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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3757: Atlantis Edition Anonymous 08/15/2022 (Mon) 08:00:26 Id: 6438d6 No. 294003
Underwater village hidden beneath a Welsh reservoir is revealed for the first time since the scorching summer of 1976 due to weeks of dry weather https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11110719/Underwater-village-hidden-beneath-Lake-Vyrnwy-Wales-revealed-weeks-dry-weather.html
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>>294680 when you click on login, does it come up with error? you need to enable xbox stuff
(18.11 KB 300x300 deano-baily sad.jpg)

warzone servers are down lads
>>294658 We don't have an equivalent term so it works. I imagined calling them 'guvtypes' for a while or "jeeks" i.e. G-C HQ
>>294682 not relatable
>>294663 the media propaganda clearly worked perfectly, getting white women to think it's their fault for overpopulation was exactly the goal all along. and you can't expect women to be smart enough to avoid being manipulated, my mum literally said last night after I called her out for believing in unsaturated fats and 5 a day etc that she was proudly "unmanipulatable" even though she's peak guardian reader zogpuppet
Basking in the splendor of are America again lads.
>>294683 Nah its during the migration in browser, seems like thousands online are getting the same and microshart is telling them "Try again later, we're looking to fix it. In the meantime you can play the demo"
>>294688 Careful not to get shot, or worse, get picked up by an ambulance after.
>>294679 pretty impressive lad, you're good at painting. i'd suggest sticking to the linework a bit more strongly or using a different brush as the eyes look a bit soft around the edges
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>>294692 >tfw Albanians ask me if I have a wife. They just assume that a young man like me would be married. Smh Anglo Society is sick
>>294693 maybe they'll set you up, lass
>>294694 I hope so
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>>294692 Lad...
>>294696 lobely stone walls
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>>294696 smh back when everyone loved 22st(me)
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being jewish must be like having the death note but for money
microshit is fast becoming no1 on my list of evil companies tbh, truly demonic the things they are doing, and they have a total monopoly.
there's a free and open source minecraft clone called minetest you could play instead
(655.82 KB 1280x720 youre fucked up you.webm)

>>294705 keeeeeeeeeek as they say
>>294696 holy shit that's my castle ahhhhhh the memories
>>294697 thank you
we need to revive are minecraft server in real life in minecraft
Nothing will ever get through to these people
>>294711 >recovering 3 MONTHS from covid
(4.80 MB 640x640 Pilotredsun - Thanks.mp4)

Night lads >>294706 fyi lad its exactly 40 days since I said I wouldnt post the vore again for at least 40 days >>294707 Castle Comf
>>294712 yeah, weird use of English. I think she means she had covid 3 months ago but she will probably get it again now
(12.27 MB 640x360 letsfroove.webm)

watched like an hour of breadtubers because youtube keeps recommending me them. these niggas are dumb af.
>>294689 see this tbh >>294704 I've tried it before, it performs well but you'll want to install a shedload of mods on top of the base game, then just get someone with a good connection to run a server. Fuck MS and minekike.

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