/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

For Lovers of Diapers and Ageplay!

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What content you prefer to buy/get Baby 02/22/2023 (Wed) 03:06:36 No. 22969
Hi to all, i was wondering what kind of pay or not content you want? , A friend of mine is beginning to start a JFF so i was wondering what suggestions you wanna so she can make some and share with you guys. (Of course ripped.)
Don't ask us, Your friend should do the content she finds hot and focus on niches that she likes and wants tos ee but others are not doing.
>>22970 What are you gay?
>>22970 what an absolute fag take, shut the fuck up >>22969 diaper desperation for sure, there isn't nearly enough of that out there
Ultimately it's best to do what you wanna do, anything else can come off as disingenuous. However for me I'd love to see more sexual DL stuff. Big fan of POV and virtual sex stuff.
>>22969 definitly Leggings and Messing
>>22969 thick diapers, specifically layered disposables (3+, stuffers encouraged) that impair movement due to their thickness. waddling, crawling, or doing various exercises/stretches in this state that show off the diapers. pov style talking about how thick they are in detail (and the result of this can either be discomfort or pleasure, makes no difference).
>>asking for a friend Sure thing anon
What's a JFF?
>>23043 Jesus Furry Feitish account. Good old christian furry website. (just for fan for real answer, basicely only fans/ patreon)
>>22969 Do what they want, but make sure there's actual fucking previews for their content. The small preview video snippets and at least 1 image in every image set that is visible. I absolutely hate any JFF creator that literally does not show you what their content looks like and expects you to pay 15$ to even know what their shit looks like, or start finding out what their Twitter is and find out what their content looks like throught that. I'm not going to research you, you're the one trying to sell your content to me, do the work, let me know what I get or fuck off.
>>22969 diaper sex, it's never enough
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Can she make herself really, really flat?

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