twitter.com/PowerUSAID/status/1633867481780453384
>>356858 capital gains tax is taxes on profit you earn on your investments. idk how it works in the UK exactly but in the US if you buy stocks and hold them for at least 1 year and the price goes up and you sell, you pay 'long-term capital gains tax' which is lower than income tax but still high enough to make it really hard to get rich. if it wasn't for capital gains tax then you could basically just invest $10,000 and 20 years later it would be worth so much money you'd be able to retire. doubling the capital gains tax is basically going to make it impossible for middle class people that use their money wisely to get rich, they'll be stuck middle class with no ability to climb higher
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https://youtu.be/WlGjmkUE008 IT'S NOT THE WEEKEND YET TOILMAN
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>>356860 >they'll be stuck middle class with no ability to climb higher
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just got the worst haircut of my life lads
>>356865 did your mummy give you a haircut?
i remember an interview of an old ira guy who said it would be impossible to try what they did today with just the amount of cameras, let alone mobile phones. do you niggas think we will ever reach a point where rebellion or revolution becomes functionally impossible as a result of technological advancement?
>>356866 yeah and she accidentally buzzed part of the back off so you can see my scalp next to my ear and the fade is totally uneven keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek look like a crackhead combined with dickie spencer 2016
hey barber, give me the dickie spencer cueball
https://youtu.be/YgSPaXgAdzE best part is nobody gives a fuck because I am a low status male tradesman subhuman didn't even notice it until later and I had been at the gym previously keeeek incelvisbility
>>356869 thats what zoomers will be asking for after we build the ethnostate that and the 22st spike
>It was revealed on 2 October 2016 that the United States Department of Defense (DoD) paid Bell Pottinger $540 million to create fake terrorist videos, fake news articles for Arab news channels and propaganda videos.[77][78] >An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism revealed the details of the multimillion-pound operation. Bell Pottinger is understood to have been funded some $540 million from the DoD for five contracts from May 2007 to December 2011, according to The Times and the Bureau of Investigative Journalism.[79][80] Its work during the Iraq War came under the U.S.'s Information Operations Task Force and Joint Psychological Operations Task Force. As part of the project Bell Pottinger created fake videos that were approved by General David Petraeus and that appeared to be the work of Al-Qaeda. It also created and distributed news stories that had the appearance of being produced by Arab media outlets. Lord Bell confirmed Bell Pottinger reported to the Pentagon, the CIA and the U.S. National Security Council on its work in Iraq.[81] why tho
>>356857 The UK has ISAs still , 20k tax free a year. Who knows for how long though
>>356871 keeek yeah martins hairstyle should become the next maosuit in the ethnostate
>>356876 >le "sneed" 4cuck meme
>Five Gulf Cartel assassins who kidnapped The Tummy Tuck Four - killing two - are tied up and dumped in the street with a note from cartel bosses apologizing to the four South Carolina families The Gulf Cartel turned over five members of their Scorpions Group armed wing for their alleged role in the kidnapping of four Americans The incident shook the northeastern border city of Matamoros last Friday Americans Latavia McGee and Eric James were rescued and Shaheed Woodard and Zindell Brown were found dead They claimed the assassins - who were part of the notorious Scorpions splinter group - operated outside of 'cartel rules' and 'condemn' the attack, adding 'the CDG has always respected the life and integrity of the innocent'. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11840535/Mexican-cartel-turns-five-members-kidnapped-four-Americans.html CIA-owned Cartels throw their boys under the bus because they harmed sacred negroids
but when the cartels killed white mormons, nothing happened https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LeBar%C3%B3n_and_Langford_families_massacre
>>356857 In the UK, the average person is not really subject to CGT unless they sell something big like a house due to the annual CGT tax free allowance. The real problem over here is that the allowance is going to be drastically reduced year on year. If buying and selling something forms part of regular business activity rather than a one-off, e.g. used car salesman, CGT doesn't apply. The average person doesn't go buying and selling shares, at most older people will get shares long term for the dividend income and long term gains. The thing is that the rich get around these sorts of laws by not selling valuable assets, because they don't need to. This is why there are proposals to tax unrealised gains too.
They remade Merchant of Venice. Shylock is a woman and it's about 1930's London defeating Oswald Mosley. Keeeek.
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>>356882 Jewbros... getting tired of all these self owns.
covfefe and kitkats and a fixed schleeping schedule for brekky
>>356885 >a fixed schleeping schedule for brekky the taste of success
>Avril Lavigne dating a nigger grim.
>>356885 >coffee >not English breakfast tea
>>356889 larper
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>>356892 Zelensky taking pleasure in the spilling of Aryan blood
Bakhmut will be done within a week
>>356892 That's a strange looking counter-offensive.
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it'll be disappointing if Russia only takes 4 oblasts. they really ought to keep going until they take the entire red area, even if it takes years
>gene hackman seen grabbing lunch after being out of the public eye for years
>>356898 smh he looks anorexic
>>356899 hes 93 tbf, seemed quite lively in the video and was driving about himself
>>356900 pretty good for 93 tbh
2 decades since he was in anything. Crazy
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>>356901 There's a 93 year old lad at boomer hobby that still drives. He got to see jews jewing British Palestine during his national service. Cool guy.
>>356898 Watching the Poseidon adventure rn tbh
>media totally covering up the biggest russian missile strikes to date that even the hohols are unable to lie about their interception rate because they were hypersonic missiles
>>356905 very based lad luv that film
>>356906 What was targeted?
Licking food and putting it back. I wonder where they got that idea from? https://www.youtube.com/shorts/AT4GgmrsFZo
>>356911 >i'm in a similar position
Those are some fried dopamine receptors when all you can now get off to it is literal shit. keeeeeeeeek.
>>356911 unsettling to think just how far gone some people can get smh
Enjoying a bottle of Rosé I found, while watching a three part, nine hour Chinese war epic. I love life, lads.
>>356916 sounds comfy lad
>>356911 Respect to the goon master
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Why goon? When you can be absolutely munted before 4pm?
https://youtu.be/BETUM7WsWjE look if you had one post or one opportunity to spam everything you ever wanted in one thread would you post it or just let it sage? Yo his palms are sweaty, braps weak, arms are heavy theres vomit on his keyboard already, moms spaghetti he's nervous, but on the boardlist he looks calm and ready to drops posts, but he keeps on forgettin' what he typed out, the whole thread goes so loud he opens reply, but the words won't go down he's chokin', how? everybodies kekkin' now the threads run out, posts up, over, blaow Brap back to reality, ope there goes brapity ope, it goes brappit, he choked he's so mad, but he won't give up that easy? no He won't have it, he knows his whole backs to these posts It don't matter, hes dope, he knows that, but he's coped he's so stagnant, he knows, when he goes back to his wagie cage, thats when its back to the brap again,yo this whole brapsody Better go brapture this moment and hope it don't shart on him You better lose yourself in the OP, the threadpost You post it, you better never let it slide You only get one post, do not miss your chance to blow This opportunity comes once in a neets life
shitting my guts out all week
>>356878 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek so much kayfabe they didn't want to go full pancho villa on shartica and the niggers get to continue to cope as being 'ard despite being coddled trash
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>from refugees and loss of territory there are likely only 28 million Ukrainians left in Ukraine
>>356924 >Emil Lugwig "Lewis" Holmdahl was born on August 26, 1883, in the Swedetown area of Fort Dodge, Iowa, to Swedish-American parents Swedish Win
South Korean government proposes increase in work week to 69 hours from 52
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>>356925 god this is what my boomer toil wroughts into the great lakes same shit different side of lake huron. kill all shitskins race war in the great lakes now
>zelensky at funeral of right sector leader with finnish PM
>>356925 everything coming out of canada these days makes me seethe
>>356931 Toronto has "Diversity Our Strength" as its official city motto
why are hohols such larpers
>>356933 would be fantastic if they were shelled during this
>>356933 is it normal to kneel during funerals over there or are they doing it to remember george floyd?
>>356933 the worst part about war is all the women and faggots who didn't get drafted pretending like they give a shit that a bunch of worthless incels just got made into ground beef over a muddy patch
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Lewes looks very nice, will probably go for a daytrip
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i think i have salmonella
didn't woes fantasise about bumming Avril Lavigne not too long ago? Are the jews trying to humiliate him?
>>356916 whats it called lad?
>>356285 yet he controls the biggest /brit/ discord smh why are trannies such a powerful political force?
>>356940 they'd better be careful since this might stir him into action
>>356943 That isn't /brit/ anymore, it's just his Twitter mutuals. Fucking Jocko left of his own volition because of the debauchery, that's how dire it is.
>>356935 Keeek. American sacred negro worship has even influenced how Ukies now honour their dead.
>>356942 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFhbbKclU4M (Part I: Liaoxi-Shenyang Campaign) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MAvI0pItkA0 (Part II:Huai-hai Campaign) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yzh5Al02f88 (Part III: Beiping-Tianjin Campaign)
>>356947 ta lad
does anybody still use SA's bongo
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>Ukrainian officers are starting to come out saying NATO has no fucking clue what is actually happening in reality
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>>356949 Never used any but anyone in SAs deserves a worse fate than "our" troomers.
Just looking at this ebin toryboy pic Honest to god is that adam wallace on the right?
>>356952 wasnt he supposed to become a monk
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>>356859 >Euro-Atlantic integration >Atlantic End my life
>>356860 Presumably the richfags have a business operating in their name that pays tax only on net profits rather than income.
>Fabian Socialists
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>>356957 I'm sure it's just good business.
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>>356957 The mad man actually did it
PLA's new revision of the T-72 out of the blue. Also the Chinese have converting Type-59 MBTs into APCs.
Didn't even know Chinks used T-72s.
comfy economic happening
>99% of USD circulated since 1776 was printed in the last 36 months tbh
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>>356967 keek and I thought this was a meme
> Financial regulators have closed Silicon Valley Bank and taken control of its deposits, in what is the largest U.S. bank failure since the global financial crisis more than a decade ago.
>>356969 so comfy hope that the construction industry collapses so I can neet again
>>356968 keeeeeeeeeeek
>>356957 smh they're leaving israel behind
smh why are they eating scrambled eggs in a active warzone? It's everywhere.

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