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NEED ADVICE about Online/Daddy relationships Baby 01/31/2023 (Tue) 13:33:01 No. 22314
long story short I really need advice about a Daddy Dom type thing. Over the last year one guy I chatted a lot with about being submissive, wanting to wear 24/7, being "forced" to wear he ended up convincing me to give it a shot with him for awhile. he buys me very generous amounts of diapers and other nice things on the condition I wear 24/7. Like, 100% of the time. No matter when he tells me to send him a pic I have to do it in like 5 minutes no matter where i am (except during my classes, i'm in college and i sent him my schedule) It is AWESOME having so many diapers and I LOVE how little he makes me feel I guess the only issue I'm wondering about is him having so many pics with my face (and whatever he has me wearing) in them. I don't think he knows my real name or where I go to school but like how bad could this be for me?? I'm almost definitely going to get caught by a stranger at lots of times (big school tons of people) and like what happens if those pics with my face end up online?? Anyone have any experience doing any kind of relationship with an online daddy?? Again i fucking love all the diapers and clothes he buys me and he's really sweet and stern but what is actually the worst that happens if this goes bad? HALP and yeah pics or it didn't happen etc. etc. like he's got me doing THIS and i don't know what to think
ahhh fuck fuck fuck ignore the other stuff he likes me to wear. the ABDL part and getting caught is my concern
Oh look, another faggy blog post that some asscunt makes their own thread for instead of using any number of other threads this fits in.
You should just get out ahead of any potential blackmail situation and just post all of your pictures here. Then he has nothing on you.
>>22314 <<I don't think he knows my real name or where I go to school but like how bad could this be for me?? If you don't trust the person not to reveal these photos (or not keep them safe), then you probably shouldn't have sent them in the first place. At the very least, don't share your real name, specific location, college, etc., unless you get to a point where you *do* trust them, because anonymity is your one and only protection here. Lose that, and you're entirely reliant on their goodwill. --- --- I don't think you really need anyone to tell you how bad it *could* be if your socially-unacceptable kink/lifestyle became common knowledge. In practice, though, you should probably think about the realistic level of consequence, rather than the worst level of consequence - lots of ABDLs post/ed face stuff on Tumblr, Twitter, etc. without using their real names, and most don't get found out by their mainstream people because... well, if someone is typing in this kind of thing into a search engine, they're probably not very mainstream, if you catch my meaning. [Obviously, you should still be very careful with what you share online, because once something's out there, it's out there indefinitely, and it *does* puts you at a statistically-extant risk of being doxxed by someone with a grudge/malicious streak/etc. - but in all likelihood, it probably won't amount to anything. You're just one kinky weirdo on an internet full to bursting-point with kinky weirdos, you're not gonna be the next Damian Michael Turner or anything]
>>22314 Its part of the deal in submission. You have to trust them. Yeah i did this for a while and had a lot of fun. Sure there were definitely some people who saw i wore diapers but no one importsnt to my life. Enjoy the ride anon.
It will probably be fine. Worst case some pictures end up online, but there are billions of pictures and the only people that will find them are other pervs like us looking for that kinda stuff. Just a tip tho, if you did somehow end up in a blackmail situation then just don't reply at all. Don't give them anything, not even if they ask for 10 bucks. Since probably they would just ask for more and more, because, why not, right? And the more you interact with scammers / sellers the more tricks they can pull to lure you in. Plenty of people have fetishes, and even weird stuff are getting kinda socially acceptable. Also with deep fakes and stuff i think this sort of thing will be viewed as less of a career risk in the future probably. If you want to play it safe, but still play, then consider cutting this off before you graduate and change hairstyle / style in general and moving someplace else for a job. Kinda leaving the old you behind, and purge your social accounts of images of likeness from that period of your life. Then seek a more in-person relationship the next time. But again, you're probably fine anyway :)
>>22314 >but what is actually the worst that happens if this goes bad? Realistically, not much. You should assume he can figure out your identity and where you go to school, but what could he do with that information? The worst I can think of is sending the pics to your family or friends, but if you're going 24/7 it's just a matter of time before they find out anyway. I guess it depends how conservative your family are whether that's something to worry about. If you're a woman then you have the added benefit of being basically immune to accusations of being "creepy" for wearing diapers. Maybe it would be wise to google your name every once in a while and check nothing bad comes up on the first few pages. There should be ways to ask for results to be removed if anything does happen, and depending on your jurisdiction posting "revenge porn" might be outright criminal.
separate question from the same baby, has anyone become a bedwetter through hypno or wearing all the time? I think its rrally hot waking up wet but is it permanent? and how to explain? guess i can always blame my diaper stash on that?
Wear often enough and you can learn to let go in diapers. Do that in your sleep often enough and maybe you'll wet with or without diapers on "funtionally incontinent" means you need diapers, even if only to reassure yourself. As for the hypnosis question. I've had someone ask to be a bedwetter. Then a couple weeks later ask not to be a bedwetter. They didn't think hypnosis was going to work. They'd listened to 'a lot' of files. It did work. Working for you is a subjective thing. If you can sit in the middle of your bed right now and pee. Regardless of what you are currently wearing, whether or not you have a protective sheet on there. Whether or not you then need to do a load of laundry. if you can accept your identity as "i'm a bedwetter" and it doesn't matter who knows - then I think hypnosis can work really well. if it's just a fantasy then i think you can really enjoy the files and listening to them and enjoy the moment, but it probably isn't going to be something permanent
Top advice is don't send anything that can identify you, things like photos at home/school etc unless you are sure there is nothing that can trace back to you, one letter can be zoomed in and bam your address, one window, can reverse image search and might get lucky with a property listing, a uniform that has a company or school name on it, a photo hanging in your room that shows some of your friends on of them may have posted it online reverse image bam there you are etc other advice which is far easier, simply make sure you know who they are before you send anything, that way MAD (mutually assured destruction), he shows yours you show his (depends how unhinged they are, but for most the threat that you could if they could is enough, to be safe yourself)

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