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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3597: Twenty Miles Inland Edition Anonymous 12/22/2021 (Wed) 10:13:42 Id: af85c7 No. 171592
On This Day - 22nd December >1550 The death of Richard Plantagenet (Richard of Eastwell). Shorty before the Battle of Bosworth (Richard - then aged 16) was taken to see King Richard III at his encampment. The King informed the boy that he was his son, and told him to watch the battle from a safe vantage point, telling him that, if he won, he would acknowledge him as his son. If he lost, the boy was told that he had to forever conceal his identity. King Richard was killed in the battle, the boy fled to London and was apprenticed to a bricklayer, but kept up the Latin he had learned by reading during his work. >1696 The birth of James Oglethorpe, English general and founder of the state of Georgia. >1715 James Edward Stuart, son of James II, the deposed Catholic King of England, landed at Petershead in north-east Scotland, after his exile in France, to lead a Jacobite rebellion against England. The rebellion failed. >1716 Lincoln's Inn Theatre in London put on England's first pantomime which included the characters Harlequin, Columbine and Pantaloon. >1919 The Government of Ireland Act of Power (Home Rule for Ireland) came into being. It was signed by King George V. Ireland was divided into two parts, each with its own parliament. >1942 World War II: Adolf Hitler signed the order to develop the V-2 rocket as a weapon. It was the world's first, long-range weapon and was developed specifically to target London and later Antwerp. Over 3,000 V-2s were launched as military rockets against Allied targets during the war. >1943 The children's writer, Beatrix Potter, died. Her house at Hill Top, Sawrey is open to the public. >1965 The government introduced an 'experimental' speed limit of 70mph on motorways in England. The limit is still in force. >1965 Richard Dimbleby, British broadcaster, died. >1974 The Provisional IRA threw a bomb onto the 1st floor balcony of the home of the Conservative leader and former Prime Minister Edward Heath. He arrived home 10 minutes after the bomb exploded. >2014 A grey seal was spotted in a farmer's field in Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, 20 miles inland. The disorientated animal was captured and transferred to a wildlife centre in Nantwich, Cheshire.
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>>171591 keeeeek tbh smh >>171594 the lass on the guitar is cute
>>171595 good episode tbh
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>>171598 keeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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>>171591 Was confused until I jewgled this as I forgot that Jews ever had priests or the name of Moses older brother.
>>171597 >one with the best voice is surprisingly the mess of a drunk that makes homer look sober Kino episode tbh.
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Unvaccinated people who caught Delta have virtually no protection against Omicron infection, lab study suggests - but people who've had it AND been jabbed have incredible 'super immunity'​ https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10332237/Unvaccinated-people-caught-Delta-virtually-no-protection-against-Omicron.html how convenient
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nth for CHEEESH
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The main problem with Abrahamic religions is they are full of literal brvther wars. No thank you. I'll stick to shroom pilled baganism. Heil the mighty twig! We will all meet it in Vallhalla one day.
>>171603 good lad
schmorning lads wish I was back in bed but there's toil to do
>>171606 schneed lid
freezing as well despite having the windows closed and the heaters on for a few days
>>171608 did you get the new storage heater yet?
>>171609 delayed until after christmas because of el coof in the boondoggleman's office probably a good thing tbh
>>171610 just imagine if you'd let them remove your old heater already smh
>>171611 yeah keeek I said I didn't want them to do it all on the same day for exactly this reason probably some kind of government plot to kill more old and disabled people over winter
>>171612 >some kind of government plot to kill more old and disabled people over winter smh so sad seeing all these covid deaths (with minor hypothermia symptoms)
Don’t worry lads Christianity will save us…
>>171617 welby has been an arch-traitor for years lad probably decades
>>171618 Hate him lads
>>171615 do you see what i see having a lot of fun in the comments there >>171619 tbh
>>171617 Abortions are moral because it's a woman's choice what to do with her body Being unvaccinated is immoral because of the societal repercussions I've taken to calling this situation selective consequentialism.
>>171617 wow its almost like the CofE is a heretical "church"
>>171622 I thought you were CofE lad?
>>171623 lad he's been dabbling with eastern orthodoxy for years
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>you will never purge the clergy and turn the church back into a respectable institution just want to nail all the traitors to crosses tbh let them make up for the lost time where they pretended to be devout but didn't mean it is that really too much to ask?
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>>171626 maybe pray for them instead
>>171625 Ah yes, he’s been dabbling in satanist pussy I remember now
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god give me my virginity back
>>171626 >IT'S OVER
>>171627 that's no fun lad they've spent all this time pretending to be close to Are Lord without really meaning it all i want to do is put them on a crash course so that their actions can catch up to their words >>171628 keeeeek tbh smh
>>171631 Your lack of virginity will not be punished It *is* the punishment
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Wholesome moment if you ignore the transphobes
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Hospitals are overfilled smh
>>171639 keeeeeeeek smh
thinking about how dump is pro vax and there literally being no other alternative
>>171631 dw lad a lass once tod me you're still a virgin if you dont cum
>>171644 she's beautiful perfect i love her
>>171639 soviet-tier propaganda tbh they still haven't wised up to how most people now own a vcr if even one single thing seems remotely off there'll be at least one autist examining every single frame you just can't get away with this shit any more except how apparently you can because the niggercattle just eat it up >>171642 honestly who still cares about drimble blormph? >>171645 back off lad she's mine
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>>171646 i'd unironically fight you to the death for her
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>>171647 likewise lad let's livestream it
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sperg could have been my asuka
>>171650 are you saying you didn't choke her?
>>171651 i did choke her
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>>171649 scat fetishist hands typed this
>>171649 keeeeeeek
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>doesn't have children >still has to listen to crying babies at every public venue checkmate you childfree fags for you the future is off-limits and the present is insufferable
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*starts crying*
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yikes the ratios smh anti-white bullies
>>171659 He deleted it and people started mocking and quote tweeting screencaps
>>171659 hope this sinks him tbh racist piece of shit there is no room on the internet for hate
>>171655 >noise cucked by someone else's kid So over
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>>171663 based
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>>171666 (checked)
can't get too mad at that walmart sign though tbh can't afford to feed your kids? use your fucking tits you dumb slag that's what they're for
>>171668 keek tbh
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>>171670 >this is who drone strikes arab children
>>171671 He's trying to do the ethical thing and animorph into a griffin so he can clutch them with his claws or bite them with his beak and carry them away before dropping them as human splatter bombs.
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griffins are pretty cool ngl. Shame with the lack of lore beyond smh
>beyond some finnish griffin guarding treasure or somehting
>>171675 Heard that they originated in Afghanistan and were based off of tricerotops fossil finds in the ancient world but that's probably bullshit.
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>family is going to crush them and put them in my food >>171676 Sounds a bit bullshit but it's something I guess
>>171675 luv gryphons tbh got fond memories
>>171679 quite annoyed that the entire altshite britosphere switched to it and I can't access any of it tbh years of no eceleb content smh
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>>171681 big lol
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>It's just like the heckin Matrix!! I love science!!
poinsettia aunt and uncle gave me is already dying every single time we get together the topics of gardening and home living come up and every single time I say I can barely care for the plants I have, have no room for any more and that I hardly use the heating so they give me a giant fucking poinsettia that needs sunlight and heat and regular watering that I can't put in the window and that I won't raise my heating bill for and that doesn't fit into my schedule for watering the plants I already have really don't like their callous disregard of me tbqh I make an effort to ask and remember about their middleclassoid rowing larp and boating trips and holidays and landlord shite the least they could do is not burden me with more shit that puts me down and makes me feel sad and guilty because an innocent plantlad is going to die and the sap will be on their hands and mine okay thankyou
>>171684 Give it away then, you know your neighbors don't you?
>>171685 >Wessie conversing with anyone that isn't immediate family,his work coach mummy or that lass at the bus stop
>>171685 not particularly smh I speak to them when we see eachother outside and try to avoid the wine aunt because she's annoying, desperate and nosy >>171686 tbh
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>>171683 honestly nightmarish tbh >>171684 it's not about you lad it's about demonstrating to themselves and each-other that they care about you that's what christmas is about
>>171688 true tbh AUGH
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don't know how the based psychopathlads do it learning all the stupid shit needed to manipulate niggercattle and fit in with them despite them not even being aware of how they operate couldn't do it me
>>171691 based zoomers tbh hope they bring the reeducation camps to ruin
>>171692 They do it the same way dog trainers understand canines
NPCs are like dogs, but without the loyalty, innocence or self preservation instincts
>>171692 You should have asked that martial arts Scooby Doo you met at prevent to show you the ropes lad
>>171696 keeek smh would it have been worth the cost of becoming a golem and getting hebrew ritual magic tattoos? probably not
>>171691 literally 200% cope tbh >>171692 if you hate something enough then eventually not only will you see using it to your own benefit as a acceptable but you'll see it as a moral good in fact you may even end up seeing it as the mission you were put on this earth to do tbh to manipulate these retard hordes to your own ends honestly the only reason why i hate what they're doing is because i'm caught up in it i hate the niggercattle just as much as they do if not moreso >>171694 tbh tbh
>>171698 tbh tbh tbh
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if i had a magic big red button that would kill all the niggercattle when pushed i wouldn't push it smh wouldn't have the heart to do so i would however fill that room with banana peels and bars of soap and pace around in there deep in thought day after day for years and years as long as it takes really i'm a patient man
>>171701 A leopard.. born with spots no choice involved a homo... just doesn't have to bum or get bummed
>>171700 admirable tbh I'd just press it even though it'd probably kill me too >>171701 based tbh, nice to see some real history being shown about fuck 'em for using it as stick to beat good normal wipipo with the black and the gay should have been fragged in the war smh
>>171701 based >>171702 those men didn't choose to be homosexuals lad blame it on the older men who bummed them when they were children >>171703 wouldn't call it admirable smh the same intention is there lad just not the will to do it or own up to it in truth i'd like to hope that i'd press the button too
gayism is an std tbh
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strange to think that almost a century ago gayists had the decency to be ashamed of what they were and hide it and now they're ruling the world smh it's funny and not the haha kind of funny >>171707 don't do it lad you'll ultra-mega-die get jabbed first and then go lick doorknobs and then you'll be super-immune until it's time for the next booster
When you're having what's supposed to be a comfy poo but get intrusive sex thought and feel sick at the idea of your dick sliding into a hole
>>171704 Acting on it is the choice lass
>>171709 based >>171711 would like a dating site for unvaxxed sluts tbh want some natty kids
finna boutta do a second poo of the day smdh all that aldi stuff from yesterday doing a number
>>171715 oh right
>>171712 tbh true by making it their identity they accept it and internalise it and condemn themselves smh >>171714 >second rookie numbers >>171715 it's the mark of the beast lad it's all about getting people to accept it of their own free will slipping it to people under the radar defeats the whole point
>>171710 KEEEEEEEEEK yeah, always become more homophobic when doing a poo, also become uninterested in seggs and foids
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don't think i've ever had a segs thought while doing a poo tbh i always just read something
me? I btfo leftoids and save the white race in my head while on the head
maybe it's not the mark of the beast but it is a mark of the beast niggercattle certainly count as beasts
>>171700 if you define niggercattle by vaxxed status pushing that button would kill 90% of whites or more, and a higher percent of women
>>171721 good lad train how you fight poo in extreme conditions
if no other people existed it'd create a good bottle neck effect I suppose, but given how we're surrounded by horderinos we'd just be overwhelmbed smh
>>171725 keeeeeeek a proper good real laff at this one tbh >>171724 a small price to pay tbh
>>171728 smh made me feel nostalgic for this video https://youtu.be/3kbO2krzr0g
>>171723 Yeah, St. John says there are "many antichrists", so there are many marks too Any time the government orders you to do X evil thing or die, it's a mark of the beast The actual Mark will happen when we have a one world government and the third temple gets rebuilt, according to prophecy
>>171714 >Aldi For me it's sour cream and onion stackers that taste like cardboard but i get them anyway because they are cheaper than Pringles,the 30p choccy bars and midget gems
>>171731 goodlad did my own shopping there yesterday too and currently dipping maple glazed gammon crinkle cut crisps in sour cream and onion mix
>>171722 they're doing their best to make it so you can't buy or sell without it lad that's close enough for me >>171723 tbh it's definitely a mark >>171724 it's okay lad i define all non-anime-producing non-huwhites as niggercattle >>171730 this is exactly what i believe tbh lad but could you give sources on that st john bit? i'd like to read more
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>>171733 >it's okay lad i define all non-anime-producing non-huwhites as niggercattle How about just killing everyone then? Why have a competing group? Don't pull an 80 percenter by pic related. Attack on titan spoiler tbh smh
>>171733 1 John 2:18 "Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time." The whole chapter from that verse on, is about the many antichrists that exist The stuff about the 2nd temple is from 2 Thessalonians 2:4 and the one world government is Revelation 13:7
>ask mummy what's for dinner >"nothing" how can there be "nothing" for dinner?
hot buttered crumpet tbh
>>171737 Smh lad tell her to get a move on with the fish fingers and smiley faces
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>>171737 >how can there be "nothing" for dinner?
>>171740 absolutely shit take eastern europeans are already using alternate society means of purchasing essential goods because they're locked out of supermarkets etc and we saw just yesterday that even alternative suppliers in canada are stopping unpozzed from buying from them
>>171742 Noticed whenever i go into a foreign shop,polish Lithuanian whatever it may be they never wear masks,even the staff.
>>171743 >buying furrin smh might have to start visiting the polski skleps too tbh
>>171734 basically 80% of everything people talk about is food or coom smh >>171735 haven't seen attack on titan smh don't know who that is >>171736 thanks lad this will be very useful to me still trying to piece together a proper argument for when i apply for a religious exemption at toil to not get the jab i already know that it's wrong but i need to be able to write up something that doesn't get thrown out immediately >>171738 absolutely based
>>171746 Attack on titan is a great show tbh just stop watching before the end(it's not gotten to the end in the anime yet tbh)
>>171747 yeah everybody is a titan and they all turn into pigeons or some shite don't they? bit weird i lost interest back at the beginning back when it was still bootleg spiderman with swords vs goliath
>>171747 I think the author was threatened into reversing the counter-genocide ending probably, Japan passed a law related to that concept at the time iirc Or maybe he was serious when he said "I want to make an ending that hurts people" and he really just wanted to flip off his audience
>>171750 that's very surface level tbh, there are a lot of great characters, story and action tbh. 9/10 if the ending hadn't been retarded. https://youtu.be/X9s3ePjen2o
AoT was popular with normies therefore it's bad tbh
take your meds schizbot until next thread
>>171751 Really? Not heard anything about that. Besides what he wrote is still genocide tbh. 80% of the world, a lot of different ethnic groups would have been trampled If it's the latter it sucks because part of the reason is that it doesn't really make much sense. Both Eren's decision and the motivation of his friends.
>>171756 motivation of his friends to stop him*
>>171752 keeeeeeeeeek >>171754 tbh good theme music though
Filtered the lot of you for openly discussing spoilerinos tbh
errr we used spoilers
>>171760 KEEEEK what a good lad
have to wake up early for a chink flu test smh very annoying >>171759 lad i haven't even read attack on tighten if you actually care about it but you still haven't read about it you have nobody but yourself to blame at this point it's common knowledge >>171760 >ebaumsworld ahhhh the memories
>>171760 kek I did the same on a small scale at the local WH Smith
>>171765 and this is a good thing
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>>171765 evil weasels kill em
>>171765 can't find the source
whoops looks like you accepted migrants in your past haha now you have to do so continually in perpetuity no matter who they are or where they come from
>0 comments hm
>>171763 >manga fuck off
>>171776 all these (1)s seething
>>171775 good lass evil nigger smh if the locals had any balls they'd have ecky thumped him
>>171770 >But what about the Huguenots?? Huh??
>>171771 probably made up shite tbh
>>171771 >'We also don't see any bias towards males in the incoming population as we might expect in a violent invasion scenario.' the natives got plenty of peng frog clunge in equal measure so i'm not angry any more >>171773 wew yikes >>171775 based lass defending are land
>>171780 it's probably referring to when are based ancestors the proto-indo-europeans moved in and absolutely btfo the western hunter gatherers by cucking them to death
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10333219/Wild-video-shows-NYPD-rookie-cop-grinding-against-reveler-police-Christmas-party.html >NYPD lieutenant and wife break cover as wild video shows rookie cop grinding up against ANOTHER reveler at same Christmas party where she gave him a raunchy lap dance >women
>>171780 Maybe, but it's not like migration is uncommon in history, and 50% of evropeans and 70% of brits are related to king tut, thing is that it's usually a negative thing for the native poopulation smh.
>david davis cops getting caught being degenerate scum is good though
>lass willingly doing something >it's a lad's fault smh many such caserinos
>>171786 tbh a woman is nothing without a man to guide and control her even women know this tbh it's why they react so wildly whenever you suggest they should be responsible for their own actions
a woman grinding her pussyrino on a strangerino.. wife/mummy material
>>171789 wish the fucking cattle would stop lapping this shit up it's so tiresome
>>171789 it's nothing it's the new common cold at the very worst it's the new flu when can we stop pretending that it's a big deal?
>>171784 There is no difference between invasion and migration. You're always occupying claimed lad.
>>171792 tbh the only difference is which side you're on
>normalnigger family discussing if there is going to be a lockdown >"the govt haven't said it yet so I don't think there will be"
>>171790 >>171791 whatever it is, I don't want it in my body
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>shop is out of frozen 'zas Dinner really is cancelled
>>171789 Over half went to hospital for other reasons, not even knowing they had Covid
tbh I think there is a decent amount of our populations that actively *want* covid to never end and they enjoy this theater
>>171798 Definitely. Hard to understand the excitement though tbh, it's just so boring
>>171798 pretty much anyone who doesn't do any actual work which is the majority of the population lower class factory toilers and tradesmen and small business owners are the only ones who are negatively effected >>171799 that's the point like earlier we were discussing niggercattle sociology, for them everything is a performance el mentira is perfect because it allows them to pretend there's some great world shaking disaster unfolding and that they're living through a time which will be remembered forever as equal to the black death but actually all they have to do is sit at home and watch TV even more than they already do
>>171794 lad the government decides what is and isn't true tbh nothing happens without their say-so have some respect >>171795 tbh but don't want some lab shite from people who want me dead either i'll just keep on taking my vitamin c tablets and hoping for the best tbh it's always worked out for me so far >>171796 truly the end times lad smh >>171798 tbh if they get it they like the attention and if a friend gets it they like the attention from being seen as the friend who cares a lot and if an enemy gets it they like hoping that they'll die >>171799 TBH IT'S BEEN TWO FUCKING YEARS ALREADY I WANT SOMETHING NEW IN THE NEWS FUCKING HELL SMH
they literally soyface over new variant drops so they can go to shops where wagies are not even wearing gloves because of labor shortages and then yell at some boomer toil chud for nomasking because he used his mask to wipe his hands because covid shut down public toilets
jesus christ I'm in my late 20's and have £120 to my name
>>171803 smh rentoid life is hell I remember those days. I am hoping for 1 or maybe 2 more years of boomer toil and then I should be able to build a cabin like thing on some land. looking at land around this place called the waterloo nature reserve
>>171803 yeah same lad 28 and i have about five hundred kangaroo dollarydoos don't really like it tbh mostly waiting for a just war to fight and die in tbh don't even care if i have to buy my own plane ticket >>171804 based jealous tbh
>>171804 I never getting out of this hole lad, no pension I'll just work till i die and then have to work some more to pay off the funeral costs, through some nightmare forced digitising of my consciousness against my concent.
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>>171806 >pay off the funeral costs, through some nightmare forced digitising of my consciousness against my concent. tbh
>>171771 >>171780 >>171770 >>171769 >>171768 They're referring to the Yamnaya descended Bell Beaker population replacing 90% of Great Britain's EEF population you mongs.
>>171808 Yes but it's only ever used as a narrative for continued uncontrolled mass migration into the nation. No one but enthusiasts know what and who the bell beaker people are.
>early 20s amd 5 digits saved
>>171801 >i'll just keep on taking my vitamin c tablets vit c, vit d, zinc in large quantities
>>171808 didn't glean that tbh we've all watched stj too you cheeky cunt you aren't smart
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>>171814 That cheered me up
>>171814 good, fuck crypto
>suggest to fam to take vit d etc as its good protection esp during winter >"Umm no I don't need it the dr hasn't said anything and I've been vaxxed" mongs honestly they listen to nothing but the tv
>>171813 I gleaned it because im better at racism than you.
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>>171816 tbh tbh
>>171814 kek what a mong
Does anyone else remember the article where ad corps had just realised that all the targeted advertising at young 20's somethings was completely wasted because they're mostly skint?
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>>171818 Doubt it
>>171806 yeah tbh I might just end up rekt by hyperinflation tbh
>>171821 yeah its why all movies are for boomers or women now smh
borrow somebodies details and sell a rare piece of art then get the cash before the buyer realises its a scam, you fuck off to ukraine or russia or SEA before you get v&
>>171824 or soys, they're the only flush group in their 20's and they pretty much pipe all their disposable income to netflix or disney anyway.
>innocent farming communities? >YEAH JUST KILLEM
>>171827 It's what they get for making hoes instead of axes.
>>171828 I might become an ocado driver. 22 makes delivering look easy enough and he works for a dodgy small firm.
>>171829 well it's driving, nothing more to it really. Shitty part is the weather, which I guess wouldn't be a problem for you, and problems with the van/truck. Part of the latter is bossman's fault for being too greedy to have the van serviced tbh.
>>171808 hot take: migrants are good when they lead to me being born but in literally every other scenario they're cringe >>171812 yeah probably could do with more zinc tbh i don't think there's much in my diet
>>171830 Yeah ocado is a giant faceless multinational but they're paying £500 if you stick around for 12 weeks and I suppose the vans should be in good nick because it's a giant faceless multinational.
>>171832 it being a bigger company probably means they have spare vans too so you could just have the one you usually drive in a workshop while you borrow another. Meanwhile I drive 2 routes with a van that's too small for either and then it breaks down I have to pull a van out of my arse somehow smh
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Ocardo actually pay better than when I was working as a heating engineer for a social housing contractor. How borked is it that the country is suffering a shortage of skilled trades and I can make more an hour delivering food to middle class shut-ins?
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>>171834 keeeeeek dream job there >>171835 would honestly work anywhere and learn any trade that i could tbh any skills shortages are deliberate
>>171836 >any skills shortages are deliberate It was years of laziness and greed that made us reliant on foreign tradies. We were sending brick layers to Germany not 40 years ago.
>>171837 tbh they deliberately want things to fail because it's so much easier to sell an unpleasant solution to a deprived populace than it is to one that can already meet it's own needs smh you have to be miserable or else they can't be happy
>>171839 >There are 10's of thousands of graphics cards buried in a container somewhere in china number crunching.
lads on site one more day of toil
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https://youtu.be/3gyubULli6A Man he's just bombaring us with content. We're truly blessed!
>>171837 they sent a load of bricklayers for a pennsylvania based historic brick company to UK to get trained so they could better work on 1700s-1800s brick houses
>>171842 wew that's majestic pvre kino >>171843 based
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I hate the jews so much lads why did they have to ruin the anglosphere? we helped them so mf much and they do this to us. smfh
>>171845 You pay alot for specialised trades like that, masons here make 6 figure salaries.
>>171847 hope that kike faggot lives long enough to see pissrael degenerate into a fetid shitehole of troons, homos, non jews and inbred orthokikes
>>171847 seethers who have been preserving and magnifying their european-based seethium for 2000 years
>>171850 I think we're blamed by proxy for the fact god abandoned them and damned them.
That or it's eternal revenge for all the pogroms they provoked.
>>171844 Isn't the point of them that they're unweildly and dangerous to use, and that's why war like kangonz use them for one on one disputes? Both as deterrent and show of skill and care when viciously fighting.
>>171853 You can't really review fictional alien weapons because you're always imposing a humans logic to a design that was created by someone that knew he didn't have to follow any sort of human logic when designing the weapon.
>>171847 they hate us because we're better than them by default it's nothing we did tbh it's what they did they're spiteful hateful little creatures who destroy everything good that they come in contact with >>171851 tbh although God never abandoned then smh they abandoned God >>171854 tbh
>>171856 should watch the first one tbh film night maybe
>>171856 should take the brown quill
>>171858 keek good lad
>>171857 could do, but Bins won't be here until after new year
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>>171856 >>171857 tbh >>171858 keeeeeek it's a tough quill to swallow >>171860 perfect time to usurp film nights from his grasp tbh
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>>171862 But Bins is blue, just like Sonic
thank you nigger zoomer pepe very cool!
>>171864 based nigger keek
>young zoomers really going out dressed like those catboy memes I remember seeing on r9k in 2015
>The Cathedral of the Nativity of Christ is a Coptic Orthodox cathedral 45 km east of Cairo. It was commissioned by the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi and inaugurated on 6 January 2019 by President el-Sisi and the Pope of the Coptic Orthodox Church of Alexandria Tawadros II. It is the largest church in the Middle East, and the largest Oriental Orthodox church in the world by area.[3][6] >In January 2017, following twin terrorist attacks that killed at least 27 Coptic Egyptians at St. Peter and St. Paul's Church in Cairo in December 2016, the President of Egypt Abdel Fattah el-Sisi commissioned the construction of the country's largest mosque and church in the new administrative capital to become symbols of coexistence and national unity.[7] For decades, the building of churches in Egypt was restricted to avoid offending Islam. However, in August 2017, the Parliament of Egypt removed the legal restrictions that limited the construction of new churches. The cathedral was built by the Egyptian presidency and by engineers from the Egyptian Armed Forces.[6] thank you based sisi
played call of juarez gunslinger after getting it for free on steam and alongside an interest in the old west it's given me a lot of appreciation for the ozarks and the appalachians very beautiful geographic region tbh also cowboys are cool >>171867 based
>>171868 tbh Gunslinger tackles the theme of how little we know about the truth of historical events and people exceptionally well, I tried it for free liking the previous ones well enough but I not expecting it to be so creative in that way that I was sort of floored by it tbh
The Last Duel tries to go for the same idea but completely gives up on it two thirds of the way in for some reason and otherwise sharts the bed smh
>>171870 They just went with the woman is the only accurate account.
turns out the Junna xmas stream wasn't a concert after all. oh well. https://youtu.be/eY4FU5wh-ss
>>171869 yeah i liked it a lot tbh played through it fully yesterday and replaying it again now just to get both endings i like the way that it's literally the exaggerated story of a man in a bar and it leans into that heavily the way that the collectibles in every level are literally called "nuggets of truth" is very nice
>>171871 It wasn't even that for me tbh it would've been just as shit if they picked one of the other two to be "the truth," legitimately baffled by how you can make a film around the idea of the truth being lost to history and then completely throw that away for such hamfisted-ness, so arrogant tbh
>>171853 pretty much yeah
>>171873 tbh also liked the music, love western tunes me
>>171874 They had a woman consult. It just randomly pulls a left turn into feminist propaganda at the two thirds mark.
It doesn't even interrogate her experience like it does the other two.
>>171878 tbh would've been an easy 7 or 8/10 if that part were just cut entirely
>>171876 yeah it's honestly pure kino if i hadn't gotten it for free i honestly would have paid money for it and i don't say that about a lot of things it's pretty clear their budget ran out towards the end and they had to recycle assets but they made it work perfectly >>171877 many such cases smh
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>>171881 yeah that cultic and propagandistic display makes me want to trust the labcoat proselytisers
>they went extinct because their arms were too small to put on a mask smh
night lads >>171881 >pay money to see the big guy >get propaganda instead smh >>171883 keeeeeek
>>171881 keeeeeeeeeeek looks so stupid >>171884 nini
>>171871 >>171874 >>171877 It was kino tbh. female idealism vs male realism >lass is advised that the horses are meant to be separated since they're used for breeding >lass lets the horses free as soon as Damon is off the manor >wild black horse immediately rapes prize breeder Then: >lass is told not to open the door for anyone when alone in the manor >lass opens the door and is immediately raped
>everything the chuds on /pol/ predicted in 2013 is happening today
>groomed by troons at age 5 >body mutilation at age 13
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>>171891 most peoples perception of diversity isnt the states so I dont really care. ask people what their opinion is on tolerance and they'll say its le good but ask them about trannies and most people still object to it.
>>171891 lies and whatever "truth" there is in that is because the invaders themselves are vooting to import more of their own
>>171889 hope the polface predicted race war happens to >>171891 smh I'll cope that these are skewed and probably taken from a pool of mostly uni libtards >>171894 tbh
The majority of Europeans in every European country are in favour of banning all muslim migration yet these same people will probably say racism is le bad. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/most-europeans-want-muslim-ban-immigration-control-middle-east-countries-syria-iran-iraq-poll-a7567301.html
>70% want less immigration, consistently for years >but diversity makes our countries better come on now did they ask just brown neighbourhoods or something
>>171897 If there's more and more diversity every year then of course more of them want it.
>>171891 >85% of Australians want white genocide smh
mutt cop gets robbed of his gun and shot at by crackhead jogger https://twitter.com/oaktreeupheaval/status/1473671886685020164 i've never seen this level of restraint towards a white guy from mutt cops.
live eggy poor lad's numbers aren't doing so good https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ti8hOuHf1hQ
>>171901 brutal
>6 watchers >been streaming for 4 hours ouchie
>>171903 What happened?
>>171901 >>171903 Oh looks like he just finished, thats why there's nobody tuned in
>>171906 thank god
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>>171900 smh can't wait until the collapse when large amounts of worthless niggers can just be done away with katrina style
>>171908 keek good lad
morning lads
>>171911 yikes
>>171911 no way to live lad
>>171911 Heinous NEEToid or even more heinous JF?
uhm chud bros???
>84f4b3lad just a few minutes ago https://youtu.be/asoK5_tzvSg\\
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>>171914 >>171913 >>171912 ive been off toil for a week and a half and im already living like the grimmest of neets
>>171917 >>171916 on the bright-side i woke up at such a disordered time that i just need to shift my wake up time a few hours later to be normal again
>>171915 what is this faggot shit?
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>>171919 good luck
>>171920 SA: the comic
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>>171911 morning lad ready to seize the day?
>>171915 disgusting polface would never allow the woman to frame his existance using shallow displays of affection. polface is so hardened by decades of neglect that she would recoil in fear at how rigid and uncomfortable his touch felt and then her reptile mind would quickly shift to victimhood as a means to control him but polface would be scanning the horizon looking for the white races enemies and wouldn't have time for a basic thot who isn't even pregnant with polfaces seed
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im also the lad whose gonads (probably) aren't working, had my bloodwork done 6 months ago and had it done a few weeks ago and my testosterone and oestrogen levels are borderline hypogonadal
smh so sick of normalfags colonizing polface culture. the character of polface is an incel because he has actual opinions unlike bonobos. so fucking disgusting with normalfags who think that the only thing that drives me in life is having sex or wanting to have sex. as if somehow a fetid briney fish hole is somehow going to be more important to me than saving the infinitely delicate and intricate european aryan race and all its subcultures from destruction
>>171925 what is your BMI?
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Gonna go to a private clinic since the stuff the NHS gives you can make you infertile smdh think toil BUPA will pay for most of it
>>171929 are you a manlet like me? you might want to get some gains then lad. I guess now the soyience is doing waist to height ratios rather than weight to height because it fucked up tallfags
>>171932 yeah i am i've been going to the gym for 6 months, 4 times a week. i avoid plastic, soy, etc. i (before holidays) slept well. i take t boosters like fish oil, vit d, zinc, magnesium i think my test was fucked pre-natal since ive got a feminine digit ratio and a short anogenital distance smdh
>>171933 take more super male vitality lad also double filter your water using two different alex jones products
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ive tried my best to not be a low t soyim faggot smh
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>>171891 I assume they make no distinction between natives and non natives in the polling
>put toast on >leave til it pops >its burnt >pop it just before it does it itself >not toasted enough
>>171943 >>171942 this is why you get mammy to do it on a toasting fork over an open fire smh
poos and perhaps, in time, wees.
>AS KABUL FELL to the Taliban in mid-August, a rallying cry inundated social media platforms globally: one struggle. The digital drumbeat could be heard across Facebook posts, Instagram comment threads, and Telegram channels. It was aided by digital characters now so ubiquitous on the internet that they go by singular names: Pepe, Wojak, and GigaChad. Those posting the memes were not just members of the so-called alt-right, though they too united around the call, but also young jihadists, who are piecing together a new online aesthetic inspired by the world’s most notorious troll >They are Generation Z jihadists—part TikTok dance, part Taliban victory lap, and part Islamic State punishments and pronouncements—and the parallels with the alt-right movement in the US, which similarly rejects modernity in favor of tradition, run much deeper than the mere appropriation of language and imagery. Indeed the very same dynamics that led to the founding of the alt-right are now fueling a growing movement of polyglot “alt-jihadists” of all stripes. And just as there was an initial deriding of the alt-right as a fringe movement with no significance, a similar disregard is meeting the culture of alt-jihadists forming across popular social media platforms. But that is a mistake. >THE “ALTERNATIVE RIGHT” began taking shape in the US in 2008 under the leadership of the white supremacist Richard Spencer and others. The movement was based on stolid, horribly noxious white nationalist ideas that had been around for decades—only this time there was no specific leadership, organizational structure, or goals. Instead, it was fueled by the decentralized internet. It grew into its own during the run-up to the 2016 presidential election, cementing itself on forums such as Reddit, 4Chan, and 8Chan. It birthed splinter groups, struggled to control territory after shutdowns of its spider holes of support online, and eventually found itself mainstreamed into the political discourse of conservatism. The presidency of Donald Trump catapulted the alt-right into prominence, offering lessons for other fringe movements and a clear playbook for taking an everyday trolling campaign mainstream. Sure enough, this very same roadmap is guiding a new generation of fringe jihadists. https://www.wired.com/story/alt-jihad-rising-social-media/
Are there any other chans like this that run well but aren't full of nonce/nigger shit?
>>171948 none that will tolerate us
>>171949 just want a site where free speech does not extend to pornography tbh
>>171950 Usually it ONLY extends to porn smh
>>171951 Porn and anti-Europeanism smh
Jews literally won on the line "you cant ban porn its free speech" and then banned political speech, the only speech that free speech was meant to protect. Bravo you clever long nosed fellows.
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>>171948 britfa.gs It's fully of gay willamoid unifags instead
There's several efforts towards trustless, federated imageboardism, they elude me now. I remember 0chan, but apparently that was a honeypot.
>>171954 its deader than here and the mods are girls that e-dated the admin.
>>171956 If it's deader than here then it's an ideal place for us to occupy tbh
>>171957 the admin is the only person who regularly uses it and he's an unironic anonymous circa 2012 lefty.
>>171957 reclvim are heritvge tbh
>>171958 >anonymous circa 2012 #OCCUPYBRITFA
hot choccy and misery for supper tbh
>calling arse elves fags No.
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>>171881 Trust the priests. Pay the tithes. Shun the non-believers.
>>171963 >Atheist cringe No.
>he didn't get the joke poor aud brainletlad smh
>tfw part of the graveyard shift because can't sleep >toil in 2,5 hours
libtards becoming extremely anti white and conservatives becoming moderately pro white.
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>>171964 Here you go lad.
>>171966 you start work at half past two your time and still poost through the day?
>>171969 yeah I've a bad habit of just getting 3-5 hours of sleep smh then in the weekend I get in a good 10 hours each day
Chuddie and tranny live together in perfect harmony oh Lord, why don't we?
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meanwhile brumpf loyalists are tortured in jail for doing what he told them to do smh
>>171972 everything about conservatives is unbelievably shameful.
>>171970 grim tbh used to have to sleep all day before and after a night shift at factory toil and they never gave me enough notice or time to recover afterwards
>>171974 you slept all day but had no time to revocer? kek
>>171975 yeah because they'd make me do a night shift then a day shift immediately afterwards so I got no sleep the night before should be illegal
>>171976 sounds illegal tbh smh
>>171972 Whatever next, will they start claiming there were government employees involved?
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oh the new matrix is out
>>171979 keek it looks like keenu is phoning it in for the paycheck I hope so anyway
>>171982 have you used that before lad, is it good enough like 123movies and safe using ublock etc? haven't bothered streaming anything but anime in a while also another candidate forfilm night I guess mocking it could be fun
>>171970 >snoozing away the weekend
>Albuquerque advanced the three-fold Portuguese grand scheme of combating Islam, spreading Christianity, and securing the trade of spice (Nick Lemongrass, Harrisa Not Herbs, Gerry Garlic, Shallots Magazine)s by establishing a Portuguese Asian empire.[4] Among his achievements, Albuquerque managed to conquer Goa and was the first European of the Renaissance to raid the Persian Gulf, and he led the first voyage by a European fleet into the Red Sea. >Many of the conflicts in which he was directly involved took place in the Indian Ocean, in the Persian Gulf regions for control of the trade routes, and on the coasts of India. It was his military brilliance in these initial campaigns that enabled Portugal to become the first global empire in history.[10] He led the Portuguese forces in numerous battles, including the conquest of Goa in 1510 and the capture of Malacca in 1511. > In order to destroy the power of Egypt, he wrote to King Manuel of the idea of diverting the course of the Nile river to render the whole country barren.[8] He also intended to steal the body of the Islamic prophet, Muhammad, and hold it for ransom until all Muslims had left the Holy Land.[56] VGH
>>171982 going to see it in the kinoplex tbh
>>171986 >supporting tranny shite smdh lad >>171985 are greatest ally...
>>171983 I don't know if it's safe, but it works. We use it for streaming nights, but I prefer 123movies/films/putlocker for streaming as it seems to load faster than this site. Just easier to find films on ffmovies
>>171972 conservashits are so cringe in how they claim that any action taken by their side was done by feds
>>171985 noice
>>171989 this attitude was specifcally inculcated into them by actual fed psyops tbf
>>171987 fuck off lad I want to see it
>>171992 you could see it without giving shekels to evil nonce tranny jews smh
>>171992 then pirate it faggot
>>171991 smh isn't it called "bad jacketing"
>>171995 you'd know more than me smh
>171994 >171993 yeah cause watching it at home on my computer is the same as going to the kino plex, poof, fuck off with your retarded inconsistent purity spiral boycott shite, I like the cinema and I'm going, makes no fucking difference to hollywood if I go, fucking mongs.
>>171997 fag homo
what a faggot
keek lad getting real defensive over a film starring washed up feminists and dyed hair trannies that directly hammers antinatalist propaganda into the minds of the watching niggercattle
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what is seethegoblin mad about now lads
>>171995 Yeah, it was also the entire modus operandi of COINTELPRO
>>172001 That we're mocking him for paying for paedowood shite.
>it's the start of the "madlad is subliminally brainwashed by the kinoplex audiovisual equipment broadcasting the trannytrix media into lopping his cock off" arc
>shartin calling anybody a fag kek yeah multiple mongs replying in quick succession just because I said I'm going to the cinema like its the end of the shite race
>>172005 you have been judged, lad
we've done a cumber on him
remember the spic who had a sword during the kneelnigger riots last year keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
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Hullo yes pirating Kino and Ludo is always morally and pragmatically correct okay thank you
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calm down lads it's nearly Christmas
This fat cunt went to see dune twice last month
>>172005 lad you bared your arse for men on chaturbate and posted your tummy to us, how am I a homo compared to that?
>>172011 yeah lad I'm speaking from experience ever since dune I've had an insatiable lust for mena baddies I think that's the term for middle eastern lasses right I don't know the zoomer lingo tbh
>>172013 the women weren't even middle eastern but niggers and amerimutts keeeeek
>>172012 you probably groomed him into doing it tbf I forget the before times
>dont ever spend money on anything yeah cause you all follow your own shite, fuck off larping faggots >>172012 Go back to corrupting boys on bongo you shameless cretin
Completely convinced shartin is a high level nonce troll.
>>172013 I'm not weak willed like you, I'm not going to be controlled by a film
>>172019 lad I'm joking around smh learn to take the banter still think it's not good to pay for outright tranny propaganda though
>>172015 My magical grooming power that robs other people of any agency keek >>172016 that arc is over lass now I just waste my time on dating sites smh
>>172018 this edit brings a whole new meaning to the BAME meta-memi tbh god bless tariq
>>172024 >get him on board, I'll buck break him
Nearly all of what Antifa and the state intend to do is encourage inaction. When they're desperate they become more blatant about it. Recently Antifa got some discord audio of PF and published it on their website with an appeal to the members saying "we've fully infiltrated Patriot Front save yourselves and leave". If they actually had the ability to harm their members they wouldn't encourage them to leave to avoid harm, these freaks live for the chance to wield system power over others. Its an example of desperation, they can't do the full monty and dox or harm them so they're dropping down to their base goal of disrupting dissident organizing. That's their primary purpose and always will be because they know if every person who held a racist, sexist or otherwise dissident view was active it would be over for them and the system they rely on. Look where the money goes and it becomes obvious, millions in tax payer money is funnelled by both the UK and US into deradicalization programs and charities because it gives dissidents an out. And that is all the state wants, they know if everybody who was doxxed was left jobless and hopeless of a return to normalcy they'd have just created thousands if not millions of people who's existence is in conflict with the current order. People that have to be killed or else, and the current order doesnt have the stomach to do that.
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>>172008 this nigga was a spic? its sad he was just threatening them to stop them from chasing him down and he didn't have the heart to actually use his sword.
>>172026 >and the current order doesnt have the stomach to do that. They off serious threats all the time. The whole low level dissident merry go round feels like another money making grift at the tax payers expense.
>>172026 good lad but not sure whether the deradicalisation things are worth the investment if it's solely for that purpose after all the rare robbie mullen or whoever the traitor nonce was doesn't stack up to the hundreds of polfaces (like smee) and jihadis who engage with them but aren't changed or maybe that is the goal but like everything else in the age of officefoids all the shekels are wasted on retards doing the bare minimum of pretending they're doing their jobs and nobody actually really cares to brainwash dissidents
>>172023 looks like he didn't shuck so good but massa why would you break a buck before throwing them out of a plane?
>>172032 tbh, tidied my room for 10 min
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>>172034 one of my favourites I think the way it's just taking care of business as usual for him must be awful to have to live around high concentrations of groids smh
>>172034 classic keek
>>172036 fuckinh hell that's not even sanpaku eyes that's something worse keeeeek
>the bong sound
>>172030 a lot of times CTU will show up at you or your parents door and say "we know you're being radicalised there's a way out you dont want to lose your job or go to prison do you?", this is too real for plenty of people who just shitpost online and they'll take it.
>lad casually mentioning having a gf
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>>172048 going to see her in my nightmares tonight probably a wannabe upper level zog cultist who drinks baby blood and ritually sacrifices DC homeless in an attempt to join the big boy adrenochrome rings
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is hesburger good?
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>>172056 >not even one second >thirty-eight what a terrible night to have a curse
>>172057 she looks jewish, and I think greene is a common jewish name, but I don't find any info on her being so
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>>172062 anyone want to watch the dumpster fire together for film friday/saturday?
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>>172062 wow that looks like a great movie
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>>172028 Wish he would have run them through tbh smh
>>172028 some kind of swarthoidic autist I believe
>>172063 yes can't even watch the webms in that thread all the way through without sound it's so cringe
kek he had a cold steel gladius he just needed a helm and some kind of shield and he would have made it
>>172067 Friday or saturday best? I don't know if anglos do anything special on Christmas eve
>>172069 well I am alone and have nothing happening except officetoil regardless so it doesn't matter to me
https://youtu.be/XHsmZutP3GQ keeeek imagine being so much of a mong you use a glorified med seax as a longsword slashing instead of poking people from behind your big samnite shield
>>172070 put yourself in the average /brit/izen's shoes and answer for him smh
>>172072 christmas eve then, crimbo day is the big one for britons frogs do christmas eve and have a special meal of chicken and chips apparently keeek smh
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>>172004 Just need to get him onto the /newbrit/ bongo bongo server
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>>172071 that LARPer with the necklace keeek >>172073 alright, 8 as usual on christmas eve tbh
>>172074 Got him to post his belly on the board, imagine what I can do to him in the bongo
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>>172071 >make pointy weapon >slash stuff with it
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>you can't slash with a pointy weapon you have to thrust
>open admissions of grooming ITT
> it offers the standard guard and ball shaped pommel of years gone by. Made of high impact Polypropylene Is this normal? >>172078 *slices off your head with a sharpened spear* Tch, not so smart now are you?
keeek didn't even mean that tbh
>that bit in the northman trailer where he catches a spear and throws it back
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morning lads woke up still drunk and rushed out the door to get to the coof test place only to be told that it's drive-through only and they don't test pedestrians more paid time off for smee smh
>>172085 that film was horrific for everything tbh, looked like they forgot to even do colour correction on it it was so dull, and it was boring too smh, totally crap film
>>172086 schmorning lad, good luck that
>>172078 >ywn swordfight martin and stab him with your gunstock warclub and then smoke a peace pipe
>ever getting even tested also didn't you only go to bed 4 hours ago
smh poor keokuk was just trying to protec his people from the world but then his tribal lands got made into chicago which is now a nigger infested osgiliath
>>172087 truly >>172089 >ywn tuck him into a coofed on blanket
wish I had thick legs tbh
>>172090 have to lad smh the coof stasi pinged me so now i'm an unperson and also yes >>172091 smh can't imagine a worse fate
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>>172095 probably just having a lark like prince carrot did with his ss uniform smh
>>172095 keeek wes watson and that movie shotcaller made it semi cool to be AB too bad those zoomer twinks would get greenlit for doing bitch shit like this. guys with stuff that big in prison are generally really really bad people
>>172097 and you know this from your time inside?
>when you can't say hi to a girl but you become the BIG DOG in prison
>>172095 >the slags
>>172095 based
>>172102 One on her knees looking a bit chinky, no?
>>172096 That's been totally memory holed now,i wonder how many people actually know about it. I feel like if William or even Charles dressed up in an SS uniform you'd never hear the end of it
>>172104 how can you possibly tell that? white people have that hair colour too
>>172104 Probably just a med/dago like that Portuguese lass that was in na
suprised shartin has not been banned yet
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>white people have that hair colour too
>>172108 why are you calling attention to it lad. Don't usually get banned unless I post something naughty tbh
>white people have that hair colour too
>>172110 He's entering his heel arc lad,first he turned on puglad now you
thinking about dream-varg smashing those roman ruins again in the second half of that dream I was alone with him on a planet with a stargate and he looked like he'd decided to kill me so he could be ruler of the vargnostate or something so I had to run away because my hair wasn't blond enough
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>>172112 it's dark brown not bl*ck
>weighed self >not as heavy as I thought even though I've not been dieting
>>172115 god I hate them fucking jewish privilege cunts nobody else is allowed to have a private police force, or private hospitals, or racially segregated neighbourhoods AAUUGH
>>172114 just point out his oldest sons hair colour
>>172116 the colour of that lasses hair could easily be very dark brown its difficult to tell from the lighting, also black hair pale skin and blue/green eyes is a rare but kino brit phenotype tbh
>>172118 The need to live in ghettos is actually epigenetic generational trauma, you fucking racist.
>>172119 What about it? Isn't it the same colour of Varg's hair?
>>172113 >yellow skin wews looking a bit chinky there smh >>172114 keeeeek >>172115 based train lads
>>172123 tanned skin more like, could be a spic
if varg comes to you in a dream does that mean it's true and happened?
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>black hair >brit phenotype
>>172114 He had to kill you lad it was self defence
>>172122 grey?
smh hate these shitskins, what I said was true, black hair and light skin and eyes is a phenotype only commonly found in britain, think stj talked about it
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>>172115 Would tbh
>>172132 you wouldn't have made the cut
>>172134 me and mummy would die in child birth smh
>>172062 They're over intellectualising and are more the words and concepts they say than their own bodies
>>172133 all that flesh but smee can't touch
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>>172136 Really fucking tried tried with this one lads
>>172131 Don't worry lad, it is aesthetic black hair is still a medoid trait at best
>>172125 ask varg lad maybe he had the same dream >>172133 tbh
>>172115 hate how these yid cunts get to go about acting like police while if whiteoids did it they'd be branded a terrorist group
>>172141 shomrim have been caught conspiring to frame people that walk through their areas for crimes before too. none served any prison time but they outright conspired infront of cctv cameras with a local businessman to lie that a group of nigger kids had tried robbing him so they could get away with arresting them.
>>172141 tbh it's sickening
Has wews had anybody interesting on millenyule yet apart from Taylor and that Austrian bloke?
>>172133 >would ? gas MeToo
>>172144 He’s got The Franklin on whoever he is he’s got a Taiwanese wife, a gook
this is the shit i get recommended
>>172147 >mogg the week HELL YEAH
>>172147 wew he's looking a bit decrepit >>172148 keeeeeeeeeeek
getting into an argument with my fiance about planning the wedding againin my head
>>172150 terrible post, filtered.
>filtering that ID
>>172150 bet she wants some huge waste of money so she can larp as a disney princess smh
anybody have that "history of germans webm"?
(7.95 MB 640x360 history of germans.webm)

>>172154 yeah lad
>email from toil >"Happy holidays" no no no not here, not in great shitain NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>172155 thank you lad
>>172159 kek baste
>>172161 impressive animation for flipnote tbh
>>172162 Pity the artist is an obnoxious faggot.
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>Woman jailed for having cocaine-fuelled sex with an Alsatian https://twitter.com/ScottishSun/status/1473737789980172290
>>172165 >>Woman
>>172166 bigot
suck the dick bigot
I'm crying now you've hurt me, what am I going to do? My spirit is desolated. Perhaps making a bad joke was so reprehensible that it required my filtering, *sob*
>>172165 pembs in the future
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gonna try to sleep
>>172178 is this a good one?
kicking seems like such a meme
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amazed that these wagie mongs do this kind of damage to themselves with shitty health insurance and not even for real pay like pro boxers
for instance breaking your ankle like that (which is easy) is gonna be like 5-10k in medical if you want to be athletic after it heals.
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remembering that vile webm of HPV warts infested bagina
playing sid meiers colonization as the english time to kill chugs
>oneetus is back in town
>>172147 >john cleese pasta.jpg
>>172189 post her pics
>>172192 he has his own brand?
Smorning lids. Can't stop listening to Seether tbh.
>>172196 morning lad
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>Christmas dinner cancelled because someone else who has vax maxxed is pooooositive for the kung flu and normalnigger family are freaking out/won't break blonde Erdogan's rules
toil done, off til jan, just have some bureaucratic shite to fill out
>>172199 Chrimbo day thread finna be bouncin at this rate
>>172199 keeeksmh fucking idiots you going to poost here on christmas then lad? shaping up to be a regular old /brit/mas party >>172201 keeksmh better start preparing some OC pressies lad
>>172199 keeeek smh it's all so ridiculous >>172201 tbh tbh
>>172202 >start preparing some OC pressies lad might just reuse last years mixed in with some backlog
>>172200 based
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>>172202 Yeah I guess. Already made a few low effort bits of OC.
>>172206 er he was talking to smee lad
>>172206 good lad the more the merrier me? I'll do absolutely nothing like usual
think the only way I'll get back the wonder of chrimbo when I was a lad is if I one day breed and sire shite race warriors, even then it will still pale in comparison
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>>172207 We must all share the responsibility of the /brit/ ownership of the memes of production.
late yule, early christmas pressie tbh
>>172212 yule ends on jan 1st lad
>>172211 /brit/ distributism tbh three memis and a (You) >>172212 keeeeeeek
>>172213 smh you can't expect me, a based drvid, to be aware of pagan traditions smh
done an all nighter, think I'll go for a "nap" now
>>172216 night lad see you at 7pm
>>172216 >>172217 tbgh it's benniestoil for me
>>172218 >benniestoil smh it's not right how they make neets work smh defeats the whole point
been noticing a lot of hair on my brush lately coomer ways might finally be catching up to smee smh >>172220 tbh they should just leave well enough alone
>crimson letter arrives >think maybe it's a christmas card >it's another threat from the BBC lovely people those jewish television chaps
>>172222 >another threat what do you mean lad?
>>172223 the cycle of "pay your TV license or we'll send around an inspector to bully you" letters smh
>>172224 oh yeah smh
>>172222 Tell them you can't pay after this winters heating bill and spending god knows how much on a PC that you only use to shit post and play games made before 2002 on
>>172226 keek I will never pay because I don't have a telly box and wouldn't be caught dead watching such shit propaganda anyway
>>172227 Still have a telly but can't remember the last time i watched it besides when the snooker was on
>>172226 >spending god knows how much on a PC that you only use to shit post and play games made before 2002 on forgot about his goomdoggle computer tbh smh wish i could be that wealthy >>172228 tbh haven't turned mine on all year and even before that i only used it for gooming don't think i've watched tv at home in more than half a decade tbh probably longer
>>172224 Ignore. Nothing ever happens
>kavon >javon >trayvon >brandon Hope they catch Bichon soon
big schmood https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R5yfM_UlucY >>172230 yeah >>172229 you too could be a dole dosser in only one easy step
>>172229 If you cut down on the goon bags and VB you can save up a grand for a gooming PC as well
>>172224 don't pay
>>172232 >big schmood tbh tbh smh >>172233 not worth it lad the tinnies are essential
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there was a fat off spider on my air rifle target had to use a piece of wood to whack it off of it >pellets go right through the 2 cans of water + target and hit the shed
>he trusted a paki Lol
>no one got the bichon joke
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>>172237 if it was on the target why didn't you shoot it? >>172239 yeah i don't get it smh i could tell you were making some kind of joke but i couldn't figure out what it was
>>172236 kino >>172237 good lad for not just shooting it I guess the wheel of dharma turns in your favour
>>172240 the targets in my shed so i'd end up shooting the inside of the shed smh fuckers still in there >>172241 i did hit it pretty hard, so that cancels it out smh
was a horrible hairy spider
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>f2cb4c not explaining the joke to me
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>>172245 >two stars
successfully kept neet status but seething about it because I went iceland after and the cunts are hiring literally retarded 50yo grottmaxxer lads who look and smell like they just crawled out of a dumpster (even worse than me) but tehy won't hire me despite repeated applications
>>172248 youre not charismatic enough to work at iceland
>>172250 starting the article with "dear people" already lets me know it will be some seethium inducing opinionating propaganda shite and I will not be reading further not a serious article
>>172248 >but they won't hire me despite repeated applications only managed to get the job that i have right now because my dad knew the manager at the time (they've cycled through about three or four managers since then) and set up an interview for me smh every job that i've ever applied for myself has been met with complete silence some people are just cursed to be completely unemployable and nobody will ever tell us what it is that we're lacking or what characteristic we have that's putting them off just want to perform menial tasks for monetary remuneration tbh i'm not exactly asking for the fucking moon >>172250 tl;dr: you aren't natives and you aren't indigenous now shut up and get replaced don't care not interested
>>172252 tbhsmh
>>172240 A bichon frise is a dog that sports a zoomer/jogger afro lad
>>172254 no cap we really do be living in the worst least kino dystopian timeline fr
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>>172254 thanks lad
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>>172255 tbh in a better dystopia that banner would be a heroic image of dear leader and perhaps some representation of his unbeatable military might instead we get an obese negress
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embracing law of attraction only positive vibes from now on negativity can leave
>>172257 this says a lot about society
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>>172260 tbh nice posts only >>172261 not only is it an obese negress it's an obese negress telling us to consoom more product 'ate it
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cheese bird for next PM
>>172263 foul and evil physiognomy check
>>172262 I'm sure it's just targeted other fat negroes to buy more track suits
>>172263 can't find anything in her early life section but i don't trust her tbh
>>172266 I don't truss her either tbh.
Everyone is sick of Boris and ping Liz Truss pops up with a makeover looking like she's going to dish out the spankings.
>>172265 sick of them smh who the fuck let them out of africa >>172267 keeeeeek tbh >>172268 tbh
done one question of twenty-four of the first part of the eight part penultimate officetoil module exam time for a nappoletta
>>172254 She's literally going to "faire bouger le monde" because she's a fat bitch that will literally cause an earthquake if she starts stomping about.
almost reached >(100) but then by id changed smh >>172271 schni lad
>>172272 keeeeeeeeeek
It's time to fit the child seat.
>>172275 *does a really big poo*
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>>172277 No, he loves me, that's why I don't.
>>172277 >pregnant wife >baby daughter on the way blessed
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>>172280 based >>172282 bit jealous tbh
>>172263 They are looking for Boris’s replacement already
>>172277 (((Yahweh))) is not our friend
Turns out the much repeated story of the UK’s first Omicron death was a lie…
>>172288 the god of the jews, that christoids and mohammedans feed their spiritual energy to
imagine being bins
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>>172286 literally looks like a naughty schoolboy waiting for teacher to punish him tbh
wish i had a wife
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how did you do it lad? how did you manage to get a gf and then marry her smdh is there hope for us grotty manlets
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bought some chicken noodles instead of beef and i forgot just how bland they are
>>172299 context lad?
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>>172212 >ywn be a dad
>>172302 yes you will lad you'll get a brapsow as a war bride in the civil war
>>172298 I could've married a slag and been divorced and fighting over custody of a kid I'd be 50% sure is mine by now. Smh.
Can't believe lads are being banned from xmas even though the government declared omicron a nothingburger just yesterday
>>172304 smh >>172305 it's only a nothingburger if you comply and obey tbh otherwise it's literally the worst thing ever and it'll kill everyone you care about
>>172306 but they declared it a nothingburger without claiming that their vaxes are combatting it
Difficult to say anything about this guy without fed posting tbh
>>172305 Source?
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>>172308 >staff is a wolf chasing a lamb >symbols on the head is maybe mocking the trinity with the leviathan (Gods enemy)
>>172308 Four knights,[11] Reginald FitzUrse, Hugh de Morville, William de Tracy and Richard le Breton,[1] set out to confront the Archbishop of Canterbury. On 29 December 1170, they arrived at Canterbury. According to accounts by the monk Gervase of Canterbury and eyewitness Edward Grim, they placed their weapons under a tree outside the cathedral and hid their armour under cloaks before entering to challenge Becket. The knights told Becket he was to go to Winchester to give an account of his actions, but Becket refused. Not until he refused their demands to submit to the king's will did they retrieve their weapons and rushed back inside for the killing.[15] Becket, meanwhile, proceeded to the main hall for vespers. The other monks tried to bolt themselves in for safety, but Becket said to them, "It is not right to make a fortress out of the house of prayer!", ordering them to reopen the doors. The four knights, wielding drawn swords, ran into the room crying, "Where is Thomas Becket, traitor to the King and country?". They found Becket in a spot near a door to the monastic cloister, the stairs into the crypt, and the stairs leading up into the quire of the cathedral, where the monks were chanting vespers.[1] On seeing them, Becket said, "I am no traitor and I am ready to die." One knight grabbed him and tried to pull him outside, but Becket grabbed onto a pillar and bowed his head to make peace with God.[16] knightlad would have known what to do
>>172307 it's only a nothingburger if you're vaxxed lad you are vaxxed right? smh >>172308 tbh would love to get a group of lads together and redacted
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>>172308 >his mistreatment of George Bell
>>172309 >>172312 https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/12/22/risk-hospitalisation-omicron-appears-two-thirds-lower-delta/ This was the main newstory on the BBC website as well, omicron mild, literally they've given in. it's viewed as a nothingburger by normies now too, they just didn't process it yet.
>>172311 always feel conflicted about the whole becket fiasco tbh wish it could have been avoided >>172314 about fucking time tbh sick of the coofvid arc this is the one occasion in my life where i'm wishing that the niggercattle had a shorter attention span
>>172315 yeah it was bad tbh
>>172252 >>172253 the study is objectively correct tho we dont descend from WHGs or EEFs much we're almost entirely celtic and germanic.
one-horse open sleigh but every word is sneed
sneed free christmas
so this is sneedy christmas now everybody's formerly chuck
>>172317 >we're almost entirely celtic and germanic. exactly what i expected tbh i've never portrayed myself as anything else doesn't change anything tbh i am native british and the british isles are my ancestral homeland they can do their pilpul all they want but it doesn't change a thing my people and i are indigenous and the jews and their pets are not simple as >>172318 oh what seed it is to feed on a one horse open sneed
>>172308 Looks like a kike.
>>172321 Every single people everywhere moved there at some point and killed people to poses that land not really some epic own of the chuds to acknowledge that.
It used to be that talking about the yamnaya and recognising the fact they are the progenitors of all european peoples was considered aryanist psuedo-science. this is an unambiguously good development.
>>172324 can't really put myself on either side of that tbh don't really care too much about things that happened that far back (outside of purely academic interest) >>172325 >forty minutes of government diktats not watching that lad give us a qrd
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>>172325 First time I've heard her speak. Wew that accent.
got upset yesterday thinking about all the virtual assistants without work in cebu coz of the typhoon there lads.
>>172325 The world is always at least a month behind the UK on new variants.
still seething that my toil christmas party got cancelled because of a fucking nothing burger
>3 years in a row >flood detected LET ME FUCKING POST FUCKING DOGSHIT NIGGER SITE
>>172326 just mummy gretchen reading off the world economic forum sheet so she can get more money to get bogged and do coke at her mansion in torch lake off the bellies of her enslaved chudboys
so what's been the best millinuyules this year? Any I should rip to mp3 and listen whilst running?
>>172333 >enslaved chudboys >mummy gretchen feeding steiner root vegetables whilst she rubs his belly and he shits on her trousers
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>>172327 keeeeek tbh she sure does have an accent yah >>172333 smh typical so sick of it all
>>172336 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Luis What do you think of this guy?
>>172338 yeah I remember reading about him maybe in another thread he was bullying southbois
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why is chudcore so based?
don't care about virginiafags they brought the niggers here, salem and boston colony culture was the superior one
>>172342 >>172340 Yea just wanted your opinion. I posted him in the previous thread after listening to a podcast about him. Seems alpha based to me, would make for a good tv series.
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>>172339 luv it
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beta beats vs sigma silence few realise this
>>172322 > Looks like a kike.
>>172346 Isn't he a wannabe who was desperate to be seen as Jewish but is only 1/64th or smth, or was that some other traitorous cunt?
>>172343 king phillip/metacomet was another chug leader who was pretty dominant and almost defeated the settlers in cape cod
>>172280 smh and I just coomed in my briefs
tbh not anti-vax just anti-jab since i'm afraid of needles smh. Pills coming soon
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>172350 >172351
>>172341 luv this one tbh those jerries sure had some nice tunes >>172346 physiognomy is real tbh smh and that howard jacobson writing the article is looking pretty suspect as well tbh would gladly cave his head in with the side of a shovel >>172347 choon that >>172348 as long as he pledges allegiance to the tribe even the slightest amount of blood is enough to let him into the periphery
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