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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3588: Ruh Roh Edition Anonymous 12/09/2021 (Thu) 23:46:26 Id: b80498 No. 164965
Biden promises eastern Europeans support in event of Russian attack on Ukraine https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/dec/09/eastern-europe-urges-nato-unity-in-biden-talks-with-russia Pressure on PM grows as senior Tories criticise lockdown Christmas party and Plan B https://news.sky.com/story/pressure-on-pm-grows-as-senior-tories-criticise-lockdown-christmas-party-and-plan-b-12490367 Boris Johnson's press chief Jack Doyle spoke at No 10 party last year https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-59601447
Lads, Woes needs our help again
>>164965 Good lad
>>164968 Fuck off Woes.
>>164968 wews should get a real job
(3.69 MB 854x480 wews sanic.mp4)

>>164968 Donating to help bring back masterpieces like this (for the white rice)
>>164970 >>164971 >>164972 Fuck off, just fuck off
(647.91 KB 640x360 brapologist.webm)

I miss when 22st would send him superchats
All these >(1)s ripping in to me when all I’m trying to do is save the white race
(7.11 MB 1920x1080 woesinflation.webm)

>>164976 tbh give the ppoor lad a break
>>164976 >an alcoholic, chainsmoking homosexual >saving the white race
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No more Brvthor wars
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>>164978 > an alcoholic, chainsmoking homosexual Woes doesn’t drink, actually
BREAKING: images purport to show us reinforcements being sent to Ukrainian border
>>164983 keeeeeeeek
>>164984 Very good lad
Women like this don’t actually exist do they?
>>164933 not dead though
>>164984 good lad
>>164965 lmao all those fucking blue haired zoomer faggots are going to feed the war pig. lmaooooooooo
>>164987 >american in paris
Santa has deep lore.
(17.65 MB 1920x1080 britcursed.mp4)

>>164994 What about it?
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>>164995 Watch to the end
>>164968 and Rohirim will answer!
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>>164989 Tell me more
watching LOTR while im sick tbh
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I remember when the midnight seacow was always on time, and it was just a seacow, not the one with lettuce covering it's face. Miss those days.
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>>165001 Good lad
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why did they pick such a handsome young boy for this scene in Troy (2004)? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhQsJ5DnEnw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IrRWjrv6PAw >You generals all and champions bold who take delight in the field >Who knock down palaces and castle walls and fight until they yield: >Oh I must go and face the foe without my sword and shield >I always fought with my merry men, but now to death I must yield >I am an Englishman by my birth, and Malborough is my name
this shitholes dead
>>165010 it's half 12 lad
>>165010 >>165011 Hey pal, you just blow in from stupid town?
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turn volume down
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>GPT-4 will be five hundred times larger than the language model that shocked the world last year. >What can we expect from GPT-4? >100 trillion parameters is a lot. To understand just how big that number is, let’s compare it with our brain. The brain has around 80–100 billion neurons (GPT-3’s order of magnitude) and around 100 trillion synapses. >GPT-4 will have as many parameters as the brain has synapses.
>>165001 hope you die of it
>>165014 >full auto but guns are banned lmao
>>164997 that's the caption.
>>165007 We should watch this
>>165014 dayum
>>165014 Its cultural enrichment They’re here to do the jobs we won’t do Benefits of diversity They help with the economy
>>164998 lmao There are so many parts to the lore. like rudolf red nose reindeer means victorious wolf couseler noose virgin beast.
>>165022 > victorious wolf couseler noose virgin beast What?
>>165024 Rudolf is a germanic name meaning victorious wolf. or perhaps extremely loudly howling wolf.
red comes from a word meaning counselor. ie a Roman Consul, who swore an oath to Jupiter. They sacrificed white oxen to Jupiter, but "white" probably meant very pure (like to emphasize the point), but we'll note there are white reindeer.
his nose glows red, and it guides the sleigh. sleign os protogermanic meaning slippery. re comes from a word meaning things, agsin, like counselor. Jupiter steers the whole Earth by the rudder of Law.
we'd note tge contest of swinging from a tree swing and the gifts of milk products to Jupter as well. The oak but not the pine are sacred to Jupiter. Thus harvesting a pine makes sense.
>>165025 >>165027 >>165026 Based esoteric Yule tide wisdom, thanks lad
anyway, Santa has deep lore.
>>165029 the song was written by a jew
>>165031 What song? lmao
>>164984 keeeek
>>164998 death to the jews
>>165029 you're welcome
>>165007 tbh I actually like this movie especially how it makes meds seethe that anglos played the main characters
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>>165014 americano bruder sounded like M16 and looked like M16 muzzle flash
fed up of mother filling the freezer with things she will never take out
>>165039 have you considered impersonating her and reporting her card stolen?
spics going in for the pointless magdumps so that the cctv can clearly ID them based shitskins
>>165041 the one in red shoes isn't even masked up jej
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>>164968 get off the tg circlejerk and start livestreaming on odysee weekly instead of muh ounce/gram of woes recast trash and you'll get your btc pittance only doing 10mill sats though this year at most based on how you've treated your paypigs this past year also come clean on your vaxx status already
>>165014 get the look
>>165036 As a angloid whos been to greece you absolutely didn't want some fat old greekoid playing achilles.
actually looks like he's wearing a shitty coof mask
>>165042 yeah but he got to prove how tough he is shooting at a dying man laying in his own blood over who gets to sell meth at the gay shitskin spic night club lad
why did the one spic lay down instead of run away?
>>165045 I bet some of them are aesthetic looking at least compared to the average amerishart
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t.steiner a 'man' who has never killed anyone nor saved a statue housed at: City Warehouse located in the Charlottesville Public Works Administration Building at 305 4th St NW, Charlottesville, VA 22903. Its phone number is (434) 970-3301 Anyway here are all the private warehouses in Cville where it could potentially be https://www.yellowpages.com/charlottesville-va/public-commercial-warehouses
>>165049 greece has an obesity rate the same as america and a higher smoking rate and drinks more hard spirits than america and Britain.
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>>165052 google searched greek lass and at least a couple seemed aesthetic
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>>165052 based flaming cheese grotty meds
>>165051 I thought that this wouldn't happen in the south. lad I am a y*nkee pussy who would be too cucked to stand up like a real man
>>165053 >>165054 ignore the plight of Robert E Lee will you steiney? either way you've still NEVER had sex atleast if you broke out the statue of the General Lee you'd be cool enough to get some minge here and there.
women are degenerate
>>165048 they tricked him. he didn't realise that the blue car had shooters in it. he goes after the red car and then the blue car pulls up from the slip road on the left and he gets pinged in the stomach. crafty spics.
>>165057 t. has literally never had sex unlike me, a teenage dirtbag. CUZ IM JUST A TEENAGE STEINEY BABEEE LISTEN TO IRON MAIDEN MAYBE OOOOOOoooooooOOOOOOOOOOOO
>>165057 yeah and youre not
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>>165061 why is there a kid wearing a mask in that video made my schizoomer vibes act up
I prefer MJ tbh
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>have to be double jabbed to enter US
>>165066 they can basically eliminate the honest working caste f4om entering by upping the schedule of injections. you have to wait 2 weeks between doses. god only knows how it goes with 3 jabs per month for 3 months, say (assuming an unvaxxed baby for example.
(2.48 MB 720x1280 google_song.mp4)

thqt is, we'll get up to a 9 jab requirement, babies gotta be vaxxed, that's a ton of jabs before they can immigrate.
>>165068 based
>>165066 just fly to mexico and cross in illegally although I have no idea why you would want to come here
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>>165072 to fulfil the fantasy of some american girl that wants english babies
>>165074 and to live innawoods with her
>k this response has unironically made me seethe at you
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rate my gf lads
>>165080 fluoride stare/10
looks like some pig disgusting vaxxie normalfag slut
probably wears double mask
>>165083 >>165082 No, she is pure
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she isnt actually real, its a photoshopped image
(1.02 MB 1165x942 nixon disgust.jpg)

Tfw the vax changes your dna
I can see the time on each post on my xbox but can't on my phone
>>165089 Cant see on phone tbh
* *looks forward to daddy buying pepporino pizzarino for dindins*
(29.69 MB 1920x1080 20211210_060250.mp4)

What the fuck this little lass must have been riding with me for at least one hour
>>165091 what is norg pizza like?
>>165092 keeeeeeek
>>165093 Varies, don't really think there is a Norwegian type. Mum's homemade one has a thick softer crust, a lot of cheese and mince meat and other things in the sauce. Most pizza places has Italia names
hve you stopped to let the mouse down?
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVNdTXEJv1A I'm coming not drowning swimming closer to you~
>>165096 I'm on a tight schedule video is too large but I stopped and tried to grab it but it went under the hood and hopefully to the ground
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>>165098 >it got caught up in the engine and pulverised to death
>>165100 Keeeek my first thought as well but I heard nothing that would indicate that
might go to sleep >>165101 y-yeah h-heh
>>165056 she reminds me of a niggerfied agatha smh https://youtu.be/s_Y2Ukf-zzU
women were a mistake.
>>165103 Made me think of this goddess https://youtu.be/NtZNipVPZB8
>>165105 mistake.link no thanks mistake fool linker. be a fool elsewhere
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>>165092 Cute. DON'T eat her.
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Lusting for bee pun lass's honey again.
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>>165111 come and get this honessy ate
>>165113 i was watching that a few days ago
>>16510 Err no thanks
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>>165116 It's okay, I'm a nice bear. Just want to lick your honey, honey.
>i'm not like other bears
(208.47 KB 648x375 bearjustcatflap.png)

you can just say cunnalingus. however it's spelled
>>165120 Ew. Cunny doesn't taste like honey. Tbh women should put honey on their cunny for me like they do with peanut butter for dogs.
>>165121 you don't know that
that lass is a tranny I think smh, delete the post can't tell anymore, can't tell races really either, so many mutts I'm out of touch
>>165122 Yes, I do. >>165123 No lad, it's GinGins. It's real in my mind.
>>165124 no you do not. faggot.
Seethe all you want.
>>165128 you nigger bint
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Unsure what to make of this lad. Is he 14, very drunk, very drunk and 14? Smh.
not manly to go down on a woman, smh
>>165130 i don't want you approval. you have nothing and are nothing and will never account to anything.
>>165131 your sitting right next to him, say hi
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it's breakfast time
>>165135 don't care. be a useless parasite elsewhere.
Oh, it's schizo. Time for meds, lad.
schizobot, tbh
been seeing ladybugs in my bedroom for months now. somehow still surviving. i don't know what they are eating
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Is he okay?
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>>165142 >0:25
>>165144 god I wish that were me
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but... stress heart attacks though
>>165140 What the fuck is a ladybug?
>>165147 Coccinellidae (/ˌkɒksɪˈnɛlɪˌdiː/)[3] is a widespread family of small beetles ranging in size from 0.8 to 18 mm (0.03 to 0.71 in).[4] The family is commonly known as ladybugs in North America and ladybirds in Great Britain and other parts of the English-speaking world.
>>165148 Oh I see, I thought you were pulling a dorse and getting horny over a fucking insect.
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morning lads 12 hours in bed and I want more
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*stubbornly refuses to go to bed*
how do old vaccines protect against new variants?
>>165154 doctor-shaman magic only works if you also wear masks and maintain the ritual barriers of space between others and yourself
>>165155 It's a serious question. If it mutates, surely what protected you from the old type wouldn't work, so why are people still taking booster upon booster of the old type?
>>165156 the serious answer is that they are fucking retarded niggercattle who do whatever the television and government tells them to regardless of whether it makes sense or not
>>165156 just take the fucking jab goy
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>>165143 Would be better with sound.
on zoil rn with a lad who got his booster yesterday. looks like death warmed up and complaining about his arm hurting.
>>165161 bully him
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>>165142 Would be surprised if he didn't died tbh. >>165161 >>165162 Yell aaaaaahhhhhh I'm boooooooooooosting and then refuse to elaborate further.
>>165163 >>165162 just mumbled "i..i guess that means it's working". he's not a bad lad, making me sad thinking the poor fool has probably signed his own death warrant
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>>165165 imagine it bear baiting but instead of dogs it's jews and the bear isn't chained down events every saturday in the ethnostate
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>>165166 Hope Epstein is alive so one day we can do this to him, while Ghislaine watches in horror as I do her from behind.
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How can jews have made something so beautiful, ladingtons?
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*steps on you*
long lie in today, bourbons for brekky
>>165168 Because that's one of the bible stories that never actually happened.
broke in my new boots today smh feet are killing me >>165170 based
blood orange juice tbh >>165172 you'll be thankful for the effort when you have to run from the vaxx deathsquads
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>there are shoe-feetuses in this thread
>>165092 based was probably trying to stay warm in the engine compartment
>>165143 *smirks* heh
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>>16517 Steiner in a sensory deprivation tank 2022 smh
>>165177 looks like CGI
brap chambers got sent to a covid camp
you know the infamous nonce named brap chambers
>>165182 explain or you are getting filtered
>>165183 kkeeeeeeek >>165184 its from dob's stream
>lives in homeland of the brown rat >only ever encounters mice
>assange wins trial >just gets put on trial again smh
>>165187 double jeopardy? what's that?
(3.43 MB 544x1136 Snapchat-1840197429.mp4)

>>165186 Deers/wendigos too
>>165187 as many times as it takes to get a fair and correct verdict
They fought the bankers.
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>>165191 I hope they burn in hell
>>165191 it's a woman loves psychopathic nonces episode
Epstein is based if you really think about it.
smh wish I lived in comfy hilly rural norge, haven't even seen proper snow in ages, british "winter" is literally just grey wet shite
one of the alleged victims did an interview where she called the jews the real racists, that'll show them. >racist is worse than nonce
>>165194 >>165191 until you remember they think they are better than us because we are goyim
how is he based? I get bullied for "grooming" a 16 year old but a literal noncerino jew is a goodlad?
>>165195 tbh i miss proper winters
>>165199 reckon I'd prefer the constant sun of australia vs grey wet shite tbh, we haven't had a proper winter since 2010/11
>>165198 you wouldn't get it, also you're gay.
>politicians unironically trying to cancel chrimbo for the 2nd year running
https://youtu.be/_scwtprIprg FOR THE WHITE RACE
>>165200 >we haven't had a proper winter since 2010/11 smh
Damn syrians look like THAT https://youtu.be/8uKxaVhIte0
perfectly breedable
Syrians is mostly white with some bedouiniggers thrown in.
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>>165206 chatbot fuck off
>>165192 you mean israel who made them? they were mossad.
>russia sold alaska for 130 million in todays money the world is run by brainlets
>>165214 >is better at everything than you
>>165174 chatbot crap
>>165168 chatbot crap
okay, they are clearly young and arrogant, but as with most low iq jews. they will successfully go to prison, soon, for pretexting a credit card company.
>>165141 chatbot crap
>>165211 >disconnecting russia from the swift payment system really hope that happens tbh would be kino >>165213 tbh keeek
>>165211 based monke man
>>165222 tank man is almost certainly fake. someone tried to be tankman in Turkey, recently, became a pile of meat, and literally zero libs care. Or any others.
>>165223 also isnt tank man proof the chinese military was being restraint?
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any of you lads bidding on the Millenniyule 2021 NFT?
>>165225 >he spent a month making that
>>165225 >>165226 keeeeeek the horrifically malformed limbs and head
>>165224 in the west the story goes that a lone protestor stopped a whole army through nonviolent action. it's a fantasy that never plays out on video in the real world. photojournalism is almost exclusively lies.
fresh oceanian totalitarianism just dropped god I hate that bitch so fucking much she has to die
video snips can be used to lie too. hiroshima's mushroom cloud was the later fire from subsequent attacks.
>>165230 Yeah, "just dropped". We can see the fucking date in the pic
watch in full
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>>165234 keeeeeeeeeeek
covid showed it would only take the government 2 years to deport the jews.
>>165239 keeeeeeeek a little too late for that though
>>165239 >F--k him Can feel the Woes energy
>>165239 >“I haven’t spoken to him since. F—- him,” Trump was quoted as saying. >In a statement released after the remarks were publicized, Netanyahu said that he “greatly appreciates President Trump's great contribution to the state of Israel and its security.” no refunds, says the kike. but kikes don't know about the (((bernie madoff))) clawback. should be possible to clawback israeli moneu through confiscation of individual jewish bank accounts, shpuld the government take initiative against the world organized crime epicicenter which is israel. israel organizes black teens to go on looting sprees in us department stores and fences the items in europe and the mideast.
>>165241 no evidence he's wised up to the (((kushners))).
>>165244 I don't get it
>>165244 based memi number
>tfw sick >tfw mummy isnt here to bring me tea and toast and make me chicken noodle soup
>>165240 there is no evidence he's learned any such thing.
>>165247 hope she DIES
>>165247 smh how dare she abandon you like that
>>165249 fuck OFF mate
>>165252 be less of a pussy cry bully
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>>165247 unironically got covid last week, almost needed intubation it's not a joke get the vaxerino
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>>165255 you love to see it
'It was the worst week of my life': Frontline workers speak out on the Downing Street Christmas party https://twitter.com/i/events/1468620209887985669
>jewtube algorithms now so thoroughly fucked they can't even recommend successive videos in a series eg "x part 1" -> "x part 2"
>>165258 all of google is falling apart, it barely works as a search engine now, so bogged down with ads and censoring that no matter what you do you have to slog through the results and still end up not finding what you were looking for
>>165258 keeps recommending me videos i've already watched now
>>165260 yeah and they also somehow fucked up the little UI element that shows you if you already watched a video, the red line at the bottom of the thumbnail showing playtime. It doesn't function in the sidebar at all.
i really can't get over how much the internet everyone world wide uses has been destroyed just because of people like us. you cant use youtubes search engine to search for anything accurately, the first results are always predestined creators or news sites and if you keep scrolling they just put your recommendations in the middle of the search results. Its objectively worse in every sense of the word, in many cases it doesnt work at all, but the big brained tech overlords cant think of any better alternative that doesnt allow alt-righters to make content.
>>165257 so much seethe about the party but i bet they all got the vaxxoom when they were told to by that very same government >>165258 yeah it's shite >>165262 tbh
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Just want to be smothered by some massive milkers
Women are... LE BAD
Women are.. LE NEUTRAL
laaaads omg waifey's gonna reward me by letting me fuck her pooper tonight!! poooo
>>165269 keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek
>amerimutts seething hard on 4chud whenever they see a le polface
>>165273 tfw niggers beat you up for wearing them with red lace and you're the one who gets arrested for a hate crime smh
>>165273 Punk is the gayest subculture on earth and there's a reason its synonymous with getting raped in prison, they're notoriously wimps.
>>165273 so by wearing certain kinds of clothing people invite violence upon themselves and it's 100% their fault because they should have known better? bit misogynistic smh
>>165276 you sound a bit misogynistic, lad..
>>165251 Hey I actually got that third one.
>>165278 based honest politician imagine how much worse great shitain will get with more and more niggers and pakis in charge
Iraq just needs another strongman to impose himself through a military coup. Problem is they'd probably get invaded by the sharts if they tried. >>165280 tbh.
>>165277 no lad clothing doesn't equal consent if a young punk wants to wear docs with red laces then that's xir's decision to make >>165278 tbh smh >>165281 tbh
>>165278 lmao western whores are a laughingstock.
>>165142 these idiot swarthoids deserve it tbh idk why they think antagonising dangerous animals in the street is fun kind of hate them ngl
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>>165285 >west virginia country roads....
>>165286 west vagina
>>165254 You are weaker than my 93 your old grandmother with a cracked rib.
>Teen Vogue
>>165287 speaking to a lass from there she wants me to breed her i would but only jabtards are allowed into america
>>165289 all things bad are... LE GOOD
(180.78 KB 480x597 1607530259-0.png)

>>165289 teen vogue recommends anal. the only thing they haven'r recommended yet is "older men". it's coming.
(11.83 KB 431x539 bins_dad.png)

>>165293 >the only thing they haven'r recommended yet is "older men". it's coming. oh yeaaaaaaahhhhhh....
Protest in Austria
>>165295 absolutely based hope they lynch a few politicians
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>>165295 *factchecks you*
>>165297 good lad
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>>165296 >hope they lynch a few politicians and journlasts
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>>165290 >she wants me to breed her don't trust this lad, it's one of those evil femoids that tricks healthy young men in to getting the jab so they are sterilised
cant stand mongs who act like they're a part of an underground dissident movement but put all their content behind a paywall. grifting scum.
>>165302 tbh smh
>>165300 can just have camsex instead tbh
>>165302 Isn't that all of them?
>>165302 tbh, finally stopped paypigging for Dickie this week tbh, just done with the lack of content Woes you're next if milleniyule falls flat
>>165230 This is the one good thing she will 'fail' to do because of public pressure (that usually never matters). Would be good if our totalitarians actually cared about public health and societal wellbeing.
>>165304 >can just have camsex instead tbh yeah I guess, but that's bascially just wanking
(882.60 KB 1662x841 keith woods makes it.png)

>>165305 thought 'r' Keit was above it >>165306 imagine ever giving spencer a pennie, mong.
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>>165306 >paypigging for any eceleb >ever
>>165309 jesus fucking chirst
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>>165302 yeah, the guy on the bottom left of this pic, can't remember his name, just dropped off the map when he did that
>>165295 the news is fake. it won't make the news. pointless "protest culture" crap lmao covington catholic kid smirked - nobody knows it was the largest prolife march in human history.
>>165312 mcGinnes something. le dildo in arse man le hip 40 year old man le wrestle your baby in bed man le offensive good but not something too offensive to jews man
le kiss milo man
>>165315 >>165314 over use of the meme word "le" smh lad
boredom wank urges must resist
>>165309 >>165310 t. why the white rice will fall
>>165316 fuck you
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>>165317 careful lad
>>165318 that's clearly a jew lad
>>165319 >fuck you better
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mmm oh my hello there hah mm
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fresh pembs just dropped
>>165324 You're fast
>>165326 I'm trialing a replacement to Davis posting.
filtered again stop posting this shit you faggot norge giving him attention is the opposite of what you should be doing
I can't help it it's in my nature I must post pembs smh
had to go to the shop to buy my own lucozade and instant noodles even tho im sick.
>>165330 make sure not to wear a mask and to coof a lot
I've come to the conclusion that 22 is actually just a very talented and committed troll. I'm not even sure anything he posts other than the nonce grooming shit is really representative of him as a person.
>closetedlad obsessed
>>165332 What you see is what you get >>165333 >gaylad get out of this based space, lad
>>165332 probably true tbh
>>165334 >What you see is what you get Yeah that's generally how a troll works.
>>165336 don't even know what any of that meant tbh. Pretty sure we all have personas, right, however I think I am pretty pure
>>165323 getting too old already though tbh, poor lad
>>165337 pure shite maybe.
(12.37 KB 1098x787 22st.png)

>>165332 shh lad, it's not fun if you explain it just play along
In any case we should have a standing policy to firebomb Shartins supposed address if we ever come to power.
>>165341 smh this is my parents' house
>>165342 That sounds like acceptable collateral to me.
the mutt mob that beat this guy half to death during the 2020 riots got probation. https://twitter.com/MrAndyNgo/status/1469350070348914696
meanwhile rightoid gets 2 years for saying something mean to a politician.
>>165344 wish someone would just nuke shartica
>>165346 I wish the cupcakes would wake up.
(588.34 KB 768x967 ClipboardImage.png)

this is the pembs we *could* have had
>>165346 I don't think irradiating the mutt creatures would help.
>>165348 he doesnt look white at all
considering filtering again tbh >>165350 he is welsh tbf
>>165349 it's the jews that control america that are the problem, not the burgers themselves
>>165351 tbf tbf
>>165351 you'll miss film night though smh
>>165354 oh, you're bins? smh bet the fillum is something boring anyway what is it?
>>165317 i recommend teelining to get rid of the boredom.
>>165352 So they'd rule irradiated mutts from private fallout shelters and Israel instead then.
(19.83 KB 645x773 chihiro.png)

What ever happened to westie? Did he go to university and get normified?
>>165359 he became a bit of a libtard tbh
>>165359 was told he's only on bongo now but I cant verify that
>>165355 >what is it? we will be announcing it soon
>>165360 Yeah I gathered from the last time I recognised him posted here.
>>165362 announce it now or I'll filter you anyway for trying to blackmail your way out of being filtered
>>165357 tbh and they'd probably find some new way to make money out of hte irradiated mutts too using their glowing organs as cheap lighting for third world hovels or something
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(20.95 MB 3840x5760 ClipboardImage.png)

Troy for film night, lads. 8 as normal
>>165364 sorry lad not trying to blackmail you 22st needs to find a good source for the film before we announce, you see
>>165354 >le bins
>>165367 pft trust the plan b
westie is a good lad i wont have you talk about him like that
>>165367 another film night doomed to failure
(62.63 KB 431x539 punishedbins.jpg)

oh he just announced without telling me first great
(2.27 KB 418x408 22stpepelookaway.png)

smh so westie really did abandon us for his new uni mates >>165365 >using their glowing organs as cheap lighting for third world hovels keeeeeeeeeeeeek
(204.06 KB 509x409 what.png)

>>165371 whats your problem smh
>a film everyone has already seen before right once again
>>165375 it also features muscly men which bins loves
>>165375 had all week to suggest a film w
(40.37 KB 849x1032 BECOMEwhoyouare.png)

>>165375 I've not seen it before ackshully >>165376 yeah so
>>165374 I took the litterpill and now I really hate public waste disposal units >jewgle doesn't allow me to find any picture of antifa tipping bins over smh >>165376 tbh
>>165345 lmao they are spreading it prison is the stupidest place to put ideologues, unless solitary, but even that hardens resolve and makes a martyr. Fantastic times ahead. the state is foolish.
(7.45 KB 431x539 bins_frown.png)

>>165377 yeah but he might have had us filtered every time we asked smh
only interested in seeing that one russian film with the cool uniforms and muskets or the chinky film that btfos shartica and neither of those worked iirc
>>165382 yeah the ruskie one is too obscure for there to be a source with english subtitles. pisses me off tbh smh
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(370.59 KB 1920x1080 binattacks.jpg)

>>165379 >>jewgle doesn't allow me to find any picture of antifa tipping bins over smh
we should watch "quiet flows the Don" some time its a long 50s soviet film about cossacks set during ww1/revolution bit surprising it was allowed to be made tbh because theres a few anti soviet things in it
(763.25 KB 425x425 polfacejacksonnerrand.gif)

right I'm off to workout no more fannying about
can't believe mongs here ever gave a scumbag like spencer a penny.
BASED foreign scum who shouldn't be anywhere near the halls of government criticises the organisation to which he belongs to and is complicit in
>>165388 I seethe every time I see their disgusting names brought up
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https://youtu.be/or0AoV1NQt8 Gobby saves the weekend
hey shes the same height as me her vagina must be built to be the same size as my cockerino
>>165391 triggered
>>165394 what?
>>165396 is that not a tranny? or am I thinking of a different swordtuber 22st has posted before
>wessie fishing for (You)s fuck off just fuck off alright??
>>165397 no she is a based mummy swordtuber
(419.81 KB 814x476 ClipboardImage.png)

Jesus christ he aged 10 years between videos
>>165400 imagine if he had hair to scalp
>>165400 its amazing what a beard can do to make you look older, especially when its grey
suicide is evil, people who kill themselves are evil and will burn in hell for all eternity.
(914.94 KB 4608x3456 IMG_20201112_125726.jpg)

filtered again
>>165404 he has weird teeth dont really like his mouth
>>165392 >her vagina must be built to be the same size as my cockerino it doesn't work like that lad
>>165405 Why would you filter him, lad?
>>165407 yes it does explain why my cock was just slightly bigger than sperg's vagina and we are the same height
>>165407 Yeah, the best suited women for your cock are 5 inches shorter than you
(8.86 KB 418x408 tongue.png)

>>165404 wtf is that pembs or is that that jewish lass a lad here likes to post???
>>165409 You didn't cum. Not really a perfect fit then
>>165411 Aren't you supposed to be working out?
bins liquified too no mercy today
(49.86 KB 608x800 fitswolewojak.jpg)

>>165413 I am, I am posting between sets
probably meant liquidated there tbh
>>165414 hey that's not fair I didn't do anything also how are you going to suggest films if you filter smee?
>>165417 lad, no!!!
filtering is literally almsot as bad as vaccine passports smh denying decent and innocent posters access to wider society
(629.36 KB 766x1200 ClipboardImage.png)

Liquid bins tbh
>>165420 this tbh
totalitarian societal control is based but only when it's me doing it
There... now you can only see the posts of people previously filtered by you
>>165421 saved nice abs
(1.66 MB 1573x1076 BECOMETHEHIGHERMAN.jpg)

>>165423 this but unironically tbh
>>165426 wonder how much these NFTs are worth
(131.15 KB 820x728 dabbing.png)

>>165427 B illions, probably
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is there any word on what ever happened to this oracle?
>>165429 is it the director's cut version?
>>165431 it is 3 hours long, only version I could find
>The BBC campus, Broadcasting House Bristol, is located on Whiteladies Road, Bristol.
(174.54 KB 620x675 ClipboardImage.png)

>>165430 everything he said was proven right, he just said it with a lower class accent, and for that, alone, he is wrong
>>165431 yeah we think so
(1.84 MB 1440x750 ClipboardImage.png)

Zemmour activist put under police protection after his viral anti-Arab comments caused him to receive thousands of death threats. Will this tanned gentleman save France?
>>165438 those eyes want to rob and murder you
(1.08 MB 2094x1232 IMG_20210606_221616.jpg)

>>165438 nice, a black and white alliance against the browns...
>>165440 Nice eyes, lad. No homo.
Police are looking for a Tunisian man who broke into the home Thaïs d'Escufon of now dissolved Generation Identitaire and tried to rape her. "I was incredibly lucky, I managed to get out physically unscathed but I was still terrified of what had just happened and I was shaking at what could have happened to me." https://www.fdesouche.com/2021/12/09/thais-descufon-sequestree-chez-elle-et-agressee-sexuellement-par-un-homme-se-disant-tunisien/
>>165442 thanks sweetie
>gaylo infagite even includes a quirky homicidal british robot (also an oracle) urboid shart hipster burchian cultists are one of the worst things to happen to video games portal 2 did this
>>165445 Didn't understand a word of this post and I'm glad.
(261.41 KB 785x1000 soyjackerino.png)

>>165443 She made it up she obviously just hates immigrants and is a racist liar. Believe the victim but don't believe the fascists.
>>165446 good lad
>>165443 where are the strong white men defending her
>>165443 shes beautiful i love her
>>165447 yeah just look up her name and you have plenty of muslims claiming she made it up.
Zemmour tweeted about it too.
>>165452 yikes nationalists are obsessed with their pretty flowers getting deflowered
22st really needs to be permabanned tbh
>>165454 Why would a faggot nonce permaban another faggot nonce?
SA is a patriot, a hero and a gentleman
>>165450 get down to france and protect her from the evil pooskins
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>>165445 I enjoyed it tbh
(188.54 KB 280x275 1636889171709.png)

Unironically looking forward to sonic the movie 2 tbh
>>165461 first one was surprisingly fun, but I think it's kind of worn off
(9.49 KB 217x320 JUST.jpg)

Still waiting for The Man From Earth 3 to pick up from that cliffhanger, even if the second was filled with zoomie humour and the first had it's own multiculti cringe.
>>165460 won't play open-world campaign shite tbh but the multiplayer is kino
>>165464 tbh don't like that they turned Halo into Far Cry but multiplayer looks ok I guess
having sex right now. feels good
(24.70 KB 400x400 1637709004097.jpg)

(4.56 MB 1670x2048 ClipboardImage.png)

why are all the big lads bumming this tranny now
https://twitter.com/NewsForAllUK/status/1469037485762269188 https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/thailand-oil-warehouse-explosion-boss-b1972999.html >A woman in Thailand blew up an oil warehouse because she was angry at her boss for causing her stress
>>165191 Lizbros...
>>165472 Noncechads....
>>165468 Jealous b?
>>165472 monarchcels...
>>165472 Things Tory Boys like to ignore
>>165103 what a disgusting ugly whore. she lacks all the qualities that made agatha unique. I hope she gets raped and murdered by a pack of nigger. filtered.
>>165468 Like you wouldn't. Also, how short is Rogan? I thought Blaire was one of those manlets that became a womanlet to stop being cringecel.
(320.38 KB 411x397 ClipboardImage.png)

look at the shoes lass, probably 3" insoles
>>165208 they are ancient greekoidic colonists mixed with the original inhabitants of asia minor mixed with arabs
(883.37 KB 851x960 assad emails.png)

>>165206 Eastern medoids were always h'white tbh
(165.26 KB 1264x952 1263565.jpg)

>>165435 Muslamic rayguns are inevitable if you think about the inescapable technological progression of the 20th century.
>>165273 only upper middle classoid whores who think nirvana posters means they are punk wear docs anymore. docs are shit, they aren't even comfortable workboots compared to hiking shoes
i wear docs
>>165484 >no red lace pussy
(861.25 KB 3617x2442 AmericanHistoryHaveSex.jpeg)

(93.23 KB 446x385 Untitled (2).png)

qrd on this pic??
>>165482 >Islamic rape gangs are an inevitable result of Jewish multiculturalism Very true lad
truly do HATE all pakis.
I feel like its a moral imperative to hate pakis, if you do not hate pakis you are a bad person in my eyes.
>>165344 it was a kike that did it as well
>>165491 americas like 1910s russia with all these jewish bolshevik street criminals.
>>165488 Mossad will actually give them directed microwave energy weapons at some point in the next decade.
>>165489 tbh I don't think there is a single good one
>>165438 smh it's not safe to be in France, no wonder so many people over there need to seek asylum in the UK when it's so dangerous
>>165443 glad she made it out safe she should marry a french chad who is not swarthy and have kids and not be in politics
I love her :3
are those other white people or are they arabs?
just kidding medbros
>>165493 >haha it’s not the Jews >pakis are good friends and just want to be British
>>165500 Using my WhiteManAI detection algorithm I've deciphered these two men are the most white.
>>165502 Muslims have always been a tool of the Jew and the entirety of Islam is a derogatory religion derived from the old testament, it's not my fault you think history started in 1970
the tranny from Sam Hyde's famous Boxed Life is streaming to ZERO viewers, except me, lmao. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYllItQ-Y5A
>>165487 Keeeeek I made that. It related to posters talking about Nigella Lawson (pepefied here) freezing and smashing ones bollocks with a rolling pin, and then spitting alcohol or something and lighting up the bellend. Surprised anyone saved.
>>165505 literally saying nothing
>>165506 its a good memi I've also got it saved
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(310.43 KB 459x337 wewsalbum.png)

What's all this about Wews having got the jab?
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>>165510 Every day since he was 19, apparently.
might make 80 dlive accounts so I can call woes a fat lazy italian all through mileniyule
https://youtu.be/O_xD7AU_U0M >me when poombs lusters keep posting poombs
>>165510 secret paypig tg leaks apparently
>>165514 >(1) any actual proofs though?
dickie and woes both got the clot shot, woes probably had to get it from his parents or they would force him to get a job or something
>>165515 Woes only trusts his paypigs. It's certainly possible that he's gone against his free-tier subs, since his resentment towards them has grown, but I hope not. Def not going to pay 100 mill sats though just to ask for the screenshot and then get banned keek
(7.28 KB 207x244 manatee1.jpg)

>>165519 good lad
>>165505 How do I donate I want her to be happy
>>165518 so no actual proof then
>>165521 >actually shags people Maybe I won't donate
Ffs is everybody a spy
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what are some good tracksuit bottoms to get?
(248.14 KB 1801x2600 ellese.webp)

>>165525 for me it's ellese
>>165526 dont like that style
(248.38 KB 555x960 ClipboardImage.png)

Oh wow, lucky the boosters are just becoming available!
the megatron variant will require the total surrender of the autobots
(125.11 KB 1874x1249 3am.jpg)

(2.56 MB 1280x720 idon'tbeleiveit.webm)

>>165535 >reddit
>>165537 Yeah but it’s okay because sneed
Also women don't even have that much introspection.
>>165538 Hope you didn't forget the feed
I have to add it really doesn't matter what these girls think to me because I will always be invisible to them anyway. We are a complete null presence on one another.
>>165539 >Also women don't even have that much introspection. I've talked to women that have realised this tbh Being slutty doesn't get them the kind of men they really want. They can get sex, yes, but they can't get a man to commit
>>165541 have you tried working out and wearing decent clothes that fit you?
>>165542 Amazing introspection, literally top tier.
>>165544 thanks lad
women are so based
>>165543 Surprise I'm not a grotty neck beard. I'm just not a middle class university graduate.
Bought an icon on my travels that sits on my desk. Haven't fapped since, but the struggle is real.
(578.67 KB 720x480 strong woman.webm)

*climbs up ladder in a based way*
>>165548 send me that power, I need the sexual aggression for a suicide attack in minecraft.
>>165547 loads of people without degrees and who aren't middle class get laid, wtf are you talking about
>>165551 yes getting laid is what i was on about
>>165552 are you non-white?
whoa look out lads we have a chad here on a friday night, probably posting while fucking a hot 18 year old model in his fiat
(383.57 KB 1050x1312 ClipboardImage.png)

>>165553 No just deemed a sub par provider,are you in your early 20's?
(4.09 MB 400x348 6e3.gif)

I have had so many sex its not even funny to think about
>>165556 >are you in your early 20's? no lad
>>165558 then fuck off you sodomistic hedonist.
(970.02 KB 1400x771 JoeOwens4.jpg)

thinks some of the lads in the thread aren't LOCAL smh
>>165560 no one wants to be local to liverpool.
*launches sneak attack on 95cffalad*
and then beats up his buck
(480.56 KB 384x426 1518834816484.png)

I will never have sex ever and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me
Fuck sake I should just settle for a council estate slag at this point, at least she might care.
(729.50 KB 1440x1067 ClipboardImage.png)

it's not my fault I'm rich and good looking smh
>>165566 It is you're fault that you indulgence women's narcissism however.
>>165567 ohno, what should I do then?
>>165568 maybe have a child? or are you too poor and old?
(85.41 KB 550x944 antibrexitwymxn4.jpg)

I bet this mad anti-brexit doctor that everyone has forgotten by now, is full on mad crazy in love with the vaccine...
>>165529 Keek! VG lad
>>165570 Well you're only in it for a bit of sodomy lad.
>sex havers who don't have kids literally just some incubus degenerate complaining about the state of women while being an active party to why they are such utter festering rotting maggot encrusted shite
(16.70 KB 480x360 mosleysad.jpg)

>>165569 > are you too poor and old? you seem in a rather bad mood lad... maybe image boards late at night is not the best thing for you?
>>165573 Calm your tism lad.
>>165574 I'll take the deflection as a win. Please engage in sodomy to feel better.
>>165576 why are you so obsessed with sodomy lad?
(35.85 KB 400x298 Funny-Flying-Dog-Images.jpg)

>>165577 Because it's what is forced upon me even here by you.
>>165579 maybe you should jus get sodomised and get it over with then it seemt to be your destiny, you may as well accept it
>>165580 nice retort lad. May that post and endless pleasure seeking bring you eternal fulfillment.
>>165581 >May that post and endless pleasure seeking bring you eternal fulfillment. thanks lad, I hope getting sodomised is all you hope it to be and you find peace with yourself
Teeline lad would be an improvement right now.
>>165584 keeeek
I'm still shilling highfleet by the way. Even if you pirate it, give it ago, it managed to ruin my sleep schedule.
(855.03 KB 680x830 SAcaptainameriga.png)

what happened to SA?
>>165587 he is a gay
>>165587 He's still here.
(44.44 KB 450x327 1494431502745.jpg)

helmers didn't make it though we lost him at 8chud when it went down, he is in davy jones porn folder now
>>165590 He chooses not to post here lad.
>>165590 it's for the best though he wouldn't like the way things are now
(26.76 KB 600x365 ims.jpg)

He will return.
(48.17 KB 355x433 helmerirl.jpg)

>>165593 no chance he's dead
>>165594 Exactly what an immoral pleasure seeking faggot like yourself would do, to question the spiritual foundation of the /brit/ish way of life.
(6.67 KB 226x223 weightedvest.jpg)

Thinking of getting a weighted vest
Also fuck you bins you gay faggot, you are neither young nor particularly rich.
>>165590 What was Helmer all about lad? Did he start new threads, or post certain pictures? I was watching the Brit threads on the old board but tbh the distinct personalities didn't form a lasting impression on me then.
(43.12 KB 600x532 virginandchadlaughing.jpg)

>>165597 bit salty for a lad that constantly thinks about having a cock up his arse
>>165598 he was the based mod who protected me and 22st from SA and midshanks and the one eyed ukrainian mongrel
>>165598 He was the overfather to this thread. >>165599 You get forgotten about the moment you admit to being bins.
(1.43 MB 640x1136 1494741163003.png)

this is a picture of bins wife
(74.89 KB 636x670 joeowens7.jpg)

>>165598 he was a UKIP fan, Farage enthusiast, and a believer in Joe Owens when all those things amounted to nothing he lost it and left
(100.19 KB 1280x960 1495336482030.jpg)

And this is why every authoritarian movement executes faggots.
>>165601 >You get forgotten about the moment you admit to being bins. And yet still you reply... >>165602 oh no!
(87.52 KB 587x618 1511257226060.jpg)

never slander helmers
>>165605 how often do you think about being sodomised lad?
>>165608 How often do you think about grooming people lad?
(8.69 MB 2400x1564 ClipboardImage.png)

>>165607 >never slander helmers you're right, we shouldn't speak ill of the dead
(509.09 KB 1024x842 1515343481132.jpg)

smh going to go goom for a while until these bongobois take their drama there
>>165611 good idea.
>>165499 why is it that you never see blond blue eyed french men yet there are loads of blonde blue eyed french women? also sleep at 10pm but wake up at 2am because i really need a fucking piss, dont think i can get back to sleep ffs
>>165613 lad, you're supposed to be asleep
(28.23 KB 800x450 PUNCH.jpg)

(947.08 KB 860x897 helmer_summoning_circle.png)

he will return to us when the time is right
>>165615 do a wee, brush your teeth, and take another sleeping pill to help you nod off
(7.10 MB 2912x4368 hb.jpg)

>>165616 Praise be to Hel 'ma dib
(71.66 KB 607x608 binshelmerweakstrong.jpg)

>>165616 no lad, he's dead, and it's for the best there is nothing here for him anymore, it's all history now it's time to move on
>>165613 stop drinking water before bed smh >>165619 no lad he slumbers like the king under the mountain and will return to us in are hour of need
Look at the faithless faggot and weep, because he will not be brought to salvation.
>>165616 Is the centre a picture of Helmer or was it a meme?
>>165623 Helmer was a politician that he used as his namesake.
>>165624 Okay got it
(115.29 KB 654x981 come and seed.jpg)

Over the last week I've been playing Darkest Hour as the Soviet Union, Germans barb'd me hard in May 1941 but I managed to hold them off at Moscow, then in 1942 I baited them into attacking the Caucasus and encircled 30-40 divisions. It's now 1943 and is the time for me to go on the offensive across the frontline, I have to launch an offensive into the Ukraine otherwise my energy stockpile will be depleted and my entire economy will collapse. The allies decided to invade the balkans and even capitulated Yugoslavia, but I am hoping the Axis somehow push them back so I can take it for myself. btw stalin was unrionically basedd >>165621 I drank hot chocolate
(1006.63 KB 846x1200 basedukip.png)

>>165621 >no lad he slumbers like the king under the mountain and will return to us in are hour of need to do what? to tell us to support UKIP and Farage and listen to Joe Owens? That era is gone, those false idols failed He played his part, but his time on this stage is over, and he has shuffled off this mortal coil, taking those failed ideas with him this whole board, literally everyone here, has become too "dafty" for him now, he wouldn't fit in, even if he could come back, which he can't because he's dead
>engaging the self admitted homo
(62.37 KB 300x300 ClipboardImage.png)

>>165628 talking about yourself again lad? how old were you when you first became obsessed with "sodomy"?
post the screen cap
>>165626 >I drank hot chocolate rookie mistake lad >>165627 >this whole board, literally everyone here, has become too "dafty" for him now, he wouldn't fit in smh
>>165631 stop listening to bins.
>>165631 it's the truth back when Helmer used to post here,l ots of lads, including him, were civic nationalists. It was all so cringe and boomer nobody thinks like that any more
Who stitched together the photo sections of Steiner's face like in the Helmer summoning? That was pretty funny, especially as that Steiner's mom saw it as I recall. Keeeeek >>165633 Keek,. Daft posting used to be the thing, now the kids are all into Dirlewanger posting
Steiner's mum rather
>>165634 I think steiners mummy saw the gape homo porn bbk poosted
>>165636 Oh no! There used to be more vile posting tbh
>>165637 he's taken a break for a while I guess
what's this Teeline I keep hearing about?
This made me think of Auslad, he posted some thoughts reminiscent of this the other day. I expect he's probably rubbing the sleep out of his eyes right now. Hullo!
>>165641 Now that you mention it, what have you heard about teeline lately lad?
>>165640 keeeeek tbh hullo lad
>>165643 Morning lad,. thought you might like that
>>165642 he'll be missed
Morning lad.
>>165643 Whoops morninged you twice. How are the kangaroos this time of year?
>>165647 haven't seen a kangaroo in years smh loads of possums around at this time of year though
There's possums around here too,. they have a tough time if the winter gets really deep and frigid thoug
>>165648 I figured they were everywhere is Australia that was semi habitable. Huh.
>>165649 smh poor things >>165650 yeah they basically do but they stay away from populated areas
super mega tornado in kentucky just owned amazon building and trapped people in the debris
>>165652 wew smh as if the toilers weren't suffering enough
wew I had the top edge of this storm system a few hours ago when seethelad was screaming at bins about sodomy
>>165653 wew that map is wild >>165655 reckon it was severe enough to make some extra toil for you repairing the damages?
>>165657 and right before christmas too smh
smh a retirement home got hit
night hope I don't get tornadoed
(95.51 KB 1200x1200 bezos lord of consoomers.jpg)

>>165652 namaste
blocked the toilet tbh
(389.65 KB 480x480 d.png)

>>165213 >>165213 the retards tried to sell the kamchatka peninsula too
>>165665 it's just good business
the evil blood in the Anglo comes from the Normans, who were a French/Viking mix. other than that, Anglos are part Brythonic (basically swamp people) and part German (which makes them competent)
Ol' Dorsie couldnt get no sleepin' done Stayed up all night just weepin' some
objectively false i did sleep
>>165667 anglos are Hunnic rape babies
>>165668 keeke
>>165661 ni lad >>165667 tbh this is true >>165670 smh this is false
https://rombreaker.bandcamp.com/track/dont-forget-2 pure peng here lads and it's only just come out too
Fucking women tbh
(160.77 KB 750x976 Tranquil_Orangutan.jpg)

>>165673 choon that
>>165674 lad while i agree with you i don't understand what that tombstone has to do with it

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