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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3799: Miserable Times Edition Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 21:39:12 Id: 8096ca No. 325797
Extra bank holiday approved to mark King's coronation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63528830 >It will fall on Monday, 8 May 2023, two days after the ceremony at Westminster Abbey, the government said. Albanian criminals in British jails 'cost taxpayers £57MILLION a year', figures reveal as secret files say drug kingpins from the country are infiltrating Britain's streets as illegal migrants https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11395897/Albanian-criminals-British-jails-cost-taxpayers-57MILLION-year.html >Albanian criminals in British jails cost taxpayers £57 million a year, figures reveal, as secret files say drug kingpins from the country are infiltrating Britain's streets as illegal migrants. Cambridge donors threaten to PULL their funding for university after college master boycotted gender-critical feminist's lecture on trans issues and even branded her 'hateful' and 'offensive' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11396425/Cambridge-donors-PULL-funding-amid-free-speech-row-college-head-boycotted-gender-ideology-talk.html >Some Cambridge alumni are threatening to stop donating to Gonville and Caius and have said they will urge their children not to attend the university after the college became embroiled in a free speech row, the Telegraph has reported. COP27: Jailed activist Alaa Abdel Fattah begins 'water strike' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-63534578 >His sister, Sanaa Seif, has warned that her brother's hunger and water strike may mean he could die before the end of the summit.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:47:49.
*climbs to the ethnostate
>>325797 good lad
>>325801 *climbs to the woesnostate
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>>325806 >NO HOMOISM good lad
>nasty sharts hitting my clammy cheeks that's gone unwashed for days, making an awful mixture of bad smells
Door shites latest folder of boring photos posted on repeat. Yawn
>>325773 wrong, they are plugged into a base level of reality you will never be.
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>>325817 just plain wrong.
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*lights it*
watching it again. didnt notice the dads shirt before keek
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>tfw obsessed with dorset bumming jocko
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>>325780 it's not possible to have sex with a >6/10 white woman unless you are 6'4 mathematically perfect facial features 8% bodyfat greek god slab of muscle. so realistically if a white man wants pussy nowadays he has to find a brownoid/yellow foid that will worship him for being white. as long as you don't impregnate her and create a mongrel, there's really no harm done... although you should avoid being seen in public together or your family knowing about her because that normalizes it
>>325823 bit gay lad
>>325821 wonder what the chud did that caused him to seethe
thread is off to a good start.
>>325827 shall we start seaon 3? is (You) lad here?
light the madlad signal
>>325829 it's ten o clock lad smh but yes I could do one or two episodes
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>>325824 You lads are fucking paradoxical sometimes.
stfu and fuck off spic
>>325831 setting it up now
kill spic hope he dies in the most horrific way
spic the type of person to eat poo out of a brownhole
oh fuck did I just (you) spic oh god oh fuck
Loving the trajectory of this thread.
>>325837 best take a few showers and use some high strength rubbing alcohol lad don't want to catch anything
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>thread is already lost ni lids
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*becomes who he is*
>>325845 Keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>325845 good lad
>>325845 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>325845 Splendid.
>>325843 Why was this deleted lol
>>325845 Fake image, he doesn't have a gallon drum of milk tied to his back.
>>325851 madlad.
*sides with madlad*
>>325848 it would have distracted from my OC, nothing personal, just good business
>deleting a community activity post with no warning or reason and no prior binsian faggotry exccept for one sus donovan post smh lad >>325843 goyslop is on for those as like to watch https://app.kosmi.io/room/9ewvy1 >>325845 based and rare pic of woes in the wild foraging for milk chocolate
*retracts (you)
>>325857 >doing it again stop it you malding pict you've got your (you)s
Where is madlads oc?
I don't see it and anything attributed to him is automatically bins now.
>>325860 that one was just for a laugh, also I think he spams the links too much 1 is enough, its only you 3 who watch goyslop anyway
Edited last time by Woesist_ on 11/06/2022 (Sun) 22:00:57.
>>325861 I don't know because I'm gay
Edited last time by Woesist_ on 11/06/2022 (Sun) 22:01:34.
>>325865 Lovely work lad. Glad to see you keeping the /brit/ oc tradition alive.
Edited last time by Woesist_ on 11/06/2022 (Sun) 22:02:26.
>>325864 CONSNEED >he deleted my original content too smh he has no honour ruining our board culture he is
>he can edit posts in real time he's way too powerful
>>325868 go on chuggies get madlad he's deep in the irn brus and killing half the population of jamestown for looking at him funny
Who's BO again?
madlad can only seethe and edit for posterity like an unhinged communist archivist.
>>325864 >>325865 Keeeeeeeek
Once I become BO nothing will stop me
demod all mods
>>325874 An australian absentee, with good intentions but no power to enforce them.
he's gone too far smh this is demodding territory rampant abuse
if you need to get your power tripping kicks madlad, just do it to spic because nobody likes him and you will be applauded for bullying him rather than reviled tbh
I would like to put my hat in as mod, I will do no actual moderation but bully madlad whenever he makes his presence know by simply editing his posts.
>>325881 tbh why do we have to have racemixers, trannyfuckers and footpicposters, but watching films with the community is banned?
>wessex commits the greatest sacrilege of all, OC theft, yet he claims others are guilty for some light banter in response
>>325883 > but watching films with the community is banned? its not, stop crying, you spam your kosmi links all night
>>325884 my post was in fact light banter mocking you for deleting posts just to get more exposure of your OC you took everything too far
>>325884 >OC theft > on an anonymous image board
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>>325881 mod oppression on are spig is the worse kind of mod oppression >>325883 why would you put feet in with those other two? feet are innocent. you can save the white race in a strictly monogamous traditional marriage with 12+ babies and also be sucking the woman's feet every day. it is 100% moral
It’s not fair lads
why is spic referring to himself in the third person? has the radiation poisoning of his ballsack driven him to schizophrenia?
>>325887 zoomers think you can "steal" memis
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kill them all madlad
>>325886 my post was also light banter
>>325889 No bins all your bans for homosexual drama are fair.
>>325888 Fuck you
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>>325883 Don't lump me in with them
>>325845 I get this
>OC is now somehow proprietary.
>>325893 I think that you can dish it out but can't take it tbqh
>>325894 Are you madlad?
is spic permaban on sight now?
Wessex aught to be put on trial for attempted (you) theft, its not the first time, this is established law as of 2 weeks ago when Auslad settled the issue and Wessex consneeded defeat
>>325899 no thats you
>>325900 No but I have to maintain a standard against bongoists as a Helmerian jihadist.
>>325904 no you and I am rubber and you are glue
jsut mod everyone so we can unban ourselves
>>325901 I hope
>>325892 Agg you are one lack of an effort post away from being persona non grata
quick a67c9e post the algerian paragraphs
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These bans are wrong at a time when negotiations are still going on, posters and the public have been let down by both sides because the Jannies have acted in a reckless and provocative manner. After today’s disruption, I urge both sides to put aside the rhetoric, get around the negotiating table and stop this from happening again.
Atleast agg for all his faults knows when strong leadership and brutality is needed, wessex and the like don't get it and they never will, they are cattle who need to be herded.
think madlads antics have somehow inflated the post counts
>>325912 I don't see a herdmaster in you lad.
>>325905 > Helmerian jihadist. This is exactly the kind of daftyist language Helmer was against though
>>325914 tbh he's more of a mad dog type to be let out before the battlelines close >>325911 reasonable tbh
>>325913 board drama is always good for the (you) economy. Madlad is after a shrewd kike Scottish economist.
reminder bins is older than helmer
I'm not cattle
>>325915 may he return and reform the movement ass he pleases, until then death to you and anyone else that questions the orthodoxy.
>>325914 and you are?
>reminder that this is a daftyist board now and that helmer is dead and never coming back
>>325921 anonymous you faggot, like every other time you've asked this question.
shut up bins you creepy old poof
>>325924 we respect are elders here lad
I have never posted anything gay it was always madlad editing my posts
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time for calm
>>325926 keeeeeek based
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>mod stirring the hornet nest and causing drama which he is supposedly against
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had a most satisfying poo, feel so light and empty now. now to brush teeth, then in a bit eat the oats and work out
>>325883 because everything you stream is shit and youre gay
>>325936 Get him lad
>>325938 preparing for the next round by eating huge amounts of bran flakes and laxatives
>>325939 You should mix in some frozen pizza for a caustic chemical mix.
>>325940 smh I'm not sure if I've even had a frozen pizza more than maybe twice a month for a while no
>>325941 Have the NHS dieticians finally battered you into conformity?
>>325942 kidney function dropping too low to continue, and once it gets low enough the NHS will maybe operate which is basically a death sentence carried out by a nog "surgeon" so that they can harvest my organs
>>325943 rough lad, if it's any consolation I have lymph nodes going up one side of my body that the NHS insists isn't a problem. Will report back when I'm dying of lymphoma or leukemia.
>>325944 forget post offices tbh one day are nhs will pay
>>325945 I don't hate them, I understand carers fatigue but at the same time I wish they wouldn't be so indifferent just because my blood work isn't showing the arbitrary spike in white blood cells necessary to engage an actual response.
>>325943 try like 40-60 joules of near infrared light on each kidney? you can dismiss that as retarded all you want but there's a nonzero chance that it could prolong your life expectancy
>>325947 daily
just go away you basement dwelling half caste
>>325947 >>325948 Spic there are endless bullshit cures to mortal diseases.
just realised that spic is shilling this red light thing because of his crippling fear of the outdoors and natural sunlight so he can't do the meme spy solbrah ball sunning thing keeek
>>325951 I still find it funny he has decided he has completely evolve beyond sunlight, like some sort of cave fungus.
>>325952 accurate tbh
>>325953 shit lad you're already being integrated into the spicnet.
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>>325950 red light therapy isn't bullshit. it supercharges the ATP in the mitochrondria in your cells, creating a healing response. it's good for everything from the skin and muscles to the leydig cells in the testicles. it also 'pops the balloon' for fat cells so if you do it immediately prior to exercise on a calorie deficit it will increase fat burning in that area. although I haven't decided yet if I want to mess with my natural fat distribution at all, that's why I haven't bought one of those ultrasonic fat cavitation devices. don't want to make myself look weird >>325951 >fear of the outdoors I like the outdoors, I was in Boy Scouts. sunlight is objectively harmful to the skin/eyes, that's all >he can't do the meme spy solbrah ball sunning thing keeek that's just a stupid idea, recipe for skin cancer on the scrotrum. red light therapy gives the same benefits if not more with no harm from the convenience of your own home at any time of day
Well this is weird…
>>325957 yeah he got nonced by hollywood kikes and was gonna call them out on it so they bumped him off
>>325959 another one sacrificed to the burning bull.
never heard of him wake me up when an actual back street boy get mossad'd
>>325962 a h must be conducted at least one hour after the last post.
>>325963 he's buffering the seacow lad
>>325964 he better be.
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>>325970 good night lad, it's always a pleasure to know you're here.
>>325966 we're all gonna make it
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>>325971 Thankee lad external circumstances kept me from fulfilling the sea cow quota of late but we just might be back on track but not tomorrow because of early toil the day after
>>325973 it's time to murder bossman,assume his position, and then bully all the consoomers that dare enter your newly acquired fiefdom.
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>>325974 tbh probably already have measures in place to prevent toilmen from attempting hostile takeovers though
>>325975 Time to light the beacons of /Brit/s tirth for aid in your darkest hour of vanquishing the bosman to claim his ill gotten throne.
>>325957 he was a huffer
>>325977 getting raped at 12 by kikes does that to you.
Clmate Reparations?
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when is the next happening going to happen
>>325983 two weeks
episode 3 of oldman goyslop is taking very feminised turn.
>>325985 alright lad how was your sunday.
>>325987 mostly just played stellaris today and vored some food
>>325984 >>325983 trust this financial guru
>>325988 yeah sounds about right, god they make creating the speciesstate hard.
(1.42 MB 722x720 weekend here.mp4)

>>325990 smh was finally growing my united stars of albion anglo saxon elective dictatorship ethnostate (just use the vulcan looking niggas for portraits since they are all white) and then randomly encountered some funguscels and they blocked me from expansion and then I defeated them and now my pure anglo empire has a shitty fungus-skin minority population and I can't just exterminate them because I don't know how
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>>325991 was looking at massy ferguson tractors for sale on craigslist and imagining owning my own pig farm in livingston county
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new juggalo questline
>>325992 you need to change your government type. Use your slave population chattle. they disappear soon enough unless the gay swedish devs haven't figured out overpopulation in the late game. >>325993 Kino, far closer to you realising than any one of us plebs. Owning land is a rich mans (normans) game here.
>>325996 if my pig farm happens I will build some sheds for tenant farmers keeeek
>>325997 I will work for pig feed and a proper wood burning stove.
>>325995 imagine actually living a life.
https://youtu.be/oOLvBXYhGXE watching it again lads
>>326000 even in the underclass mulatto ghetto, tradition still persists .
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night lads, toil calls.
>>325983 nothing has ever happened and nothing will ever happen >>325992 set species rights to purge
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this is the strongest (non-machine/hive) build, FYI. get Europeans mod to remove nigs/gooks
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you'll have to watch out for these, though
>>325999 >muh victimhood
sneedvening lads i hate non-user-serviceable parts >>326005 >>326006 keeeeek based
>>326000 There's so much going on in this video.
I love it when you puke through your nose and the smell sticks with you for the rest of the day
coopers best extra stout >>326010 smh keeeek can't stand that acidic feeling from where it burns your sinuses tbh
went to the shops and chud scowled at all the subhuman consumerist slaves surrounding me.
The Trump bread and circus warming up nicely.
>>326014 >200 of them have peddled his anti-democratic lie that he won the last election based tbh i endorse anything that erodes the legitimacy of democracy in the minds of the niggercattle
changed my oil today and there were metal shavings in the old oil smdh bit worrying
>>326016 Are you a cyborg, lad?
>>326017 keeeeeeek yes lad you got me
>>326019 keeeeeeeeeek can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs jack
>>325980 Just another method of inducing inflation, potentially even hyperinflation. It would be insane if it was actually to be used as a method of economic war.
>>326021 smh economically they just want to slit a major artery and leave the nation bleeding
>>326016 just forget you saw it lad
>>326024 not really surprised to see it tbh the previous owner was an ubereats swarthoid who put a quarter of a million miles on it in less than two years probably with no maintenance either
>>326025 Fucking hell was he a petrol huffer?
Another day of merely existing.
>>326026 doubt it tbh they don't work but i never met him tbf just assooming that he's some kind of paki since all the ubereats lads are here my dad saw it for sale for two hundred bucks so he bought it and fixed it up in his workshop luv my dad i do >>326027 many such cases
>>326028 He won't get you through university but he'll fix up an old $200 beater for you.
>>326029 he's inconsistent but he does care tbh he literally did pull himself up by his bootstraps so he supports anything that looks like independence but has little patience for dependence
>>326030 Have you found new toil yet?
>>326031 not yet smh hoping for a call back from the place that i had an interview at but not holding my breath smh enjoying being a neet for however long it lasts me but i really do want to find some proper toil
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its a new month so i have to search for jobs again wish i could just put my name on some list of lads looking for toil and then eventually get called up for something within a certain criteria bossmen see toilers as interchangeable labour units but we still have to represent areselves individually to even get to that point in the first place smh
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>actively seeking low paid toil
>>326033 just say you'e a bossman looking for work
>>326034 not that actively keeek the bennies are almost the same as what i was getting paid back when i was working tbh should've gotten fired years ago i do want some disposable income though tbqh >>326035 tbh i apply for toil out of my league when i see it because it still counts the same for bennies purposes and i might get lucky either i don't get an interview so it's free money or i do get an interview so it's even more free money (an interview is a full quarter of my monthly job search requirements) and i might start making some real dinero
just pull yourself up by your bootstraps, son
slavery is bad, but also jobcentre found you this job half the country away where you won't be able to earn enough to live so you'll get bennies to have a place to stay, and you'll be stuck never being able to accumulate money, and if you do, they will take your bennies away
Already bored of the rain. You'd hope it was enough to make all the wogs fuck off, but it isn't.
>>326040 just wait for the maunder minimum lad just two more weeks
default browser on my tablet is no longer compatible with youtube because it's too old smh guess that's my kick up the arse to finally move over to newpipe smdh
>kind of want to watch a shad video >video opens >it's the swarthicel *closes video* https://youtu.be/Z5jqvDK4dgs
>>326043 that's your cue to unsubscribe lad
got a nice handwritten letter from a jehova's witness lass right when i though i was finally done with the mormon lasses knocking on my door smh why am i tested so
she had really nice handwriting too
>>326045 in different coloured pens? I got one too
>>326047 keeeeek yeah lad most of it was blue but she put the important things in black so they'd stand out kind of like all this interest in the fate of my immortal souls tbh but it does get a bit overwhelming smh
Can get behind the idea that we're living in tribulation tbh but the rest of their theology is fuckin wacky.
>>326049 never really looked into it tbh but we're definitely here to witness the decline firsthand smh
just got approved to do handgun training to get my firearms licence for the third time smh keep losing my licence by forgetting to do the competitions also got sent a bunch of shite for the local council elections but the envelope they sent me to send my voot back in was already sealed so it tore when i tried to open it i'm assooming that it was a deliberate attempt to deny me my voot so tomorrow i'm going to the council offices to make them recitify this because i literally have nothing better to do i will make them earn their cushy council salaries so help me god they will rue the day they sent my envelope pre-sealed
>>326052 calm down lass it's nothing special in the grand scheme of things casual sex-havers are just as much incels as you or me tbh it's having offspring that counts
>>326053 based fellow breedian... we'll breed, right?
>>326054 yeah lad we're all gonna make it
https://youtu.be/Sfd8gcmg5Lo schnafternoon, white buenos, angel cake and tangy haribos for pre sninner snack
>>326056 schnafternoon lad smh hate that picture tbh death to all normans
if only operation sea lion were successful, then we could have this but also with Reichskommissariat Anglesachsen and Anglish would be the official language, all n*rman taint removed
>>326059 one of the very few issues that i actually agree with spic on smh
>Reichskommissariat Anglesachsen
just read about the aggressive christianity missionary training corps tbh not sure what's true and what's slander
evangelising is cringe tbh

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>romano britons
>>326063 smh w*men should be barred from positions like this tbh they should go to autistes who will properly appreciate it >>326065 tbh but compounds are based >>326066 always found it strange how the jutes just ended up completely forgotten tbh
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>>326068 >always found it strange how the jutes just ended up completely forgotten tbh they were smaller in number I guess? must be a reason why there's so much emphasis on the Angles. there's [East] Anglia, Sussex (south Saxons), Wessex (west Saxons), but from that map it looks like Jutes were only around Kent
>>326068 the danish peninsula is still called "Jutland"
"English" sounds a lot better than "Juttish" and there's already a million Saxonies in Germany so be thankful for it
watching I'm a celeb tbh, luv ant n dec me
>>326070 >>326071 just feels strange tbh never really seen an explanation for why their presence is so small they're always mentioned shoulder-to-shoulder in the initial coming over to britain but their overall impact is basically nothing >>326072 keeeek yeah tbh >>326073 tbh
just inhaled this avocado
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>Rings of power creators calling Tolkien stupid
shnight lads >>326076 avocados are shite lad smh flavourless wastes of space >>326077 surprised it took this long for them to say it outright tbh it was obvious right from the beginning
>>326078 I love em.
>go away for nearly 2 hours >5 posts
>>326080 Better bring a good topic to the table then lad.
>accidentally had the age I'm looking for on dating app set to show me women older than 25 smh all those beautiful lassies who have wasted a lot of valuable breeding years
thinking about the time my brother's dog hung itself again. Wonder if a dog psychologist could have saved it
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>>326083 How did it hang itself?
how do i get a job lads? like how do i even look for them and apply, thanks.
>>326084 Like this. Tied to the stairs, but there was a drop not far from it and it managed to fall down there whilst having the leash around its neck
>>326085 Know people, or just ask a lot of people in the jobs you could possibly do
>>326087 where do i find these people?
>>326088 What do you want to do?
>>326089 i dont want to work but mummy is bullying me
>>326090 Do you have any skills at all?
>>326086 Smh poor doggo. But also keeeeeeeeeeek.
>>326092 Well Wessex is your future. Have fun
absolutely foul braps tbh
>>326096 how was the trip to the job centre?
>>326097 was voluntoil today, I went into jobcentre last friday about my shekels issue they appear not to have immediately cancelled my claim so I may be going in again next monday
>>326086 it probably chased a cat and ended up there i guess it died right?
what are we doing for wessie's bday next week?
>>326100 his bday was weeks ago
>>326099 Died yeah
>>326100 >>326101 early last month I spent it moving furniture for the boomers
>>326083 >>326086 >>326099 >>326102 imagine if the d*g actually was going after a cat and got ACK'd, that's some poetic justice right there
>>326102 why did he leave it tied up so long?
>spic fuck off hope you get eaten by chihuahuas
bet spic looks exactly like kingcobrajfs
>>326106 goyslop tonioght?
>>326109 see if we can start a bit earlier maybe, going to have my dinner next will inform b
>>326110 about to put my dinner on but yeah can start any time not like anything else is happening
bet 22 nonced the dog
>>326094 goyslop later
>>326105 always suspected they might have murdered it tbh, nobody liked the dog, it was a bit psychoatic, didn't understand when other dogs interacted wth it, never played properly. Instead of nipping at other dogs it'dbite hard and hang on etc.
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Dr John Camplbell presents increased mortality rate data across Europe post vaxx https://youtu.be/9gstEyC0eMQ
>>326115 how are people so retarded to have taken the vaxx? ffs
>>326116 just Darwinism tbh
>>326117 but it's most of the breeding age women. having good judgement was never an important trait in women, they just had to be hot and fertile
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>>326117 bet the whore that was mocking incels is vaxxmaxxed
>>326120 >whore that was mocking incels which one?
>>326121 don't know but she an image of her was posted last thread saying that incels not having gfs was "just darwinism" and that they should accept it
>>326122 I mean that's not wrong, it's just that currently we are experiencing dysgenics and devolution due to environmental and social conditions, rather than the normal course of affairs
pie an veg for dinner toast and jam for brekkie couscous an veg for lumch would have actually succeeded dieting for a day if I hadn't had an entire pack of baklava from lidls
>>326051 >auslad gun arc
kinder choccies for smee
>>326051 what are you allowed to own lad?
>>326127 pop gun with a cork on a string
>>326117 i DO NOT like this chud
>russians allegedly raping new conscript
asiatic beastmen
>>326130 this is what dirlewanger wanted to prevent
where monke slop
>>326133 Starting earlier than yesterday, probably
>>326134 does he mean starting on time tonight rather at ten o clock? earlier would be starting at least half an hour ago smh
>>326122 > image of her was posted last thread saying that incels not having gfs was "just darwinism" and that they should accept it so is getting raped, and she should accept that
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>>326139 You okay lad?
>the box of condoms in my drawer went out of date 5 months ago
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>>326142 fuck condoms, I don't agree with the concept. if you don't want to impregnate her, then just pull out. women can only get pregnant if they're ovulating anyway
>>326144 tbh but I would add that if you're not trying to impregnate a woman you love then you're doing it wrong
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Filipina lass is going on a daytrip to a nice market town with me. I originally planned to go alone last month but cancelled when I accidentally sliced my hand open
>spic filtered
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>>326149 keeeek
>>326130 huh I thought russians were fighting against fagism and all that? I doubt that shit occurs in westoid militaries
gonna start dressing like a country gentleman from now on
>>326152 its pretty much the norm in east euro militaries
>>326155 literally why? i don't understand. I always thought people made fun of ameriburgers for prison rape but that is mostly a kike meme
>>326156 slavshits being subhumans
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>surprised by conscript rape in the russian military
smh I guess I don't understand why you would want to butt fuck some sweaty shitty living in a camp 4 a month shitting in portapotties asshole but I am not a mongol
*stops the rape*
>>326152 It's a facade, just like orthodox Christianity. Russia is a godless country.
>>326159 there is nothing to understand, they arent us >>326161 russia will probably become a majority muslim country sooner than us tbh lmao
>>326161 general ripper was right
yeah its fucked russian military looks worse than american prison for whitoid slavs. they can't even form ethnic gangs against the churkas and just get raped, etc.
>people actually want to get poo on their dicks will never understand it
yeah sure dorset
if I was conscripted into some shitty war I would be raping dumb women and probably murdering them as well
real hot snobby elitist lisa simpson cunts
then I would shove white feathers down their throat
>>326171 Based.
remember when libtards wanted to dig up blumpfs ex-wifes grave because they thought he'd hid secret documents in there
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>>326138 Was Skyrooming but now I'm catching up on freed riddlerchad and the rise of mayor pingu.
>>326137 Darwinism is a reaction to the Plenum Formarum ("as above so below," static species) doctrine that Christianity adopted from the earlier, non-biblical mystery religions, so it is only somewhat less cringe.
are you buying his new book? > In his new book, Peter Hitchens describes the misjudgements made by politicians over the years that have led to the increase of class distinction and privilege in our education system. This is of course the opposite of what was intended, especially by former Minister of Education Shirley Williams and Margaret Thatcher, her successor in that role, who closed down many more Grammar Schools than Williams.
>>326179 he already covered a lot of this in abolition of britain. If Blackwell's do signed copies I might pick it up though
the woke nonsense has gone too far
>>326165 What do you think was in big Jokco’s manly bum hole?
>>326182 My cock
>>326003 what's the phone number?
>>326180 I have a signed copy of Abolition of Britain, got it on ebay for 50p with a free delivery.
>>326185 I'm jealous
>>326186 pre-Brexit era tbh
>>326181 It really has
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can you imagine this type of shite happening in westoid militaries? I mean the nigger meme shit happens for sure but I doubt that if westoids went back to conscription that wignat/chuds wouldn't be doing the reverse to minorities
>>326183 >my cock Haha good joke lad
>>326189 whats the gook supposed to be spelling out
>>326191 I think it says kaylmuk, or whatever they were some type of irrelevant mongoloid tribe which were defeated and conquered by slavs during the early romanov time
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>>326189 >ty mnie nuzna <i need you >kazah <Kazakh
>>326189 Cope. It's the nature of a small number of military fags going back forever everywhere. It has and would happen on occasion in an homogenous British military.
>>326193 *seethes*
What happened to Kanye?
>>326195 you think that shitskin gurkhas or sepoys would humiliate white british line infantry in king georges time lad? of course being a faggot always happened but I mean the race humiliation shite
>>326198 why is there straw bedding like its a pig pen
>>326200 Oh, my mistake.
>>326202 its in ukraine
>>326203 yeah keek wasn't being a cabin boy in the royal navy sus?
>>326205 everyone got raped in the navy lad
dont think homosex was even that common in the navy tbh not really read any accounts of it
>>326207 bet you were gutted
poo is a natural lubricant, how do you think it gets through your colonerino?
lack of brothels and colonialism is a really bad thing for the british army tbh most modern soldiers are definitely homos
Lack of female interaction creates a load of bumders. Look at this place.
>>326213 y-yeah
>>326211 i got it for like 40 quid in 2015
just saw the new all quiet on the western front and it had to be one of the worst pieces of shit i've ever seen.
>>326217 tell us about it
im almost certain we will never see kino produced again, it doesnt really bother me, this sick degenerate ZOG world empire and the subhuman maggots infesting it dont deserve to see anything good and beautiful anyway.
>>326215 good lad
What did they talk about?
>>326218 >the entire world is an oversaturated grey muddy field with a blue filter over it >everytime anything happens the actors all put on a contorted hyper distressed face like a non verbal autistic child in a hissy fit, this is considered good acting in the year of our ZOG 2022 >the grizzled oldhand (Stanislaus Katczinsky) that shows the kids the way around in the book is actually a 25 year old brooding nihilist, who isnt a nihilist because he points out how much he hates nationalism and chuds. >war is le bad and the generals are all le nazis >they open up a factory door to reveal 500 german soldiers gassed to death. cool nihilist who hates nationalism guy goes "stupid kids took their gas masks off too early" yeah all fucking 500 of them at the same time >main character dies literally the exact second the war ends, with a clock ticking down to the signing of armistice scene as he dies. >it was at this point when i realised war was bad.
>>326221 he looks like a dysgenic throwback. some little hunch backed shitskin dwarf that dr livingstone would have sketched in a book
>>326222 saving private ryan ruined war movies forever IMO
>>326222 so is it shit or not? I have plans to watch it on Friday
>>326225 yeah its one of the worst films i've ever seen. 2 hours 30 and pure trash it might aswell have been a COD cutscreen compilation.
>>326222 smh fortunately I no longer get excited about seeing the latest goyslop
>>326226 cheers lad, I will watch something else then
>>326213 Yeah man all I can say is that I'm having a good time teasing and complimenting the fair lasses of Twitch because it's good clean wholesome fun. While it for sure isn't optimal, its fun making them smile and banter back a bit. Sometimes I work in a neg or two so it isn't just simp city. This is something that any man can do, free of charge well except for maybe a slight downgrade in his own dignity, which is more than made up in other ways like you described right now. It's worthy
>Louise Harris, 24, is a Cambridge-educated wannabe popstar from Harpenden check house prices in Harpenden
https://twitter.com/paolamendoza/status/1589456964299685894 Digital moloch worship literally spread across the sky.
>>326231 check this out
>>326232 >tory mp complains that tory mps aren't supposed to be the ones who suffer because of their actions, even a minor inconvenience or discomfort
>>326233 is this legit?
seething tbh
>>326235 yeah, he's giving our money while we are in debt (caused by him) and the economy is in free fall "Climate Reparations" hard to even believe
>>326223 really bold of them to recycle the obama_facemap.vtf but with a caucasoid skull base for this guy
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>>326241 good lad
>>326233 >>326238 are toryboys defending this on twatter
>>326242 tbh close enough
>>326243 I don't really know who the twitter tory boys are tbh
>>326234 Tbh something about these "can you believe the price" news stories on the catastrophe smells of cuckervatives doing the bare minimum. Just a weird misplaced value on incomes while the truly priceless nation is given away to foreigners.
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just me, eh?
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>>326249 I am also here, dorsefren
nope. bye.
why didn't it post the frog
lemme try a different frog
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this is the one I meant to post idk why the site won't eat that file
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>>326256 gross chick. I'd much rather have pic related, imagine having to use all of your muscle to give her a good push on the swing because she's heavy
kill yourself
>>326233 >>326238 literally put any random mong off the street in power and they'd do a better job.
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>>326258 why have you been so hostile of late?
>>326233 wef strip mining anglosphere for the reset tbh
>>326248 love that movie
>"Putin's abhorrent war in Ukraine and rising energy prices across the world are not a reason to go slow on climate change. They are a reason to act faster," Mr Sunak said. >"We can bequeath our children a greener planet and a more prosperous future [...] There really is room for hope," he added. do normongs really have hope for the future?
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who /BIGPIG/ here?
>>326264 they believe in whatever the telly priest tell them
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the N word
I wasn't gonna vote 'cause I hate democracy but after seeing these images I think I will actually
>>326264 >do normongs really have hope for the future? Tbh one should consider them to be plebs, and accordingly develop patrician-- i.e. noble-- qualities in oneself and personal acquaintances. The plebs are ultimately always led by their betters.
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>poland losing her grip
>>326272 all poles care about is serving their American (Jewish) masters to spite Russia
>>326270 Put on your flag
>>326274 that would deprive lads of the fun of identifying me based on my posting style
oh fuck fucking spider I hate spiders I was just sitting in my desk listening to viking music and this fucking spider comes rappelling down from the ceiling right in front of me, scared me so much spiders are so scary whyn the fuck would such horrible lookimng things exist??? and people worship the jesus like dude ther'es fuciing SPIDERS!!!
on the bright side my testicles have been getting bigger due to the supplements I've been taking. they've always been saggy and maybe a bit big but they're definitely big now. although NNN is likely a contributing factor so idk we'll see
A lot of younger women look better without putting on makeup but there are these older women, and feminists employed by the oligarchy, advising the women to go out in "war paint"
*starts crying*
>>326278 foids always sabotage each other tbh
>>326280 shut up with the incel takes
>>326233 >man who caused the current situation with overspending overspends kell soup rees.
>when he calls you a "foid"
>>326283 >mid 30s woman
>>326284 >incel loser with autism
>>326281 never
dude blue space niggers
>>326286 >neurotypical *euthanises you*
>>326289 >a non-normal *actually euthanises you after years of denying you anything you desire*
I euthanised you first, you're dead
>>326291 you were too frightened to approach me because I had loud music playing and was sitting with my girlfriend
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>girlfriend >no kids
*wakes up *screams *turns on goodscreen smorb
>>326294 *sends you a message from the jobcentre which pops up on your goodscreen*
>>326294 smorb lad
>>326297 hullAUGH
schmorn, got 8 hours sleep yet still tired, think I tossed and turned all night fucking HELL
>>326298 keeksmh >>326299 smorn lad smh hate it when that happens
We are a country of fucking mugs.
>>326299 man up, you slag.
>>326303 what are coomments like?
>doing an online show >that awful audio what the fuck https://youtu.be/VieI_yLmQkI
>>326305 THE THUMBNAIL THE NIGGER PICKED KEEEEK. Also making Taylor look flustered
>>326306 >YES MASAA
>>326304 Worse than I thought
>>326309 So they weren't Gypshun Kangz after all?
>>326264 Fuck Sunak
>Amos Johnson
Uh-oh Algeria about to get colour revolutioned by Frane and the US….
>>326314 aren't they still tied really closely to france? can't see that ending well
>>326315 france will just have to take in more algerian refugees it's only just
>>326305 They deleted or hid my comment for simply saying Jared speaks the truth
>>326317 nevermind, found it
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nearly flipped my van around a tight corner again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uf4I4cQvwuE
>>326322 smh chinks really are subhuman
>>326325 Disappointed I didn't get a minute of it rolling down the cliff with multiple replays too.
enjoying a chicken cheese and onion sandwich myself right now tbh
>>326328 just got up and I'm wondering what to do for breakfast
the same thing we do every week, pinky.... try to save the white race!
>>326331 >to prove their mosley worth keeeeek
Can madlad or bbk log in? 9b3a7d is false flagging.
What don’ happen? Ginger me lads
>already used that VPN briefly before in the thread webisode *sigh* yep, its one of those days
>>326337 about to make a nigger baby in the loo tbh
>>326339 He doesnt use one. He uses Downing St.
>>326338 smh rookie mistake lad >>326341 illuminati confirmed
miss the mlg era of internet memis tbh smh
i WILL marry my 2000% aryan nord cum maiden. DONT GET IN MY WAY JEREMUS
>>326280 Not only that but I believe especially in order to be more competitive in the workplace a woman wears makeup for the same reason that photos in ads are invariably airbrushed into smoothness. They are afraid to show weakness, to appear human but would rather spend the time at home when they could be feeding the children breakfast instead by ensuring their "invulnerability" in this way. Also it's kind of bad for the skin and so many women use an extra moisturiser to keep the makeup from damaging the skin. Additionally the idea of all those "safe" chemicals going on the skin so regularly is also fairly vile. We don't want wifey becoming a show girl.
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you voooting today steiny?
time to go see doctor notajew again
>>326351 have fun lad
>>326325 ford fag got what he deserved
Elon Musk just saved nippon my brothers.... https://twitter.com/shiftsphere/status/1589235840001388544
>>326354 俺たちは帰ってきました
>>326355 We are back chigyu bros.
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Immeasurably cringe
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explain this to me lads
>>326357 true tho, adopting a wolf/dog persona and forsaking your birth name was a part of every indo-european societies male right of passage.
>>326359 just be yourself
>The war-bands consisted of shape-shifting warriors wearing animal skins to assume the nature of wolves or dogs.[42][43][44] Members of the kóryos adopted wolfish behaviours and bore names containing the word 'wolf' or 'dog', each a symbol of death and the Otherworld in Indo-European belief.[45] The idealized attributes of the kóryos were indeed borrowed from the imagery surrounding the wolf: violence, trickery, swiftness, great strength, and warrior fury.[46] By identifying with the wild animals, kóryos members perceived themselves as physically and legally moved outside the human world, and therefore no longer restrained by human taboos. When returning to their normal life, they would feel no remorse for breaking the rules of their home society because they had not been humans or at least not living in the cultural space of the host society when those rules were broken.[33] >In Ancient Greece, the wolfish ways of fighting were reserved to the adolescent groups passing the warrior initiation. Young members of the Athenian ephebos and the Spartan crypteia were able to use war techniques usually forbidden to the adult warrior: they covered their actions and prowled at night, using tricks and ambushes.[47] The ephebos in particular were under the patronage of the god Apollo, associated in many myths with wolves and bearing the epithet Lykeios.[48] During his initiation, the Irish mythical hero Sétanta, a typical depiction of the kóryos member, is given the name Cú Chulainn ('hound of Culann').[49] The young members of the Ossetic balc were strongly associated with the wolf and described as a k'war ('herd').[50] The Avestan literature also mentions the mairyō ('wolf, dog') as the young male serving in warrior-bands. >In the Norse tradition, berserkers were sometimes called úlfheðnar ('wolf-skinned'), and the frenzy warriors wearing the skins of wolves were designated as úlfheðinn ('wolf-coat').[52][53] The folk legend of the werewolf ('man-wolf'), found in many European traditions, is probably reminiscent of the wolfish behaviour of the warrior-bands. Similar word-formations can be found in Western Indo-European languages, such as Ancient Greek luk-ánthrōpos ('wolf-man'), Proto-Germanic *wira-wulfaz ('man-wolf'), Proto-Celtic *wiro-kū ('man-dog'), or Proto-Slavic *vьlko-dlakь ('wolf-haired one').
>>326362 smh saying the w-word with a hard h
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/nov/03/solve-immigrant-crisis-work-visas-populist-politics >Here’s the best way for Britain to solve the migrant crisis: give them work visas
>>326365 The very first paragraph. wew.
>>326366 liverpool w
>>326365 Exactly what based tories have been doing.
>>326362 How does one mispronounce ask?
>>326373 She’s playing the cello It’s trad
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>look at me im doing something but im a woman and im doing it naked
>>326375 oh not it's awful isn't it
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yes it is
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>>326377 me and D agree
Pembs is looking particularly feminine these days
>>326379 I wonder if once the femboy/tranny phenomenon has been normalised, and the perverts can't get off on it anymore because it's no longer transgressive, if they will move on to some new form of degenerate identity, perhaps even "de-transitioning" to androgenous non-binary shite? where will they go next?
>>326379 thats not pembs..?
>>326381 >>326379 yeah that's not peembs
>>326380 no thats when the pedo shit starts to become normalised
it's a real woman. Saw it on twatter, and thought she look a bit like him
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>check poombs twitter >it's badthings
>>326384 don't think so lad
That's too bad oh well
>>326389 Russian interference again smh I hope Biden can save democracy from the Republicans
>>326350 I'm not stein but I vooted tbh >>326334 you need to get rid of these vile mods, lad >>326371 I'm not wess but I would tbh >>326389 literally the only reason to voot is so republican nigger cattle can see that vooting is pointless. if nobody vooted then they wouldn't need to do fraud, the more people voot the more fraud they do and the more obvious it is
>>326360 >>326363 Said it was cringe, not that it was wrong
woof woof woof! my names adolf yiffler! i am the aryan waredog! destroy albania!
>>326394 Tbh it's like something from a low budget horror film. Madness and tryhard unstable Irrationalism.
Non paper ballots literally exist solely to make it easier to rig elections, such a farce.
estimated 11 months to organ failure
>>326397 what does that mean lad?
No sympathy, lose weight.
>(1) We're being rused
if I'm still doomposting by sept-august next year remind me and I'll see about sharing some of the bennies around, get some steam goom gifts or something >>326398 good chance that by october 2023 I will be dead on an NHS operating table with my viable parts being taken for resale and the cadaver being blown up in army tests or something >>326399 I knew you'd say this you fucking faggot bitch bastard it's a genetic issue, not something that losing weight will correct all that will do is make surgery easier, and it is something I am doing
>>326401 You should keep the weight lad and use it to crush madlad by sitting on him.
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>>326397 *screams*
>>326396 this has been going on in the US since George Bush jr.
>>326405 How much extra life would you even get out of an organ transplant? I can't imagine taking immunosupressants for the rest of your natural is going to extend it much beyond the 11 months.
>>326396 it's a paper ballot but you stick it into a counting machine so what's the different between that and Brazil where you just push buttons? in any case most of the fraud is from people actually filling out paper ballots and sticking them into the machines, if the machines themselves are rigged on top of that then that's just rubbing salt into the wound
>>326409 You can just program the machines to miscount. It's alot easier than having to burn boxes of ballots.
>>326408 I think up to 20 years each time and yeah it fucks with you enough that eg my sister can't have children because the strain is too much smh can't imagine are NHS will last another 20 years anyway tbh
>>326409 kek what a mong, the only system not subject to massive fraud is paper in box then manually counted in full view and even that is subject to cheating
Imagine being morbidly obese and thinking its not having a serious deleterious effect on your health, if he was a healthy weight and exercised and ate healthy he'd probably be fine.
that 16k will buy you a new suite of organs in Vietnam
>>326410 yeah that's what they did in Brazil, all of the voting machines made before 2020 were for Lula, literally every single one
>>326413 Less stress on the kidneys sure but if they're packing up anyway due to genetic disease then his weight is a bit of a much of a muchness.
>just diet away your mutant organs dude it'll be fine yeah that's how it works >>326416 got 4 months until next appointment with are caring NHS so we'll see how fast I can drop some until then I guess
bet if I do proper intermittent fasting or drop down to one meal a day or whatever it'd actually fuck things up faster, that'd be about standard
>>326417 you gonna try to get a transplant?
>>326418 you could just calorie count and do a regular 2hr walk each day.
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wessie is going to die?
>>326419 yeah but because it's the NHS I doubt there will be donors, or I'll get a nog doctor and die anyway etc aunty (approaching 60) said I could have one of hers years ago but that was before they started talking polishits at the dinner table and she's probably fully vaxxed up with every boooster >>326421 I do calorie counting already, could stand to do more walking yeah
>>326420 smh wrong (you)s
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>>326422 Yeah I mean it doesn't have to be taxing and calorific intake is two thirds of the battle.
>>326424 niggers b like tongue his anus
So many crabs on here letting wessie spout his reddit tier HAES ideology, literally "I HAVE A GLANDULAR PROBLEM, ITS GENETIC" shite just FUCK OFF, fatties are worse than drug addicts.
going to need you to either start using a VPN that doesn't make you hop IPs every second post, or ban yourself repeatedly madlad I'm filtering you, for my blood pressure, and you're filter evading with your IP changes
don't think this is wessie tbh, he is never usually this aggressive, if it is him then he just can't handle the truth and is really seething, he'd rather have other miscreants as company like shartin.
>>326429 Being told you have less than a year to live might make someone somewhat grouchy.
>326429 you stupid cunt it's been explained to you repeatedly, I have fucked up kidneys from birth, they don't magically fix themselves if I lose weight, which is something I AM doing because it does have other benefits >>326430 yes walked home from hospital and thought about all the shit i've not done and will probably never do and how I don't even have the "there's still time" cope now
>>326430 >Being told you have less than a year to live he wasn't told that you mong, its learned helplessness, people like you are scum
Morbidly obese and thinks its not having an effect, its disgraceful, literal denial of biology and fact, leftist attitude
>>326431 >all the shit i've not done and will probably never do and how I don't even have the "there's still time" cope now well what do you want to do? best start doing those things
sits on his arse stuffing his face for years while lashing out at anybody who told him to change and now hes all ""woe is me"
>>326434 good idea
>>326436 It'll be good motivation to get in shape.
>>326437 tbh can't chase them down otherwise
You can redeem yourself if you do something daft tbh
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would like to meet wessie again before he explodes and dies tbh
>>326440 what was it you kept posting about earlier this year, camping on dartmoor or smth maybe in the summer I'll carry large amounts of small-denomination notes and not inform anyone of where I'm going
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turned on the heating tbh not much point in saving any more is there keek
>>326441 >I'll carry large amounts of small-denomination notes and not inform anyone of where I'm going goodlad
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>>326443 may as well give all your savigns to me lad
getting in early on the will are you?
>>326446 it's just good business
A /brit/ trust should be created and the mod team should decide what to spend the money on
>fighting over what he will leave behind 1 year before is body gets cold
he did have 16,000 bongorinos in savings was it?
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Dorshit look what you've started.
>>326445 >>326446 I said earlier, if things develop into the worst possible outcome then there will be some small gifts and handouts closer to october next year if everyone can sort something out and maintain anonymity and so forth just a token of appreciation sort of thing for the years together
>>326453 Don't you dare die, lad
>>326454 mummy copes every time something happens and says "they'll have 3D printed organs any day now" keek smh
Feel sad that wessie's going die
>>326455 if we get that lad over to albania maybe he can make some illegal organ harvesting contacts along with the gun running.
I guess I'll have to comfort myself with some goblin https://youtu.be/bPlOf9SkIko also comforting myself with the thought that there is no way Wessie'll die smh. no way
inb4 wessie lives another 30 years
he isn't even TRYING to arrest his health issues tbh and all the bongofags are coming out of the woodwork to encourage his continued decline, they revel in it
>still seething at things which aren't even true do you want me to outline my entire diet plan and medical circumstances for you madlad?
(20.58 MB 480x360 bongoanthem.mp4)

a tune both batty bins and dorshit can relate to
lies and slander
>>326462 you are over 22st, you were talking yesterday about eating an entire pack of baklava
>>326466 yes it could have been in my calorie limit
Board personalities can't just leave
>>326466 >you are over 22s
>>326468 bit late for that
just a few more pebbles or whatever before I am under 22st tbh
(30.67 MB 1920x816 the poo that sharts us.mp4)

I don't want to seethe any more
Someone meme it tbh idk how.
it's not to late to get right with Jesus wessie
wessie cant die.... i wont allow it
what happened to cancer brain lad did he ever return or was it some aborted wiggum arc?
hope you lads see an MP flinging poo at their opponents in your lifetime tbh
>>326478 think it was wiggum not sure what to think about "married with children on the way" lad thoug probably same smh
>>326479 Pic related would make better decisions.
get right with god and face the end with courage weslad.
*starts crying*
>>326483 whatever happens happens tbh hoping for being reincarnated into a generic fantasy anime land myself
>>326484 is there goyslop to numb the pain tonight lad?
>>326485 become christian lad. worth a chance.
>>326486 dno man it's turned to shit a bit tbh
>>326488 What ep are you on?
(22.18 KB 418x408 6.png)

would be nice with some groomee to numb the pain but looks like another one has escaped. So sick of going through the grooming motions over and over and over again. So sick of hearing them say they love me and want to meet and breed, only to ghost
>>326489 the one where penguin has homolust for riddler
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>>326490 just subtly signal that you have shitloads of money but like to live as a toillad with your mummy and they will try to golddig you
men at work
22st will have to name his firstborn son after wessie
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>>326494 b-b-b-b-based
>>326490 Perhaps it has something to do with you thinking of them as groomees
>>326491 Literally or just the long hug in 5? I think I'm caught up because it's what I just watched.
>>326485 I'll pray for you, lad
>>326498 Literally, he wants the riddlecock >>326497 wdym >>326495 No
>>326500 Fuck sake.
Although he probably is based off a jewish gangster and some like the Krays were gay nonces.
wispa gold
>>326499 cheers la >>326500 going through my list of completed stuff, could start watching the Series of Unfortunate Events TV show, although my notes say it is extremely jewish perhaps le breaking bad or better call saul bins was thinking about rewatching The Boys maybe start the Sanada Maru japkino that one lad recommended >>326503 based
>>326500 Women don't want to feel like you're tediously trying to bend them to your will and make them love you. They're weird creatures. If anything they want to feel that they can change you a bit. Filipina lass never explicitly says what she wants to do, she'll ask a leading question or drop a hint and want me to suggest it first.
should watch deadwood if you haven't seen it wessie
>>326505 Oh God it's you. *grabs your ears and screams in your face* I don't care what women want. Die
>>326504 >Series of Unfortunate Events TV show prefer the movies dsl'd up cunny tbh
>>326506 could be kino
no more capeshit please
>>326507 Well that's your problem isn't it. Why would a woman want to be with a man that doesn't care what she wants?
>>326511 they are animals and their opinions are wrong on everything
god i fucking despise 22st
>look at clock for a moment >ten past seven >look back >quarter to eight AHHHHHH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdIRrmNN_CQ
because you are one of the lowest life forms possible
>>326518 I think he's taller than you actually
the fire... is rising
he's probably doing something wrong but his detractors are a racemixer and troon chaser

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