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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3712: Darkest Africa Edition Anonymous 05/26/2022 (Thu) 09:47:31 Id: 4a063c No. 259665
There was a lid who said he was going to Serbia in May. Did he go?
found new interesting big-titted ASMR thot, "ASMR Wan" I'm think she is Thai but almost looks Colombian sometimes, it's messing with my brain. don't like the rapid cuts in the videos- I'd rather stare- and I prefer relaxing mouth sounds to the fast object tapping she usually does. but boobs
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>>259668 Going to Vietnam next spring instead.
>>259671 https://israelsafe.com/ Vietnam is cool, lad. Lots to see there. But what happened to Serbia?
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DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!
You guys need to get into advanced whoring. I got bored with whores like two years ago, so I decided to make things more interesting by going further and further with them. I've seen some really amazing things that have come from carefully cultivating degeneracy of women. Ex: I've watched a 20 year old eat my creampie out of her 18 year old actual sister, and then snowball it to her while french kissing and swallowing. I've gotten a hooker that started out frigid towards me to progress from condom sex with no blowjob, to bareback blowjob, to bareback sex, to popping all her birth control pills out and flushing them down the toilet while I watch, to begging me to knock her up, to pregnant. (ghosted when she reached 4 months and couldn't abort). I've taken a beautiful 18 year old college girl and eventually had her walking down the street at daytime with my semen on he face and in her hair, while she takes selfies for me. I've taken a 19 year old college student and had her sucking dog cock within a single week, and being knotted only two sessions later. I made her wear a middrift top that showed off the scratches from the dog on her sides (forgot to put socks on it). She was inches away from agreeing to get a pawprint tatoo on her lower stomach for me, but I had to leave the country on short notice so never pushed her that far. I've taken an already degenerate whore and educated her on the art of autoerotic asphyxiation, set her up on webcam and now she makes money choking herself and pissing everywhere for perverts online. Sometimes she does shows where someone else chokes her till she blacks out. It's real. I personally choked her almost to death on several occasions, and there are videos out there of my hand on her throat as she drools and chokes and her face turns purple. Anyways, those were PROJECTS. You need a PROJECT. Making something your project. Destroying women and cooming in the process is my project.
https://youtu.be/SAjnJJXDP2U fresh sharting video also featuring fit mummy reporter
>>259678 Are the White Hispanics becoming more violent?
>>259678 negress adonicca appearing more human than tieutenant patricia here tbh
two for one special on tinnies and also the 10kg bags of rice were half price all stocked up tbh >>259678 losing count of all these mass shartings tbqh
https://files.catbox.moe/ytdovl.mp4 wew its like 1943 over there
>>259682 >catbox
>>259682 wew >>259683 what's wrong with catbox?
>>259684 the part with the red coats riding to battle is so cool
wish there was more kino of britishers conquering places like india and canada
>>259685 nothing, he's just a schizo
>>259684 um then why do our own kind (foids) have such disdain for us.
>>259687 https://youtu.be/kKWSZXHahjc tbh needs to be a movie about the conquest of quebec and how they scaled the cliffs and the battle on the plains of abraham pure kino also a movie about tecumseh and isaac brock
>>259690 exceptional kino right here. opening scene of revenant DID NOT do the plight of british colonists justice imo
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>>259672 Has been from the start.
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>Britain introduces a 25% tax on the excess profits of oil and gas companies amid the energy crisis - the head of the country's Ministry of Finance.
>>259694 wow based a 25% price hike at the pump
It's going to be like 2008 but with energy companies by Autumn.
literally just put me in charge of everything and i'll fix it it's that simple smh
>>259694 love how the governments solution to any problem is always to force people to give them more free money
>>259698 if they were good at anything they'd have real jobs instead the best any of them can hope for is to schmooze up as far as possible and deliberately ruin things in exchange for kickbacks
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reading about the salaries of MPs and how it's changed over the years and it's an accidental blackpill on how worthless the pound has become over the past century >>259700 keeeek what are the bottom two flags lad?
>Iraq's parliament passed bill that criminalizes the normalization of relations with Israel.
>>259701 Donetsk People's Republic and Chechnya.
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Man this has been such a great week. Got a £3k payrise and found a great lass. She even replied again, agreed to have a voice/video chat instead of just text messaging. Life is good
>>259702 قائم على >>259703 thanks lad
>>259704 very well done lad you deserve it
I know I'll probably end up disappointed but still
>>259709 don't do that lad smh going in expecting failure makes it hurt less but also makes it more likely had a picture saved which i can't find but it said that the key to success is to imagine these two in your head whenever you try to do something good advice tbh
>>259710 >>259709 Whenever I think a woman is interested in me romantically, I just start imagining us living a happy semi marital life. I day dream on it.
>United States Q1 GDP revised to -1.5% from -1.4%.
>>259711 pin her down and put a ring on her finger lad if you do that you're legally married tbh that's how it works >>259712 dead empire
Is the french game of bowls the same as ours? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXc6b3R6T08
got angry at a shite hipster modern video full of powerful womyn and effete limp-wristed soymales and hit the desk at a bad angle and scraped all the skin off my knuckles and now my hand hurts smh took a gamble on the title but it didn't pay off https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Xzn7w9rguo don't actually watch it though lads it's shit
>>259716 pvre skill
STOP not poosting
>>259704 What's your toil lad?
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>>259723 keeeeeeeeeeeeek luv these tbh only ever seen one for finland before tbh can't find it now though smh
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https://www.twitch.tv/ampifying >they've been streaming Morbius for 20 hours keeeeeeeek
>>259684 KEEEEEEEK been listening to this all morning >>259704 prick
5 hours sleep, now for covfefe and bourbons, loads of home toil to do though smh
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>>259727 >carbs this is why you fail
>>259727 smorning lad
just watching that trench video from ukraine, smh cqb in the modern age with drone footage for us to watch, that one was shot in april too its probably worse now
>>259730 war is a spectator sport now lad
Finished the survival kit. Just in case.
>>259732 72 hour?
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>>259732 Rare Morb
ukies really getting smashed now
>>259732 good lad for me it's stockpiling my bodyweight in rice have to bug-in tbh honestly there's nowhere for me to go bought a very nice backpack and sleeping bag (plus ground mat) a few years back when i had money but either i stick near the coast and boil seawater to drink or i die
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I might go out and stockpile potable water.
>>259740 we're literally surrounded by water lad
want to fuck a foid on top of a mountain
>>259741 It's not potable.
>>259742 want to breed in a meadow in summer tbh
miss the good old days when i was living with my dad and i had income but no expenses and could buy whatever the fuck i wanted smh probably would've been able to finish my degree if i didn't have the constant stress of keeping a roof over my head distracting me from my coursework glad my old man had the mentality of "pay rent or die" tbh really learnt a lot from the school of hard knocks tbh absolutely worth it and best of all it looks good in interviews i haven't wasted years of my life at all hahaha nine years retoiling and saying "yes yes of course" is way more valuable than four years spent getting a master's degree in engineering keeeeek like no way would that ever pay for itself
https://youtu.be/z3RTc-8J3CU >>259745 Yea, it's all about life pleasure at the end lad.
>>259745 so what are you going to do
>>259747 He's going to triumph like Aragon in lord of the rings
>>259725 >open stream >see a nigger child >close stream I guess morbius was a shit film after all
>>259749 it's based, it's just in new york or some other mutt metropolis
>>259745 Your old man sounds a bit maddening, why'd he move u to aus and then abandon u once u turned adult.
You lads see that fat e celeb get battered in Portugal by some fat nonce from the midlands or somewhere?
>>259752 Yes, the midlands man was very swarthy
>>259753 I hope some autist dos a reprisal attack on them for my amusement tbh
>>259752 >>259753 he's from manchester
>all these guntguards in thread
>>259641 >jesuit supporter lashing out in desperation Pathetic
>>259745 Wew, sorry to hear that lad.
>>259757 The Jesuits' power waned with the fall of the Iberian Empires, you utter mong.
>>259747 probably maintain a holding pattern until 40 and then kill myself tbh ngl had higher hopes for myself but i know when i' beat >>259751 he's just terrified of dying alone tbh there's nothing and nobody that he won't sacrifice to ensure comfortable companionship in those final days he's a decent sort somewhat but he's stuck in the 80s and still thinks opportunity is around every corner if you're not a millionaire it's your own fault for not seizing those oportunities >>259758 thanks lad
>>259759 >you utter mong When you are ready for the truth it is right there in front of you. Not before, you swine
meatballs with olive and feta filling dipped in cucumber tzatziki and filtering crusiusmong for linner >>259760 any chance of inheriting something to make it worth it?
>>259760 >probably maintain a holding pattern until 40 and then kill myself I'm not sure I'll even make it to 40
the goal is to pass 45 lads beat the odds on male autist average date of death
>>259762 I think I'll go out and get some taramasalata and crisps for dinner
>>259765 good lad, got mackies pickled onion flavour myself for if there's any tzatziki left later greek week at lidls, spent nearly £20 of monopoly money on the next few days
>>259764 It's 45? Wow, lad, we're doing good then, 31 here
>>259766 I don't want to eat to heavily because I have to clear a soil pipe that's backed up and overflowing into bathrooms.
>>259763 tbh just being optimistic haven't even made it to 30 yet only 8 months away >>259764 keeeeeeeeeek best of luck lad hope you make it tbh >>259767 based
throw in a bit of reproduction and we'd be unironic genetic successes
>>259768 sounds like a job for SA
>>259771 I think he'd probably rediscover his gag reflex looking at this literal shitshow.
>>259770 I genuinely don't think anything healthy and free of malformation deserves to grow in the west anymore.
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He's such psude mong tbh.
Satanists are representative of gnosticism's left-hand path (i.e. antinomianism), tradcath are representative of gnosticism's right-hand path (asceticism). Bible's worldview is scientific and patriarchal (avoidance of toxins, polygamy) in contrast to those others
Filtering the spicy Anon because who has time really
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Russia started using WP on Ukie trenches, no fucks given.
>>259771 think SA has disappeared
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>tfw not getting lynched with barbed wire right now
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black lads btfo
>>259780 at once beautiful and terrifying
>>259659 It was supposed to be a big black arse because he eatin tha poopoo. Smh.
>>259777 luv dogs me >>259778 tbh anybody with half a brain can see that the bible offers both the easy way and the best way but dumb niggers need dopamine RIGHT NOW so they choose to do the wrong thing sad smh hope someday they do the right thing
Is a rough and tumble gf best? or a delicate, prissy one?
>>259787 >luv dogs me >tfw the fly was their dog
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>"tfw not getting lynched with barbed wire right now" Tbh I feel the same way about (You) Jeremiah 8 11
>>259787 Not reading that, lad. Try again with less feminine emotion
>>259788 delicate prissy pussy for me
>>259762 >>259765 /brit/ - Greek cuisine
>>259790 err ok..?
Sic vis pacem, para bellum
>>259793 it is a greek nationalist board after all https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gar6MONCKs
>>259793 I might see if I can get one of those 4 dip platters from Lidl on the way back from looking at a job.
>>259789 >WHITE MICE FUCK FLIES Apex keeeeek but also smdh.
>tradcath are representative of gnosticism's right-hand path (asceticism). Roman Catholicism has always been parochial not ascetic, and with Summa Theologica Scholastic, marching ever marching towards secularism and Protestantism. Devoid of right-hand mysticism. You have no clue what you what you are talking about.
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Fresh Morgoth The WEF Annual Summit: Where Good PR Goes To Die https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOsSrwqtiKM
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>it's a woman gets a tattoo of a snake, scorpion or spider episode
When u see all the sexy east asian tourists in the art galleries. reeeee
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was looking through my wallet and accidentally found a bank card for a lass that expires on january 2023 not sure where it came from tbh must have just picked it up off the ground honestly that must've been years ago tbh don't really go outside much these days >>259804 >it's a woman gets a tattoo of a butterfly or a bee episode
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>>259725 >they're still streaming it keeeeeeek https://www.twitch.tv/ampifying
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>>259796 Might play Vice City again now.
going to play nier automata tbh night lads >>259810 based bye lad
>>259801 Morgoth doesn't spin dradels on a 6th dimensional chessboard like WEF elites. Being brutally honest about their desire for world wide dystopian tyranny is meant to be demoralising in itself. "If they don't have to lie anymore, it must already be too late?"
>>259711 same tbh
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ray liotta lives!
>>259817 Tbh, what the fuck is this post even?
>>259722 accountant
>>259710 good advice auslad cheers. staying optimistic
https://www.youtube.com/c/ScotlandHistoryTours/videos Weird seeing this stuff in our own lifetimes
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I'm going to vomit.
going to die if I don't get pussy soon
>>259826 Can I talk u down lad? A bj for example is merely like a lukewarm bath for your cock.
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>>259827 what?
>>259829 Pussy isn't that great lad
>>259830 I need to breed
>>259831 Much better to be known as the lad who followed his dreams
american public schools are terrifying
>>259832 my dream is to breed
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>>259834 Children have the lifespan of cat pets. Have u had pets?
>>259838 could we get a link when it actually starts tbh I would like to watch the fillum
>>259839 Ok. Won't be before an hour or more then
>>259840 good lad
>>259842 licks lips* Imagine kidnapping that worried looking foid
>>259842 that fucking face *beats her up*
>>259843 It's the finnish prime hole
>>259842 looks like the chick from sicario
>>259835 attractive lasses tbh
>>259845 Finns are to be raided. Smartin get in there
>>259848 I am Martin
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>>259850 based
>a doctor poo is in amorbus actually I don't want to watch it after all
>>259853 found the incel
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>>259850 KEEEEK
lads what was that video with the 3 topless chinese girls dancing?
>>259850 >>259855 men at work
>>259856 what video was that? is it on utube?
can we not post fucking chink porn fuck off
>>259856 >>259858 try lemonparty or meatspin lads
>>259856 >too retarded to realise it was 3 videos of the same girl >too retarded to scroll up/check the last thread
>>259861 imperium's numbers grow
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just kill me with a hatchet I can't take it
>>259865 Hm... what awful person would leak bongo to the thread
>259865 What a gay character assassination attempt.
you're both filtered
just post the chink mp4, i need to coom ffs
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>>259871 here lad
I was just taking the piss out of 22 ffs. Bunch of neurotic girls in here tbh.
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>this thread
>>259871 just watched it a I cum and cum hit cat and cat hiss at penis
>>259850 based >>259865 bit gay smh >>259876 tbh took a brief break to keek at bongos etc but at least the shortsomething
>>259874 https://youtu.be/1p3XEY1sN6s How many lads were generally bamboozled when I pretended to be this youtuber?
https://youtu.be/dc-hhPKBnTc Topical subject for neets
>>259874 >throwing me under the bussy
getting angry about internet atheists tbh need something to tbh on
fuck internet shite smh don't care
>>259883 You don't need me for that lad.
>>259885 bit of a content dearth at the moment tbhsmh dutty professor is live but his guest is gavin mcinnes which is extremely sus wish he wouldn't platform spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) like that or spence
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>>259889 what if dutty himself is a spy?
comment drought tbqh really makes you think
>>259892 join my bongo lad, much conversation and good cheer in there
Feeling peckish.
Gainn Mccinnes is cringe
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existential incel feels I'm going morbin mode
>>259900 >1:06 >spins my lightsaber around in front of both of our faces whilst interrogating you for no reason
>all the victims or that shooting were mexican >the shooter was mexican yet its talked about as an "american" problem rather that those areas simply being an extension of mexico
There's this girl who I think is autistic. She used to send me essay messages on Bumble. She wanted to meet me as friends initially but I figured I didn't want to. My parents are going away for a couple of weeks next week, should I arrange a meet?
>>259902 Under the catholic President and Supreme Court of the United States, the catholic invaders can do no wrong
shepherds pie with beans and depression for supper
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Migraine and flash backs.
>>259906 salmon with potatoes and yeah
>>259891 It's far more lucrative than being honest.
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>>259906 Good lad I rinsed out my water bottle but not sure if I was thorough enough and might have drank a bit of bleach for supper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EcjWd-O4jI
>>259910 you should be fine
Steiner would u rather be a hodoshonee or a wyndat?
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>>259856 go to previous thread and ctrl+f "teemo" it's some gook whore. and it's the same chick in all 3 videos, are you blind? yeah they all look the same but not THAT much
arr rook same >>259890 based florida man
It appears nation wide raids against the far right in Greece, specifically the north are in response to Antifa admitting defeat in their ability to stop them from organizing in that region. Antifa lost all their squats in Thessaloniki recently, two from arson and one by police so the city is in effect fascist only. https://www.militantwire.com/p/battleground-salonika-political-violence?s=r this article is from a seething leftoid.
>>259916 good lads hope they hold on can't forget the shoahing of golden dawn smh
>>259918 what's this talking about? shape of water?
>>259918 They're better because they're eldritch horrors here to destroy humanity?
I wonder if he thinks a lump of RNA is superior to for being able to destroy humanity.
>>259919 >>259920 lovecraftian creature discussion interrupted by a HYBRID VIGOR I LOVE NIGGERS faggot shoehorning in his shit fetish
Someone say lovecraftian horror?
>>259924 Keeek smh I can't stop. It's so unreal to me. I can't believe it's an official thing
>>259925 belieb it
>>259916 >It appears nation wide raids against the far right in Greece, specifically the north are in response to Antifa admitting defeat in their ability to stop them from organizing in that region. naturally, the minions of the state fail so the state has to step in, they'll still claim to be anti establishment of course
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>lass who friendzoned me giving me shit for not entertaining her enough I've having existential incel feels all day with som morb highs and I get this. Thinking about how many mass shootings would have been avoided if women weren't psychopaths
>>259929 niggers are just humanoid locusts
they have no culture so they all just steal and appropriate shit from others
>>259929 I dont really have a problem if some orthodox african attends a religious ceremony in the country where the orthodox church is based. like if it doesnt involve mass migration or planting foreign communities its fine.
>>259928 >maintaining contact after she cucked you you deserve it for not just defooing lad
>>259932 they are appropriating traditional cossack uniforms lad
>>259928 don't worry lad, if she's that much of a cunt she saved you a lot of trouble by friendzoning you. There'll be a decent woman for you somewhere, they're not all bad.
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>>259936 keeeek based
>>259936 keeeeeeeek
>>259936 >>259890 so bored of these obviously fake news headline meme. actual reddit tier comedy.
>>259930 >>259931 I just always imagine this vid anytime I see them in the west tbh
>>259932 its an interracial marriage you stupid kike rat
>I dont really have a problem if some orthodox african attends a religious ceremony in the country where the orthodox church is based. like if it doesnt involve mass migration or planting foreign communities its fine. Subversive spotted, trying to infest this place like hes not obvious, fuck off back to whatever bongo shithole you crawled out of
>>259940 kek I have set off so many niggers doing this shuck shit by just being in their presence and being above that behavior. it must be the ulster scots blood that reminds them of the old southern field bosses looking down on them from horseback while they did gay little monkey dances
most likely agg
>>259946 I'm simply leagues above seethmongs.
slavs seem to be just starting the whole nigger infestation period that westoids are at the apex. I wonder if after the economic collapse all the wogs will go to eastern europe and slavs will cope that they wouldn't try that in the urals
off to goom a bit lids, don't let agg subvert the thread while I'm gone, do not agree with anything he says he exists only to undermine.
>>259948 watching them try to colonise siberia with niggers would be pretty funny tbh if they were based they'd force them to do a trail of tears as far norf as possible and just leave them to freeze and starve to death in the middle of nowhere
>>259947 Good lad almost seethed myself a few minutes ago before I called the lad I was arguing with a pedo and closed the tab
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Bad for the heart the old seethemongering
a lot of russians love niggers because they're easily impressed by whatever cultural shit america sharts onto their table. the old ones also sympathise with niggers from the communist days of broadcasting americans "atrocities" to the noble negroes.
you lads hear about this thing where the afghans/pakis that flooded turkey are autistically taking photos/videos of every turk female they can find that has lightish features or is scantily clad by paki standards? turks themselves are getting culturally enriched and are seething about it. they are also vaxxed
>agg allies >>259955 yeah they've banned immigration from pakistan now
>>259956 >yeah they've banned immigration from pakistan now
>>259955 really cant imagine a more dislikeable group than pakis. woe, woe, thrice woe upon whoever brought them here.
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is that... a female with light brown hair??? in the name of the prophet (pbuh), allah please help me, I'm gonna coom!
>>259950 yeah its so funny to see poojeet and nigger arrogance get rekt when they try to colonize the north. just like in leaf border where poos get frozen and niggers get frozen into poopsicles on the side of the road while chud and chudson are out ice fishing. was reading about dumb somalis trying to emigrate into sweden via the arctic border using mopeds keeeeeeeeek
>>259955 >>259956 if the pakis didn't have nukes they'd have gotten a taste of neocon regime change a long time ago tbh. Not that it would've made Pakistan any better, except for the part where more Pakis would be dead
"...and the little orthodox niggers lived happily ever after"
>>259960 >implying i like swarthoids middle is best followed quickly by blonde lasses
>>259955 god I hate shitskins so much lads smh poor swarthoid lass
Women are great. I love women. They make me happy.
right wing turks support mass migration from based pakis and afghans because they're conservative muslims who'll vote erdogan like them while libtard turks are against it because the ugly brown people arent european-style liberals like them lmao.
Got a video chat date on Saturday and if that goes well I'll meet the lass once she moves to London, which will be pretty soon from what I gather.
would like an OC donut steel tier huwhite albino lass tbh but only if it was a non-inheritable condition >>259961 brave soldiers of globalism giving their all
please fellow muslim, open bobs and vagene! let me do the needful, I have 10 inch pinus, we make strong babby, allah wills it >>259962 their head of state got overthrown about a month ago
is all the dating app posting recently just shartin or is there some other twat whos playing the game too
>>259971 Always taken aback by how hideous most people on earth are. Brown people are all ugly short faggots. Mixed race people are even more hideous. And the browner they are the less capable they are at producing anything beautiful. All is ugliness without us.
>>259973 One other.
>>259971 Pakistan civilian leadership is powerless, military acts independently of them >>259973 Not playing the game, I just happened to find one lass and am very happy. If it doesn't work out I'm deleting the app and never dealing with this shit again
>>259974 tbh brown makes me frown
https://youtu.be/XqVHcQANNdE brown clowns can fuck off
absolutely destroyed my brain with tinnies and cooming again. those two do not go together well
>>259980 stop cooming
the absolute size of this unit
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absolute state of constantinople
>>259982 I bet she puts two entire pizzas together and then puts hotdogs in between them and eats the whole thing and then drinks an entire gallon of wine while brapping until one of her cats suffocates
>>259983 imagine the smell
>>259981 i go crazy if i do that lad
>>259979 amazing that these lads could pick each other up now that i think about it
smh forgot that QT was local tonight
>>259987 yeah scott steiner ruined his back doing that and now he has a cane and walks all gimpy
>>259982 bbc breakfast time for her tbh
>>259982 amazing that her chin is still distinctly visible tbh. Teetering on the edge of being subsumed by the blubber.
>>259992 Hey look it's John Oliver
fucking hate fat people and niggers so much
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>>259665 >Population of Nigerian students in UK rises by 64% in one year No need for safari, Africa is coming to you!
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i fucking hate pakis but i think i hate self-hating white traitors even more
>>259994 Fat is good--thin is bad; obese is bad; skinny, too
brown people all look the same
>>259996 ,keeeeeeek
>>259999 cKheeeek'd
>259997 kill yourself fat fuck
chinky women...
the state of them hands and fingers
>>260003 imagine how bad her chair smells
>>260006 wow that hand looks awful
>>260008 looks like a slightly less gay Justin Welby
smell of grease and cum in my room just wont go away no matter what i do
must have seeped into the walls by now smh
>>260011 Burst out at laughing at this for some reason tbh
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Shawty had them apple bottom jeans Boots with the fur The whole club was lookin' at her She hit the floor Next thing you know Shawty got low, low, low, low, low, low, low, low
>>260011 open the window every once in a while
>>260011 throw out your cum tissues and change the duvet
>>260001 See how nervous the thin-tards can be--this is a good example
>>260017 >you're gettin nervous, jack
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>>260020 tbh I count it
>>260006 someone photoshop a fork there
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>>260019 Tomorrow will be troublesome for the post was off by one.
>>260019 good lad
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>>260023 Don't know tbh Ive had troublesome days after getting it bang on before >>260024 keeeeeek >>260025 tbh
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>>260024 >000cbb >000 is a symbol of infinite possibilities and infinity. To remind us that we are part of a larger, infinite process, our guardian angels use this method. Signs that you need to improve your spiritual connection and follow your intuition are also good indicators. You’ll get the answers you’re looking for.
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>>260028 >>260029 tengo dinnero
>>260029 Who is this woman?
>>260031 my new gf lay off her alrite
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got a ganglion cist on my toe and its resting on a nerve making it feel like my foot is broken
>>260031 leader of the Alliance party over here tbh her party got a shitload of extra seats in our election the other week
Only sell milk in a frothy market.
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>>260036 took 3 co-codamol
>>260037 coco damol aint she one of those reality slags off of telly
>>260033 smack it with a book if you're 'ard
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>>260019 RIP in peace, lad.
>no sweeties
>>260034 why, because she couldn't fit in just the one?
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>wessie making fat jokes
>>260045 I'm fat but I'm not hambeast-american fat smh >>260044 keeeeek
HAMSTER GENOCIDE IMMINENT >Pet hamsters belonging to monkeypox patients should be isolated or killed, say health chiefs >Pet hamsters, gerbils and guinea pigs belonging to monkeypox patients should “ideally be isolated” in government laboratories, according to European health authorities. >In a worst case scenario where monitored isolation and regular testing is unfeasible, the agency suggested a cull should be considered as “a last resort” to prevent the disease gaining a permanent foothold in the region. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/global-health/science-and-disease/pet-hamsters-belonging-monkeypox-patients-should-isolated-killed/
>>260047 gordon will be devastated
Panicked when I found a spider crawling in my bed and knocked it away with my empty mug for supper.
>>260049 are you the lad who had ants crawling on him?
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>>260050 Not that I'm aware of.
preparing a heavy scran for a midnight snack or dinner as i call it
>>260051 as repetitive and saccharin as the pop songs they inflict on us
i deserve a sexy chinky woman and im tired of pretending i dont
>>260056 >sexy chinky woman pretty much an oxymoron, tbh lad
Had to fantasise about a gook.
pooshit filtered
>>260060 Thicc yellow fuckmeat might be tempting but she is property of glorious chinese race. Stick to your own subspecies, lad.
>>260060 a hundredweight of makeup and a prepubscent boy's body does not equal sexy, lad
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>>260062 this is my subspecies
>>260064 dorshit outs himself as trannoid more news at 3
>>259803 this song is great, is there a full version?
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>>260065 >dorshit outs himself as trannoid more news at 3 please, not dorshit too not another one please
thinking about dying again
>>260068 thanks lad
it was a joke
lack of pussy turns a man into a tranny or a tranny chaser by the looks of things.
>>260074 i have had pussy though?
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a hangover for the ages, glad it's finally over
>>260050 that was me, an ant was on my neck. believe I woke up at some point last "night" (midday) to an ant on my bed, I screamed and blew it off with my breath. had to remake the bed since I threw the covers around so recklessly >>260061 based >>260075 you're supposed to get pussy multiple times per week at the very least, it's not a one-off
into the filter he goes
>>260076 Good, lad--death to all perverts
>>260084 is that spic you've identified?
>>260085 >death to all perverts so everyone here then >>260086 yeah, its easy enough tbh
spic this is my final foot post. if you don't like these feet then are differences in taste are irreconcilable
>>260087 >its easy enough tbh yesterday you were wondering where I was, when I had in fact already participated in the thread extensively, and you had even replied to me >>260088 >this is my final foot post why? >these feet they are quite nice https://youtu.be/_Lpk-v2-ipk
>>260090 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>>260090 not again, i'm ruined. at least my boomer stonks will moon when poccnr wins next month
>>260090 ethereum is really going down the tubes huh, last time it was this low I bought some and sold it for the break even price for some retarded reason. could have made good money (2x+) if I didn't do that believe I bought it to gamble on some shitcoin (rocket bunny or something) but then I couldn't withdraw in time so I just sold it back
>>260094 had 50 eth at one point but gambled it on a shitcoin which itself did moon but now its down again so I'm basically only up 20% on my initial and haven't ever taken profits because I'm retarded
>>260094 well there's not exactly anything ready to take its place. i thought avax would (which i went in on hard) but that's even further down the toilet
>>260097 ssneed
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ith's disghusthin
>>260099 shut it you slag
Rayner would maul you lad she's from the streets
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>>260101 shes a norfern monkey she couldnt resist my suave southern charm
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contemplating having a tipple
reckon i would slay with northern lasses. i would impress them with my philosophies. even basic bitch plato's cave allegory would bed you a norf lass i bet
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>>260105 peng post as ever rastalad
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hjzp4FNM-fg sweet mother of mercy lads smdh
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I used to 'have sex' but then (((they))) changed what 'sex' was. Now what I call 'sex' isn't 'sex' and what's 'sex' seems weird and scary to me
>>260109 think sex is well defined lad. the problem arises when porn rewires your head and you don't find normal sex fun anymore.
>>260109 there's nothing simpler, lad
I enter a shabby delicatessen on Second Avenue and I'm still confused, mixed up, sweaty, and I walk over to a short, fat Jewish woman, old and hideously dressed. "Listen," I say. "I have a reservation. Bateman. Where's the maitre d? I know Jackie Mason," and she sighs, "I can seat you. Don't need a reservation," as she reaches for a menu. She leads me to a horrible table in back near the rest rooms and I grab the menu away from her and rush to a booth up front and I'm appalled by the cheapness of the food - "Is this a goddamn joke?" - and sensing a waitress is near I order without looking up. "A cheeseburger. I'd like a cheeseburger and I'd like it medium rare." "I'm sorry, sir," the waitress says. "No cheese. Kosher," and I have no idea what the fk she's talking about and I say, "Fine. A kosher burger but with cheese, Monterey Jack perhaps, and - oh god," I moan, sensing more cramps coming on. "No cheese, sir," she says. "Kosher... " "Oh god, is this a nightmare, you fking Jew?" I mutter, and then, "Cottage cheese? Just bring it?" "I'll get the manager," she says. "Whatever. But bring me a beverage in the meanwhile," I hiss. "Yes?" she asks. "A... vanilla... milk shake..." "No milk shakes. Kosher," she says, then, "I'll get the manager." "No, wait." "Mister I'll get the manager." "What in the fk is going on?" I ask, seething, my platinum AmEx already slapped on the greasy table. "No milk shake. Kosher," she says, thick-upped, just one of billions of people who have passed over this planet. "Then bring me a fking... vanilla... malted!" I roar, spraying spit all over my open menu. She just stares. "Extra thick!" I add. She walks away to get the manager and when I see him approaching, a bald carbon copy of the waitress, I get up and scream, "Fuck yourself you retarded cocksucking kike," and I run out of the delicatessen and onto the street where this
when you think about it, women really have a lot of power to make men happy, but they seem to naturally not want to do this. perhaps because they've never suffered like most men do and this makes it easier for them to be mean because they've never been on the receiving end
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>>260115 watching this stuff is why demons strangle you in your sleep
>>260116 its just a guy going around filming everyone
>>260114 I think the weak men have given them too much attention so they have become jaded and then bored, ending up looking for fun in whatever interpersonal drama they think they can get away with. Also, they are spread too thin having been encouraged into workplaces rather than having society encourage or corral them into more natural domestic roles, including family farms or family-owned retail positions. I can't see women as having comparable perspectives as you seem to, lad. They just react to stimulus and have such profound instincts against taking initiative or responsibility, they are better seen as non-sentient beings travelling their lives along designated paths set up by men. Yes it's good to give them lessons on having properly pro-social behaviour, but the value in that is that they are getting attention from virtuous men in the proper hierarchy--so as to facilitate future obedience to requests coming later on--not that they are putting to use the concepts they have learned therein, as a man would. Wahmen are loveable, or at least they must be.
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>>260118 > they are better seen as non-sentient beings travelling their lives along designated paths set up by men good post
how can chinkies be so cute but thai and viet women are so fucking ugly??
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Mr Peter Hairchins
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want more posts to read. i had a lot of posts planned but i forgot what they were
>Andrew Michael Ramsay, a Catholic, was in fact responsible for introducing the templaristic/crusading elements into freemasonry largely in his 1737 oration. Ramsay was a loyalist of the English Stuarts and their claim to the throne, as were the Jesuits for which reason the Jesuits originally wrote the Rite of Perfection, or first 25 degrees of Scottish Rite masonry - to restore the Roman Catholic Stewarts to the throne of England.
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you're telling me jesuits are not only based but bonnypilled?
errr, actually nevermind
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>>260130 i fucking loathe boomers. i hate them so much. they will read that and think it's valid information
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>what is he saying now?
The vast majority of people in the Philippines are Christian and English-speaking
>>260132 what lad?
There is a Vatican thread on the qresearch board on 8kun, actually there are lots of regional and themed threads too. Not much conversation there though, but anyway it's a nice resource. Very mysterious sometimes. >>260134 It's standard procedure to ban guns at speaking events when there is a VIP. 🙃
>>260127 "Freemasonry for thee, but not for me" Is that supposed to be wholesome?
759391 is schizo
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Local newspapers are always so cheesy >>260137 Unfortunately--for a weakling like yourself--ad hominem logical fallacy isn't convincing
>>260137 >bangs on about ad hominem logical fallacy isn't convincing It's BBK.
>(1) Thaaat's soooo interesting!
Shut up you fucking psude nigger.
Oh look it's the tradcat with a tired Tolkein meme. Wew, that liberation theology really blew back hard on ye with the latest JRR video releases eh papist?
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>continues to be a psude
>when the pope-mobile becomes the cope-mobile Ahem >>260129
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As if the pedantic heretic wouldn't get filtered
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New dance move just dropped
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Latest spic Fuentes scandal is he was found with a transvestite sex tab in the background of a video he was making. Smh, can't understand any of that personally
>late stage capitalism A basically meaningless term used by actual pseudo intellectuals as a means for all-purpose hand-wringing: capitalists can sympathise because it's "late stage", and communists or socialists sympathise because it's "capitalism".
third time in 3 days that an ant in close proximity caused me to scream. I was minding my own business at my computer in my home, like I am all the time, and all of a sudden I feel a thing swipe it and then there's an ant on my lap, I scream, get up... yadda yadda... manage to pick it up on a paper towel and chuck it outside. never going to flush an insect/spider down the toilet again ever since I learned that they take an hour to drown, either they get chucked outside if they're lucky or they get squished hopefully that was the same ant all three times and it is now stuck outside so I will not be bothered again >>260151 yeah I posted about that the other day. there's a big 90 page debate on Kiwifarms where people are trying to determine whether or not it is real- I initially thought it was real, but now I'm not sure (mainly because of some inconsistencies between that twitter account and Nick's other recent twitter accounts) https://kiwifarms.net/threads/the-mrkrabs9000-tranny-porn-tab-incident.119861/page-57#post-12004046 if it is fake, then whoever did it was an absolute genius. and it tells a lot about Nick that so many people will readily believe such a thing
>>260152 and what a wonderful morning it is
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>>260099 >imagining her saying that while gargling my splooge
>>260064 >>260158 Didn't even realise it was a troomer aaaahh thought it was about height not 'her' having a bigger dick. Thought it was just a heavily makeuped ethot wannabe anime girl.
>>260160 she's also only 14 so you're a troomer-lovin nonce, mate
>>260161 Didn't find xer attractive lad. Despairing that Dorshit is tranny posting again.
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Mmhmm oh helloooo kitten
https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1490078965 >she's briish man the illusion of her being cute at all ruined by no filters and her voice keeeeeeeeek
You are boring me.
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>>260167 Do you misgender trannies as you fug them in their dirty bumholes, lad?
>>260169 I don't know, I'm not gay
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>this thread
>>260170 >telling lies on the internet
>>260172 I've only ever had sex with a woman.
>>260172 tbh he's only pretending for some reason. He's a weirdo
>>260173 didn't coom though
>>260175 My cock was inside a vagina.
My parents are still living covid smh. can hear the doorknobs being sprayed
>>260171 Tbh. Really is theraputic to touch grass. Saw two geese walking with their little babies by a lake recently. Was magical.
time to try and get rid of the smell of cum and grease and shit in my room
>>260179 yeah today is when we turn it all around
Dorset I've had sex with 2 women and almost penetrated a 3rd. Can u describe for me in detail what penetrating a woman was like?
like a baaaag of saaaand
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>>260181 It felt really good going in, like getting your hand all lubed up and slowly sliding down your cock peeling your foreskin all the way back, really warm too, but after that I felt nothing
>>260171 >go outside that would expose you to sunlight, causing you to hit the wall early, creating an inability to breed >>260177 wtf
not going outside causes an inability to breed, lad..
>>260186 it's quite the predicament
>>260186 don't most people breed in their houses?
You have the day off? Here, have a headache and a sore throat
the entire point of breeding is that you take risk and as a result probably lose part of your lifespan if you were designed to live forever then you wouldnt need to breed
>>260191 >he's procrastinating cleaning his room
>>260191 >the entire point of breeding is that you take risk and as a result probably lose part of your lifespan well not really. the male ideal would be to just lie in a bed while endless vaginas are delivered onto your penis every refractory period (even while sleeping) while you are fed perfect nutrition through a tube or technically it would be even more ideal if they just used a machine to extract the semen every 30 minutes and divided each load into tenths or so and injected it into the uterus of 10 ovulating females. then you would be reproducing as much as possible, 1 offspring per 3 minutes >if you were designed to live forever then you wouldnt need to breed this part is true though
you live in a fantasy
>>260194 obviously that is not a real scenario, but logically it is optimal
>>260196 Don't go there without your assistance cat lad. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-61596623 Smh imagine being told u can't take your cat to the supermarket as an autist.
Society is literally set up to demonise Autistic men
>>260189 not in Brazil
>>260193 Wrong. The ideal is to have a loving, faithful companion, when you each know each other well yet still like, respect and even admire each other despite flaws. You enjoy each other's company. A good life is sharing good moments with somebody you trust. Meaningless sex with strangers is just about as far from the ideal as you can get, even if procreative.
>>260200 the purpose of a lifeform is to procreate its genes- the more descendants you have, and the more they propagate their genes, the longer your lineage persists, the better. this is the goal of life- securing the indefinite survival of your DNA that, and the concept of all lifeforms as a tree with competing branches struggling over limited resources, are the most basic fundamental understandings that everyone should have what you're saying is just hedonism- the more pleasant neurotransmitters, the better. now of course we like those, but ultimately their purpose as is the purpose of everything else in our bodies is to achieve survival and reproduction
>this is the goal of life- securing the indefinite survival of your DNA well you seem to have failed
>>260201 yes, that is the ultimate purpose, but we are created in such a way as to want personal connections beyond just sterile procreative urges. Having a child is not nearly as fulfilling without being a good father and husband too. Hedonism is selfish and isolated. A relationship is neither of those things.
>>260202 it hasn't died yet
>>260205 brutal
pocket forming in the dumbass cuckhols btfo
If u go to SEA and reproduce 10 times, are u an unironic bigger success than most anons on this board?
>>260208 in the sense that your dna will persist in some form, yes, but then it's tainted with gook monkey blood. better than nothing but it's still not 'preserving' your dna in a meaningful sense, as if you found suitable breeding vessel(s)
https://youtu.be/yFg2F_2WtLE For Coomers and for pretentious lasses
nini >>260210 boobs too smol
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>>260215 morning
>>260215 Morning lad
>>260215 smorn lar
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I'm on toil holiday lads
>>260219 me too tbh. Didn't really need to but it's nice to just relax and not work on a Friday
>>260220 Long weekend tbh good lad ngl I really needed to work's been brutal for months. getting a flight to england in a couple hours, gonna go sit out in the sunshine in somerset carefree
>>260211 genuinely hate that
The number seven.
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why would the russian monster do this
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Russian forces attacked Turkish forces in Northern Syria this morning.
I've just got a girlfriend (she's black).
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Kissinger has been declared enemy of Ukraine.
>email from electricity provider >cutesy corporate globalist art and friendly language >THE CURRENT ENERGY CRISIS THE PRICE CAP (IT'S OFGEM'S FAULT >you see we HAVE to raise the bills because we HAVE to make more money don't blame us even though we're the ones fucking you over here have these useless government schemes to look at even though you can't get any
>>260229 Russia should just invade already.
Wimpy's was shit tbh
I hate eating noises and cutlery noises.
>>260234 >metro (((goldwyn mayer)))
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*comes ashore*
>mummy on the phone >"I have to go now I'm taking granny to the hospital" >keeps talking for another 15 minutes
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>>260228 keeek why?
>>260238 >1hr44mins you could just... drive home and talk to her face to face...
>>260240 to be fair it was with a groomee who lives 8 hours away
>>260239 He said Ukraine should concede to Russia.
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>>260243 Only 90% sure this is parody.
[current year intensifies]
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>Women in Israel allowed to join the elite unit 669 of the IDF Israel is fucked. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MV_3Dpw-BRY
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>>260246 Khazar milkers unit 6-69. What's up, muslim boy? Never seen a naked woman before? *drops bombs safely from a mile away killing everyone in the schools, hospitals, weddings etc.*
A small and oscillating egg.
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>Wanks over Trannies >Never seen a naked woman before?
Sick of torrenting sites and shit being full of porn
https://youtu.be/cWPPedsKMUc >THREE GRAND IN BACK PAY
Should I visit Israel before it implodes?
>>260253 >implodes Yeah, if anyone is ever likely to be destroyed it's the cockroach race
https://youtu.be/ImAIzsLUq5g We used to sing this back in school keek
>>260256 Is this for real?
>>260259 Yea, the new doctor is a gay black man
Boomers get what they deserve!
>>260260 Yikes. Whole thing's a disaster tbh, haven't been a whovian since Tennent tbh
>>260259 It's a youtube poop channel lad
>>260263 Dr Where's My Cock
https://youtu.be/QEiBZ6Flgus Imagine Orangutans ran a chan and wouldn't let anyone be a tranny or post porn and shit
>>260266 An orangutan monastery
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>>260242 Well he's right about some things I guess. Good for him.
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>kissinger is 99 y.o. today
>>260271 regular blood infusions from trafficked aryan children will do that smh
>what is a gerontocracy? JUST
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>tfw the younger generations are too weak to outcompete the octogenarian crowd Pic unrelated
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>>260261 "Power to the people!"
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Dr Who!? More like Dr Where's My Cock!!
>>260278 I wouldn't do that, I would kiss and then maybe have FUCK with her
>>260278 Me? I would respect her.
>>260280 TRAITOR
I would awkwardly tell her,"I didn't know redheads could look so good", chasing her away.
Can you lads stop it's embarrassing
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Just having a laugh m8
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>>260228 Nixonchads ?
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If it says block bypass just wait for the post to load
>>260228 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK its true ukraine is actually going to be thrown under the bus
>there is a false flagger itt
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saw "the war lord" yesterday proper good 5 stars
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>>260294 take my flag off.
DORSHIT DID SANDY HOOK https://youtu.be/_6OLFNC4ggU
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I quite enjoy bum sex
>shenanigans itt good lad
I'm making a blacked webm, for I enjoy such content.
It is I, SA. I have normal sexual relations.
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>bringing up groid porn and bum sex smh bbk tripping over his own feet again
The 4chan /pol/ guys really have a great understanding of how to implement gun control, really a shame Biden is trying to shut them down.
>>260213 >>260222 you are homo >>260214 yeah that's crazy ffs fuck all cops >>260219 >>260221 good lad >>260225 nice but concerns me slightly since Russia also needs to balance the position of Turkey for the Ukraine conflict.. this must be part of that, a warning or putting their foot down or something
Violent diarrhoea
somebody bake a new bread with no false flagging
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frozen pizza for dinner
>>260309 Tbh. Someone should hurry up. Want too poost my carefully crafted OC and not have it ignored because it's the end of a thread.
You're supposed to link it, false flag lad. Smh. >>260312 >>260312 >>260312 >>260312 >>260312
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a final poo

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