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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3640: Death Of The Alt-Right Edition Anonymous 02/14/2022 (Mon) 02:02:38 Id: 9679b7 No. 203278
Rower finds 5,000-year-old human bone dating back to the end of the Stone Age along the River Thames https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509193/5-000-year-old-human-bone-discovered-River-Thames.html Iron Age village is discovered after experts unearth items of prehistoric trash in north-west England https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509407/Iron-Age-village-discovered-experts-items-prehistoric-TRASH-north-west-England.html Call to tackle racism in the NHS after study suggests discrimination 'negatively impacts' millions of patients https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509413/Call-tackle-racism-NHS.html George Christensen has introduced a bill to stop tech companies censoring Australians https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509255/George-Christensen-introduces-bill-stop-Facebook-YouTube-Twitter-censoring-Australians.html More Democrats call for Hillary to be investigated over Russia-gate https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10509123/More-Democrats-want-Hillary-Clinton-investigated-amid-bombshell-report.html
first for spic fuentes is not even a real american
>>203280 seethe more tranny
>>203280 have you ever done a dna test lad?
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also milk and crisps for after din snack
>steiner food post
>>203282 no those are just how the chinese/jews harvest white DNA and they are probably not even accurate
>>203284 pecan sandies
pls be normal lads
>>203285 I know tbh I was just wondering if you'd ever done one, would make more sense for a yank to do one than a euro
>>203288 no I have just used genology research to just trace family documents all the way back to the 1600s and if anything I have some acadian frog/french canuck chug mongrel blood in there with all the rest of the mixture of british scottish/ irish/ ulster/ etc. etc. just a mongrel of britannia
>>203289 good lad
>>203282 That's very much besides the point when Spic announces to everyone that he is Mexican
>>203278 Beardson sperged pretty badly, and that kind of thing will happen when you follow the wrong sort of fellow. Lying repeatedly distorts the spirit
>>203287 unironically. No-one will ever take a gamer seriously in politics
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why hasn't he done anything yet
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>>203295 he's intimidated
yoba is the last implicit stand of white identity
>>203290 >bosnigger
>>203283 >Crisps I think ya'll mean potato chips college boy
what does yoba mean
>>203300 ye of british ancestry
>>203301 That's good because I'm Irish
>>203303 >03:33:33
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smh was running through my attack on a small town guarded by CDFags in arma2. was doing pretty good supporting other squads with my technicals then I caught like a whole squad of CDF in the open and got 3 of them and the technical gunner got the rest then I got all bold and tried to run ahead to set my MG man up so he could rekt the cdf coming up the roadside from a gully and then I got a face full of PKM. smh I would died in a real war super fast
>>203306 I plan on hiding during any future armed conflict
>>203307 probably the best move lad I think thats what most people do who survive
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maybe some black-marketeering if the opportunity arises
Trying to fix my sleeping pattern by staying up later and later each day. I went to sleep at 1pm yesterday. Aiming for 3 today. >>203309 Good lad. Pirate Right
>no persian gf
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>another hu'white aryan niece with a taigish name born over the night
>>203313 Shame she'll never have a cousin
>>203314 I have other siblings with kids so nuh.
going to stay up for as long as possible hopefully make it to tonight
>>203316 rip lad
smorning lads troubling developments with the return of spic tbh better poke madlad some more and use the seethium to power an anti-mutt field
Just had brekkie in the grotty fry up cafe. A cute eastern European lass with red hair came in, so did a chinese sixthformer who only ate with one hand and was watching chinky videos on full blast with the other hand.
fresh ogrecel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a3d9cUo-ECU fresh barely amusing watermarked memi slop https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRqovAd15dE
>>203318 smorning >>203319 >grotty fry up cafe based
>dutty promoting a bongoland honeypot https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-FYUZD7Axc4
another ogrecel wizard video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPeM9w5H4IA
>>203322 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek.
>>203278 >Rower finds 5,000-year-old human bone dating back to the end of the Stone Age along the River Thames That’s an old wog
>>203319 i find it hard to believe you have a proper cafe near you. i thought they were all gone
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On one side of the spectrum Nick Fuentes, on the other, Wessex
>>203326 you know where I live?
we know where you all live
>>203328 cheadle right?
some decent bargains at iceland tbh they don't do small milk bottles of non-prison milk though, or choccy milk that doesn't have chemicals in it smh brekkie of 50p reduced croissants and the rest goes in the freezer except for a consolation valentines toblerone
>>203278 >"It was a puzzlign formula, playing at being racist while also being racist" Makes me keek so much
>>203332 keeeeeeeeeek, that's from le louis theroux doc?
>>203333 Yeah, the 5th webm in OP
almost that time of year when lasses wear sandals
GiveSendGo hacked by DDOSecrets, a groups who’s members include government employed hackers who’ve already been doxxed yet none ever arrested. https://mobile.twitter.com/ananonmaly/status/1493056853860753414
ACAB > Police opened fire after a man armed with a knife threatened them at one of the capital’s busiest stations at 7am on Monday. >According to a France Télévisions journalist who was present at the scene, the man was waving a knife engraved with ACAB (All cops are bastards, a slogan often seen in French graffiti and on protests). https://archive.md/vDWtL
>>203336 >why don't you vote, anon?
>>203327 As a papist Mexican, there won't be much anxiety about the future for him in America
Is VAIDs real? I don't trust anyone but /brit/
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>>203345 >con inc has gone full 1488 these past two years and stepped over le groypers
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https://youtu.be/v7v1hIkYH24 >that russian raid in the comments keeeeek
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>>203347 >all the polish too keek
>>203348 one drop rule
Worried about my valentines date tbh lads
>>203351 what's bothering you lad?
>>203352 I'm afraid my penis might be too big smh
>>203353 post a pic of it, we will tell you spoiler it though obvs
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only valentine i need is a warm pint of bitter down the local then an afternoons reading of edward iii by michael packe no sneethium today lads im feeling romantic
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race mix and get sterilised this valentines day!
>>203356 smh cant have anything on this rancid board
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>>203357 >smh cant have anything on this rancid board lad? what are you being denied?
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>>203359 >"did you do a nazi salute?" >"you did a nazi salute though didn't you" >"why did you do a nazi salute?" >"do you think nazi salutes aren't offenseive?" >"but you did do a nazi salute didn't you" >"why do you like doing nazi salutes?"
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>tfw lent soon
>lent no pope of rome okay thank you
>>203363 tbh tbh
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>>203362 might start doing intermittent fasting for Lent
>>203365 I'm unplugging every connected to the internet.
>>203366 >I'm unplugging every connected to the internet. hmm, I wonder how long you will manage that for?
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>The French
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>>203368 lets watch this
>>203368 based degenerates
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>>203372 Tbf, white women are always giving wogs ecoli when they prepare food.
>>203374 deliberately rubbing their anus on their slaves tongues will do this
>>203375 based but i doubt it'll go anywhere tbh
>>203363 >>203364 κἀγὼ δέ σοι λέγω ὅτι σὺ εἶ Πέτρος, καὶ ἐπὶ ταύτῃ τῇ πέτρᾳ οἰκοδομήσω μου τὴν ἐκκλησίαν, καὶ πύλαι ἅδου οὐ κατισχύσουσιν αὐτῆς.
What did the jews mean by this?
>>203379 Christ initiated the Papacy.
Wouldn’t happen if you weren’t here and all didn’t look the same would it. Not racist but fuck off
>>203378 >Using Greek to defend a Latin heresy. Ironic. Vatican I is contra to The Ecumenical Councils called by the Emperors. After all If Papal supremacy is patristic why does it need to codified in the 19thC with Vatican I. Ratzinger says himself that the Catholic Church was collegial and synodal, not autocratic.
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>>203381 Fucking hate Oldham pakis. Every last one of them. Top keek he looks like the guy's identical twin ffs. Still, don't trust the rozzers either. Now I think about it, maybe this 'mistake' was to avoid arresting the right criminal? Smh.
>>203382 >>203382You act as if codification is equal to announcing a thing previously unbelieved. Do you also believe that there were no Christians until Constantine? No belief in Christ's divinity until the creeds? The Cahtolic CHurch is not nor ever has been autocratic. The Pope has Primacy among bishops and works with the other bishops as Peter did. St Cyrian writes in the early third century how "On him [Peter] He builds the Church, and to him He gives the command to feed the sheep; and although He assigned a like power to all the Apostles, yet he founded a single Chair, and He established by His own authority a source and an intrinsic reason for that unity. Indeed, the others were that also which Peter was; but a primacy is given to Peter, whereby it is made clear that there is but one Church and one Chair. So too, all are shepherds, and the flock is shown to be one, fed by all the Apostles in single-minded accord. If someone does not hold fast to this unity of Peter, can he imagine that he still holds the faith? If he desert the chair of Peter upon whom the Church was built, can he still be confident that he is in the Church?" It's a belief from the start. It's in the Book of Acts, it's in the works of the Church Fathers. It's in the Gospels.
>being midtarded Primacy meant that the Bishop of Rome was first in canonical matters not spiritual and doctrinal. Simply because Rome is double apostolic. If Roman Supremacy of the church was patristic it would be in the Nicene Creed. In that belays the truth that the largest churches of Christendom were in the East. Antioch and New Rome (Constantinople), not Rome.
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>call bossman asking for pay for January and when holiday day pay will come >end up talking about the truck driving school calling him and asking about me >he acted dumbfounded as if he hadn't heard anything about being my reference since I hadn't told him about it >but I had asked him for a written reference for 2-3 weeks which included his number, I had both called him, mailed him and sent him messages >prior to calling bossman the truck driving school had already written off two candidates for not having told their references about a possible call from the school >bossman almost lost me a place because of a technicality
>>203387 burn his house down lad
>>203387 smh hate having to deal with reference shite, always makes me nervous
>>203386 >I will give you (Peter) the keys of the kingdom of heaven, an whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven I will let Christ defend his own actions. The Nicene Creed outlines beliefs about Christ and his nature in response to various heresies. It's purpose is not to discuss the nature of the Church otherwise it would be a very long text indeed. It's a brief and concise piece of text, a summary of belief but not a total summation of belief. St Cyprian's words are right there in the post you are replying to. He was one of the Church fathers. His beliefs are patristic because he is patristic (a Church Father!) "I believe in one holy, apostolic Church" is the only thing mentioned at all about the Church in the Nicene creed. You're putting the Nicene Creed over the weight of evidence presented in the Gospels.
>>203387 smh lad
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NATO AND NAZI FLAGS TOGETHER IN UKRAIN >the anti Russian "far right" groups have been co-opted and funded by the West
>>203389 >>203390 Why? >>203388 smh I should have done so the 10 last times he fucked me over
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>>203391 Retardo ad nauseum. You've already conflated Primacy with "Supremacy''. Quote mining like a prot to justify the 19thC Vatican I council heresy is not an argument. You clearly don't even understand your own church let own the Church as it was and continues to be in the East.
>>203394 always worry toilberg will badmouth me as revenge for having the audacity to try and find new toil smh >>203395 wtf i love ukraine now
>>203393 Russian spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) Everyone knows the Russians are the real nazis, just look at all the panzers they have lined up on the border
>>203397 Yeah *makes up stuff about you*
>>203397 >wtf i love ukraine now nah they are astro-turfed Western backed groups >>203398 >Russian spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) tbh
>>203396 Primacy means supremacy. To be supreme is to be the highest authority, to have Primacy is to be first in authority. People who argue based on semantics and not based on either the gospels or the Church Fathers are missing a critical element. The Nicene Creed is a very basic outline of the faith. Very basic. It is not the faith nor the totality of the faith. It is a summary. The Church Father's are unequivocal: Irenaeus says thus: "But since it would be too long to enumerate in such a volume as this the succession of all the churches, we shall confound all those who, in whatever manner, whether through self-satisfaction or vainglory, or through blindness and wicked opinion, assemble other than where it is proper, by pointing out here the successions of the bishops of the greatest and most ancient church known to all, founded and organized at Rome by the two most glorious apostles. Peter and Paul, that church which has the tradition and the faith which comes down to us after having been announced to men by the apostles. With that church, because of its superior origin, all the churches must agree, that is, all the faithful in the whole world, and it is in her that the faithful everywhere have maintained the apostolic tradition" (Against Heresies 3:3:2 [inter A.D. 189]). Christ says, and it bears repeating, that Simon Bar-Jonah is "Cephas (rock, Peter), and on this Cephas (rock, Peter) I will build My church, and the gates of Hades will not prevail against it. 19I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven. Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” The evidence is Biblical, expounded in the works of the Apostles themselves and the Church Fathers. Vatican I is as irrelevant to the argument as the Nicene Creed. Both succeed the Bible. >>203397 The fact that you need someone who most of the time takes no notice of your toil to secure you more toil is particularly annoying
the day of copium
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Looks like Ukies have started lynching Greeks, And the President is calling the Globohomo NGOs cowards.
>>203401 >Primacy means supremacy. Then why does the Roman Church need to justify it with Vatican I in the 1850-60s?
>homosocial they've got a new word to play with
>>203402 This is an ad for her book where she copes about the same thing for 350 pages
https://youtu.be/OCLoZI-FOYA This is an attack on the human species as a whole tbh >>203404 It doesn't, the principle was justified in the Bible by Apostles, it was justified by Christ. If the trinity is true why did the Roman Catholic Church need to justify it in the fourth century? If the resurrection is true why did the Roman Catholic Church need to Justify it in the fourth century? If the judgement is true why did the Roman Catholic Church need to justify it in the fourth century? The argument that statements or councils which re-assert a demonstrably previously held belief is the source of those beliefs requires a deliberate ignorance of the totality of evidence. If this is what you rely on to deny the seat of Peter you may want to re-examine the issue.
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>>203405 >its a femoid(or troon) "Doctor" can't they just fuck off and make their own fantasy
>>203405 >basically just read some books and go to therapy, would ya? jeez
>>203409 anyone recommending therapy has already lost
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George Galloway suggests that Kier Starmer set up the incident where he was "violently" confronted by protestors
If Supremacy was justified it would be in the Ecumenical councils and the creeds. Using sola scriptura like a prot, quote mining the Church Fathers, word logic fallacies and Socratic reasoning is really retarded. How about actually reading Vatican I and Vatican II for that matter, to see how much it is juxtaposed to the first seven Ecumenical Councils the Roman church claims it up holds.
>NYC is now China-tier
>>203414 >NYC is now China-tier China-tier would be an improvement, there would be less niggers
>>203402 >promoted
>>203414 imagine you lose you life being crushed by a car driven by some phone thot vacantly scrolling on tinder while easing forward in traffic
FARAGE IS CROSS ABOUT WAR IN UKRAINE!!! https://youtu.be/RtUwrtDanck
>>203413 Why would the Creeds have information in them which would be extraneous to their purpose? Nothing about Bishops in there nor Priests. How do you defend having these in the East if they are not in the Creed? How can I be using Sola Scriptura if I am also referencing the Church Father's? Scripture alone would exclude me from citing the tradition. As for reading the texts you recommend I ask you "why?" You have rejected the Biblical evidence, you have rejected the Church Fathers, and you reject any other piece of evidence. Yet these councils have secret information in them? What parts should I specifically read? The first ecumenical councils deal in essence with the nature of Christ and not with Church government. The argument is founded on nothing. It's weak and you have resorted to uncharitable behaviour. You have denied me (You)s and called me names when I am your brother in Christ.
>>203418 wish he never did those videos reading superchats tbh ruined my image of him
>>203405 >”Fix bayonets and CHARGE!” >”Hold on sir! Let me finish bumming the men! Fucking thots
>>203420 tbf, he became Woes tier smh
>>203414 >Splatporn
>>203421 https://youtu.be/we72zI7iOjk >this artillery barrage is making me fancy a bit of hardcore anal fisting in dugout private iverson
>>203403 Greeks in Russia have a really sad history. They've inhabited Russia and Ukraine (Russia) since the 6th century BC, their highest population being near half a million in 1897 to todays 90,000. They were severely punished for loyalty to the king during the Bolshevik take over and a Greek employee helped save Pytor Wrangel from the Bolsheviks after his arrest by proving he wasn't a part of a Tartar anti-bolshevik rebellion. Then Stalin genocided them during WW2 because he just felt like it, no actual reason given lmao.
>>203425 weren't they involved in the slave trade there for hundreds of years?
The Roman Church is so nonsensical and schizo that it has Byzantine Catholics that recognises the supremacy of the Pope while maintaining a eastern rite theology that relies upon the rejection of theological innovation that the Papal supremacy typifies.
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>>203420 not his finest hour
>>203428 It's sad that you have resorted to this. Do you think it looks good? Byzantine Rite Catholics follow a different Rite to Roman Rite Catholics. The mode of worship differs according to different liturgical traditions. Both are of equal value in the Church and both belong to the Church and recognise the primacy of Peter. It's ironic that you attack the Church on this basis considering that there are many multitudes more Rites in the East than in the West. Is eastern Orthodoxy therefore "schizo"? I note you also failed to counter argue the points I made in the post you are passively replying to. Go and pray for the gift of Charity. Go and pray for the gift of Clarity. You have my prayer, brother.
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>this is the new lotr
>there are women dumping their man today because he didn't make them feel enough like a special princess on valentine's day
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>>203426 Maybe they participated in it, they lived under the Khazar and Crimean-Tartar Khanate's which engaged in the slavic slave trade. The reason for their hostility towards Bolsheviks and vice versa mostly stems from the Greeks involvement in converting Slavs to Orthodoxy like Saints Cyril and Methodius the "apostles of the Slavs" who translated the Bible to Slavonic.
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>>203432 lucky guys tbh imagine being stuck with a woman like that
And that's not even going into how schzo TLM autists are over the Pope.
I wouldn't follow the pope in Rome if the pope in England wasn't a gay Jew.
>>203436 I have nothing of substance to say to this. TLM people are often not Roman Catholics like Sedevacantists. You have nothing of substance to at all anymore and are grasping at straws. My prayers, brother. I'm filtering you from now on. >>203437 Then you have chosen the Kingdom of Elizabeth I over the Kingdom of Heaven. Caesar over Christ. Repent of it.
I follow the religion my parents raised me in and that all my family follow because I'm not a severely autistic loser tbh.
>>203439 Then your religion is not in earnest. If by this principle you lose the Kingdom of Heaven then that's your business. Your philosophies and political principles mean nothing among the wailing and gnashing of teeth.
>>203442 even the hobbit movies were shit. all movies seem the same these days
>>203444 just lisa simpsons doing as they have been programmed to do
BBK is so midtarded that he conflates patristic primacy with19thC supremacy and doesn't understand that liturgical rites are underpinned by theology, including rites in the Roman Church that were born out the wholesale rejection of the Roman Church such the Byzantine Rite and Protestant like Big Tent Charismatic churches.
he hungers.... for religious debates...
>>203448 keek that disgusting bulbous sausages face
I just really hate the Roman Catholic church for being basically protestant and gay while everyone pretends it's not.
none of you fags probably even go to church
>>203451 hated not being able to go cos of lockdown shite tbh smh
>Ahead of elections in April, President Emmanuel Macron’s top three rivals — who are expected to account for nearly 50 percent of the vote, according to polls — are all running anti-immigrant campaigns that fan fears of a nation facing a civilizational threat by invading non-Europeans. The issue is top of their agenda, even though France’s actual immigration lags behind that of most other European countries. >The problem barely discussed is emigration. For years, France has lost highly educated professionals seeking greater dynamism and opportunity elsewhere. But among them, according to academic researchers, is a growing number of French Muslims who say that discrimination was a strong push factor and that they felt compelled to leave by a glass ceiling of prejudice, nagging questions about their security and a feeling of not belonging. >They are being linked to crime or other social ills through dog-whistle expressions like “zones of non-France,” used by Valérie Pécresse, the center-right candidate now tied with the far-right leader, Marine Le Pen, for second place behind Mr. Macron. They are singled out for condemnation by the far-right television pundit and candidate Éric Zemmour, who has said that employers have the right to deny jobs to Black and Arab people. >Jérémy Mandin, a French researcher involved in the study at the University of Liège in Belgium, said that many young French Muslims had been disillusioned “that they had played by the rules, done everything that was asked of them, and ultimately been unable to lead a desirable life.” >Rama Yade, a junior minister for human rights during the presidency of Nicolas Sarkozy, said that France’s denial of problems like police violence had made matters worse. She saw the current backlash in France against “wokisme” — or supposedly “woke” American ideas on social justice — as “nothing else but a pretext to no longer fight discrimination.” >To her, the presidential race’s focus on immigration was the “consecration of 20 years of deterioration” in a political culture obsessed with national identity. She had quit her political party — for which Ms. Pécresse is now the candidate — because, Ms. Yade said, it had become “very hostile to anything that did not represent a fantasy version of French identity.” https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/13/world/europe/france-election-muslims-islam-macron-zemmour-le-pen-pecresse.html
>>203454 >>The problem barely discussed is emigration barely discussed yet they bring it up every single fucking time
>>203442 YIKES
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>>203458 smh they weren't content with turning the frogs gay so now they're going after the fish as well
>>203456 She's absolutely right though and that scene is utterly cringeworthy.
>>203460 right for the wrong reasons
>>203462 keeeek
boomerposting time just had a reminiscing session of family lore where granny explained that her brother is a megarichfag with 15 houses because when he was young he became a carpet fitter and started selling unlabelled tins that fell off the back of a truck
>>203420 My image of him was ruined long before then tbh. He's a Dianne Abbot tier broken clock to me.
>>203466 >west steps up efforts to stop invasion Nigger elf is right, we could stop it by telling the EU and NATO to stay the fuck out of Ukraine. FFS. Blormphis Blormphson better snap out of his Churchill syndrome, else I'm [censored to avoid permaban].
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big if true
>>203464 that generation had it so easy smh >>203468 based
society is collapsing again
honkers got fucked yesterday apparently hope they're still honking https://twitter.com/backtolife_2022/status/1492975437785481218?cxt=HHwWhICyuYTQjrgpAAAA
>Amazon have given Hobbits Dwarven nicknames
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Watching videos of bears waving at cars lads
>>203475 OH NO
>>203477 Nice lad. Post them. It is a British politics forum after all.
>>203480 keeeeeeeek when he vores one out of the air
deciding to start saying shite because it sounds like scheiße.
hullo, pidser for sninner, also seething.
Been talking to a woman online for 2 years lads. Travel restrictions dropped recently and now I feel sad coz she told me she doesn't know if this has a serious future. Idk what to do.
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>>203489 That's a bit extreme isn't it?
>Been talking to a woman online for 2 years
Flights are cheap now too reee
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Confusing, WDHMBT?
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>Ukrainian Muslims aggressively pumping shotguns That will stop the Russians.
>>203493 feel like this while watching this: >>203495
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>>203495 Tartars sided with the Nazis, based imo.
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>>203501 The great youtube chud wars.
>>203501 based
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>>203501 whitepilled again
>#BREAKING satelite images show Russia troops leaving assembly points and moving to attack positions: US official tells @CBSNews
>>203447 You got demolished lad, had to wait ten minutes to reply just to make sure he was gone keeeeeeeeeeek
>>203505 >its real CMON RUSSIA
>>203505 Not me, no way.
>BBK subscribes to modern Liberal Humanist posing as Theology and so midwitted he doesn't know it keeeeek
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>>203509 shut up sausage boy
>20 Ukrainian MPs have fled the country https://twitter.com/mrsorokaa/status/1493279960424980481 its so fucking over
>Defending BBK for defending a Libreal Humanist NGO church KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK
>>203305 Never stop these lad I love it
I enjoyed Theroux's docu lads, Nick came off as a personable, normal guy as compared to the ADHD riddled Baked and insecure retard Beardy tbh.
>>203512 literally nobody is talking about religion you mong, filtered.
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>>203509 >have an affair >want to avoid being cauht >so you have a diy abortion based abortion rights symbol
>>203511 keeeeeeeeek might be afghanistan tier if putin goes through with this
>>203516 didn't mean to (You)
>>203514 Yeah I agree
Fuck off back to the shitcord you prod mong, sick of hearing this religion shite
>>203514 baked was somewhat likeable, beardson is a complete disaster. one man optics holocaust.
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I know they like twitterposts
>implying I'm prot KEEEEEEEEEK
>>203521 He seemed ok in the first segment, but the livestream was extremely fucking gay and betrayed his desperation to be liked tbh.
>>203525 I was talking about Baked lad, Beardson was an irredeemable fuckup.
>>203517 Putin won't have to Ukraine is collapsing in on itself.
>I didn't shave >I was a little fat but I'm better now keeeek
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>Ukraine will collapse in Wednesday >The US will false flag it as Russian invasion
Calling it now.
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>no toil on wednesday Yeah I'm thinking we comfy
>UPDATE - Zelensky's reference to February 16 as the day of the Russian attack was said with irony, a presidential aide now says.
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ding dong
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>>203495 yeah pump action shotguns are going to be very effective on the steppe
>>203501 >>203502 >>203503 >>203504 wonder if it'll survive its first season
Hate seeing whiteoids die and ukraini being made into a failed state by jews but it'd be so kino to see a proper 21st century invasion with the whole east of ukraine being taken in a massive envelopment with mass tank formations rolling across the steppe.
>>203541 >Hate seeing whiteoids die I will kill myself if we dont get a happening soon.
Found a wife for 22st
>>203543 What does she have?
>>203542 man up, the longer we wait for a happening the better it will be because all the energy will build up, high time preference smh
Also I am already taken, sorry, lass
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lovely jubbly Jewbas
>>203549 gross
fancy some kosher milk right now
she is going to baloon into a gross globe shaped kike bitch in her 30s
Milk is kosher as long you don't eat it with meat.
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>breeding is bad when jews do it
eaten too much lads
no she is just a cross flabby kike swelling up like a flesh balloon
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>>203558 Not watched the show but I assume they are friends who haven't seen each other in forever or who thought each other were dead
>There will be no foreplay or contact of any kind with the upper body. The bodies of the female and male both are smeared with Ghee keeeeeeeeeek why do poos love butter so much?
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Is it a good show?
>>203564 bit gay
>>203565 Really?
>>203566 Yes. Flint is a bummer, that's why he's pirate.
Apart from that it's okay.
>>203567 Yikes. Not watching that then
>>203563 It's from the cow, considered auspicious. The bull or cow is a popular symbol in all kinds of paganism, because amongst other things like fitting into the idea of reincarnation, the cow also has a gestation period of nine months like we do.
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Is Ukraine a MDE Skit?
>BREAKING: Latvia warns of a major COVID-19 outbreak amongst Russian troops near Ukraine. This could lead to an invasion or a retreat
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The Ukranians and the US are so pathetic that Russia could absolutely just invade no problem if they wanted to. Previously I said no way with invasion, but it's just looking easier and easier for the Russians. I still think Putin is too coolheaded for it.
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>>203579 wow big shocker they did a blonde woman with a nigger
>>203581 thats clearly a chug you blind nigger, and whats that screenshot even from anyway
>>203581 did you watch the Theroux doc lad?
>>203582 keeeeeeek white women didn't lay with chugs unless they were stolen in raids and raped into the tribe. however the jews retell this story that women went with chugs willingly instead of the reality of them stealing women and murdering children on the frontier for centuries
>>203586 Spic came off better than you have portrayed him here tbh, speaking as someone who doesn't keep up with meme online politics
>>203587 real subtle nick internet defense force post lad
>>203585 hes a mong that doesn't have a clue what hes talking about tbh, should just fuck off tbh
>>203588 kek seething faggot
>>203588 >imblying top lel tbh, don't be a mong and show some contrition lad
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>>203584 you make sex with chief now
>>203591 his anti nick seethe comes from a place of pure jealousy and its really pathetic tbh steiner has zero humility.
>>203592 errrrrrrrrr buddy
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why are there nick shills on a british politics forum
>>203595 because I like Nick
>203595 >shills been watching him for years you seething foreign cunt, you have literally nothing of substance to add, you calling him an "obvious spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)" yesterday was also pathetic tbh, go watch TDS do another 4 hour holocaust episode you boring millenial faggot
>>203595 I only know the guy from that docu and the hello based department meme (and you talking about him every time the alt kike is brought up) spell out for a non yank why he is so bad, really.
because he is into that whole "totally not gay" dress up as a maid sub-culture in bongoland?
>>203597 keeek literally only like him because he is younger, madlad is so pathetic. why do you even care about american politics?
>>203598 he is a mexican who is a grifter concern trolling the actual nativist sentiment in the country and his followers are generally people who cannot agree with american nativism as well because they are also either mixed race or mexicans. also their modus operandi is to just attack everyone who isn't them. also they are no longer relevant because they are trumpkikes and nick has devolved into a hasbeen grifter who is clearly a homosexual.
>203600 why are you even posting here yank, I like him because hes the one of the only ones of the dissident right doing anything productive >>203599 You must be a fan of vaush considering you just parrot whatever he says
>doing anything productive keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek thank god they threatened to rape mutt venti to save the white race
steiner got bullied by mexicans as a kid that's literally the only reason lol.
>>203601 >he is a mexican who is a grifter concern trolling the actual nativist sentiment in the country and his followers are generally people who cannot agree with american nativism as well because they are also either mixed race or mexicans. KEEEEEEEEK literally wrong on all counts, hes explicitly pro white and anti jewish and most of his fans are white, hes a castizo, if you saw him on the street you not think of him as anything other that white >also they are no longer relevant where are you getting this shite from lmao they are becoming more relevant
also why does nick surround himself with losers like beardson, he can do better to keep himself around people who aren't synchophants. he clearly has some level of intellect
The dishonesty from steiner by calling him gay and a "hasbeen" and a "grifter" is honestly embarrassing.
>castizo lmao lad your country was the arch enemy of spaniards for hundreds of years and in the colonies they would hang spaniards until the 1800s in north america because they were enemies. now he is "white", fuck off.
hasnt spic fucked off to his own TRS clone
>>203607 I hope beardson only has one pic of you in a maid outfit because all this shilling is pathetic
Just look at the AFPAC 3 lineup including the 2 mystery guests who are most likely sitting congressmen, hes also got AJ on his site.
>203611 >shilling get the fuck off this board you foreign mong cunt you can't even use words properly.
>>203610 trs wishes they had what nick has
keeeeeek he is like a paid nick shill, I hope nick opens an america first store and starts suppliment grifting so madlad can sell us all levitra pills
>>203595 Roman Catholic solidarity
>>203601 >>203606 He is clearly a lightning rod for some political action, but yeah he needs to ditch the liabilities as proven last night tbh.
>>203608 well its not the 1800s anymore is it you thick cunt, its like no supporting the nationalists in spain because they are spanish. How is he not white.
Beardson is a friend and was constantly bigging nick up in the 2017 days tbh
>>203618 he can be white in argentina then, america doesn't need "latin" culture. just like you wouldn't want some fucking frenchmen leading british nationalism
When nick was at Charlottesville wtf was steiner doing
>>203619 a friend wouldn't allow his mate to get slaughtered by association for being a fragile mong who can't deal with consequences tbh.
uhm. sweety this is a *spencer* board
>>203617 yeah people like beardson are going to get nick into nathan hale tier territory with all that violent talk. all it takes is beardson to threaten the wrong person
>>203620 steiner its obviously too late for that, seethe, cope, do what you must. but America is basically already an off-white country, or its South Africa.
>>203620 America doesn't even have a culture its an abomination of liberalism and consumption, try living in the real world where jews are trying to destroy the white race and nick is the most censored man in america apart from maybe andrew anglin meanwhile all you can do is seethe because hes part mexican, its embarrassing >>203622 nobodies perfect all the time, beardson is his own man and its not possible to predict what hes going to do hes basically admitted his faults on stream.
>>203625 the people nick claims to speak for are not his people and he has no connection to their history regardless of the county of the united states
>>203627 hes white and claims to speak for white people so how not?
>>203627 sorry steiney the future belongs to those who show up. where are the pvre anglo-americans fighting for your cause?
>>203585 Talented Hitchens tbqh The video interview he did about it is also good, the link was right there on his webpage. He knows so much, no wonder he is kept away from the levers of power. >>203589 Why the bias?
uhh because the american settlers came from britain and nick is spic from mexico and his people came to america a different way and never actually took part in any of the history here
>>203629 they aren't astroturfed by the jew media except for richard spencer
>>203626 >America is evil >this is why I, a scottish person, supports America First
jidf tier
>>203529 Zelenskyy is a jewish comedian
If some lad called pierre whos parents moved to britain from france was leading an insurgent nationalist movement in britain I would 100% support it.
>>203631 umm, that's not very CIVIC of you, sweaty.
>>203634 tbh I can get him defending nicks cult since alot of zoomers think its cool but defending beardson is too much tbh
>>203632 Nick Fuentes isn't astroturfed he's banned from everywhere and his retarded fans actually like him. again you just have this weird psychological trauma from spics bullying you (lmao).
>>203633 america is the seat of global jewish terrorism and nicks movement is a small part of countering that so yes, mong.
>>203636 like the bonnie prince?
Steiner just makes shit up when hes being btfo, tell me steiner why then is nick the most censored man in america.
reminder /brit/ is a Jacobite board tbh
>>203640 >America doesn't even have a culture its an abomination of liberalism and consumption
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holy shit why does he care so much about spic
nicks only part mexican anyway the rest is Italian but I honestly don't care hes white and explicitly puts forward the interests of white people.
I'm glad I set this off tbh
>posts seethe about nick >I retort OH MY HECK WHY DO YOU CARE SO MUCH STOP SEETHING I'm not going to just let you post utter shite uncontested tbh
>uhm no spics aren't a part of america, the founders didn't intend for them here! >t. a catholic
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>203647 yeah you're right hes less swarthy than the avg italian
>>203605 Bullshit, he's explicitly stated that some of his best members are jewish. Including his groyper generals.
>>203653 knew about that in 2010
also gaypers are just the zoomer version of chanology which was also pure cancer
>>203655 proofs?
>>203658 yup steiney the oldfag here, lemme tell you ZOOMERs about mudkips and long cat being heckin long, then come and try save the white race y'here.
>>203657 >not liking a messianic narcissistic mexican larping as a white nationalist means you are a messianic narcissist yeah nah just don't trust nick, simple as
>>203660 are you wearing you pit vipers right now madlad
Ok Yosef Yisroel. Get a proper fucking name https://www.twitter.com/yosefyisrael25/status/1493296758448967680
>>203661 you don't have a leg to stand on tbh just totally baseless accusations, its like arguing with a jew
I hope nick gives madlad a platform on his channel it would be so kino for them to have a podcast by an autistic scotsman talking about american politics
>mong can't even look at IDs
>>203662 >madlad
reminder that demons are real
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>>203657 >shame-posting crusius to defend a spic Could you be more obvious, Luigi?
>>203672 >crusius its le pol face newfag
keeeeeeeeeek fuck's sake
Trudeau is sending his elite mounties against the truckers
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rate my shopping lads
>>203676 they'll do nothing as the conservacucks have already backstabbed them
eventful thread i have returned to.
>>203677 how much?
>>203677 not enough pork pies.
>>203680 >>203681 idk tbh it's not really my shopping
>>203673 >he doesn't know You're overconfident for someone so ignorant. Yes, I know about VPN socks puppets too
>dad passively aggressively audibly coughing to try and stop me from wanking in the room next to his bedroom
>>203679 Everyone is holding his breath b/c Canada
>>203685 >in the room next to his bedroom why don't you just wank in your room, can't imagine how foul you're house smells with 2 grottbags wanking constantly.
>>203687 I'm looking forward to the complete destabilising the west,
>>203688 well it is my room
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>>203689 saw a lot of these on 4chan where kids also were "only attracted to niggers". Based psyop, coomer and boomer coalition
>>203676 he's also letting the banks freeze their accounts
>>203691 you made it sound like you specifically went to another room that was next to his just to wank, how does he even know you are wanking anyway
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>>203686 s-sorry lad it was just a little ruse
>>203695 Based institutional control fucking everyone.
>>203689 their step dad molested them
>>203694 lad stop with the bbc coomer shite >>203692 KEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK webp though so can't save
The left are having an absolute number done on them trying to justify not supporting the truckers tbh, absolute scum
>>203696 wanking sounds >>203700 smh they posted it not me
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fixed it for you lad
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>>203702 kill yourself
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>>203704 Stab your local politician and banker.
>>203704 keeek clearly part of the great reset to politicize banks
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its too bad boomer leafs cucked the protest because they are gonna all get the jan 6th treatment stupid boomers
Canada is absolutely late Communist Poland tier.
>>203690 But If the people militarise too early before putting in deep roots of ideological strength, the evil forces could easily funnel that energy into an overseas conflict to spill the people's blood uselessly over there. All that would remain are the soy-boys; depopulation achieved. That said I understand the frustrations of the dissidents here: they were deliberately for such a reaction. Lots of risks being taken on the chessboard. At least the Chadnadians are getting more experience and history stories (or something).
>>203710 Close to collapse?
>>203711 *deliberately provoked
>>203712 how could canada collapse? I guess Quebec could leave, maybe Alberta/Manitoba/Sask and very maybe some chug areas (except all they want is more gibs). but all the leaders of these future states are also libtards.
if my accounts we frozen I'd unironically have a sneethe fit and fight even harder tbh
>>203711 Imagine going to die for your country as it's actively fucking you raw. Only service exempt soys will be willing to join.
Can't help but sneethe when I see lefties still saying the usual "if they were non white they police would be crushing them right now" even as the police do just that
>>203715 Complete logistical paralysis.
>>203704 how can they do this smh
>>203712 It's very renunciant of the dock strikes, but without a leader like Walesa..
looks like the trucker protest is fizzling out tbh
is the bridge even still blocked
>>203719 most truckers aren't a part of the protest tbh, the backlash is from libtard seethe not an actual threat to logistics.
>>203677 Guarantee half will end up getting binned
>>203725 If you say so, it seems to be having an effect either way.
>>203725 the bridge they've blocked carries 25% of all trade you utter mong
>>203725 blocking the ambassador bridge in detroit is actually economically significant and has already caused huge problems in my state
especially in automotive parts industry
>>203720 They don't have the police on their side to crack down.
>>203728 yeah and there's zero ability to redirect truckers through other routes, mong. im sure you're right and canada is venezuela now.
morning lads
>203733 absolute faggot demoralisation shill fuck off
>>203733 Even redirecting trucks is a massive logistical effort.
>>203733 Politically it is like Venezuela.
>>203734 >morning lad its 10 pm
>>203736 >>203735 yeah obviously there's minor economic impact, but canada isn't going to le collapse
just stfu you whining faggot concern troll
>>203740 seething? again?
>>203739 It's about degrees of pressure and while the country may not collapse the government very may will under the pressure.
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too much seething these last few days
>>203744 Fuck off T.
>>203738 I'm fixing my sleeping pattern
>>203746 By becoming nocturnal?
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Don't think I can assuage it with a remedial sea cow tonight smh early to rise early to toil
>>203749 traitor.
>>203749 rest your head lad. someone will fill in
>>203745 >T That’s tibbs???
Killed Bins Laden
>>203704 the deaf need to be rounded up and deported to some desolate island in the middle of nowhere with no internet access
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>>203754 kill yourself hearey
>>203733 they blocked the other bridge in port huron which is the redirect bridge. in order to cross into windsor where the leaf auto plants work with the detroit ones they now have to drive 9 hours to the bridge in sault ste. marie and then 9 hours down through canada to winsor.
>>203759 then truckoids should block that one too. just block everything until the gobernment bends the knee
>>203760 I think they may have I don't know if its still blocked
>>203760 or ban them from every financial institution on the planet.
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Started HRT today lads.
>>203762 everyone should just use Monero
>>203763 Hetero Reinforcement Therapy?
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>>203763 what? who are you?
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>>203765 Hormone Replacement Therapy.
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d691bc should be permabanned, unironically
>>203769 SA won't ban me because he was one of the people who encouraged me to start.
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you can become a dead eyed husk
>203770 slander
>>203767 veganlad?
> more bongo drama
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Yes, I am on HRT (Testosterone)
>>203771 At least she's still cooking.
>>203746 smh are you the lad from this morning saying he was going to try and stay up as long as possible.
Trudeau issuing emergency act tomorrow and Russia invading Ukraine the day after. This will be a bussin year
sorry lads but i had to farm a few (yous). i am unironically on trt though
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>>203775 >Yes, I am on HRT (Testosterone) oh that's ok then
>>203779 Why aren't you producing enough test?
>>203781 he's the lad born without balls
>>203782 Still more of a man than any tranny.
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>>203781 doctor said it's probably genetic combined with the fact i got fed ssri's as a zoomie >>203782 SLANDER
>>203784 Fucking modernity is poison, hope it helps you lad.
>>203784 >genetic based, another freak. Let's breed and show these body-typicals
cripple cock and cripple balls, literally meant to be bestfriends
>>203786 >>203787 kys nonce
>>203790 That takes bollocks destruction to a new extreme.
Might have to rewatch Demolition Man tbh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ifPt8JP9xbk
>>203792 I prefer running man.
>>203793 2000AD was dark
>>203792 One for Film night?
>>203794 still prefer arnie me.
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Don't really care about 2000ad, I've watched both judge dredd films but that's about it. I wish the new film actually got a sequel.
>>203797 It looks like something you'd draw.
>>203799 keeeek
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>they don't even know whether or not Russia is going to invade
I might rewatch dredd right now.
might have a wank right now
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>>203480 >those huge, knife like claws >white woman: aww it's so cute
>>203804 it is...
> Marques White, 19, of Sidney, is charged with felonious assault after investigators said he drove through the gas station and hit a woman. https://www.whio.com/news/local/1-custody-after-suspect-drives-into-sidney-gas-station/DZBTFFXF6ZG55FM3FKE3NI3YMQ/
>>203785 tbh the doctor was pretty redpilled on things and kept shitting on the modern world and was memeing trannies keeeeeeeeeeeeek
All Russian soldiers have to do to win is misgender Ukies and their NATO allies tbh
did russia do anything yet or are the papers and that still meming?
if i was russia id keep leaking plans to invade just to fuck with people keek
The only conflict thus far has been between the Greeks and the Ukies.
>>203805 Kinda is tbh. Looked them up and it seems Kodiaks are less aggressive than grizzlies because they've evolved isolated with more abundant food sources. Still not sure I'd want to belly rub one, in case it belly rubbed me back and tore out my guts...
crying tbh
>>203814 all those mutts who would die for Varg
why the FUCK won't this post
seeing an uptick in heart attack articles lately. how to spot the signs and who is at risk
THEY'VE INVADED HOLY SHIT https://bbc.co.uk/news/breakingwar
not even trying lel
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>When Louis met the garden gnome
got you all you believed in an invasion
just over 23 hours to go until war
>>203827 anglo saxon explorer meeting with juggalo outside his goon cave
>>203830 keeeeek
name one good contemporary musician lads (from the 2020s)
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>>203835 hope its easy for putin tbh would hate to see him fail and suffer a globo homo coup
>Mwangi >Burnt the coal then had regrets Many such cases
>>203833 >islamic centre england
>>203836 China has his back.
>>203834 Niggers on their way
>>203834 degenerate
>>203837 women are demons
>>203841 They have smartphones lad
>>203838 tbh it needs to be removed
>>203838 oh fuck that was in ENGLAND? wtf
>>203835 Let me put my normgroid filter on for a second and unpack that text: >Putin = Hitler >Xi = Stalin >Biden = Roosevelt >Boris = Churchill Thought Xi was Hitler for a minute there but I was wrong smh.
>>203842 seeing how disgusting my sister is at home it just makes me think about all the disgusting shit those lasses do when nobody is looking instead of the angelic front they put up, utterly vile, really any female family member should be a redpill for lads on here, they are disgusting. >>203846 lad you can see the rozzers at the start
>>203848 >seeing how disgusting my sister is at home it just makes me think about all the disgusting shit those lasses do when nobody is looking instead of the angelic front they put up, utterly vile, really any female family member should be a redpill for lads on here, they are disgusting. tell us stories
>>203833 The one thing that gets me about these immigrants is how rude they are. If I ever move abroad I wouldn't export british political divides to another country. Even though its bad enough you'd think they'd settle down in their new country and not cause any hassle.
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>>203849 just burping and farting and being generally repulsive, swear I'm the only person in this family with a hitler tier disgust response which means my blood pressure is always through the roof having to deal with normal niggers >>203851 can't expect much from wogs lad
>>203850 >this vapid whore has 120 followers on tiktok
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>>203848 >>203849 yeah tell us more, not all of us have female siblings
>>203853 smh hate them tbh
>>203853 I get out of my room and walk into my mummy's room and announce that I'm about to brap tbh
>>203851 tbf that's primarily because you're part of a conquered race lad
I for one have a normal mummy and sister and I wouldn't dare bad mouth them on an anonymous imageboard. >>203858 You speak as if you're the conqueror lad
>mum, wait... listen >"what?" >*braaaaaaapppppppppppppppp* cant count how many times ive done this tbh
>>203860 give me the rey brap pic please lass
you love computers dont you!
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>>203859 I'd die before abandoning the white rice lad. Just reminding the zoomers here of the reality of the situation.
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>>203868 As I said, stabbed in the back, fucking scum
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>irelands greatest writer
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>>203870 would break her poo hole
>>203868 hate this piss weak sell out
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>>203877 I have the urge to rugby tackle her
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hey steiner are women in the US like this real
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>>203877 his face when he looks at the camera is a bit... pathetic tbh like, he knows he shouldn't be that small
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>>203879 w-what are they doing?
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>>203879 hmm moreish
>>203860 keeeeeeeek
>>203879 you mean crackwhores? yeah lad they are pretty common in the midwest. fun fact alot of them are nonced by niggers or wiggers and given drugs so they can be whores for drugs
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Found a new book for my schizo pill collection.
https://youtu.be/ElD6t3wqc0s this is my boomer toil mission for tomorrow, pretend to know how to do this long enough so that some dumb zoil mummy pays me 200 dollars
I feel like leafland is gonna ban imageboards soon
>>203890 I'm not sure online anonymity will last another 10 years tbh
this is the epitome of a cunt
>>203892 I hate how these people are ruining the vegan community with woke politics.
>>203888 good lad
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final day of peace before ww3 lads
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>>203895 can't wait
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*comes ashore*
>>203871 keeeeeeeeeeeeek smfh
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>>203900 who's the tranny?
>>203892 >the way all those tarqs and williamoids burst out laughing as she mentions soyboys We did it, poljack.
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need a happening smdh
last happenings were 2020 riots, happenings will never happen again after that. they are over.
>>203905 >happenings will never happen again after that. they are over. you take that back
>>203906 alright i'm sorry lad, i was being a bit defeated. never liked lads who'd do that. take it out on the board when there's no happenings and just blackpill everyone out of misery
>>203907 happens to all of us sometimes
I've lost the toil bus video lads, can someone swap it me for this please
meant to spoiler that, oh well keek
if the drought continues we will have to start our own
>>203913 ta lad
wonder who made toilbus.webm, probably my favourite oc
you can get away with anything in the graveyard shift
>>203915 tbh it's great
First time posting back on brit in nearly a year (with the exception of a single, emergency steinerpost a few months ago). Feels like I've been clean off of smack for a year and just had a wander back down to an empty den tbh. How have things been without me lads?
>>203919 Hard to remember any specific one of them tbh. I was the lad who got arrested for chopping up a table tennis ball in the pub.
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toil >>203920 keeeksmh i remember that
>>203921 bye lad
>>203920 oh nvm, i read your post as if you literally used to do smack.
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>>203921 byela toil looms for me also evil mummy's gone on holiday to scarborough and left me to starve, hoping the shop across the street from where we're toiling today actually does hot food like the sign says and it's not a ruse. >>203923 keek, never say never lad a smack arc is probably in the pipeline for at least one of us
no smack for me, reckon i could do it without becoming a druggie though. i'd be le cool rockstar type of recreational smackhead. anyway i don't even do tinnies anymore
russia war called off apparently
>2 hours passed since Bossman's ETA. Bollocks to him, going t'shops for my meal deal toilslave breakfast.
I remember Davis Aurini React to this motion picture for my amusement lads https://youtu.be/0A_T5Pw3IeE
there are so many empty tinnies in my room, I really should clean it all up
two fat bum cheeks, slapping in the wind
Everyone is a conspiratard right now, the fucking taxi driver, friends you haven't seen in ages, and cunts in the shop. Tiresome. No standards.
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>>203932 I personally approve of trust in authority being at an all time low.
>>203934 So do I, but normies are fucking lemmings.
>>203935 tbf they're takes are retarded theyll believe anything
now . . . what are we gonna do about the sentient mold controlling the world governments?
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God I hate women.
>>203938 based but also not based
>>203938 Classic Justin Castro
https://youtu.be/2dypxMNMjSU What's more cringe? the chud noir or the soy overwrite?
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>>203942 Temple of the Sun
>>203938 I love how he mentions them going green but obviously they aren't so the only thing he really likes is the power they have
>>203945 "Going green" is itself just one more way to increase their power by regulating people; that little speech of his is a miniature of the whole globalist game
I hate when girls loudly sing shit pop tunes at parties tbh
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>>203278 Watching it again, lads >When Louis turns to see him and he giggles
>>203948 keek, at least he's having fun i suppose
>>203944 Also the former NPCC vice chairmen Sir Rodney Walker bought Savile's flat where he kept all his mum's stuff. Sir Rodney Walker was also chairman of West Yorkshire Broadcasting plc in the 80s, and was from West Yorkshire.
>>203942 >>203950 what do you mean
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>>203947 >I hate when girls ~~loudly sing shit pop tunes at parties~ tbh fixed that for you
>>203953 ffs messed up the text formatting
>>203948 baked alaska is embarrassing tbh his lack of self consciousness means he has no issue making a total fool of himself he's an example of when being an extrovert works against you
i hate girls *loudly sings shit pop tunes*
>>203956 Based >Ywn return to littleboymode and feel 0 appeal from girls 'cause they're boring
I hate *loudly shits*
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>>203956 *joins in, singing a different shit pop tune** https://youtu.be/MXXRHpVed3M
>>203957 tbh smh >>203958 keeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>203957 >>Ywn return to littleboymode and feel 0 appeal from girls 'cause they're boring when I was little I used to ask almost every girl I met to marry me, and we'd play kissing games at one time I had something like 15 girlfriends
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>>203963 They didn't like dinosaurs so they were boring, simple as
the answer to girls loudly singing shit pop tunes is to take the deanopill and be even louder
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>>203965 this is how Deanos conquered the world tbh

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