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Britain can be a lot better than this.

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Brit/pol/ #3596: Lockdown Enforcement Edition Anonymous 12/20/2021 (Mon) 00:37:20 Id: 61f754 No. 170795
Covid-19: Sajid Javid refuses to rule out more restrictions https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-59718601 Omicron dashes high streets’ hopes of bumper weekend before Christmas https://www.theguardian.com/business/2021/dec/19/shoppers-pull-back-from-uk-high-streets-over-omicron-fears COVID-19: Number 10 defends photo of Boris Johnson and staff in Downing Street garden with wine and cheese at time of tough social restrictions https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-number-10-defends-photo-of-boris-johnson-and-staff-in-downing-street-garden-with-wine-and-cheese-at-time-of-tough-social-restrictions-12500298
She should post “her” growler to dispel this rumour
>>171549 luv the tranny hunter schizos tbh
>stop masturbating 0 proof wew
it's established by now that stopping masturbating improves your health
Message for steiner
>>171557 Burnt toast
>>171557 one of those brown paper bags for a liquor bottle
just found out that after first world war greece tried to take thrace and all the anatolian islands from turkey but they somehow failed
>>171548 I barely do low test and very low oestrogen, not good smh
Ah yes window wiper fluid leaking. Luv Christmas miracles me
>>171563 the van problem arcs are very asinine tbh, to the point they're almost believable
>>171555 president brandon can be my toilet
>turning down free gene therapy
morning lads
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night lads
>>171573 night lad
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>>171540 >he got the vaxx spies (Nick Lowles, Hope not Hate, Gerry Gable, Searchlight Magazine) probably injected it in his sleep smh
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How many podcasts will it take to save the white race ?
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sneed a new thread
>>171586 And the infertile are the cuckolds of nature itself. Smh.
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Get right with G-d lads, get the vax. >'So I would say yes, to love one another - as Jesus said - get vaccinated, get boosted.' https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10334569/Archbishop-Canterbury-says-unvaccinated-immoral-love-neighbour.html
>>171588 needs to be purged
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>>171588 Do as Jesus would do, which is not get vaccinated, because He is perfect and does not need man made "medicine"
>>171588 >The first high priest Aaron built the first golden calf >Then the later high priest Caiaphas murders Jesus Continuing a long legacy here
Don’t worry lads Christianity will save us
https://youtu.be/HqEG9RhvDL0 was waiting for joe to appear from around the corner with a hatchet and end the shitskin

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