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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3677: Empty Egg Basket Edition Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 23:00:59 Id: 678921 No. 231370
Suffolk couple's egg business decimated by bird flu outbreak https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-suffolk-60933422 Ipswich woman had sex with dog https://www.eadt.co.uk/news/crime/woman-had-sex-with-a-dog-8794210 China accused of launching cyber-attacks on Ukraine before Russian invasion https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2022/apr/01/china-accused-of-launching-cyber-attacks-on-ukraine-before-russian-invasion
>>232144 I'll send you mine lad just post your full address
>>232142 comfy
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>>232030 Russians actually take their opsec seriously unlike the Jihadis.
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His whole torso is a prolapsed anus
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Tin whistle father making Sunday generally uncomfu again. My only day of rest and he us running around, baby talking animals, heavy breathing and playing his radio friend.
>>232152 >Tin whistle father keeeeeek smh forgot about this poor lad
>>232143 Lad… Hands off
Bins spotted
>negro >going to heaven
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>>232157 he's just in the shade lad t. official huwhiteness inspector
>>232157 that's what the biblerino says lad
>>232158 Better be right lad or the h'witeness board reserves the right to take back your h'wite license and assign you an Albanian extended family member.
>>232157 >he doesn’t know…
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Made the mistake of searching my cousin's name on tiktok, lads.
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>>232162 is she fit?
>>232162 sorry lad.
>>232164 No tbh.
>>232162 smh rip lad
>>232162 Lad we need to see
Yes lad just dox a family member, it can only go well.
What's your longest length of time groomee?
I will describe the worst video for you sick fucks, but you aren't seeing it. Lip syncing to nigger music about niggers gang banging a woman on a bus.
>>232172 Yeah that sounds like tictok, it really should be banned from all platforms great internet firewall style.
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>>232172 What the fuck. Why would that be a song and why would she lip sync to it?
>>232174 It's popular.
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Based zoomerinos dressing & LARPing as niggers & failing.
>get to heaven as a reward for a long life of being Christian >it’s full of niggers tfw
>>231484 I have reason to believe this will finally set the milk price free. https://twitter.com/FirstSquawk/status/1510659056943321091?s=20&t=25EkGGP9Ga19tOQpAu6m9A Germany raising prices across the board by 20-50%. Expect to see extreme milk volatility / loss leadership status being abandoned unequivocally. Reminder that Milk's "loss leader" status is as influential as the US Dollar "reserve" status. They simply cannot kick the can down the road any further on the milk scam that has persisted since we went off the milk standard in 1994.

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