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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3799: Miserable Times Edition Anonymous 11/06/2022 (Sun) 21:39:12 Id: 8096ca No. 325797
Extra bank holiday approved to mark King's coronation https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-63528830 >It will fall on Monday, 8 May 2023, two days after the ceremony at Westminster Abbey, the government said. Albanian criminals in British jails 'cost taxpayers £57MILLION a year', figures reveal as secret files say drug kingpins from the country are infiltrating Britain's streets as illegal migrants https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11395897/Albanian-criminals-British-jails-cost-taxpayers-57MILLION-year.html >Albanian criminals in British jails cost taxpayers £57 million a year, figures reveal, as secret files say drug kingpins from the country are infiltrating Britain's streets as illegal migrants. Cambridge donors threaten to PULL their funding for university after college master boycotted gender-critical feminist's lecture on trans issues and even branded her 'hateful' and 'offensive' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11396425/Cambridge-donors-PULL-funding-amid-free-speech-row-college-head-boycotted-gender-ideology-talk.html >Some Cambridge alumni are threatening to stop donating to Gonville and Caius and have said they will urge their children not to attend the university after the college became embroiled in a free speech row, the Telegraph has reported. COP27: Jailed activist Alaa Abdel Fattah begins 'water strike' https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-middle-east-63534578 >His sister, Sanaa Seif, has warned that her brother's hunger and water strike may mean he could die before the end of the summit.
Edited last time by Enoch on 08/31/2024 (Sat) 10:47:49.
>>326489 the one where penguin has homolust for riddler
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>>326490 just subtly signal that you have shitloads of money but like to live as a toillad with your mummy and they will try to golddig you
men at work
22st will have to name his firstborn son after wessie
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>>326494 b-b-b-b-based
>>326490 Perhaps it has something to do with you thinking of them as groomees
>>326491 Literally or just the long hug in 5? I think I'm caught up because it's what I just watched.
>>326485 I'll pray for you, lad
>>326498 Literally, he wants the riddlecock >>326497 wdym >>326495 No
>>326500 Fuck sake.
Although he probably is based off a jewish gangster and some like the Krays were gay nonces.
wispa gold
>>326499 cheers la >>326500 going through my list of completed stuff, could start watching the Series of Unfortunate Events TV show, although my notes say it is extremely jewish perhaps le breaking bad or better call saul bins was thinking about rewatching The Boys maybe start the Sanada Maru japkino that one lad recommended >>326503 based
>>326500 Women don't want to feel like you're tediously trying to bend them to your will and make them love you. They're weird creatures. If anything they want to feel that they can change you a bit. Filipina lass never explicitly says what she wants to do, she'll ask a leading question or drop a hint and want me to suggest it first.
should watch deadwood if you haven't seen it wessie
>>326505 Oh God it's you. *grabs your ears and screams in your face* I don't care what women want. Die
>>326504 >Series of Unfortunate Events TV show prefer the movies dsl'd up cunny tbh
>>326506 could be kino
no more capeshit please
>>326507 Well that's your problem isn't it. Why would a woman want to be with a man that doesn't care what she wants?
>>326511 they are animals and their opinions are wrong on everything
god i fucking despise 22st
>look at clock for a moment >ten past seven >look back >quarter to eight AHHHHHH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TdIRrmNN_CQ
because you are one of the lowest life forms possible
>>326518 I think he's taller than you actually
the fire... is rising
he's probably doing something wrong but his detractors are a racemixer and troon chaser

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