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Britain can be a lot better than this.

Brit/pol/ #3675: Rise and Shine Edition Anonymous 03/30/2022 (Wed) 04:28:07 Id: 26e186 No. 229688
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its a shame there currently hasnt been any reports on mass rapes during ukie war
>>230535 I'm talking about popular support for jews. We take it for granted that the governments will be infested by jew slaves, since they'll just poison anybody in their way.
>>230536 yeah my dad almost got drafted for vietnam but based nixon saved him, my grandma was gonna lock him in a shed when the recruiterfags came around looking for their next groomvictim
>>230537 <reports READ. THIS. >>230285 4K video. If the lighting is poor, use a flashlight. Get the ISO down. Get the framerate up. If photography, get the blur to a subpixel level, and the crop should be 6mp at least, with the subject dominating the frame.
ngl I wish we had a token yank on this board who was southern and an anglophile
I don't like brits that much, they smell.
>>230542 keeeek which state, I suggest kentucky or Tennessee not surburbanoidic georgians or carolinians larping as jed clampett
god I forgot how much the old south is a nigger infested hellhole, mississippi was so fucking shitty compared to rural alabama where I went
>>230532 That would be the SBU and their advisors, they had a enhanced interrogation site within Mariupol Airport called The Library .
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Westoids were on those helicopters with Azov.
>>230547 >all african countries wdhmbt?
>>230549 bowies were just meme name for the common longknife of germanics which originated with the seax, great lakes chugs called anglo settlers "longknifes" gichmookin or someshit like that
>>230548 >Morocco in French French government contractors.
>>230551 nafris?
>>230547 Based
>>230554 keeeek
>>230553 >sign in to confirm your age
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>>230553 A day without a nigger killcam is like a day without sunshine, brother.
>"ur a schizo if you don't have jewchoobe account bruh"
>>230553 >the uppitiness even of the "victims" fucking HELL
>>230559 I do tbh with my real name I was just logged out.
>>230561 What's your real name?
>>230552 Probably French mercs, ex-Ligoniers with a government contract.
>that nigger with the pot belly and man tits obviously drunk and or high Wew. >>230562 James Adolf Hitler Did Nothing Wrong Okay Thank You the 6th.
>>230521 That's stupid the sort of rucking they expect an infantryman to do in the british army destroys a 20 year olds knees. It'd kill old people. >>230526 maybe they'll leave here then if a draft is introduced
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>Azov and the AFU marching on Belgorod, Russia >1485 likes
>>230539 how old is your dad? jesus
honestly cheering on the death of Azov is cringe, get a hold of yourself. Putin will never be your mate.
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>>230547 That's a photo of some badges. Have your retards read this: >>230285

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