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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3856: Kensington & Fairfield Edition Anonymous 05/06/2023 (Sat) 08:43:01 Id: eca75c No. 367570
Labour now largest party of local government and Conservatives lose over 1,000 seats - local election results in maps and charts https://news.sky.com/story/local-election-results-in-charts-labour-now-largest-party-of-local-government-12873359 UK elections: Labour would fall 28 short of overall majority in general election, Sky News vote share projection shows https://news.sky.com/story/uk-elections-labour-would-fall-28-short-of-overall-majority-in-general-election-sky-news-vote-share-projection-shows-12873917 Ukip loses all six seats in local elections https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/ukip-neil-hamilton-richard-tice-bournemouth-christchurch-b2333710.html
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 11:10:33.
>>368495 Il qeeqe
Just got back from filling the car, I had to put up with some nig doing the intimidating scowl because he couldn't grasp right of way.
>>368489 Internal politics, Prigozhin is making Gerasimov look like an incompetent head of the army so Gerasimov is trying to fuck Wagner over.
who here /vitruvianman/?
That and Prigozhin has a groundswell of popular support in Russia due to being the only person that seems to actually be fighting to win. This has made him more than a few political enemies.
>>368498 smh, hate that shit bad enough with petty office politics wish people were less egotistic, just want to be part of a greater machine all working for a common purpose me
why do married people defend porn
>>368502 Because they are sick fucks.
I don't know 22 but fuck you for making me remember that the ur-coomer has a wife and multiple children
>>368504 Based breeder
>>368506 Probably but will be away from Liverpool when it's on smh
Even suitcases breed
drag queen story hour people are the real nazis
>>368510 they're the real fascists.
>>368512 just over a week before, yet need to get my suit tailored tomorrow, or order a smaller one since I wasn't as lardfat as expected
>>368513 Glad you took my advice of getting your suit amended. Get your current one amended, rather than buying another.
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>>368415 twittermongs are loosing their minds about this.
>>368457 They killed her hair mane
>>368514 sneed to see if the lady can do shoulders tomorrow, if she can't I have to go down a few inches all in all it should be good enough
>I can't speak for the nerd kids that never leave their gaming screens. But for me, a 53yo male. I knew when I was 18 in the late 1980's I was never getting married and not having kids. I saw the hell on Earth my older relatives and friends were going through with divorces and alimony, losing their houses, child support and child visitation problems. Fck that! The cards are stacked against the men. I haven't gone more than a few months without sex my whole life, and always have girlfriends. If my girlfriends are any indicator, I'd have been divorced a half dozen times and working til I'm 100 to support them. god I hate xoomers
>>368520 gen x is so much worse than boomers tbf
>>368518 >ooks sharp enough though Good lad
Me? I'm going to try and make a . . . book nook! That's right! A book nook for my book shelf! Hehehehe!
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>>368505 luv akooooma him and ibuki were my mains in 3rd imapct and sometimes chun li smh
Nothing like a bit of the old woes is me, incel poosting to start the week.
WEWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW JAP WAR SURVIVORS AND BOOMERS BTFO BY GLOBALISTS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=12tjqwfuzDg https://www.theguardian.com/film/2023/may/08/plan-75-ageing-japan-euthanasia-suicide > Japan once placed its elderly at the top of the social hierarchy, even holding a national holiday to honour their contributions to society. But no longer: Fumio Kishida, the country’s prime minister, recently said the ageing population poses an “urgent risk to society”. Announcing a new government agency to address the issue, he said: “Japan is standing on the verge of whether we can continue to function as a society.” > In her new film, Plan 75, Chie Hayakawa posits a policy the agency could try: voluntary euthanasia for the over-75s. Instead of being burden, a bother, a resource-draining nuisance, anyone aged 75 can simply place themselves in the calm, efficient hands of the state and painlessly slip away. Those with money and family can do so at the end of a two-day premium package, after spa treatments and special meals. Those without are given enough cash to pay for basic funeral costs before lying down on a campbed in a dark, silent room divided by curtains where they quietly acquiesce to being gassed to death. Gas seems to be the answer
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>>368528 >a two-day premium package, after spa treatments and special meals. This part had me laughing.
>>368528 what the fuck is it with Japan and suicide? They've got kamikaze, sudoku, living mummies and now this.

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