/abdl/ - Adult Baby - Diaper Lover

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Did KIK ban Diaper Groups? Baby 01/28/2023 (Sat) 22:47:30 No. 22220
I was in a dozen or so Kik groups but this morning they're all gone. Now when searching for anything with ABDL or diaper in the name, nothing comes up. Nappy still works though.
>>22220 don't make a thread for this shit mate
BO, it might be worth deleting threads like this. Once you delete a few it will free up space in the catalog so future pointless threads won't cause old good threads to be lost.
>>22227 >old good threads bro have you actually looked at whats on the last page? if they were good threads they wouldn't have been dead for literal years with only a handful of posts
>>22226 >don't make a thread for this shit mate use kik all the time but usually to hook up with other guys. its great for finding someone who wants to dump their load quick. used to be in the diaper groups but most were full of bots so left. think this is a legit question if kik did ban diaper and abdl groups that sucks and is worth confirming.
>>22226 Shit take. This is valuable information for some people.
>>22220 they updated their blacklists, maybe in a desperate attempt to save their dying app, the one group i cared about did move to discord before all that.

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