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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3787: Charles III Edition Anonymous 10/11/2022 (Tue) 21:23:28 Id: ae38d1 No. 316798
King Charles III Coronation to be Held 6 May 2023 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11303991/Coronation-King-Charles-III-held-Saturday-6-year-Westminster-Abbey.html >Service on Saturday May 6 next year will be eight months after accession of Charles III and the Queen's death Dame Angela Lansbury dies aged 96: Murder, She Wrote and Beauty and the Beast star passes away peacefully in her sleep at her LA home - five days before her 97th birthday https://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-11304653/Angela-Lansbury-dies-aged-96.html >A statement from her family read: 'The children of Dame Angela Lansbury are sad to announce that their mother died peacefully in her sleep at home in Los Angeles at 1:30 AM today, Tuesday, October 11, 2022' Pound plunges as Bank Of England boss tells pension funds they have until Friday to balance their books and warned the current bailout will NOT continue past then https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11304709/Pound-plunges-Bank-England-boss-says-pension-funds-Friday-balance-books.html >The pound has plunged tonight after the Bank of England told pension funds they have until Friday to balance their books before it removes emergency support for the bond market. Neonatal nurse Lucy Letby 'returned to kill baby whose twin brother she had murdered just 24 hours earlier and also tried to poison a baby girl weighing just 1lb three times in a month - but both children survived', court hears https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11303953/Lucy-Letby-returned-kill-baby-twin-brother-murdered-just-24-hours-earlier-court-hears.html >The nurse, who is accused of murdering five boys and two girls, left the girl 'severely disabled' after overfeeding her with milk and injecting her with air, prosecutors said today.
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/11/2022 (Tue) 21:27:18.
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I bet it's the same cunts that think it's good that leftists get away with political violence that think it's good that Alex Jones is being sued to death
i met auslad and she's black
>>317499 you'd be wrong and you're black
(408.22 KB 1502x982 ifonlyyouknewhowb.png)

>>317499 tbh >>317500 shh lass they aren't supposed to know that
>>317503 >tbh as BO are you able to see their IP addresses?
>>317504 sort of tbh it's hashed though and i don't think there's any way to turn it back into a raw ip
>>317505 going to report this post as an example and show you what i see
>>317505 tell him that in fact there a niggas who don't compromise. You is in or you is out. Alex Jones? Out. Leftist terrorists? Out. Bins? out.
Joe Owens? out.
>>317506 reporting your own post? I don't understand
>>317509 >i don't understand because you are a fool
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>>317507 based >>317509 this is what i (or any other janny) sees when you poost here
i hate FOOLS! does bbf777 believe interdimensional beings run the government?
>>317512 they do THOUGH
>>317511 looks like a load of gobbledegook to smee
>>317514 exactly lad that's all we see
>>317513 they do not, it is the jews and the jesuits.
>>317516 but what about the rosicrucians lad?
>>317517 they look like willies tbh. circumstized. i think.
i am making all of these posts while naked which makes anyone who reads them gay
/Brit/ on a group holiday in Albania
/brit/ on a girls holiday in zante
/brit/ on an operation red dog holiday in dominica
(163.66 KB 1057x803 joelad.jpg)

/brit/ on /brit/ posting about politics
>politics >on /brit/
/brit/ on /brit/ talking about /brit/
/brit/ on /brit/ violence
>>317526 sad! many such cases
>>317526 part and parcel of a diverse board tbh
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>>317524 should have kept it LOCAL
728 posts and nobody has once mentioned the lesbians
can't get enough of these training videos tbh smh espionage seemed so simple back then smh it was so straightforward and simple
>>317531 It's still easy now if you're a woman, it's basically just seduce an important man.
https://youtu.be/xW9s4Yjc3Uc Just cuck me says Corlys

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