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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3597: Twenty Miles Inland Edition Anonymous 12/22/2021 (Wed) 10:13:42 Id: af85c7 No. 171592
On This Day - 22nd December >1550 The death of Richard Plantagenet (Richard of Eastwell). Shorty before the Battle of Bosworth (Richard - then aged 16) was taken to see King Richard III at his encampment. The King informed the boy that he was his son, and told him to watch the battle from a safe vantage point, telling him that, if he won, he would acknowledge him as his son. If he lost, the boy was told that he had to forever conceal his identity. King Richard was killed in the battle, the boy fled to London and was apprenticed to a bricklayer, but kept up the Latin he had learned by reading during his work. >1696 The birth of James Oglethorpe, English general and founder of the state of Georgia. >1715 James Edward Stuart, son of James II, the deposed Catholic King of England, landed at Petershead in north-east Scotland, after his exile in France, to lead a Jacobite rebellion against England. The rebellion failed. >1716 Lincoln's Inn Theatre in London put on England's first pantomime which included the characters Harlequin, Columbine and Pantaloon. >1919 The Government of Ireland Act of Power (Home Rule for Ireland) came into being. It was signed by King George V. Ireland was divided into two parts, each with its own parliament. >1942 World War II: Adolf Hitler signed the order to develop the V-2 rocket as a weapon. It was the world's first, long-range weapon and was developed specifically to target London and later Antwerp. Over 3,000 V-2s were launched as military rockets against Allied targets during the war. >1943 The children's writer, Beatrix Potter, died. Her house at Hill Top, Sawrey is open to the public. >1965 The government introduced an 'experimental' speed limit of 70mph on motorways in England. The limit is still in force. >1965 Richard Dimbleby, British broadcaster, died. >1974 The Provisional IRA threw a bomb onto the 1st floor balcony of the home of the Conservative leader and former Prime Minister Edward Heath. He arrived home 10 minutes after the bomb exploded. >2014 A grey seal was spotted in a farmer's field in Newton-le-Willows, Merseyside, 20 miles inland. The disorientated animal was captured and transferred to a wildlife centre in Nantwich, Cheshire.
so this is sneedy christmas now everybody's formerly chuck
>>172317 >we're almost entirely celtic and germanic. exactly what i expected tbh i've never portrayed myself as anything else doesn't change anything tbh i am native british and the british isles are my ancestral homeland they can do their pilpul all they want but it doesn't change a thing my people and i are indigenous and the jews and their pets are not simple as >>172318 oh what seed it is to feed on a one horse open sneed
>>172308 Looks like a kike.
>>172321 Every single people everywhere moved there at some point and killed people to poses that land not really some epic own of the chuds to acknowledge that.
It used to be that talking about the yamnaya and recognising the fact they are the progenitors of all european peoples was considered aryanist psuedo-science. this is an unambiguously good development.
>>172324 can't really put myself on either side of that tbh don't really care too much about things that happened that far back (outside of purely academic interest) >>172325 >forty minutes of government diktats not watching that lad give us a qrd
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>>172325 First time I've heard her speak. Wew that accent.
got upset yesterday thinking about all the virtual assistants without work in cebu coz of the typhoon there lads.
>>172325 The world is always at least a month behind the UK on new variants.
still seething that my toil christmas party got cancelled because of a fucking nothing burger
>3 years in a row >flood detected LET ME FUCKING POST FUCKING DOGSHIT NIGGER SITE
>>172326 just mummy gretchen reading off the world economic forum sheet so she can get more money to get bogged and do coke at her mansion in torch lake off the bellies of her enslaved chudboys
so what's been the best millinuyules this year? Any I should rip to mp3 and listen whilst running?
>>172333 >enslaved chudboys >mummy gretchen feeding steiner root vegetables whilst she rubs his belly and he shits on her trousers
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>>172327 keeeeek tbh she sure does have an accent yah >>172333 smh typical so sick of it all
>>172336 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Don_Luis What do you think of this guy?
>>172338 yeah I remember reading about him maybe in another thread he was bullying southbois
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why is chudcore so based?
don't care about virginiafags they brought the niggers here, salem and boston colony culture was the superior one
>>172342 >>172340 Yea just wanted your opinion. I posted him in the previous thread after listening to a podcast about him. Seems alpha based to me, would make for a good tv series.
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>>172339 luv it
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beta beats vs sigma silence few realise this
>>172322 > Looks like a kike.
>>172346 Isn't he a wannabe who was desperate to be seen as Jewish but is only 1/64th or smth, or was that some other traitorous cunt?
>>172343 king phillip/metacomet was another chug leader who was pretty dominant and almost defeated the settlers in cape cod
>>172280 smh and I just coomed in my briefs
tbh not anti-vax just anti-jab since i'm afraid of needles smh. Pills coming soon
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>172350 >172351
>>172341 luv this one tbh those jerries sure had some nice tunes >>172346 physiognomy is real tbh smh and that howard jacobson writing the article is looking pretty suspect as well tbh would gladly cave his head in with the side of a shovel >>172347 choon that >>172348 as long as he pledges allegiance to the tribe even the slightest amount of blood is enough to let him into the periphery
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