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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3831: Anime Edition Anonymous 01/28/2023 (Sat) 17:52:22 Id: 1578eb No. 349110
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:00:34.
egg bastards
tranny or spic thread
Summary of the last thread?
fresh gregg going almost as fast as the economy is collapsing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXGf84K0YTE
>>349115 /brit/ were was wrong again
>>349118 Your mind on Atheism
>>349118 smh do they just arrest chud leaders now once they lose elections
Russia's failure in Ukraine has just made all of Eastern Europe gay NATO cocksleaves overnight.
https://youtu.be/01nBg8dJ8-U smh, quite like globohomo now
>>349118 butthurt belters we won
>>349116 best greg running the pro street circuit with a god tier mustang setup
Feel like loading vans day in day out is a real body breaking low for me smh, probably the best company i worked for though kek
looks like there was some minor looting yesterday. could the niggerinos regain their honour with a blowout loot spree tonight??? https://mobile.twitter.com/Tr00peRR/status/1619387413767532546
still waiting on steinhog's uploads absolute smh
What time is M3gan, bins? Almost forgot it was Saturday.
>yandere robot gf
>>349134 >sharpnel is he retarded or is it supposed to be clever
>>349135 give us the rundown lad
>>349136 Most j-core is retarded on purpose. I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm not even a weeb, and I don't like anipoo. I just like the squeaky corez.
should we bring back tiktokposting?
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>>349140 Damn this slut must be like halway to 30 by now. Yikes
(848.17 KB 576x1024 batstrussenuff.mp4)

*recalibrates algorithm for /brit/tok posting*
*cranks up seethium dial to see if anything happens*
Apparently my dad is pro imperium. "I wouldn't be too choosy if I were you, some of those oriental women are very attractive". Yeah but their food sucks
>>349146 haven't clicked on any of them yet >>349147 he must have seen some eurasianist propaganda
>>349147 >his dad thinks he'd have to get a gook
lads our based southern femboy is getting lynched by niggers on twitter come to his aid immediately https://twitter.com/hollabackgrI/status/1618316241588072449
>>349146 It's things like this that make me think we should revive the tried and true practice of stoning people to death
>349151 Hope niggers lynch him irl.
>>349152 Stonings are beautiful.
>>349146 They should have had their arses doing the clapping
>>349151 Oh I was hoping he had become straight since I couldn't find his social media with his old nickname. Shame he's still a homorino then
*starts crying* Can't boys just be beautiful and androgynous anymore? Why do they have to be homo *sobs*
>>349151 Look away dixieland...
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>>349151 if only he had a proper southern role model
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Been looking forward to this don't tell me I might as well have skyroomed until midnight.
ahh that first riff is so addicting
i HATE people that are browner than myself
literally the best band
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vRoJy9Y7pgM Sad to see this misandrist filth promoted. Breedhogs should be raised to breed.
(307.91 KB 600x651 mfw lasses.png)

Looks like lolibait. wtf is this about?
the national anthem of greece is 30 minutes long wtf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAb8E39BElE
>>349168 Evil robot cunny.
>>349168 shite chucky knockoff. Anybody who likes modern horror films is a tasteless pleb
>>349130 doing it rn tbh
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>>349169 Nothing wrong with that, nigger.
I watched those insidious films with some normalfags at uni, and it was so boring and forgettable. All I can remember is Patrick Wilson is in them
>>349176 Thing I remember most about Insidious was getting noshed off at my girlfriends half way through.
The epitome of loli movies
I'm scared ahhh don't let the doll hurt me
>>349179 w-why did she wear the choker
>>349179 *blocks your path*
>these are the niggas who say "cunny" and "loli" but claim to not be nonces
*blocks your path even more*
>According to sources close to Chinese intelligence, Ukraine's irreversible military losses - the number of dead and seriously wounded - are over 500,000 and probably around 680,000. >The figure Zaluzhny reported to NATO was 232,000 dead and 129,000 seriously wounded. >Stratfor estimates were 305,000 dead and 105,000 seriously wounded. >Ukraine and the West are ignoring this issue by not including in the death toll at least a couple of hundred thousand people that the Ukrainian Army does not include in the death toll as missing. >1 and 2 months ago, in the morgue, church and army records that were leaked, they were talking about 500 to 600 thousand casualties. >My estimate is 600,700,000 dead and 1 million wounded, heavy or light. Ukraine continues to lose unprecedented numbers of soldiers t. turk military report who is going to keep all of these lonely hoholettes warm in the winter?
>>349184 at least we don't use ebonics
>>349188 If he stood as a toreeee he'd actually have a chance of being elected as an MP. As it stands, all he'll ever be is that one rich guy who funded Farage and was briefly an MEP
>>349186 fucking awful too many niggers and shitskins in the world for whitoids to be fighting like this
>>349190 but le Rossiyan lebensraum
>>349190 tbh but i doubt its true, there's videos of hundreds of SAA men being led into fields and slaughtered en masse by ISIS yet the Syrian Army only lost 80,000 men in their 10+ year civil war. What we see on camera always exaggerates what happens on paper. Seeing 80 men slaughtered on video in real combat is going to put an impression on you worse than reading 1,000 casualties from x operation on wikipedia.
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how do you lads dress when you go to the shops to get 'za?
>>349193 smart casual ofcourse
any of you lads ever read the book of revelation? what happens at the end?
>>349187 >at least we don't mock niggers instead we want to fuck pre-pubescent girls
>>349193 based lad living by the blade
>>349196 >what happens at the end? A Liam Neeson quote https://youtu.be/Y2h_TLLdBhU
(5.39 MB 4000x3000 foto_no_exif (59).jpg)

>when the breedhogs love u
>>349197 I don't want to fuck anybody unless I'm sure I'm going to marry them
https://youtu.be/vruqCqYTp3s Putin is so asiatic looking lol
>>349203 wrong, incorrect and untrue also!
hmm cute lass I'm talking with... but she's epleptic
>>349151 imagine what williamoid tecumseh sherman would think of this pic
*deranged troon spends time with jewishs online* wow breaking news
>>349184 Cunny just means cunt, lad. The robot turned out to be a right cunt too, like it's creator.
>>349211 I'm already watching midnight meat train tbh.
>>349213 Based will probably listen to these tomorrow.
>>349213 good lad
EVROPA.... my home....
>>349114 worse..agnonce
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>>349223 it'll do
(56.17 KB 379x532 JUST norf.jpg)

troonjak looks like THAT
>>349227 c'mon anon I wanna send it to my boyfriend!
troonjak doe, he got sumfin
I'm not a tranny wtf
>>349226 Supple thighs, lad. Why are you wearing something that shows your midriff?
>>349232 it's called a bra I'm not wearing a top but thanks
keeeeeeeeek. More gayism in this place.
I thought you lads liked thicc women
why are you falseflagging as Pembs?
>>349240 ikeeeeeeeeeek
>>349236 hate this gay country
keeeeeeek steiner giving a shout out to sneedensen
i like the parts where steiner laughs at his own jokes
>he's going to start reviewing onaholes
>>349236 Fucking hell. Always suspected this but for it to be out. Wonder how niggercattle will take this.
>>349213 incel rant 97 is restricted
>>349247 >he's not subscribed for 5 USD a month
>>349246 they told us at the time tbh https://archive.is/cyER2
I fucking hate this faggot ass normoid infested country.
although i guess this recent news confirms that they did target british people despite their prior claims. not that it matters, our spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) are still living off the ww2 codebreaking and james bond shite
"do you want total mindwar Mr.77?"
hohols being captured in trench assault
>>349253 glad they werent forced to execute them like the other video brother wars btfo
my white brothers... we will live in peace forever...
>>349245 onaholes are pretty fukken dope ngl, lads are missing out if they don't have one tbh >>349253 amazing how they hear shots all over the place and they're just walking around, not behind cover, and somehow remain calm. then they're taking these guys prisoner that are holed up in these dark caves where you can't see what they're holding or what they're doing too well. takes some serious balls. meanwhile yank pigs do the simon says bullshit and the slightest perceived reach is game over >>349254 >forced to this is one of my pet peeves. that guy wasn't "forced to" do anything, it was a split second heat of the moment thing
>>349240 yeah this is how it really is now
>>349257 nah it works
>>349253 smh poor lads glad they didn't die for kikes an NAFO shite
>>349260 no sympathy for hohol scum, most of them support the jevv globohomo agenda
>>349261 those looked like conscripts lad
hohol fpv drone strapped with RPG warhead putting in work
(251.31 KB 1082x1600 gid losd piggu xdddddd.jpg)

>>349262 most of them are conscripts, doesn't change anything
when mr bond said "the holocaust was all a dream, i used to read mein keimpf as a teen, reading adolph hitler and Mussolini in my limousine, hanging pictures on my wall" i felt it.
war is a young mans game, imagine being some 40 year old toiler with children and a breedhog then being forced into the trenches alongside broccoli headed azovcels making tiktok phonk videos
maybe if all the soldiers fighting in ukraine would just listen to mr bond this brother war would be other???
>>349266 war isn't anyones game for long lad
Yeah we get in steiney le war is hellerino no need to keep repeating it ad nauseam
when you le epicly murder a 40 year old volgagradite with 4 children and a wife at home with a US gov drone *does the rick and morty dance*
(1.93 MB 640x640 troonocide soy.webm)

when you get schwifty with nlaws into a crowd of mordavian conscripts.
(97.13 KB 640x691 ganja frog.jpg)

>fighting with guns when you could be praising up The Most High https://youtu.be/sTXSwct-Xz0
>>349273 holy based
seems like blm and antifa got on their knees and suckled down a bwc to cope with their btfoing tbh
killed the spider thats been living in the corner for over 2 years smh feeling like shit just want him back
>>349276 smh he trusted you lad
https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/01/29/hospitals-home-plan-save-nhs/ Hospital care via video link smh, just cut out the middle man, and have them messenger call Mary Rose in Manila
>>349278 chudbros we're back
Vugh our ancient brvers https://youtu.be/75R4g08ImzY
OH NO! OH FINNISH ICE PRINCESS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=448sTofp4Bg
>>349253 wholesome no warcrime moment
>get new computer > water cooling or whatever so it makes no noise >power outage >suddenly makes awful loud sounds that isn't even blocked out by headphones with sound *screams* old computer survived that a lot of times
>>349285 smh wouldn't want water anywhere near my computer tbh
>water >weat to electric type uh oh
>>349290 >that nose
>>349292 >finngolian doing yellowface by doing literal whiteface that's a high level technique ngl
https://youtu.be/rg6CiPI6h2g We have to go back
>>349293 Makes a better jap than woman tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3434nOMwLQs
>>349294 kino >>349295 tbh bit of an ogre
>>349296 tbh.. pokemon for cool kids/adults
>there are literal anti-white "jokes" in every single velma episode Not a shock I guess but you'd think there would be someone working on the show who'd say maybe not to do that
smh a lass humped Steiner like a dog to assert her dominance
>>349278 Pure seethebait. >social care scrutiny is unfair to blacks because o' dey melanin >also all these other things that effect yt too but not because of race
>>349304 yeah don't look up the article and the comments you might have a seethe heart attack
>>349304 What's Korea's fertility rate again?
Ah 1.082 children per woman, truly baby making machines.
>>349307 is right for 2022, my stat is 2 years old
(35.37 KB 326x184 scream.mp4)

>>349310 classic. I've missed this mp4
Rish *really* wants to stop replacement migration but oh no, the civil servants won't let him!
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Ma9Idpvr-DQ Got me a Filipina bird aven't I
Looks like either israel or america bombed iranian arms factories that were being used to supply russia
>>349263 Didn't read the caption and thought it was mars footage smh
brewing up a hot cuppa joe
(1.91 MB 950x543 1674940923719775.gif)

>>349317 Note to self, never open a /brit/ spoiler again.
drinking a hot cuppa joe
>>349322 I do it habitually and regret it almost every time
>>349312 The civil service are a bunch of communists to be fair.
>>349317 completely indistinguishable from the real thing IFLS!
White ex-Google executive who's a married dad-of-seven sues tech giant for firing him 'after he rejected Asian female boss's groping advances at swanky NYC dinner, prompting her to suggest he was RACIST' Ryan Olohan, 48, claims he was fired from Google after rejecting his boss He accused Tiffany Miller of groping him at Manhattan's Fig & Olive restaurant He claimed she said she retaliated against him after he reported her to HR During a videoconference call, Olohan said he was told by the Google Employee Investigations team that he was being fired because he was not “inclusive.” Ryan Olohan, 48, a married New Jersey father-of-seven, alleges Tiffany Miller rubbed his abdominals, told him he had a nice body and that her marriage lacked 'spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine),' according to a lawsuit filed in November. Miller, who is Asian, told Olohan she knew he liked Asian women — referring to his wife, who is also Asian. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11688177/Ex-Google-executive-sues-tech-giant-firing-rejected-female-bosss-alleged-advances.html
>>349327 >working in an office in 2023
>>349321 Surprised more people aren't shot when you see all those big melees in te streets tbh
some zoomer normalfag subhuman got mozambique drilled because he decided to fight with another normalfag over either: which nigger run into each other team was superior, which fat HPV slam pig was his "gurl," which type of consumer product was superior to the other. literally nothing of value was lost
>>349331 they were actually debating strategies to increase the white demographic of america. a loss our race will never recover from.
>>349325 >The civil service are a bunch of communists to be fair. so are the Conservative party tho
>>349325 clear them out then bud bud ding ding
>>349333 No, they're capitalists. Who are vermin as much as communists.
>>349331 his wife was playing jenga with another man at the barcade. he had to go to work
>>349336 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>349226 I give you a 10/10 in disgusting troon faggotry
>>349335 >No, they're capitalists. Who are vermin as much as communists. socially neo-marxist though the economy is so top down controlled at this point it may as well be communist one black rock dictates almost everything
>>349327 How do I get a hot, mature east asian woman in a high paying job to to grope me? That sounds... terrible... just.... terrible. I would selflessly suffer it so that other men may be free.
>>349340 the best part is when he said she'd berate him in the office during meetings to punish him for not fucking her.
>>349339 No, they're socially capitalist.
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>>349342 would
Had to get a Google employee
>>349345 She's a rich, westernised asian, at least second generation, I'm guessing Chinese descent. Not some lowly SEA monkey
(33.71 KB 496x496 asian cunts never once.jpg)

>>349347 >chinese >not lowly
>>349349 Relatively speaking. Compared to, say, filipinos. Speaking of which, I watched the Gerard Butler film Plane, in which it was extremely gratifying to see filipinos being killed en masse.
>>349316 god can Putin just fucking glass Washington already? I can't stand it
>>349347 she's just not fit lad
>>349352 She's not super attractive, but she's not repulsive either. Just saying, I wouldn't mind being seduced by a woman that looked like that.
(3.99 MB 600x800 nani.webm)

>>349353 she looks like shit lad
>>349354 She looks like she regrets not having children and is still just about fertile enough to make it happen
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>>349349 mmmhm
(6.65 MB 640x480 wessica.mp4)

>>349361 Keeeeeeeek.
>>349361 >le merely merely 30 year old child
Drives home how beta and what a whiny bitch Wessica is when his rants are put through a female with vocal fry AI.
(896.86 KB 480x360 Oh no no no laugh.mp4)

RAND Think Tank Calls for US to Surrender in the Ukraine >The RAND Corporation, a highly influential elite national security think tank funded directly by the Pentagon, has published a landmark report stating that prolonging the proxy war is actively harming the US and its allies and warning Washington that it should avoid “a protracted conflict” in Ukraine. ... >The US ending its financial, humanitarian and particularly military support promptly would cause Ukraine to completely collapse, and RAND cites several reasons why doing so would be sensible, not least because a Ukrainian victory is regarded as both “improbable” and “unlikely,” due to Russian “resolve,” and its military mobilization having “rectified the manpower deficit that enabled Ukraine’s success in the Kharkiv counteroffensive.” ... >A clear implication is the US could lose such a conflict, one key reason being, as pointed out by RAND, “the intensity of the military assistance” being given to Ukraine by its Western backers is already approaching an “unsustainable” level, with US and European weapons stocks “running low.” This consequently means a longer war equals more Ukrainian territory reunified with Russia. ... >On the subject of territorial losses, RAND is unmoved by arguments Ukraine should attempt to recapture all that it has lost since 2014, as “greater territorial control is not directly correlated with greater economic prosperity” or “greater security.” Land having been retaken by Kiev since September means “Russia has imposed far greater economic costs on the country as a whole.” >RAND also considers the worth of arguments that “greater Ukrainian territorial control” should be assured “to reinforce international norms, and to foster Ukraine’s future economic growth” to be “debatable,” as even in the “unlikely” event Kiev pushes “beyond the pre-February 2022 line of control and manages to retake areas that Russia has occupied since 2014,” the risks of escalation from Moscow, including “nuclear use or an attack on NATO” will “spike.” >All these factors make “avoiding a long war…the highest priority after minimizing escalation risks,” so RAND recommends the US “take steps that make an end to the conflict over the medium term more likely,” including “issuing assurances regarding the country’s neutrality,” something that Moscow had requested before the conflict began, to deaf ears, as well as “sanctions relief for Russia.” https://www.rt.com/news/570618-rand-came-up-with-solution/ the top think tank just said that >territory should be ceded to Russia >the Ukraine should become neutral >anti-Russian sanctions should be rolled back that's everything Putin demanded in February 2022 (Donbass/neutrality) and more. in other words, a complete surrender
>>349367 monke chads >>349361 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>349367 "you should have listened"
>>349367 Hopefully this will happen. But sunk costs fallacy is still driving Ukrainians now. Could go on for another year, for all I know. Smh.
>>349370 as the article mentions though, if the US stopped propping up the Ukraine, it would collapse. we keep hearing every week- another x billion dollars to the Ukraine, more HIMARS, more tanks. it's a war of attrition and if the Ukraine stopped receiving these things then their ability to keep up with Russia militarily as well as for the Ukrainian state to remain financially solve would quickly plummet. so it's really not the hohols' choice, they are just a vassal state that the US is using to wage proxy war against Russia
The agreement would have to be completely stacked in Russia's favour to a ridiculous degree for them to even consider it I would hope. Especially after that comment Merkel made publicly last month.
>>349373 >Especially after that comment Merkel made publicly last month. Missed this. What was it?
(229.59 KB test.mp3)

Trying to get a Mosley voice generator setup No matter what I do it comes out American
>>349375 Do a Steiner one, there's hours of audio.
>>349377 >Make a Steiner voice so it can do a funny and make him say niggers >All the audio samples is just "niggers" anyway
(956.81 KB test2.mp3)

keeeeeeeeeeeeeeek the second one
(7.99 MB 640x540 Caesar.mp4)

>>349379 >Brit'n
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>>349380 keeeek
>>349379 i like the emphasis on "movement" in the first one >"the mooovement needs you brother"
all of them have it tbh
>>349380 10/10
>>349386 awful video, sounds like russian boomer reading phonetically from a script and the whole video is ideologically incoherent. >look at these niggers ruining america >also come fight these evil racist nazis in ukraine retarded slavshits
BBK is probably really enjoying that Wessie voiceover
imagine dying in pookraine then having your head and hands lopped off by cockholes so the ruszis cant identify you
saw a pair of twins wearing matching outfits today and it made me keek >>349389 farcical tbh
Has this been posted yet? >Peter Hitchens on Trade Unions, Tony Blair and the End of the Monarchy | Downstream https://youtu.be/gTse1tyVDs0
>>349393 don't think so tbh watching it now
keeeek the interviewer got upset when hitchens said there are no dissenting opinions at universities and had to make a jab at people who read the sun to make himself feel better
was enjoying this interview but now he's getting it bogged down in le abortion le bodily autonomy smh
>>349367 I got my balls lopped off for this?
Oh god why is the board white
>>349399 looks normal to me lad
>>349388 >watch cherno-b-l with bins >shortly after, Morgoth makes video on it
(844.13 KB 406x720 average_modern_child.webm)

>goodscreen >not goodscreenS
>>349402 wow he's so good with technology future looks bright for that lad tbh maybe he'll be a scientist one day
teehee my daughter is morbiously a beast
(2.86 MB 320x520 1675070522769436.webm)

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So is it women who compete by looks and men who compete by physical strength, or implied physical strength by threats of war? By and large, I mean.
smorn lads, just got done shitting blood.
Poofter alert
never should have been convinced I could pull off eating that light bulb.
Think I might take a fat lass to go and see The Whale, I wonder if she'll get the hint.
Why oh why did I ruin my diet and eat that pistachio cannoli?
State of this event.
>don't get enough sleep >crave carbs and have a wank marathon is sleep good for you?
Keeeek > Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers French leader Emmanuel Macron, a dishonest politician who does not have the qualifications to govern the state. > "I speak openly, and these words will reach there [Paris]. He is dishonest, and we want international politics to be based on honesty. There is no trust without it," Erdogan told Habertürk TV channel.
https://vocaroo.com/1ooWfvMgt3WC the seams are still a bit obvious but keeeeeeeek
>>349418 yes, it's a small taste of being severed from this realm and immersed in the next.
Touching grass for dinner
>>349417 Fuck. Is everyne in the EU governments a US stooge/plant? Also muh “Poland stronk”. Der Ewige Pole tbh > Fotyga's position on foreign affairs is congruent with the policy stance of PiS, based on the concept of Poland as a strong, independent country, poised to confront Germany or Russia when necessary. She has also pursued a policy of close alignment with the U.S.
>>349422 Better than touching cloth
>>349423 I'm patiently waiting for the US to backstab Poland in a grand repeating of history.
It's almost like the US don't mind the Nationalist tendencies of Poland as long as it's fully on board geopolitically.
Bojo really is like Churchill, also indebted to the same types. keeeeek. though he is one himself tbh.
>Me noticing the qt working the till, but playing it cool.
>>349428 You should have shaken your jowls at her.
Expatchads... we won
>SA’s favourite tweeter is dead
>>349425 Will be good for a laugh tbh
>>349430 >polface finally finds a hwhite wife
>>349420 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek this is like ben garrison kino
>>349407 she birthed a sload
>>349429 >ou should have shaken your jowls at her. is that how you get a girlfriend?
(1.65 MB 800x800 based joe biden.webm)

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>>349438 based
>>349438 keeeeeeeeeeeek
>>349438 kek that's actually good
(539.18 KB Steinertest.mp3)

(2.38 MB 1932x2576 Steiner Tom Scott.png)

>Russians are the real pigs
>>349443 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek the way Steiner has his natural pauses makes it so that they don't stand out so much in AI keeeeek. I guess he can hire someone to write incel rants for him now
Wessex... Wessex... Wezzex
(6.62 MB 404x720 Steiner Barbie.mp4)

>>349447 Man those lyrics are actually kind of nasty
>>349448 Yeah it's pretty sick looking back to the songs you remember as a kid, they're all pretty fucked
>>349446 Tiny waists. How do they do it?
>>349450 The side fat is probably pulled down by a gunt that hangs to their knees
Lads... are we russian bots?
(388.44 KB 607x609 honklerpie.gif)

>thismorning: Meet Dolly who’s living out her bimbo fantasy by becoming more plastic than human. 💉
wish they did it a bit more for free tbh. Sick of seeing the same shit bait and bot threads on /pol/ all day every day
(23.47 KB 321x389 1000 yard woes.jpg)

ate a bag of oranges and now I have really bad heartburn
I feel a bit better now
>>349462 >oh boy i cant wait to grow up and serve zog by evacuating a billion afghans to europ-ACK
>>349462 oh nooo not the aspiring MUH REEN
>>349462 kek he was aspiring to be a muhreen motard and get on the 100 percent disability via sleep apnea scam that all motard muhreens and army fags do now. literally the only way to become a neet as a white man
>>349452 I guess I am a NAFOnigger now OKAY BRANDON WE NEED THOSE F-16s
>>349443 good lad
>>349464 thanks Churchill
>>349464 didn't hitler want northern france as well
>>349469 other than Elsass-Lothringen? it was talked about at one point but the plan was scrapped since there was so much more land in the east afaik
(1.33 MB 5976x4374 yurop_wwii_win02.png)

this is what I think Europe would look like if the white man won the war (other than Russia being balkanized)
(1.33 MB 5976x4374 yurop_wwii_win03.png)

posted the wrong one
>when the p*lish infestation gets removed
such a hilariously terrifying image cant believe this all actually happened.
>>349469 hitler also wanted to keep the channel islands in a peace deal
>>349474 yeah that's cool
>>349472 is this supposed to be modern day after an Axis victory, or late 40s?
>>349477 right after the war. I made it so don't make too many assumptions about its accuracy
fucked up finland a bit, it should be one more 'province' closer to St. Petersburg
>>349474 orc tier >>349475 smh didn't know about that
>>349474 show this to steiner's (white) ancestors, and they'll fight for the south instead
>>349478 The only way I can see this being possible is if peace held after the Munich agreement. If it did, the German economy would probably struggle transitioning back to peacetime so suddenly after putting so much into becoming a war machine. Hitler wouldn't be able to fund the peacetime domestic infrastructure projects he wanted after stopping so early. France would still feel threatened and probably build up arms. Germany would have to maintain an armed defence of its western border. After a few years, France and the UK would have had time to build up the manufacturing capabilities to outpace Germany, and so the Germans would be vulnerable should tensions boil over.
>>349482 France would be governed by the Vichy regime. even if they turned against Germany, would they ever be able to pose a threat? Germany rolled over France and all Britain was able to do was burn civilians in night raids in a fit of impotent range
>>349483 If this is after the invasion of France, then why are France and Poland not in light brown? If Germany has control of Poland and France, then it is overextended and desparately needs the food of Ukraine and oil of Russia. They would either have to become Soviet subjects or face a war they're highly unlikely to win. I don't see how the outcome would change much from what actually happened.
Apparently some in the US military are predicting a war with China by 2025 and are worried about depleting stocks in Europe and want peace with Russia https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=psLmxw45cus
That fucking capture is nearly impossible to read
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>>349486 you're confusing me now. here are some maps that are historical rather than theoretical >>349487 yeah see >>349367 note that by "predicting", they mean "planning". they can frame it however they want, "our intelligence indicates that China may invade Taiwan..." blah blah blah, China isn't going to just start a war, but the US would provoke them just as they did in the Ukraine. "we're going to put nukes in the Ukraine pointed at Moscow"- war. "we recognize the Republic of China"- war
>>349487 Would be interesting. China is too large fo ground invasions to be the first choice, so it would probably start as primarily naval warfare, with the US interdicting Chinese ships, akin to the Phoney War period. Whether or not a proper war gets going will depend on whether India stays neutral for want of cheap Russian oil, or lets its antagonism with China get the better of it. If India entered open warfare, they would be the western-backed stooges that fight a ground war for disputed territories and beyond. The eastern powers will then probably encourage Pakistan to do the same to India.
Western Europe will enter open war with Russia, and bam, World War three
Once Pakistan is in, you then have the possibility of it having support from other moslem nations
Taiwan is too close to the philippines to be a worthwhile country
if china gets btfo in taiwan aswell then its over, zog has won and i will fabricate a jewish grandparent and immigrate to israel.
>>349492 all India would be able to do is skirmish in the Himayalas while China could send their planes from Tibet and btfo Uttar Pradesh... simple geography dooms India in a Chinese-Indian conflict
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dc3XcTcTjaw Getting autism kino recommends on based yidtube lately.
>>349498 I wish. Doubt this will do anything
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>women will have to ask me out now I have AI porn and my realistic sex doll keek good one incel
tbh it was always about breeding being gatekept. Incels have always had porn
>>349393 why does he love talking to leftoids >>349452 i thought poltards supported ukraine
>>349496 you don't need to fabricate
>>349506 >i thought poltards supported ukraine there are two camps. Most people on Russia's side.
How do you still go on 4cuck? There's a 100 psy-ops all running at once.
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>>349509 I really love that video
got gas at the full service gas station where they pump it for you and it was this flirty sloot with tight jeans and midriff showing with belly button piercing. she knows what she's doing, everybody has mirrors in their cars to watch her prance around, then she calls you "honey" keeek
>>349512 where was that?
>>349513 she wasn't all that hot, but it was still a pleasant experience. she had on thick eyeliner too. definitely using sex appeal to get people to come back
>>349500 that dogshit will get rekt by drones. I hate how americucks have the memory of goldfish. I remember being in school and there was outrage because the old bradleys were not doing so well against even rpg 7 and various IED type weapons
the bradley only survived the chopping block which the AAV failed because they could slap loads of ERA on it and it was a low intensity conflict. the bradley only performed well against asad babils with no NV in a night battle where bradleys had extreme advantage in optics. hol hol bradleys will have none of these.
>>349516 The thing ways a tonne with all the extra armour, it'll sink in the mud.
>>349517 tbh keeeeeeeeeeeek yeah the bradley was always just simply americas version of the BMP, it was certainly superior to the sheridan light tank and the m113 compared to the stuff other NATOniggers or slavniggers were making it was basically shit. bradley is like the bosch tool line coming out with a track saw. its not a festool track saw, its just simply the "america" brand track saw. bradly IFV was probably cutting edge 40 years ago (not really its got a horrific profile compared to even the BMP) then they fell for the stryker meme and the MRAP meme
IMO shartica tech good tier: armalite platform stoner rifle submarines carriers barrett anti material rifle okay tier legacy shite from ww2 era coping with upgrades abrams various IFVs legacy airframes from vietnam era f-22 apache longbow shit tier M-craps hummer multicam,ucp,marpat autism guns like SCAR,SPEAR autism ships F-35 osprey
fresh americunt gets shot https://files.catbox.moe/gf5x0t.mp4
>>349520 betting on white
>>349523 i meant the truck
kek that spic is a chomo he is toast once he goes to prison
>>349518 always thought the m113 looked really cool tbh even though it's shite
it's cold outside there's no kind of atmosphere i'm all alone more or less
>>349520 smh living in the fast lane got him killed
>>349528 How do you breathe?
tfw he runs away from you when you pull out your gun so you shoot him 3 times in the back in self defense
look who's back (he's back) EGGY'S BACK https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhCBF2jMSEY
>A study on North American pavement apes by Sir David Attenborough. https://vocaroo.com/1cblPCdbdr73
>>349529 he was speedrunning life >>349530 i try to avoid it tbh everybody who's ever breathed air has died users are losers tbh it's fresh mango juice for me >>349532 thought he quit forever tbh nice that he's back but didn't he quit for his health? don't want him to sacrifice himself on the altar of ecelebrity
oh okay then
>>349533 honestly amazing what technology can do these days tbh
>>349533 I heartily kekked >>349534 I guess he got a couple of days off not actually going to sit through the whole 11 hours to find out tbh and his poast is a bit sparse but did include something about his car breaking down
>Jan 22 >Soiboomers at work got caught fedposting because of football teams on Facebook, they literally have management added as friends on there for whatever reason. My status at the job site has elevated once more as a result of their actions he'll be alright
>>349539 well that's 11 years for them
>>349539 based wessie climbing the ranks simply by turning up on time maybe it really is as easy as the boomoids said all you have to do is wait for somebody above you to say wrongthink and you're in >>349540 they'll try but you can't put the genie back in the bottle
>>349520 "Hi there, would you like to sign my petition?"
>>349544 state-sponsored jews work to forward the interests of the jewish-owned state more at eleven
>>349545 madfag banned me for no reason again. get rid of him at once
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_Postal_Service_creed >Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays these couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds. >While the Postal Service has no official motto, the popular belief that it does is a tribute to America's postal workers. The words above, thought to be the motto, are chiseled in gray granite over the entrance to the New York City Post Office on 8th Avenue and come from Book 8, Paragraph 98, of The Persian Wars by Herodotus. During the wars between the Greeks and Persians (500-449 B.C.), the Persians operated a system of mounted postal couriers who served with great fidelity. >The firm of McKim, Mead & White designed the New York General Post Office, which opened to the public on Labor Day in 1914. One of the firm's architects, William Mitchell Kendall, was the son of a classics scholar and read Greek for pleasure. He selected the "Neither snow nor rain . . ." inscription, which he modified from a translation by Professor George Herbert Palmer of Harvard University, and the Post Office Department approved it. imagine living in a world where you could put "we'll do our job" on a building and have it approved and then you build the building and people work there and nobody tries to knock it down out of spite people in the twentieth century didn't know how good they had it
>>349546 give me a second lad i'll look at the logs
>>349542 >>349541 smh lads it's from eggy's poast I thought it was implied me? probably going to be denied my one day a week paid employment or told that I need another month of "training" (free labour) because I couldn't handle the xoomer this saturday
>>349549 as much as i love are eggy i'm not going to sit through an eleven hour stream just to keep up with his antics smh your poost was too believable tbh that kind of thing can happen anywhere
>>349549 Suffered free labour myself. Really wish we lived in a polite society where you could magdump a bossman who does that in self defense
how were we tricked into eating pig colons again?
>>349543 keeeeeeeeeeeek
can you please not
>>349546 the only bans i can see are well deserved you're going to have to be more specific lad >>349551 glad he's doing well tbh completely forgot that poast exists
>>349555 why is that white girl's head so red keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>redhead oh
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wholesome totally not whore saving me from rape
saw a boomoid driving a classic car today tbh and by classic i mean classic real chitty chitty bang bang kind of classic smh it was ancient and i have to say it was beautiful also there was another boomoid driving a classic (i.e. 1950's) sedan which was pretty cool but less impressive all in all plus another boomoid and his son in a real flash red ferrari which made me turn my head as they zoomed past at the lights got to tell you though lads south australia is a haven for automotive enthusiasts as soon as the sun so much as winks and suggests that the day might be nice all the lads are out there showing what they've got seriously though you can pick any day of the week and if the sun's high in the sky there's someone trying to show off his machine and honeslty we're all more than happy to see it got to good use. >>349560 phwoar smh if only she could save me from getting raped on a regular basis
>>349562 me on the middle-right
really, lad. you made me read all that for.. cars? That's it cowboy hat is filtered for this thread
>>349564 they were cool cars though lad you should've been there honestly it was nice tbh
thought up something witty but then forgot it pee pee poo poo etc
>>349566 Remember staying at a girls' who had a Frida Kahlo pop art portrait up on the wall. So I had this unibrow bitch staring at me the entire time.
>groomee mum vetting me by making the groomee have me on speaker while we talk bit inappropriate ngl
>>349506 I didn't intend that video for the dedicated alt-right crowd. Stop acting like I was soliciting your support by posting it.
https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-64448879 Mining giant Rio Tinto has apologised for losing a tiny radioactive capsule that went missing as it was being transported across Western Australia. Auslad should go hunting for daft purposes
smorn lads
>>349573 ranger round only shoots he does not chase.
>>349576 keeeeeeeek
*Kisses them*
>>349580 Is this more AI generated stuff?
computer, disengage safety protocols
>>349580 >>349584 eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>349583 KEK. He's still using 'AryanPublishingCompany' on his email/contact details.
Come on Joe la', at least get 200 votes this time.
FRESH DUTTON >on Andrew Tate https://youtu.be/jrw0xuoOrM8
>>349586 hes a secret dafty
Turns out the mutt legion guy CivDiv's brigade committed a war crime in his gopro videos leading to them getting wiped out by Russians. (this video, yewtu for no login) https://yewtu.be/watch?v=RQeyk1BQ7LE After surrounding a building with Russians inside an Irish volunteer called "Rory" negotiated with the Russians to surrender. After the first Russian left with his arms up an American shot him dead and when asked why said "fuck that guy. This caused the Russians in the building to open fire killing Rory immediately and a prolonged gun battle where the Russians managed to call in artillery killing two more foreign volunteers and injuring a dozen more. All of this was reported and corroborated by a Finnish volunteer who was in the same unit. https://old.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/10ofg7d/civ_div_combat_gopro_wiping_out_russian_spetsnaz/j6ediw6/ (sorry for the reddit link)
problematic captcha
Noncechads.. we won
>>349590 wew got what they deserved then
>>349592 seething old bitches >making sure to get some antinatalism in there too
>nu-sharttid doesn't let you see age gated posts without a login but putting "old." in front of the url bypasses it
>>349592 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek salty as fuck.
>>349592 normongs see incels everywhere now
gott strafe amerika
>She was 18 in AI years you sick fuck!
Just make being an incel a crime
>>349599 reading about the americans in that foreign legion really made me seethe. absolute soy lumberjackers thinking they're hard then dipping with mental helth the moment the enemy fights back.
these are the exact redditmacho zogslaves i could see opening fire on chuds for protesting mandatory nigger worship shrines in all homes.
>>349604 kjeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeejk
>>349606 keeeeeeek
"Why does nobody love me!"
>>349611 keeek. No wonder he's never getting that organ donation.
>>349612 Hope the GLORIVS LION OF THE THULIAN NORTH punches his livers and kidneys into retarded inbred mush.
low status males need to stand together against TBBK and the Golden One smh
>>349614 Why delay the inevitable? Embrace it. The gene pool must be cleansed.
>>349604 keeeeeeeeeeek though I think the puritanchuds were fine with dancing and drinking in moderation
Great. Girl talking to me about how I should watch The Last of Us series. Must be the latest meme show amongst zoomies.
zombies related things need a few decades off, it's been milked to death.
>>349617 yeah there is gay sex in that
>>349619 >yeah there is gay sex in that Of course, is that in the first game too? Never played it.
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>>349620 Dno, never played it. In the game young girls end up being lesbians I think, in this one there are two bearded men
>>349621 Steinerchads....
>>349622 the girl in it looks like a potato, and the male lead actor has a tranny brother in real life. keeeek.
She's still here
>>349625 *castrates male ukies*
>>349583 sent him 75 dollars
>>349590 fuck those blood thirsty zogbots hope that slava russia executes all of them. I am so sick of having to worship american soldiers. that faggot who murdered the russkie was some swarthoid subhuman who was probably kill hungry and he would have probably shot some redneck outside a home depot over a parking spot
>>349599 thats nothing compared to vietnam and also russians did the same in afghanistan. thats just some jerry faggots acting superior
>>349608 >I fried my brain on birth control and SSRIs why can't I connect with men
>>349604 my ancestors
>>349595 its been like that for years, new users to the site have no idea about the original UI which is a lot better, redditors are subhuman
>>349630 its more like a classic alpha fucks beta bux/work horse situation, note she mentions how driven and hard working he is, standard western relationship.
Shartican SOF are the biggest macho soys there are, huffing there own farts then acting like pussies when it suits then, its a dirty job for dirty men and they should be consistently reminded of that, here our special forces are starting to act more and more like the shart ones with all the media worship and shit.
>>349627 why? we only post him here as a joke, hes a mong failure whos tactics don't work, hes been getting less and less votes as time goes on, not to mention hes an arrogant intransigent boomer
>>349590 kek nato is such a meme, these mongs all join some amerizog forlorn hope and get involved a war that is not their business then their libtard programming makes them virtue signal about how superior they are to american soldiers even though they are party to and actively commiting war crimes themselves. its so classic europoor. I mean fuck zog but its just peak german autism to start getting all rulecuck about shit involving deniable asset zogslave forelorn hope shit. I bet these retards are all being led around by extreme psycho CIAnigger special activies division black ops who are larping as reddit faggots. imagine joining the reddit brigade
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>>349635 do you think he will make a request video if I send him more like one where he says sussy big chungis?
https://youtu.be/Jq91Kg7zwnY Indian in Russia goes about harassing russians and groping women
>>349638 no, he says he doesn't care about memis
>>349634 yeah agreed. I just love the reddit faggots acting like being in the ukrainian army as mercenaries means they are gonna be following geneva convention rules to the letter especially when hol hols themselves are not following it.
>>349640 cancelling donation
come on lads I posted a cow video
>>349639 these fuckers are everywhere now I hate them so much they ruined canada
>>349636 imagine if that was a boar
>>349645 I'm sorry, lad...
>>349628 I think there was an amren sharticle about how before the american civil war people generally disliked the army
>>349647 yeah people disliked the army until desert storm in shartica nobody liked the army in vietnam but yea especially after the US civil war the army and state militias were hated for protecting niggers/breaking strikes, etc.
hohols online are invariably more insufferable than russians, just makes me hate them even more tbh, awful people, the NAFO psyop fags are also retarded too
Now you're fucking dead dumbass
Was it self defense?
>>349652 relationship goals
>>349652 >what did you get that medal for? >...bravery
>>349625 how come she gets to go to visit parliament? I don't know anyone that's ever done that, except on guided tours
KEEEEEEEEEEEEK civ div is deleted all the comments about that war crime, and I coincidentally watched an interview an hour ago with one of the members of that unit who took shrapnel from the arty the russians called in, he was seething than the zogbots in his unit got killed and tried coping that the russians are evil or whatever zogbot shite.
What're you gonna do? Shoot me?
just had a look on /k/, fucking hell what a mess, worse than reddit
/k/ has always been cringe. its always been wannabe soylumberjakery and "wouldnt that be so FREAKIN CRAZY BRO" fake stories.
>>349659 are they seething at putler? >>349660 they had a lot of benders and other wierdos on that board even back in the 2000s
buttock cheeqs poopoo streaks turds on fleak whole room reeks
my bum made farty noises. like bubbling. then out slimed a shitty poo poo.
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>>349548 >>349556 see pics related for the bans and the relevant posts. one is mine, one is some other lad, both banned for no reason >>349560 quirky but I hate the kind of video she's satirizing
>>349663 looks like the type that would "marry" a mad troon to another man
>>349657 I really want to see civ div get rekt
>>349667 shut your nostril faggot
eating avocados on sourdough bread toast lads ama
>>349667 madlad is a fucking spastic I hate him more than I hate aggnonce tbh.
>>349671 nice to see you back lad I thought you'd left us
>>349667 you seem to think that you can just post whatever shite you want without consequence. you're a guest here
had chinky for brek, off keto now. had sushi, seaweed salad (first time, bretty gud), and chink dumplings. could have went without the dumplings, too much food, the mummer insisted because whenever she gets sushi I'm hungry again an hour later but now I was just on keto so my stomach shrank a bit >>349674 I have been a staple of the board for years. I can leave for weeks at a time and people still talk about me
>people still talk about me yeah lads say "thank fuck spic isn't here"
>>349663 he actually said something good for once - he refuses to bless gay couples https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-64342940.amp
Dorset did you see that wild camping in Dartmoor is illegal now?
>>349678 Wild camping is illegal pretty much everywhere nowadays. Can't even have a campfire unless it's in a designated spot. Everything fun must be ruined.
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Early Fresh Thread >>349680 >>349680 >>349680

Quick Reply