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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3784: Der Ewige Boomer Edition Anonymous 10/06/2022 (Thu) 07:30:26 Id: 6ed1bb No. 314421
Why we're shutting the hotel of mum and dad: As the cost of living bites, one mother says she’ll do anything to stop her adult son following his sister back home https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-11284489/Mother-says-shell-stop-adult-son-following-sister-home.html Pollution can reach babies in the womb and could damage developing organs, scientists say https://news.sky.com/story/pollution-can-reach-babies-in-the-womb-and-could-damage-developing-organs-scientists-say-12713165 DNA from skeletons reveals West Africans in England 1,400 years ago https://news.sky.com/story/dna-from-skeletons-reveals-where-first-people-to-call-themselves-english-came-from-12713175
Edited last time by YTTB on 10/06/2022 (Thu) 11:22:58.
Think it's time to play Alan Wake again.
>>315161 >hiding in my room on the computer for all my formative years >tfw did this but wasn't enough of an autist to learn something useful like coding AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH
unironically wouldn't mind being a sparky tbh it's on my "maybe" shortlist of jobs that i'd happily do but have no idea of how to get into >>315153 choon that >>315161 smh rip lad hindsight is 20:20 can relate tbh i never learnt to drive a car for similar reasons >>315162 smorning lad
>>315165 yeah and parents never cared enough to force one to do anything I remember even before primary school I preferred to fuck around on the win98 pc instead of doing anything else and mummy stopped dad from disciplining me or making sure I did anything while "homeschooled" over before it began
>>315165 learn to draw helps me pass time dont ever get one of the draw pad shit for your computer, theyre made for fags and pedos if you become proficent using a mouse, women will envy you
>>315163 tbh this is too easy to be a shit test kill all jews and remove all agency from women job done we now have world peace and can conquer the stars >>315164 based it's a kino game tbh a bit easy though as long as you don't burn out your batteries they just recharge to full smh >>315167 >force lad that's unethical smh you can't force children to act in their own interest real parenting means giving them enough rope to hang themselves and then leaving them unattended for two decades
>>315169 >based it's a kino game tbh a bit easy though as long as you don't burn out your batteries they just recharge to full smh Any mods about by now to make it more challenging I wonder.
>>315105 it'd help if you didn't call me battybins tbh 8pm is the film time on the dot unless I'm late
>>315172 good l-AUGH
When the HR ask u to discuss the timing of the interview. And u line it up after Ur other interview but then remember the 1st interview people might run over the time they suggested, I guess I can just walk out of the 1st interview right if it takes too long
>>315170 probably can't do much with the gameplay beyond making enemies have more health or making supplies more scarce tbh would make it more difficult but not really satisfying >>315171 tbh tbh >>315174 good lad it looks good when you have other options makes you seem desirable
So the waste products of bacteria are ammonia, nitrates and sulfates. Explains the smell and taste of fermentation and decay
>>315176 I want to breed Galadriel and then she can give me one of her patronising smiles
>>315178 I really don't fancy her that much but she is the prettiest one in that whole show
so hungy but el abominacion culinaire must wait
cheese toasties, lentil soup and chicken for sninnner
>>315182 based
>stately home closed so mummy is making me pick something else but I don't want to do anything smh said jamaica inn because we might get a nice expensive pub lunch on the boomer's account there tbh
Mexico should be called Mexica
>Ukraine Refugee Appeal >Jamaica Inn is proud to donate to the local community appeal organising with Cornish Moo a lorry taking essential supplies to Ukraine. I CAN'T ESCAPE AAAHHHHHHHHHHHH
>>315184 smh disgraceful how they bully you so >>315185 wrong lad mexico is a manly country filled with men therefore via the rules of their own language it should be called mexico
>>315187 literally >you vill have fun >und you vill be happy
>>315188 smh one of these days you need to stand up to mummy lad
Wessica just free your mummers of the torment of her son.
>>315190 He said Son when you glow up you'll be a pretty sissy for Tyrone and his gang
>>315193 Turned out true tbh.
I'm doing it making the cheesy nachons kiev looks absolutely rank can't wait >>315191 nature will do that eventually may as well run out my allotted time on this nightmare earth
>>315196 tbh only just recently in the last few days really looked at the map and realised this is about russia getting a land corridor to the crimea thought pookraine's borders were further back and that putler already had it tbh

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