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24/7, incontinence-desires and incontinence Baby 06/08/2020 (Mon) 02:50:45 No. 313
Anons wear 24/7 for different reasons: some have actual incontinence issues (please be kind to them), some *want* to untrain themselves and become incontinent, and some want to wear alone, not use them. Some want a diagnosis from a doctor to make it 'official', some want to 'come out' as incontinent to others and live like one (such as Kali or Serah), whereas for others it's more personal. There are lots of different reasons to wear 24/7. This thread is meant to be a resource for 24/7 wearers and untrainers, where we can collate all our collected knowledge. I'm also interested in medical articles, and so on: there is some medical evidence in favour of the idea catheterisation can cause a shrinked bladder and OAB, because one never has to wait to reach the bathroom. Could 24/7 have similar effects; is there a scientific background for what we do, or is it BS? >Do you wear 24/7, if so, how long? >What got you interested in 24/7, and more generally ABDL? Do you consider yourself leaning towards AB or DL especially? >Do you want to untrain? How will you/have you done so? >Who knows you wear 24/7? >If you untrained, do you honestly regret it? How has your mood about it progressed since you started? >If you don't wear 24/7, would you like to? Why/why not?
Some people fom Dailydiapers forum (iirc) have tried to achieve incontinense with TENS (electro stimulation device) by applying the pads in various places. Results were generally poor but someone actually managed to get constant dribbling. Anyways, a year ago or so I bought a Body clock classic tens with the sticky pads. It definitely made some muscles in my stomach contract heavily when increasing current but nothing about bladder/spinchter. I tried all kind of pad placements I found online and even on medical research documents but none of them caused incontinence. However, I have later noticed that there are incontinence treatment devices with basically same output as regular pain relief models but with anal probes. Anyone here tried those probes? I'm not a doctor but those interesting nerves going to urethral spinchters like sacral nerve could probably be more close at anal and theres also prostate. If nobody here have tested anal plugs, maybe I should give them a try. At least it's likely going to feel good :3
>>22066 in my experience, and the experience of a few others i know, that level of bedwetting control is an illusion - keep playing and you'll wake up unintentionally wet sooner or later
>>22863 That's kind of my point. Its been 3 years now and never had an issue, im sure if I drank alcohol it might be a different scenario but so far I'm good. My gf knows about my kink and probably wouldnt flip out as she has waterproof sheets if I were to actually have an accident anyways.
For an update on the cardura/gabapentin combo. A friend and I started on it at roughly the same time. Friend just doing gaba, me doing cardura and gabapentin. We both had mild continence issues and a history of frequent diaper use, so that probably skews things. Friend finds it way easier to pee and much harder to hold, and it basically cured their overactive bladder. After a week they don't feel confident going on long car rides or to work without a diaper. There's definitely some logic here. As for me, it's turned my moderate incontinence into complete incontinence. I can still consciously hold it, just not for long enough to make a practical difference for bathroom use. For the most part wetting just... happens by itself without having to tell it to, and I leak small amounts very frequently when sitting down, lifting things, sneezing, etc. There's something here, for sure. I think you need to have some problems to begin with, self-induced or not, for it to work, but it really does knock you off the edge.
>>22978 Any affect on night time continence?
>>23054 I went from wetting the bed a couple times a week to every single night consistently. Friend went from waking up with painful difficult to deal with bladder to waking up and being able to immediately wet and fall back asleep. A definite effect, but it seems to be a stronger effect depending on how incontinent you already are.
>>22978 >>23057 I'll try the Gabapentin/Doxazosin combo to test how effective is with a normal bladder. I have no bladder issues and I have no diaper dependency (my economy and family situation doesn't allow me to use diapers consistently), so I can be a good test subject for beginners who want to experience induced incontinence.
>>23057 Why hasn't he attempted to also take Cardura?
>>23061 I tried it, every time I did I'd get really harsh migranes. I'm gonna give it one last try and if it happens again I know it's linked to the cardura. I've really only used it about three times so far, and only half a pill. I haven't noticed if the cardura really does anything for me other than the headaches. The gaba has been helping me a lot more since I was having muscle tension problems and it fixes those, and I've lived with pretty harsh pain whenever I have to pee as long as I can remember, most likely undiagnosed OAB. The gabapentin completely removes that pain and makes it harder to hold it for me, and I notice I tend to actually empty my bladder when I pee rather the frequent small kind of hurty ones I had prior. Makes me nervous to not have diapers on since I'm not used to how it feels now, but the gaba is making such an improvement and a difference for a lot of things for me I'm planning to just keep taking it regardless. t. friend, got shown the thread.
>>23058 How long do you plan to take it? Current results seem to require at least a week of consistent use.
>>23063 Your friend should see a doctor. If peeing is painful there might be some issue with kidneys and those issues can be lethal in long run
>>23079 Pain isn't when peeing it's when holding it, still planning to see one though, yeah.
>>23076 Since incontinence was only a fantasy I had, it honestly scares me that I might end up being actual incontinent, so I'll try the meds 2-3 days, and then abruptly stop. That will demonstrate if the Gaba-Doxa combo is the DLs magic pills.
I'm this guy: >>23090 Instead of doxazosin I'll try tamsulosin, since it's way cheaper and easier to get here. Thing is, it's 0.4mg per pill, and it suggests taking one per day. Also, I've got access to some meds of a relative and I've found some tolterodine, which according to Google is an antimuscarinic and it's useful at treating OAB incontinence. Should o try that one either as a Doxazosin or Gabapentin replacement, or should I stick to the original plan? Any medical anon can help me at this?
>>23103 >Instead of doxazosin I'll try tamsulosin, since it's way cheaper and easier to get here. Thing is, it's 0.4mg per pill, and it suggests taking one per day. Also, I've got access to some meds of a relative and I've found some tolterodine, which according to Google is an antimuscarinic and it's useful at treating OAB incontinence. Should o try that one either as a Doxazosin or Gabapentin replacement, or should I stick to the original plan? Any medical anon can help me at this? Tamsulosin (Flowmax) is a better choice, less risk of cardiac complications (but still not zero risk - so take care). Either can cause risks if eye surgery is ever needed - so make sure if you ever get eye surgery that the doctor knows you take or took it. Tolterodine decreases bladder contractions. You want the opposite effect, which comes from bethanechol. Taking all of these has risks though. All have significant effect on the peripheral nervous system and interactions between them may be serious. You need to make sure you monitor your blood pressure heart rate and such while taking. If low heart rate or low blood pressure, stop. Same goes for dizziness or lightheaded when standing. I am curious to know how a combination of tamsulosin, bethanechol, and gabapentin effect ones bladder control.
>>23111 >You need to make sure you monitor your blood pressure heart rate and such while taking. If your blood pressure becomes even close to low, you'll feel it when you stand up after some laying on bed. Measuring tends to show significantly higher values if you are tensing so I wouldn't recommend that
>>23111 I'll take one pill at a time in separate weeks. First will go tamsulosin, then gabapentin. With the last one I'll start taking a quarter instead of the whole thing, since I bought the 300mg presentation. If things go smoothly I'll double up and take half a pill and stop right there, I don't want to die for some drug made for hypertensive patients. Once I got my data I'll take both pills, but I'm not sure if take them at the same time or maybe after one hour. Any anon who tried doing both can help me at this? Since I'm not prescribed I'm basically in a minefield.
>>23139 Take it as the package says. If you don't have the package, you can find same info online. Both same time, it's not a dangerous combo.
>>22531 Oh look its my post in the middle. never thought i'd be screencapped. just found out 8ch was back and saw this thread. Im on a quest for urge incontinence as I love the feeling of sudden need to go and losing. heres some updates So about that detrusor stimulation it does work and is easier to perform over time. I will warn that i have ibs so doing this does cause bowel contractions for me at least. you have to "lean" into it by very slightly releasing your bladder but the urge will hit and overwhelm you unless you really try to stop it. Also it will last longer and having issues the rest of the day is likely. As a WARNING, dont do this lying down.I tried it very gently as a test but i felt a weird feeling nearish to my kidneys so i dont recommend it as backflow can kill you. as for meds being posted i stumbled upon Bethanechol. its used for empting the bladder by cauing detrusor muscle contractions and bladder spasms. it also apparently has a long action time. really stuggling to find any pharmacy outside the US that sells it. not vanuatu nor mexico. still on the hunt to see if i can aquire some. So far with my ibs/oab issues im basically only 1 or 2 steps away from having a poor toddler level of control. At the point now where Im getting my life in line so i can go full 24/7 urinary and fecal urge incontinence. by the end of the year I should be messing myself like a kid who just couldnt make it
>>21845 I'll post as I'm here to answer/read others. Been on regimen for 2 months now, with changes which I will describe. Important to note again that I'm 12/12 due to work day and office setting. Not 24/7 unless it's a weekend. The regimen as it began for myself included hyoscine, which was a mistake. Taking that medication will practically fix my urge incontinence, which is ironic. I cut it out as described earlier. About a week ago I took a couple doses for one evening as an experiment and it had the same effect, stopped feeling any urge to urinate and had more of a normal schedule. I stand by the opinion that the 100mg gabapentin is such a low dose that it might as well be nothing. I've tried a more potent gaba agonist occasionally, flualprazolam, and I take a small dose because it has a half life of around 30 hrs and it's just going to ruin up your sleep if you get used to that (or any gaba agonist). You could have a drink twice a day and get more from that than gabapentin. That drug is/was so widely prescribed for a range of things, and it is frequently found to do fuck-all. Most patients scale up to taking grams of the stuff within a month. I really fail to see how it could aide in the regimen. The less drugs the better, I say. As far as my results so far, my doctor visits during February showed that 2mg cardura was decimating my blood pressure. I felt fine, maybe a little sleepy towards end of day, but I was experiencing the worst "my leg is asleep" bouts if I sat up from a position for too long. Switched to 1mg per day taken in the evening two weeks ago. Progress is the same I'd say. Once I'm diapered in the evening, I naturally pee pretty soon, and after that the muscles are kept relaxed so I'll begin dribbling or leaking throughout the night into morning. I have to admit it's a nice, tickling feeling to be wetting subconsciously. I still attribute a lot of this progress as the natural outcome from my year+ of practice. I do wear protection during the day for stress incon, don't consider it really wearing though. I will tell anyone else considering meds, take note that every anon already has some form of incon or has been training for a longtime. You will just get side-effects if you expect magic.
Hey this might be kind of off topic but dose anyone know any medication that can cause temporary lose of fine motor skills or force somebody to crawl
>>23202 It's called alcohol anon.
>>23196 >I will tell anyone else considering meds, take note that every anon already has some form of incon or has been training for a longtime. You will just get side-effects if you expect magic. That's why I was kinda flooding the thread asking for some safety tips. As I stated before: I have no bladder issues, no diaper training (as in consistently using them, not that I never used them previously), and no severe heart diseases. It's a risk I'm willing to take to avoid idiots dying due to the meds trying to achieve permanent incontinence.
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>>23202 I had to crawl after taking Soma (Carisoprodol) once: I took it about two hours after dinner and the effect was for a short period of time. I don't recommend using muscle relaxers in combination with really thick diapers however, as you can permanently damage your joints
is everyone dead from the meds lol
I took gabapentin 100mg/doxazosin 2mg for a week and didn't die. I didn't end up incontinent either. I also went 24/7 at the same time to really judge the effects, if any, for myself. Going in i'd rate my continence pretty high. I've done 24/7 before for a month at most, the main thing from that is that I'm pretty comfortable going in a diaper at home and some public places. The main effect would have to be the distinct light headedness first few days, and trouble sleeping first few nights. Dont fuck with this if you have a history of blood pressure issues or do some strenuous activity I guess. It had me pretty lethargic at first but leveled out after that. Second would be it maybe made it somewhat easier to relax and pee often in small amounts, and more often feeling an urge to pee. This may have also just being 24/7 and peeing at the slightest urge I don't know, I think there was a couple of intances where my bladder didn't fully empty during a pee that I could feel. Third was something of an anomaly on the final day. I decided to go to work in underwear only, as a test. It was a pretty usual day, back to normal, tho i was being sure to fully empty my bladder each pee. About twenty minutes after one such pee I feel the urge building again much sooner than other times. Another twenty minutes and it's almost unbearable, so I decide to go pee. By the time I get to the stall it's the strongest urge to pee in living memory, and honestly seems like if anything had got in the way I'd have lost control. I haven't noticed anything else in the two weeks after stopping the pills and 24/7, as if it never happened. And I've been logging before and after to confirm. Overall for me the effect is subtle, could very well be placebo, and definitely way less dramatic than that other anon made out, but I still have stacks of these pills so will probably dabble at this again sometime.
>>23196 Another update. Took some time off the regimen, about 3 weeks, but I started again 6 days ago… I think I’ve finally done it. This dosing schedule is lower than any I previously tried, just 10mg hyoscine + 0.65mg doxazosin taken together at bedtime. Previous experiments with the hyoscine must’ve been too high because I was following guidance for other things. The lower dose of cardura has cleared up any side-effects, and my bladder doesnt feel like exploding from having a high volume of pee at once. I’ve also happened upon some cannabis, using that for the first time in a long time, once nightly. During my entire day there are rarely warnings or any sensations before becoming wetter. Doesn’t matter what state or position. I’ve noticed my diapers are very full now with seemingly not counting that many pees. The benefit of going this way is that everything wicks very efficiently. I’ve decided to go back to 24/7 regardless, instead of wearing minor protection for leaks during the day and still using the toilet several times. There may be a mental component to recent progress. Figured I genuinely am happier this way and I remember my previous 24/7 fondly. I had no issue keeping it up then for 6 months, so I’m already familiar with the changes I’ll need to make.
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>>25126 I hate when that happens...
>>16588 hello, i'm back, it took this long to surprise brap myself. that did catch me off guard with peeing i think i could still make it, i still notice it and still have to make a conscious decision about it basically but its not easy to get to a bathroom
>>25633 How long now is that for you? How has it changed your day-to-day?
>>24800 How did you even get this medication?
What happened to this place? It's a ghost town in here. OAB anon reporting in. Did a ton of homework and tried various things to no avail. I did however find out than many folks with OAB and Urge Incontinence did acquire it through a UTI. Seems like a Strep B UTI had the highest success rate. Anywho I did what anyone in a bad bout of BIID would do. Seems that I ended up giving myself an asymptomatic/silent uti not a full one. No symptoms just stonger pee for a bit. Total pain in the ass as I need to clear that up to try again or continue further. No clue as to why its asymptomatic as science itself has no real knowledge or info on this. Also for those that are after incontinence, please really be sure it is what you want and take anything posted (like unperscribed meds) with a serious dose of reality. Anything people do or talk about here is going to be a permanent maiming.
>>35550 >There is some in Mexico. I made an order in June but it never came. Tracking info made it to a USPS center in LA but stopped there. I'm guessing it was seized. Could have just been lost or stolen but since it did have prescription bethanechol they kept it. I never tryed to ask or inquire because I was going to pretend I didn't know about the package if it did show up and they tryed to question me about what was in it.

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