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/NijiEN/ Nijisanji EN General Anonymous 10/27/2024 (Sun) 17:56:13 No. 58667
Nijisanji EN YouTube channels: https://www.youtube.com/@nijisanji_en/channels https://www.youtube.com/@petragurin/channels Twitter: https://twitter.com/NIJISANJI_World https://twitter.com/i/lists/1415262975435231235 LazuLight: https://twitter.com/EliraPendora https://twitter.com/FinanaRyugu OBSYDIA: https://twitter.com/Rosemi_Lovelock https://twitter.com/Petra_Gurin Ethyria: https://twitter.com/MillieParfait https://twitter.com/EnnaAlouette https://twitter.com/ReimuEndou Luxiem: https://twitter.com/Luca_Kaneshiro https://twitter.com/Shu_Yamino https://twitter.com/Ike_Eveland https://twitter.com/Vox_Akuma Noctyx: https://twitter.com/sonny_brisko https://twitter.com/uki_violeta https://twitter.com/alban_knox https://twitter.com/Fulgur_Ovid ILUNA: https://twitter.com/MariaMari0nette https://twitter.com/AiaAmare https://twitter.com/AsterArcadia https://twitter.com/ScarleYonaguni https://twitter.com/RenZott0 XSOLEIL: https://twitter.com/D_Dropscythe https://twitter.com/MelocoKyoran https://twitter.com/KotokaTorahime https://twitter.com/Ver_Vermillion Krisis: https://twitter.com/VezaliusBandage
[Expand Post]https://twitter.com/Tyrant_Vanta https://twitter.com/YuQWilson TTT: https://twitter.com/VBrightshield https://twitter.com/ClaudeClawmark Denauth: https://twitter.com/RyomaBarrenwort https://twitter.com/KlaraCharmwood https://twitter.com/TwistyAmanozako Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN: https://teamup.com/kstk7egnopr3xiqj4h To watch streams at the same time: https://niji-mado.web.app/home Graduated Livers and Miscellaneous: https://rentry.org/69b34ofx Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags, and falseflaggers. Remember to spoiler any NSFW image you post. Last thread: >>56589
Twisty wants to request Maririn to draw her, Maririn and Opal on a bed
>>58668 Here it is
>I'm eating jumpies >It's like chips in the shape of cangaroos How is Australia real?
Maririn just almost fucking died from those cangaroo chips
By the way, Ryoma is playing MTG with Zander from FSP https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3ZsWHVapWU
How far is Reimu into FF7R by the way? I'm behind the VODs but I want to see her reaction to the whole final sequence and Zack live
>>58673 Ok I've checked and she just hit chapter 17, but she will be ending now. The last stream should be the finale of the main game
Chat told Reimu that there's Zack in the DLC and it convinced her to play it LMAO
Chat for fucks sake she doesn't need to play Dirge of Cerberus for Vincent's lore it's fucking retarded
Ok Reimu, I didn't need to find out that a) You don't wash down your toilet paper and b) You use tampons instead of pads through Mimi throwing out the bathroom trashcan
Reimu's old dog was into scat
Reimu's old dog would become brown instead of white because she would always cover herself in shit
>I would put on swimsuit to wash her I don't want to question why she didn't want to wash her naked
>Pugs are so ugly >I wish this breed wouldn't exist >Not that I want all pugs to die, I just want them live long and happy live >But the next generation? Yeah, they can just stop breeding BASED
But Reimuuu, dachshunds look cute meanwhile pitbulls are fucking ugly
Huh, pretty much staff asked Reimu if she wants to move to Japan. Reimu agreed but only if she can take Mimi with her. It's incredibly complicated but it's possible she may move together in the future
No offence Reimu, but chihuahuas look fucking ugly
>>58684 Reimu likes the little squeaky dogs that i hate the most
Vivi and Claude are being silly btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_HTChUebIA
>>58687 Really not in a mood to watch it but I'll probably check the VOD if the colalb is actually funny and not depressing
>>58688 It's pretty light and funny, also Vivi's mod has been banning all retards saying bullshit since the announcement so chat is on the clean side
>League took subway cards as payment for RP WTH
Claude and Vivi are gonna watch League Worlds offline
>"I see Vanta as a dark knight" Vivi wtf
That gigachad Sonny cosplayer just dropepd aka to Maririn
NijiEN classes with extra Claude n the corner
Claude is learning to play SF6 after watching Vivi play in the Sajam Slam
There's only one correct answer to favorite JJK character and it's Yuta
>Claude: "If you like Gojo you probably like white bread" >Vivi: "What is wrong with white bread..."
>>58699 Reminder that they only have 1 hour of gameplay left kek
Reimu calling out Vanta for becoming a siscon
Why did Vanta tell Reimu to put on the nightwear outfit...?
>>58702 Because it's the sexy outfit
I already forgot that they were playing the game in Movie Night mode man it's so ass
Vanta will have to settle for Twisty
Great start, Mumu
I wonder it that aroused Vanta actually
Vanta says all black men look alike
Love how Reimu thought about the termination notice over the graduation notice
Vanta is such a zoomer....
Twisty is playing Valo with Maririn now! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpAQ5ooVk3I
Holy shit, never seen anybody saving the suicidal pirate guy without killing anybody, wtf.
>>58712 Me neither, i didn't even know you could save him
>Mumu talks about making a black man his pet >Vanta distances himself physically from Reimu
Ok I must give kudos to Vanta and Reimu, I literally haven't seen anybody doing this path on stream
Damn, everybody lived
Reimu is dumbfounded this shit costed 50 bucks kek
>Reimu: Butter Fingers KEK
Now they're arguing with chat how the fuck they even got this scuffed ending lmao
They're replaying the game now and trying to find a different route. If the ending will still be shit, Reimu is going to do the members roulette!
Sorry Reimu but Vanta is the normal human being here
>>58721 Reimu is extremly clingy pls understand
That's the classic
>"Latinos are romantic" Reimu you were playing darts and threw a dart to the pool table, you're so fucking wrong on this one
Love how this debated ended up with "You're gringo and I'm latina, we just have cultural differences"
Finana schedule!
>I wouldn't think a girl wanting me to play Valorant together several times in the row is interested in me Twisty.....
>Was the girl Shu KEK
>>58728 Twisty hates Valo tho
Wtf the EN anniversary site is going to be a year old soon where did all the time go
Ok, I've never seen this ending either, but it's really entertaining at least
>Why is this guy such an asshole >That's because he's British >Yeah, true lmao
Elira hopconned with Maririn and Twisty
Oh yeah I already forgot that Krisis had 6 months anniversary when they were in Japan's offcolalb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBydRGjsr28 By the way, Fuuchan will be watching Silent Hill movie with Reimu and Aia tomorrow
I feel like Maririn is one of those "I only watched anime that came out after 2015" people....
>>58737 She watched Rozen Maiden...
>>58738 I feel like the only people that like this anime are Russians, lolicons and /a/ oldfags from 2006
>>58739 And my ex girlfriend who forced me to watch it
Poor Twisty has to endure all the One Piece talk for like 40 mintues already....
>>58741 This also affects me because i really don't fucking care for One Piece
I'm sorry Elira, but Punk Hazard sucked fucking ass. The only things I can remember about it is Sanji possesing Nami's body and Law being cool
I spit out pomegranate seeds too....
Kind of late but man that Reimu and Vanta collab was peak kino. Reminds me of some of the classic JP collabs with Dola and Yashiro. Honestly, can't imagine any collab like this can happen outside of Niji. Such magic can be only produced by specific people with specific vibe in specific environment like this.
>>58745 I think the same but for other reasons with the Vanta and Twisty collabs where she openly calls him her BF, the EN community is so fucking scared of that shit, meanwhile Anju hasn't sucked Belmond's dick because he probably made a restraining order
Wilson Schedule
Mumu schedule
Good to see they can just do this now https://x.com/Tyrant_Vanta/status/1850756759608311879
>Chinese dancing cosplayer from TikTok There's like 90% chance that she also does porn
>>58749 Oh well he just deleted it but
>>58750 I just got reminded of that girl that everyone thought was Rosemi sluting herself on twitter but it was actually a chinese girl
>>58752 There's a girl from Emoechi who sounds exactly like Levi. Some guy posted her on /vt/, told that it's Levi's roommate and people believed him. People there are just this retarded.
>>58756 I follow that girl!
Maririn is $900 away from making an orisong with chat!
>>58751 I think Vanta deleted that tweet because he doesn't want people assume he using that emote for ToT.
>>58759 God he's just like his little sister, she wants her so bad
Millie schedule
Mariring has reached 10k!
She sounded a bit emotional when she mentioned being happy that she chose this path.
>>58727 hopefully she's gonna finish silent hill 2 and go back to two slots for y5
If Mariring sets a goal of playing another singleplayer 3D action game besides portal 2 I might pay for it.
24 hours is up.
Nijisanji Music Festival details. It's a 3 day event, borrowed someone's screenshot of day 1 on twitter. https://www.nijisanji.jp/events/nmf2024/
>>58771 Also everyone in Iluna onwards will only be in 2D unfortunately.
>>58771 Whole of Day 3 is free? can't find the ticket for it
>>58771 Here's all the units and performers - Day 1: >>Angelfeesh >Finana >Aia >>OBSYDIA >Rosemi >Petra >>CUV2 >Vox >Uki >Zali >Claude >>Zuttomo >Petra >Millie >Enna >Reimu >>NIJIAU >Luca >Sonny >Maria >Ren >>Maria (Solo) >>YAMILLION >Shu >Ver Day 2: >>MEDCS >Elira >Sonny >Doppio >Meloco >Claude >>Aia (Solo) >>Uki (Solo) >>Ethyria >Millie >Enna >Reimu >>Starfeesh >Finana >Aster >>DOOM&BLOOM >Rosemi >Doppio
[Expand Post]>>NijiNOVA >Luca >Shu >Sonny >Ren Day 3: >>Vox (Solo) >>Krisis >Zali >Vanta >Wilson >>SEUP >Elira >Petra >Shu >Uki >>DuskMania >Maria >Doppio >>Neapolitan Ice Cream >Ike >Kotoka >>NIJISANJI EN GIRLS >Elira >Finana >Rosemi >Petra >Millie >Enna >Reimu >Maria >Aia >Scarle >Meloco >Kotoka >>Rosemi (Solo) >>58773 Yep, Day 3 will be entirely free and on YouTube.
>>58771 Idk if this is heavy copium but the Nijisanji Girls unit in day 3 is not marked as 2D, i wonder if we get to see them all in 3D or some of them will be 3D and the rest 2D. Also as a sidenote Seffyna doesn't show up as 2D so it seems we'll be seeing her 3D
I miiiiiiiiiight buy day 1 and 2 to watch with anons here and do the same we did last time
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>>58775 No, they just have a 2D marker on their icons.
>>58777 Oh yeah i didn't notice, thank you
>>58778 No problem. Yeah, it's a shame they can't all be in 3D together, but I'm sure their debuts will come soon enough. There's actually hints of some upcoming 3Ds on the JP side, funnily enough. Seffyna and Shiba-chan don't have those indicators in the units they're in respectively.
>>58779 They're gonna make Shiba-san go in all fours fr an hour...
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>>58780 But she's already a dog... Unless this is how she rolls up to her 3D.
>>58781 Her hemorrhoids...
Can we talk about how Doom & Bloom is the best unit name from NijiEN? (sorry Peto, Zuttomo kinda sucks)
>>58783 Bring back NijiUK even their collabs aren't as good since the name change and I stand by that lmao.
>>58783 I really like it, simple but charming. obvious jokes aside, it's cute how he has duets with Rosemi and Maria. He's included in three performances, it's nice to see him be so proactive in singing.
>>58784 >Bring back NijiUK even their collabs aren't as good since the name change and I stand by that lmao. Probably because their actions in the collabs have more stake because of the added official name compared to when they had a non official shitpost name.
>>58774 Looks good, couple of cool new units. Everything is spread around so I'll probably buy both days.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBydRGjsr28 Fuuchan will be watching Silent Hill movie with Aia and Reimu soon. Also, there's Meloco's Birthday countdown if anyone's interested. She'll announce something there probably a cover https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3HtBQ6kriA
https://x.com/KlaraCharmwood/status/1850798478009729263 Klara's schedule. No Hollow Knight but she picked up Wukong again. Also, a Goose Goose Duck collab on Sunday, but Klara doesn't specify with whom.
>>58788 Probably her relationship with me
>>58789 Oh the collab is with Arial, Fu-chan talked about it, it seems he got invited with Denauth + Ver and some other people, not even Arial has the full list listed in her schedule...
>>58788 This reminded me of that shitty practise that EN had in the first year where they straight up had MEMBERSHIP EXCLUSIVE WATCHALONG COLLABS. God, this was so fucking ass. Management was so fucking retarded back then
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>>58788 Wait.... >Movie night >It's morning right now for all 3 of them
>>58791 Oh, nice. I like Arial + glad that there will be a lot of NijiEN members in it
>>58788 Watcahlong is starting!
Oh yeah i forgot Sean Bean is Harry kinda
>My voice sounds a little bit wonky, I've blown it out My bad, sorry
>>58792 Ah yes the promare watch-along where Finana hinted at an illegal hentai site and Pomu was freaking out.
It's ok Aia, they didn't do it because they thought you were a weenie but because they knew it was gonna be your guro awakening like for many people
>>58792 I remember the livers of that Chinese cartoon movie watchalong somehow didn't think to have their own membership POVs for that kek.
It was a fun movie for what it is imo
>>58801 I always thought it was the universal "it's an ok game movie" but some people really hate it
>>58802 I mean, the plot is a jumbled mess and it's mish mashing the plot of 1 and 2 in a weird way, but if you don't think that hard about it and enjoy the movie for what it is, it's alright.
Aia schedule
>>58808 thanks man i thought it was an hour later
>>58809 You're welcome, tell your government to stop changing clocks
>>58810 every year they gaslight us saying this will end soonβ„’
>>58810 But anooon think about the farmers
>>58812 It's 2024, they chose that fate
>"If i ever quit vtubing i should be a real life detective" Feesh is gonna suck dick on the streets if she stops being a vtuber, let's goooooooo
if she reaches to next arc today, i can't wait for the character whiplash
>>58816 Sleazy bar and hostess reviews love !
aia is flirting with finana
Why is there a French song again?
>>58820 the real question is why is it the only one ?
>They both are part of the same parent group It's like if Globie and VSPO were arguing who should hire a girl into their corpo
Feesh said the M word....
>>58809 I think daylight savings for NA is next weekend so it will sync back up
akiyama is confused by people locking their safe
Feesh is getting beat up by a dance instructor.....
The lack of heals finally teached Feesh how to dodge
>>58826 he's the kamurocho disco champ for a reason
>>58827 after 5 games, she should know better and filled her inventory with staminan royale.
Love how this fight is the one that forced Finana to stop just spamming attacks while tanking hits
I would let T-set suck my cock, the pretty one, the other can watch i guess
Doppio schedule!
>"What if someone tries to assassinate me on stage?" Naaaaaaaaaaah, that would never happen
Feesh said she's the one who picked Aia and Aster for duets!
Oh by the way, Feesh also the one who gave management the names of the units for Aster and Aia lol
>>58835 Oh, not exactly. Basically, Feesh pushed Aia and Aster to get included and it's a coincidence that they actually got paired
>"Her manager is getting married today" Just like me with Denauth mane-san
>Is Tokyo bigger than Osaka? Finana would play Maya-chan role well if she was in her place
French anon, help Feesh!
>>58840 to be fair, i had no idea about the french toast.
It makes me wonder how the acting wave if it ever debuts will be like. One thing a quirky person saying that they're an anime character, the whole other is a quirky person straight up pretending to be an anime character
>>58842 I still think the same as i did 3 years ago, the EN community is not prepared for someone playing a character
>>58841 also, here's the french toast known everywhere, and here is what it usually looks like in french households, le pain perdu. Goal is to make rock hard bread from old baguettes into eatable bread
>Haruka wants to try kani 😭😭😭
>>58843 Reminder that people were saying the same thing about big corpo male vtubers before Luxiem debuted
>>58846 Yes but that take is retarded as fuck because it's based on /vt/ unicorns, the thing about characters is that EN community can't fucking separate reality from fiction so if you say/do something in character then they might think you meant it in reality. That is not to say some people act up their personalities because that does happen but no straight up characters because EN community is waaaaaaay too retarded, dramafocused and concerned about babying streamers that they could never appreciate a good character
Wait until Finana finds out about the underground fight arena in Tokyo Dome
Feesh is going to do 1 more Yakuza stream and then will go on break. She says she wants to give it a pause because it's way too long
Oh yeah, I forgot, there's also Maririn's cover. Feesh is going to have 2 covers this week
Besties + Vivi are gonna be flipping burgs in 5 minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HJVR7UW2afs
Feesh is going to play Monhun WIlds with nude mods.....
What the hell does Finana mean by "extra content" in monster hunter
>>58853 Probably hacks/cheats
>>58854 Incoming 2 hour long post collab train story tangent.
Oh damn, youtube is shitting itself
>>58854 It was almost her last collab with Vivi for other reasons
Huh, never noticed that Aia has diamond pupils on her third otufit
>they fucked up the first order it's so over
Man...i wanted to watch the collab but youtube is shitting the bed in my country...
>>58863 Sometimes it's only certain people's streams that lag for me, does everyone's POV lag for you?
>>58864 It's the site itself shitting the bed, even down detector has a huge spike
Aia, you REALLY shouldn't have called Club Penguin cp....
>>58866 >Vatican announces a loli mascot >A literal angel enjoys CP This is not helping the allegations
>are we in Switzerland? >bonjour >isnt it haagen dazs? >don't you know ikea? These girls are racist
Aw, apperently, Aia wasn't suppose to have a solo performance during the Niji concert. It was another duet, but something didn't line up and she will have to perform solo now
>>58871 She said that she didn't really want to do a solo since she felt like she's stealing a spot from someone more qualified, but mane-san worked really hard to get her a number, so she decided to push through it. She still feels really awkward about it though
Enna get your lazy Chinese ass off the register and deliver the burgers for everyone else since they're all cooking
>>58872 Also, the song was picked up by her partner, so it's pretty much out of her league + she'll have an opening number for the day 2... Aia....
Man, Aia is hyperventilating now because of potential "why is she getting a solo slot?" type of retards...
They are now running the fast food place seemingly competently now
Uki's schedule. He'll have an open totsu tarot reading on Halloween
Futa calamitybird in the kitchen
Finally fixed my issue by VPNing to Japan
Funny how both times a TTT member has played this they were on burger flipping duty
>Reimu is drawing a parallel with Leyley Reimu killed a bitch when she was a kid...
Vivi laughing so hard at that exhausted joke...
Of course Vivi didn't laugh at Luca's pun IT ALL ADDS UP.
Elira and Millie both went AFK to throw up.
It sounds like Enna doesn't maintain her vagina there must be some excesss yeast growing down there.
>>58887 Thank you for the insight, i hate you
>>58887 Anon, yeast happens due to fungal infection, not lack of maintenance. Lack of maintenance can cause smegma though
The addition of fries is derailing everything
Mumu says that if your parents think you'd fuck your siblings it's their fault
Locking up the food inspector in the freezer...
>>58895 Pretty sure there was a joke like this in one of the Spongebob episodes
>>58897 mood
Haha yeah Reimu, who would use fake suicide attempts to manipulate people?
>>58774 Still can't fucking believe that Ike and Kotoka named their unit Neopolitan Ice Cream. I'm 99% sure it was Ike's idea because only he can come up with something so incredibly lame that it turns around into being cool. And funnily enough, it's one of the coolest names among ENs alongside DOOM&BLOOM. Everything else is either incredibly corny with just the names that livers used for their makeshift units, or just sounds like ass (MEDCS just doesn't roll on the tongue right, and WTF NijiNOVA even mean???). DuskMania is alright but shit, it sounds like an 18+ doujin name Overall, I'm so fucking happy all things considered. My oshi not only got couple of numbers, but my broke ass can actually watch them.
>>58900 Also, weirdly enough, both Ike and Kotoka haven't posted anything about the concert yet. It's probably time for me to take some happy pills, but I have an inch that they're preparing a collab or something to talk about it because both disappearing without posting anything about THE important thing is kinda sus
>>58774 https://x.com/D_Dropscythe/status/1851035347599376398 By the way, according to Doppio, Doom specifically will be singing with MEDCS. I don't know how the fuck it will even work, but prepare to some schizophrenia with this one
Ren's schedule!
Twisty's schedule
>>58906 FOR FREEEEEEE????
>>58901 Ike has been out of town for a week or so now, for reasons unknown, and the two streams he had while traveling had to both be cut short due to him having other responsibilitiees to do. I'm sure once he finds the time to, he'll talk about it, or at least bring it up. If he does, I'll be sure to jot down what he says here.
>>58906 Why is my sistuber whoring herself out..? >>58907 Well, not for free, people actually payed for this during subathon
>>58908 The sus thing is that he just didn't tweet anything. Like everybody made "Hey guys I'll be here btw cool right", Ike just disappeared right after the announcemnt. Kotoka too btw but it is a habit for her to go into a mind void and not tweet important stuff like merch because either she isn't in a mood and/or forgot about it. For Ike it is really unusual because he always pops out out of hibernation when something like this gets announced. And it's not like he was away from twitter because he tweeted stuff right before the line up of the concert got announced, he just didn't say anything about it.
By the way, Meloco's Birthday stream this year is a collab with Issan https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxcTTv-fkn0 https://www.youtube.com/live/Dl9eZABHv-s I have no idea what Deserted Island training is, so watch it if you'll have time I guess
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mu2FL-122zQ Jimmy is playing Satisfactory btw
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DbQT28wH0N4 Klara's starting. She muted herself in the intro again.....
Klara ate a potato yesterday...
Well, hope this Klara VOD won't get nuked, but it's more likely will be the case
>>58917 >It's also the one stream that Klara turrned the playback off I really hope Klara won't get bonked for this stream too hard
>>58912 Interesting, sounds like an offcollab vlog thing reminds me of Rosemi-sama autistic stranded on an island MRE review..
>>58919 Oh yeah, Meloco went to travel in some weird place recently, it's probably the case
Milord told Willy he wanted to have a villain song but he forgot to do it until Willy asked for an update...
Man, this shit is literally impossible to do without a guide
I only just noticed Vox is streaming in 1440p I guess that's the resolution of his monitor.
>>58924 I thought that's something you can set up through obs
Milord is talking about the benefits of jerking off like ho it reduces the odds of prostate cancer. >When in doubt, rub it out >>58925 He responded back to a supa from a nsfw artist which implied that's his new resolution.
It always has been funny to me how Indos mix hindu and muslim folklore together.
>>58926 It's kind of true. Farmers jerk off horse cocks for a similar reasons
What is he doing he made ouroboros..
Dreadoutactually has incredibly good facial and body animations. Like it's even too good for this game
What the, there's a new feature where the streamer can set up superchat goals it seems
>>58933 Didn't know this is a thing. Don't they have something like this on twitch
>>58933 Probably a new feature. YouTube has been doing a thing that they introduce something new and just give the feature to random channels first as a test. This had happened to superchat likes before, eventually all Niji members got them in like 6 months
>>58935 It's an A/B test, pretty normal thing with all things software
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https://x.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1851258537026207928 Kotoka will be popping in for the boys colalb again.......
>>58937 Dunno what happened to the Backrooms colalb but apperently, Doppio is just doing Project Winter hopcon right now
Honestly, for a game that was made by like 5 indo guys, it is really creepy despite all the scuff
>A couple was burned for witchcraft >are we live in the middle age or something? No, it's just Indonesia
>>58939 Some indo people will said they experienced the same things.
Damn, I think this is the first game that actually made Klara scared on stream
That was actually a really cool SH3 reference
Vox has never put anything up his bum and he never plans to
Ok, that was actually scary kek. I really hope this VOD won't get nuked because it's actually worth to watch for Klara getting genuinely creeped out. Her reaction is kind of unique as she usually just gets frozen when she freaks out instead of screaming
>>58946 Dunno what's in the vod but it'd probably just get trimmed.
>>58947 Her brorther was talking on stream kek. But yeah, it probably will just get edited out, but it may take some time
Vox, I dunno you should keep going on this tangent imo
Ok, despite the incredible scuff and incredibly confusing puzzles, the game was really fun and actually had really good scares in several places. Considering the game was made by several indo guys, it's really good for what it is
>>58938 They finished the Backrooms game in about 15 minutes and didn't know what to do for the rest of the collab.
Oh Fu-chan is playing the World of Horror Noctyx mod https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYvJpPWq1D4
>>58952 It looks actually really cool. Dev said there's two mysteries and two playable characters (Fuuchan and Uki). There's also a lot of references to other Niji members
https://x.com/ReimuEndou/status/1851202972077670589 Apperently, The coffin of Andey&Leyley mindbroke Reimu so bad that she had to postpone the FF7R stream on Sunday lmao
>Fuck you Albanyan and your short skirt that you put on to distract me ngl I would get robbed too in this case
>You find a dead body in the forest >You film it and post it on YouTube >It was a terrible choice, now you have to sell lunchies kek
Fuuchan should do another Niji horror stories writing stream, the previous one was pretty cool
Fuuchan almost mogged Rosemi...
Cute and funny toy😭😭😭
>>58975 rosebuds...
Stargazers are such cute mascots
For Halloween collabs, Vanta will be having a big Hound Automaton collab, Doppio will be doing a tabletop wearwolf collab + Uki's tarot card reading collab
>>58981 https://store.steampowered.com/app/3081120/HOUND_AUTOMATON/ The game that Vanta will be playing. 15 players max. It looks like ass, but I think it will be fun to watch
Fuuchan's saying that Halloween collabs idea was proporsed by Elira. Fuuchan was the one who helped with organizing and Vanta, Doppio and Uki were the ones that proporsed the collabs themselves
Vox finally realised that he never raids anyone. He said that he just forgets that raid is a feature. He usually ends the stream, then looks at people streaming and goes "oh fuck"
Vox, I'm pretty sure people will mock UK even more because of you
>>58981 I really like the idea of them doing a sort of Halloween stream marathon. It's nice that a lot of ENs are going to participate in it and make it like a big celebration, instead of some members doing a scary game stream or a zatsu about Halloween and calling it there. Not to diss on anybody who does do that, it's just nice to see them come together for something like this. I'm honestly pretty excited for Halloween this year.
Vox says that he was thinking about finishing the Akuma castle but he just doesn't really see much point in going back to Minecraft when nobody plays on the server. He still hopes there will be some kind of Minecraft comeback arc in Niji and he would like to play if anybody organizes a new server too.
>>58988 She already did, you just missed it
Why is Vox so good at doing Skinner's voice?
>>58989 >I've missed Elira cumming My life is ruined
Vanta schedule, he's gonna play ER with a DDR pad today
By the way, people are recieving compensations for the cancelled Chronoir concert at AI. Here's the list, it's pretty nice.
>>58994 Oh yeah i saw that, the compensation pack is even more expensive than the tickets, just the watch is like $200
Ryojisan schedule
>Chocolate cake
Finana wants to be spitroasted by the 2 pyramid heads
Finana got so loot brained that she fucking died for the first time in the game
>Finana has colored lenses Is she an ABG?
Finana is a reaction streamer now.....
>Would be suck for people that want to conserve their health Reimu......
This UFO ending is so funny
Chat really should fucking stop to try to shill Dead Souls to Feesh
>>59010 It's always the same retard tbh
Feesh, i'm ngl, this show sounds like a waste of time
Feesh will join drunk phasmo with Elira tomorrow
>GTFO Might as well just talk while you watch paint dry ngl
>>59014 Feesh said that she won't be able to get any drinks on time, so she'll be playing it sober >>59015 Honestly, just play fucking Left 4 dead. GTFO is only fun when people that play it know what to do, otherwise it's ass.
It's fake Rosemi and ghost
Rosemi went to Brazil to get a brazilian butt lift
Wosemi is a sucker for capitalism induced holidays!
Rosemi is sexually harassing me!
>"There's a lof of furries...waow" That's VRchat for you...
Aia is upset that there's no piss guy with her name
Rosemi's next project, the one she went to Japan for, should be coming out at the end of next month
Aia's last 6 streams were demonetized, including her no talking stream. It sucks. She's not really upset about the revenue since she just get pennies, but the demonetization pretty much dumbs her channel into algo pit which is really bad. SHe says that staff is trying to fix it right now, so there's a silver lining to it.
Well Wosemi, i actually get Anycolor not wanting you to upload the model to VRChat because then people could rip it off
>If Rosemi lifts her skirt high enough you can see her tummy HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLY
>Elira is back to Japan in a week why did she even come back
>>59038 To check out if Meow Meow was alive
Rosemi's dad got top weed
Chat is trying to get Elira to play the incest game
>"Daiya is the sweetest girl on the planet" I would've believed you if she didn't suck Doki's dick and acted as if Elira didn't exist while being her sister
Wilson wrote all the tone identifiers for Twisty in Terrasanji as (bratty) and (super bratty)
Wilson told Twisty that the only time he's concerned about having her in his stream is when someone mentions pitbulls
Vanta not enjoying Fromsoft's technical deficiencies with optimizing their games.
>"Twisty what is your favorite baked good?" >"Cookie dough!" Twisty?
Vanta I think you could have just made a new profile via steam input instead of deleting all your current binds lmao.
>7 dollar cookie Twisty wtf
Twisty is feeding me pills!
Vanta's goal is to beat Margit today
Twisty HATES peanut butter
>Twisty's mom carries candy around to give to kids It runs in the family...
Hex gifted Silent Hill 2 Remake to Twisty but she wants to finish Dead Space first
Nice socks
He forgot to bind an interact button so he can't get out of the Chapel of Anticipation lmao.
Apparently Twisty and Klara have a powerwash simulator collab with 2 small corpo girls but i don't see it anywhere
I like how Vanta is unintentionally adding extra challenges like fat rolling and using a weapon that's not upgraded.
If there was a way to bind dodge to a single button and getting rid of the backstep it would be much more manageable
Vanta losing it at his own feet puns...
>Dark soles Literally true.
>>59063 Bro..πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Did Vanta ever got to do the naked run Elden ring DLC
>>59065 Not yet
I still can't tell if Vanta is actually annoyed at his chat or it's banter lmao.
Imagine Enna feet Elden ring stream though
>there's input lag with the DDR pad Why do people do runs with these things again?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdCfkIzUYMU Marrin playing with her sister? I guess she doesnt have a mic?
>why dont you suck these nuts Vanta don't threaten the vantacrews with a good time
>>59072 Aia looks and sounds kinda different today
>MH Wilds limited edition PS5 controller is already sold out
>>59072 I just woke up, my brain doesn't work properly
It's ok Klara, you can probably still get it from a scalper at triple the price...
Finana's cover is Sad Girl Sex
I hope Klara plays the new Monhun and gets attacked by the slimes that eat your clothes https://x.com/chomasa0110/status/1851157072349708583
Pon maid...
>>59079 >Anti-arachnophobia mode Twisty should play this game
>>59082 Although Klara has been trying to convince her to play MonHun and i think it's a good first MonHun for her to maybe drop into, her PC will shit bricks because she cares more about buying 7 bucks cookies than upgrading her PC
>>59083 She really should convince Denauth to do that Monster Hunter Rise collab
Kurara came back!
Klara just beat the prison boss on the first try kek
>>59087 That one took Vanta like 15 tries btw
>I fear what that building would be like if an earthquake were to happen Look at modern Chinese cities and you'll realize that they haven't learn anything in the past 500 years
>>59077 The art is so sexy but unfortunately I am a DECO*27 hater
Klara will kill you if you're stoned
Thanks for reminding me that Petra wanted to fuck a cat
That was a really cool bossfight
I never knew the Yao Guai had a special attack, is it new or Reimu is just retarded?
>Klara chains the baby with the heavy attack That's actually such a good way to do damage, surprised nobody else playing the game actually tried it
>>59090 i wish more people would cover their older songs
Klara beat another noodle
>>59093 back during her debut, the last thing i would have expected is twisty and vanta becoming this dynamic duo
>>59101 Back during debut week i thought she was gonna be a male hater and make an exception for Ryoma tbh
>"He's so cute...i wanna pick him up and just punch him" GIWTWM
Klara's stream has reminded me that Enna played this game too. Has she pretty much dropped it or put it on pause untill she'll be back from Japan?
>>59079 H-Holy....Did she say anything about mh wilds beta perms? I saw a lot of jp playing so i hope she can try it
Klara is judging spiritomatoes that don't remember when Twisty's Birthday is
Oh lmao Klara took 2 days off to play Wilds beta
>>59105 Only thing on Enna's mind now is Silent Hill 2 in terms of games. She mentioned weeks ago trying Wukong on her Japan PC off stream but it was laggier than back in Canada and hasn't mentioned it again since.
I like mouthwashing but holy shit, this game is so fucking overplayed in NijiEN. Half of the branch are going to play it on stream at this rate
>>59111 Moon man....
>Several livers are saying they have something to do today Wonder if there's a meeting or something
Wilson says that Love is all around colalb is cancelled. Wilson is being cryptic about it but apperently, the game is too "spicy" so they decided to play something else
>Ok I'm going to raid "this person" >Raids Millie My sides Wilson
Oh shit Millie made fun of WIlson changing his fanbase's name >Not the deadname KEK
Millie, you and your chat are retarded for different reasons. Yes, it's bad to mix medicine and alcohol, but it's fucking pure alochol. Drinking it would kill you either way
Narrative with jumbled timeline is way too fucking complex for Millie to comprehend
I feel like Millie is the first one to point out that the text font is really similar to Evangelion
>Millie scans the grave >The grave disappeared >Wait, where's the grave? >Starts looking for the grave for several minutes This playthrough is going to fry my brain
Millie, you read a fucking note that says not run. It's not backseating, the game literally told you what to do
>>59110 it's the fotm trendy horror game, it'll pass eventually. if nothing else, it's better than yet another chillashart game.
>>59127 I don't disagree, it's just kind of tiresome to see the playthrough of the same game for 10th time already
Millie, this ship has 5 rooms and 2 corridors, how the fuck did you get lost?
>The kind ones always die first Millie.....
>The game doesn't actually pause when you hit pause Millie discovers new things about the game that nobody has discovered yet
>Am I inside Salome-sama's throat No, you're inside her vagina
Ok Millie, I was joking, but this is actually a vagina now
>Millie doens't want to pee untill she finishes the game It's an omorashi stream now
Ok, she gave up and going to piss now
>>59136 yeah, in my mouth
There was a really bad jumpscare right after she came back and Millie said that if she didn't went to the bathroom she would probably piss herself on stream
Love how Millie just goes "that would be a nice ASMR trigger" everytime she hears any kind of repeating sound
>>59139 Yet she still doesn't pop bubble wrap for me...
>"I don't think she was assaulted" Famillie are specially retarded today
>>59141 It wasn't an assult, it was "surprise sex"!
>Some retard said that Millie lost 500k subs milestone >Well yeah, and I had 0 subs back in September 2021, so? KEK
Millie just found out what geolocation is and now she's scared
ngl Smile is kind of shit when you realize that all of it is just an STD metaphor
>>59141 unfortunately common opinion i've seen about this game. i get that everyone has different interpretations of media but it's especially ironic here that denying the girl got raped is exactly what this game seems to be criticizing
>Millie asks for horror recommendation >Chat recommends her American Psycho I don't think they know what a difference between thriller and horror is
>>59146 It really is a big fucking "whoosh" moment, i think Fu-chan gave the best take on the game saying that everyone except Anya and Daisuke were part of the problem in the ship
Millie is going to postpone her ASMR stream today because she wants to prepare le cratividad stream for tomorrow and she doesn't know wtf it will even be
Millie is going to poop after the stream
Millie is waiting for Finana to start but she's losing patience, so she'll be playing Plate Up for like 20 minutes
"Hey anon those edibles didn't do-HOPLY MOLY"
I just got peed on
Sorry Finana, enough people have compared her with the wigger enough times that i now hate the character
>Sees monkey >Sees rapper >"No wonder this is up Vanta's alley" What did she mean by this?
Ewiwa schedule
Ryoma is playing with a CS:GO player, he needs to escape her https://www.youtube.com/live/NqcLtD1x7-4
Remia got banned from CS:GO
>>59155 i mean, at this point, what's the use of keeping up the masquerade ?
Remia sounds so cute and proper, incredible that she opens CS:GO and tells the slavs to go kill themselves
Feesh, Uki and Vox are playing with Wiwa!
Elira always dies first
From teaching Lazulight about minge and clunge to about being on the blob.
>It's not even that funny Milord...
Elira is pissing
>>59170 Yeah on me
Finana discharge is usually referred to other aspects of the coochie.
>how much did finana drink? >she's 100% sober I love Finana
Urine is literally discharge by definition
So fellas, how's your second penis going?
Mix it in the jar to find out
>>59175 My pissing penis has been on the fritz but my cumming penis has been pretty good.
>All the times Elira has the ghost box she asks the ghost what age is she She's looking for ghost shotas
>Am I an asshole for killing my sister, dear reddit Hmm...
Frisky vet action
Enna being bratty again
I remember when Enna used to keep echoing her stream back then.
Enna has been really cute at the start of the stream but I need to go and run errands now ueueueh
>>59182 The only merch they shipped from the US warehouse was first step goods and some Summer Jam merch, which you could also get from the Japanese warehouse on the EN store like everything else. Hell, they only have up to XSOLEIL listed for the first step goods. So it only changes things for the people living in the US who actually ordered only those items. I doubt it was worth the upkeep on storing those given how few people probably actually used that option, especially now that a cheaper international shipping option is available for the US again and that they sell merch at animate stores in the US.
Finana just discovered from what hole she actually cums
>>59182 Dunno why this is a thing my keychain was shipped from Saitama already
People think sexual education will make their children queer when it's actually meant for people to not end up like Finana
Elira's stuffy vagina...
Finana's pussy is too small...
Shu is a krillin/android 18 enjoyer
Vanta is going shitfaced to his meeting
Elira i don't think people give a shit if you play Phasmo, they want to hear the unhinged conversations to please listen to Wilson
Kek Millie telling Wilson to stop being a pussy dancing around saying Kyo's name
Hopcon Millie and Luca
>Wilson says he doesn't know Anne Hathaway >Uki joins the call again just to tell him how the fuck he doesn't know her Peak gay man
Ok people who said that their favorite FF is 14 should be shot
Vox really wants a sequel to Terrasanji
>>59199 Can you make sequal to a dream sequence?
>>59200 They could retcon the it was just dream ending lol.
>>59183 I finished my errands and came back just as she ended stream I'm not sure if she hates me because I can't watch her live anymore or she loves me and spared me from having to listen to unnecessary supa tangents.
>>59197 Devil wear's prada watchalong when
I don't know what type of redstone contraption Sonny is trying to do but he did it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOfnvtPOTJQ Hound collab is starting soon. There're a lot of POVs, although some members don't have ones and I'm not sure how many people are participating. Here's Vanta's POV since he's the one who organised the collab
By the way, Ike had a schizo skit at the end of his Undertale playthrough today https://www.youtube.com/live/1Wywu8m2Kcw?si=fg9ZO8cThLfNS_Uf&t=12344 It's pretty kino
>>59217 For context, he not only not played Genocide route on stream, but also said during previous streams that he never finished Genocide route at all.
>Wanted to watch Elira's drunk phasmo VOD >It's fucking 7 hours long So... Does anybody have recommendation of any particular part of the stream?
Everybody who's participating. Not sure if anybody else will be joining later
Shadowtempest my oshi
A rando joined and they let him stay because he's been trying to play this kusoge but there's no lobbies
The gameplay is so shit that Vanta thought it was a pre-game lobby lmao
I don't know where the fuck you found this game, Vanta, but it's so ass
Vanta's chat is so fucking retarded
>>59225 Probably on a pile of trash
>>59225 Other place said it was /v/
>>59227 >>59228 Well, that makes sense
>>59228 Same thing
Rosemi has joined the colalb but she isn't in VC
>>59231 She's joined VC now
Oh yeahh, here's Rosemi and Doppio's cover waiting room https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz_v3RjRzHc I forgot to link it untill they brought it up
This reminded me that NijiGTA had the same gamemode and it was so much better there since the arena got smaller which forced people to move all the time.
Something tell me that they aren't really having fun with this game
Why is Vanta so excited to become asian?
>>59241 To please Toma's parents
>Wait, your room shouldn't get hot from your PC? Vanta....
Elira and Wilson are hopping on Lethal Company if anybody's interested
By the way, the next Halloween collab is happening in around 2 hours
Elira and Wilson are a weird duo but they're really funny together
>>59248 Lazulight and brozulight
Wilson sexually assaulted a nurse!
Ryoma hopped in for Lethal Company
Elira wants to play chess with a vibrating buttplug
Ryoma called Wilson's Venom Snake cosplay "a pirate costume" lmao
Enter Jimmy on Lethal Company
Scythekicks scare me
People participating right now. More people should hop on later
Fuuchan, you're probably the only person who ver called Tinder "a straight grinder" lmao
Fuuchan is so obvious when he's the killer, these guys suck at it
Tax collector got Wilson IRL...
Vox sent "kill Shu" message in collab VC instead of in game....
>Vox accidently typed that he's a killer in the VC >Still won because Shu decided to kill Uki after dying Holy luckshitter
Enter Elira for the mafia collab
Elira got immidiatly murdered for being a woman
>The killing reason specified that they love women >Everybody else deduced that it's Wilson because everybody else would just say we hate women kek
They killed Elira for being a woman again
Doppio says Elira can't die because she's a black queen, Fuuchan said that this game is woke garbage
Fuu-chan become anti-woke grifter... No my hero turns bad...
Doppio banned Fuuchan from his DMs because he sent N too many times
Fuuchan got killed for being bisexual
>>59268 Well, at least he isn't a tax collector!
They killed Uki for being woke
Holy shit Vox, I haven't heard this copypasta in years
>Elira is Fuuchan's alpha GIWIWM
Elire X Fulgur. Now that is crackship
>Everybody calls me Fuuchan nowdays, everyone who called me Fulgur left Man...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyhWcf21qzU btw Vanta is playing Buckshot Roulette multiplayer with two FSP guys
Uki, Wilson is always wishy washy
the blacked out eyes is my fetish
Thank you Marie for this sex art
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By the way, Koto got 2 mil on her Show cover https://x.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1851960901546737938 Not sure if that's a Halloween song though
>>59044 Well, I have some fun news for you anon. If that one small corpo girl that was posted sometime earlier actually got into Niji, you'll get to see Daiya a lot as she's her bestie
>>59055 That was a waste of money, because either a) Twisty's PC is probably going to explode b) She'll get stuck on the first puzzle, won't know what to do and just drop the game
Feesh didn't even listen to the song when she decided to make a cover. She just saw the name "sad girl sex" and decided to do it
>>59058 Maybe it's next week? Klara hasn't mentioned anything about it
I'm still pissed off that Feesh never did an afterparty for Cyberpunk Dead Boy
Johnny is a really nice mixer
Finana is going to have a cover with FInanace voice in it!
Honestly, I must give kudos to Feesh as singing in character voice and not sounding like shit needs some extra vocal skills
Feesh is going to have another cover in the future. It's a duet with a girl and in a genre that she hasn't done before
Feesh says that her new outfit is her favourite so far. It will be cool and cute
Feesh is cutting the stream short to take leftover candies from her parents
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v8x9KN4HDBs Uki's tarot card reading stream is starting
I can't believe that I'm saying it, but I would rather prefer Valorant over GTFO
ngl "Extraction shooter" is such a reddit term
Oh yeah, by the way, Finana is going on break in November too. I REALLY fucking hope the next wave is coming soon, otherwise the entire Euro timeslot will be dead for a month
Shame that nobody wants to play Dark&Darker anymore
The transparent asset looks really cool, haven't seen anybody using something like this
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V2jXoE_rEA Scarle is doing 3.5 reveal out of nowhere. She's pretty much just showing a bunch of new toggles like Millie did
Enter Fuuchan
Uki pretty much siad Fuuchan will get this moment
>Fuuchan is going to get sucess from downfall of others HOLONIGS WILL GET BROKE LET'S GOOOOOOO
Fu-chan will kill a dramatuber
Enter Vanta
Well that was a very positive reading altogether
Uki was worried while Vanta just said "we ball" lmao
Enter Wiwa! Let us hope Uki didn't call on to THAT card from mentioning it just now even if he didn't say the name
Oh damn, Elira is doing the big 10 card reading
Yeah Elira, don't be afraid, do the feet stream
Damn Uki, shuffle this deck better
Basically Uki said that Elira is way too nice giving too much of herself to others and some might take advantage of her
>The Hierophant Shinji...
Uki told Elira that now that things have died down she should confess to Enna
>>59328 Kek Elira is telling Uki that se has Shinji as her background image
My favorite card, the 4 of Enna Alouette
Enter Aia
>>59332 LET HER OUT
Hope it means Aia will drop her shitty office desk job in the future
>>59335 Uki can't unsee it now
Enter Millie and Luca?
Luca is Millie's emotional support golden retriever
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>She asked me to come
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I really don't like the last card...
Uki telling Millie to go fix herself before looking for a partner and HE'S RIGHT
I feel like Millie is Luca's emotional support rahter than the other way around
Enter Jimmy
Vox will stop doing BFE and will become a full time Runescape streamer
Enter Elira again
Enter Ewiwa (again)
Be ready, he's gonna say my name
Uki got shocked, I've never seen this reaction before
Elira is going to have her dream wedding with Akechi
Enter grenna
>>59356 No no, she doesn't like Akechi that way, she wants the toxic yaoi with Joker, she wants to fuck Shinji
Enna's discord on her PC doesn't work for some reason, so she's using her shitty phone
>There were 7 peopleand 8 readings >What happened to 8 person, did they die? >I'm sure if any of us died we would get a slack notification My sides
Grenna is doing love live reading
>>59360 Some time I amaze with Enna on how non-chalant she is about other people dying.
>>59360 Hey one of my co-workers died of the coof and we got a slack notification...
Enna is gonna get herself an escort tonight!
>>59364 Yeah, me
>>59365 What's you rate?
>>59366 Fisting is 300$
We need another tarot reader in Niji for Uki
Enter Shu
Basically shu is a great support but he should be careful to not forget about his needs
Enter Sonny
>Are they cute? I can tell Sonny is holding himself from asking are they funny
Stop being a creep, Sonny
Huh, Uki did 3 cards reading for the future instead of past/present/future, that's an odd one
Enter Wilson
Uh oh, Uki's freaking out
Wilson got the tower........
>The tower Oh...
Basically, Uki said that Wilson is way too kind and trusting and gives himself away way too easely, which can lead to other people taking advantage of him
>>59379 Also, he said that it's unusual that so many cards repeat during readings, but it's understandable since all of them are in Niji
Vanta, I think you're enjoying beating the nurses down way too much...
>>59381 >Vanta is a ryona enjoyer >Twisty wants to get ryona'd Hmmm...
>I'm not into getting vommited on, I'm sorry Sukoya...
For that one anon who was asking for Wilds stream, Rosemi will be playing it tomorrow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vp-dKSsm94
Vanta really doesn't get the celestial symbols puzzle
He solved the puzzle after thinking about feet
I think this is the first time I've heard Maririn mention her doll father passing away when I occasionally watch her she kind of just implied it.
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>>59309 no...
>Do I have male OCs? Hell no. Why would I commision to draw a male LMAO? >I would never let my OCs come close to a male Vanta is a unicorn...
ngl Vanta, like 90% of NijiEN yuri ships just suck ass. It's not even about if it feels awkward or not, most of them just not enjoyable. Also, Vanta says that he follows his own ships and he refuses to elaborate on most of them, so there's a high posibillity that he looks up arts of him and Twisty/Klara
>>59390 for me personally there was a potential with vivi and klara design wise but alas it’s not happening in the slightest
Peto will be in this year's NijiFes announcement! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hV3zd4Ls3Qs
>>59390 some of them get really nice art sometimes but yeah. honestly, i feel that way about yaoi ships in EN too, so maybe it's just that they all feel way too much like friends to imagine any of them kissing
>>59390 Elipomu, we were eating good for years now we barely get a crumb
Owh how I loath the implycation
>>59395 Bro trying to ruin Enna being kind and caring in the replies kek
>>59396 That is funny. But my issue with other person(neither enna or quinn).
>>59394 Elipomu always felt pretty forced, never liked it. Not to mention Pomu acting like Elira never existed now while condoning her new shitty fans that straight up openly harrased Elira leaves extremly bad taste in my mouth. I used to like Ocean Law and Kunai/Vivi but these ones now repulse me for similar reasons. Well, at least with Kunai and Vivi you could say that they went out in Romeo and Juliet style lol
>>59398 Pomu's only ship is with clout
>>59398 I've mostly moved on from Elipomu now but I liked it at the time and try not to have current events sour my memories of it.
Man...i hate that the day after we have all the streams we get the day with no strams...
>>59400 Yes because Pomu is a leech.
>>59285 Well nevermind. That girl just reincarnated and decided to stream on a new channel with a chibi model probably just didn't like her corpo Either way, I'm out of options of people who might get into next wave tbh.
https://x.com/RYOCLIPZ/status/1852382292565483748 Finana's screams are such a blessing. This shit sounds like a stock horror sfx scream
>GTFO is like left4dead but more yeah, more boring
Finana how the fuck do you miss...
Oh damn, Vanta is almost at 200k subs, i normally don't pay attention to this stuff but happy to see he's gonna reach a milestone during these trying times
Finana lost no nut november
>all neon players should be chemically castrated claude is malding
Denauth are starting!
Ryoma should challenge Ren with these levels of luckshittery
In the classic Mario Party fashion, it ends up in the players vs. CPU battle
I've never heard Twisty being so mad lmao
>This is unlawful termination, you'll be hearing from my lawyer Denauth is black company....
>Star spawned right before the space where Ryoma is wtf is this luckshittery
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Kind of hard to believe that it has been almost 6 months since Denauth debuted hope they're getting pappes for the anniversary like TTT got Also, Denauth's 6 months kind of crosses out the last week of this month for any huge events, so if the new wave is debuting this month, it will be either in 2 or 3 weeks.
>>59423 Also, patternwise, I feel like in 2 weeks is the most likely time window. Almost all waves debuted either between 10 - 20 or 25 - 30 dates of the month (Luxiem is kind of an outlier but they deubted in December, so the management just couldn't debut them on Holidays) So, the next wave should be debuting on 15 - 17. If not, well, congratulation on Niji debuting only 3 people in EN this year since there are just no other timeframe to fit new livers.
By the way, what kind of new livers would you want? I would like to get some retro/indie (good isoteric indie, not another chillashart kusoge) gamer of any gender or a fabled GFE. In general though, I just want more Euro timeslot streamers
>>59425 I'd like a megane, somebody with darker skin than just a mild tan, as you said, somebody who plays retro games would be nice, it'd be really nice to have somebody who plays games outside of the usual, games nobody has played before, and somebody who's not afraid to lean into the "playing a character" part of being a VTuber. I know we already have some members now who do that sometimes, but the actor wave audition form implied they'd be actively playing a character the entire time they're online, which would be interesting to see, think Salome and how she's always in "ojousama desuwa~!" mode. If they have all those traits, I wouldn't mind if they were a boy or a girl, they'd have my attention either way.
>>59425 I want a factorio vtuber
>>59425 I'm a simple man, i want a red head and a mascot character that stays in character, if we talking content i'd like someone that plays more autism games like Nina did and Maririn does to some extent but on euro hours, it'd be nice to finally have a brit girl too maybe
>>59425 Someone who plays retro games, with a preference for Hack 'n' Slashes, and for designs, all I want is a shota.
>>59425 I'm currently unable to keep up with my kami and nioshi I call for deceleration instead lol. Honestly I don't have any preferences as long as they feel fun to watch that's good enough for me.
>>59425 realistically, in today's EN climate, the best I'd dare hope for is just someone who can get along with their coworkers and keep up with corpo work and restrictions. tbh i had my doubts with twisty but she gets along with her non-wavemates far better than i expected, while being pretty entertaining at it too. if i'm being hopeful, maybe a girl that can play instruments and does musical streams
>>59426 >I'd like a megane Hex......
>>59431 Twisty is pretty good at optics and also usually restrains herself when she sees that a person she's around with is bad at bantering.
She's gone....
>Alban raided his JP AC stream into Klara's That's actually nice. Hope some of takaradachis will stick around
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Reimu says Enna has 5k ping on discord, so they'll use slack for voice chat
They already have problems to join each other to the game they wanna play. Reimu joined the slack call, there is millie and petra
>>59441 Zutt
slack is ass, petra is cutting all the time. Also enna pc refuses to boot now, probably due from the lack of elden ring streams
Assuming they resolve their problem, they planned to play fast food simulator
they're switching to jackbox games
>Can't send superchats and membership >All my chat messages gets eaten I thought I got shadowbanned but this shit has been happening on every channel. Is it some YouTube bug or YouTube just fucking banned me and didn't tell me? Does anybody has this issue?
I refuse to believe their tech problems are actually that hard to resolve. Although I do get that ping spike issue on discord on my end while everything else seems to be working.
>>59447 Ok, now the stream keeps getting crashed on my end. YouTube is fucking breaking for me for some reason
>>59448 everything is hard when you're retarded
>>59447 I don't, maybe it's adblock
enna is alive
>>59451 Addblock is off on YouTube, I have no idea what's the issue is. I even tried to clear cookies but everything is still broken. I just hope it's a bug and not YouTube personally fucking with me
>>59453 have you tried another browser ?
enna is a phone streamer now
selfcest has enna's seal of approval
>>59454 I tried, doesn't work. Seems like account issue. I tried to send a gifted and it just loads infinitly. At least membership works but everything else is broken when it comes to interactions
I'm actually so upset that they can't play fast food simulator fuck you Enna you're always unprepared in every collab I HATE JACKBOX. Please take care of yourself and rest well I know you're sick.
I just opened mumu's stream why is the screen black
>>59457 >I tried to send a gifted and it just loads infinitly. have you tried at least chatting or more on your phone then ?
This is like those totsus where the livers are browsing stuff online and not sharing anything with chat except now they've evolved to not share the game. >>59459 The game isn't ready apparently.
>>59457 Either way, it seems like a bug because even with shadowbans usually I could send supas. I sent a report to YouTube so I really hope it will get fixed
>>59459 check those >>59439 >>59443
>Eat shit for writing this kek
What's a mek
This is so chaotic in so little time
>>59460 HOLY SHIT IT WORS ON THE PHONE THANKS Seems like a YouTube bug specifically as it just doesn't work on my PC for some reason. Hope it will get fixed soon
>>59468 Now that you mention it playback on mobile is so much smoother than on desktop in my experience.
>>59472 FORGOT TO MEME TEXT >mfw this stream
Millie's no answer is actually the best answer tbh
Petra's puppy doxx, don't open
>>59481 >"yeah I pass the sex ballot, how can you tell
Petra benefits so much from nepotism with RIku being her uncle too.
>>59470 It just sucks that I couldn't even fucking tell if something is broken or I got banned just because. It's like an entire platform is build on spaghetti
>>59484 it may be your isp provider who's fucking with youtube, back in my old home i couldn't watch a stream live either on twitch or youtube and when i moved place, same pc but shittier connection i could watch those no problem with same quality
What is mek
Not the Mek again kek
>it has their name Huh...
Funny colleagues was a much better answer
>>59485 Nah, I've checked on the phone through the same wi-fi and everything works. It just doesn't work on my PC for whaterver reason
>>59498 Have you tried updating your browser
>>59500 The slow reveal at the left on fucking sent me kek
>millie's response Millie...
>>59499 I've tried clearing cookies, cash and even tried using a different browser and it still doesn't work. It's just broken on PC for me in general
Didn't know enna learned russian accent
>brazilian world championship music Now that she pointed it out the music sounds like it'd fit for Eddy gordo's theme
Ke the champion of fertility
>>59508 Original vs shiny
Thank you Grenna it's been a while
I hope mek becomes a short lived meme after this stream
Beautifully drawn petor
Maybe if you had actual output as a unit you wouldn't be underappreciated kek.
Oh man pasties is my fetish.
>Pop culture guessing game Enna and Petra are going to finish dead last.
Remember, no american
ERMP or NijiUK >>> Zuttomo
>But Moby Dick is a whale >Is it? What did she think it was?
The voice kind of sounds like Nina lmao
The narrator does reminds me of nina
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>>59535 >>59536 i don't hear it : /
>>59537 I think it more of the cadence than the voice
Do they not know Roald Dahl lmao.
but hulk is also a cartoon
Kek I instantly got Enna's, voyage is so obvious.
>>59544 death ?
>>59545 What other popular voyage is there in pop culture lol.
>>59546 i dunno, Around the World in Eighty Days ?
>>59547 I forgot about that one but with how big titanic's box office that was my first choice.
>>59548 yeah you're right, i didn't consider who was making the prompt
Enna.... I know you read the chat
>>59550 Hey maybe it was from Enna's mental health research reps she did before her mom got diagnosed mek.
seems there will be a public mario kart session with viewers later
Zuttomo is out
>>59557 Yeah and into my bed
>buckshot roulette got multiplayer Good move by the devs, sounds like it'd be fun
>>59559 Get the image and make your own on a custom shirt seller
After Mario Party with viewers, there will be Buckshot Roulette colalb with Rosemi, Fuuchan, Elira and Doppio
>Many people in Niji wanted to try the backshot roulette Well of course, have you seen your ass?
>backshot roulette Mumu...
>I really wanted to try backshot roulette with other livers Reimu...?
Is she jetlagged or is she just having fucked up sleep schedule now
>>59563 >>59564 Reimu will be the one doing backshots btw
>>59566 She's preparing to not get jetlagged for Taipei
>>59567 Let's goooooo reicock!
>>59566 She's a retard and is trying to "adjust" her sleep shcedule untill she travels. I don't even know why, considering the plane ride is going to fuck her sleep shcedule up either way
Reimu is going to play some games with her usual latino girls friends after Buckshot Roulette
>there's too many PP Yeah, mine
>Spanish pp Reimu......
>Mumu is against AI voice I mean it's fair, she's a singer, but she should protest it in the form of more karaokes
I'm against art/video/sound generative AI because my dad is using it to make "funny videos" and he keeps sending them to me and they're the worst slop i've ever seen
>>59576 > my dad is using it to make "funny videos" and he keeps sending them to me Honestly he should have tiktok brainrot instead atleast skibidi fanum tax is not ai generated frfr
>>59576 The only AI product I use and like is DLSS
Look at the reimundies tag live, Reimu, you should do that and tell phantomos to spend money on comms
>>59578 For me it's making python scripts that i'm too lazy to type
>>59578 I personally doubt that DLSS is actually AI imo, but what do I know I have an AMD card
Oh fuck right, Reimu uses tilt controls
Is tilt controls like you physically turn the switch like a steering wheel?
Smart steerinfg is actually shit because it doesn't let you got through some shortcuts
Well Scarle showed us her underwear
>>59586 I dont think she knows,
>>59586 >>59587 Scarle said on stream that she got bonked for it by mane san afterwards.
Someone made a very nice Terrasanji animation https://x.com/Umbrexla/status/1852667066010226728
>>59592 >>59592 Needs to channel more KuguRie
Reimu is mad at that one phantomo cheating on her with Finana
They will take turns to backshot Reimu!
Reimu, some people straight up can't unroll their Rs. At least people that don't can't roll don't sound like retards
>"You butchered my language" It's a language started by some barbarian tards going "eugh ogh" and have like half of the phonemes other languages have
>>59598 >retards You mean letards
Based Reimu is saying that Spaniards should've wiped out English from the Earth
Buckshot roulette collab is startign in around an hour
Reimu, Doppio is a pure retard when it comes to puzzles. I remember watching him playing Mouthwashing and when the game told him to find sweetener, he was looking at one bed for around 2 minutes and said "ok chat, I'm not looking for thist, tell me where it is". And it wasn't even a puzzle
>Ugly women don't exist Ok Reimu, your femcel licnese is revoked
Fuuchan says Reimu is a saint
I'm really disagree with what Fuuchan said about streamer being unable to become parasocial. Unfortunately, a lot of retards become unironically depended on chat, which leads to really bad stuff Sayu is the worst example of this
Enter Doppio. Also, Fuuchan is there too, I forgot to mention it
Enter Ewiwa! They're starting playing Buckshot Roulette
Ewiwa already watched Homicipher trailer 6 times
Elira is buying Homicipher
Reimu wants to fuck Mr. Silver
Gotta love how Youtube decides to shit itself with their server in my country so bad that when i VPN to Japan i get perfect service FOR THE SECOND TIME IN A WEEK
>>59613 Anon, I still can't chat on YouTube on my PC for 10 hours already
Elira is in blond guys
Love how everybody only remember sakuga when it comes to any Ufotable anime
>>59616 Remember they were supposed to make a Genshin anime that was announced like 2 years ago?
Reminder that in TGS you could play this in person
Reimu's heavy breathing is kind of hot
Mumu won!
>3 blank, 1 live >Elira shoots herself with a live Holy shit luck
>"Ok Mumu, who should i shoot?" >"Yourself"
This was really fun
Reimu will be playing in Spanish with the girls because she's afraid they'll start saying slurs if they play in English
>>59624 Better than Uno tbh
If i ever join NijiEN i will refuse to play Uno with everybody, my oshi could ask me to play it and i'd spit on her face because the fucking alternate rules make the game so damn fucking long and frustrating
Eru is so cute i love her
>Eru eats and swallows chicken wing bones >She almost choked and died once She's so retarded i love her
Imagine wanting a multiplayer online game to be played with other people
>"If it doesn't load for you we can change games" PLEASE DO
Ubisoft can't go broke soon enough
They're changing games because Ubisoft is SHIT
Reimu has just realised that the game is randomly generated
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>Eru got lost Yeah in my house
>That retard casuallty finally got timed out Thank fucking God
>>59640 I didn't know it was my birthday too
Fu-chan and Aia are in Mr. Underhill's graduation btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WuCbc8nbTk8
God i wish they did a cover of the spanish Hercules songs that the muses sing
I'm ngl, everyone makes a lot of fuss for jetlag, i just stay awake by whatever means necessary until the night, pass out and just get used to it in a day
Mumu says that if you have more than one pape of the same liver, you sexually abuse one of them
By the way, Twisty uploaded that video she made for the Halloween gameshow. It is pretty kino if you haven't watched it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CMHPcMmb84
Well Reimu Ethyria cosplayers are very high there in the list yeah but also Elira cosplayers exist
Elira is freaking the fuck out, she's on cloud nine
Finana said that not long ago they basically told them that twitter spaces are ok now as long as they only talk in them, no singing and no having music/sounds from games they can't play, basically don't use it as a way to evade perms
The Grim Reaper said Elira's name and she almost had a heart attack
>>59649 I mean, Scarle had a Twitter space like few weeks ago, so it's no surprsie
Luxnoc Mario Party Jamboree but it's actually 5 people https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nvnEXw1HIsc
Ok, the characters are: >Fu-chan: Rosalina >Alban: Bowser Jr. >Sonny: Boo >Uki: Shy Guy >Shu: Spike >Luca: Ninji >Ike: Yoshi
This battle royale mode is boring as fuck, wish they just played a normal Mario Party game mode
https://x.com/Tyrant_Vanta/status/1852533730122109016 Vanta's short where he talks about his penis reached 1 mil views. Congrats?
I'm recording Ren's karaoke btw, will upload it later
Of course it had to start with a Green Day song
Oh damn, Ren is playing the piano
>>59666 >"Hey Ver, do you like Huey Lewis and the News?"
>>59666 >Now let's take a look at doppio's card
>>59670 Imagine the shitstorm if its true though lmao
>Reimu will be playing the Life is Strange new game for 3 days next week Guess i'll be watching Fu-chan at euro hours
Mariring will be doing another 100 song karaoke in the future!
Elira freaking tf out because she saw a nipple on stream https://x.com/erunachu/status/1853005453342769551
Elira's reaction when Grimmy confesses to her https://x.com/HeyBroEsperanza/status/1852982860560433556
>>59679 Pio and Wose will announce fuck a fan fest after the cover gets 1 mil
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h65KDHS7oPs Reimu is starting FF7R soon. She should be finishing the main story today. Also, several phantomos in chat told the chat didn't work for them on PC too, so it's actually some kind of YouTube bug that affected couple of people yesterday
>>59683 >>59675 He looks like the prince from Shrek
>>59684 Yeaaaaah lucubs were making that comparison too kek
>>59682 >Reimu is starting FF7R soon. She should be finishing the main story today. There's post game?
>>59682 YT is super whack, yesterday my tab crashed 5 times when watching streams
>>59686 Well there's the Yuffie side story but i don't think she's ever gonna touch that kek, there's also the second part of intergrade that has the part after Midgar
>>59686 There's a DLC with Yuffie and Zack >>59687 The stream was just fucking ending out of nowhere for me like 10 - 15 yesterday. Reloading the page helped but it was supper annoying
>>59688 Chat told her during the last stream that there's Zack in Yuffie DLC and she said she is going to play it kek
Reimu finally beat her sugar addiction
>>59692 >Saki saki 5 dolla
Reimu still having to count with her fingers is the main reason she doesn't know how to use a 24 hour clock
>minor Gods 😭
I know people love it but i'm also gonna say the hot take that the materia system is so fucking bad and time consuming because it's badly made, you should be playing games and doing fun stuff, not sorting through menus leveling up your balls
>>59697 Anon, most of JRPGs and CRPGs to an extend are like this. If you get into the genre, you must be prepared to spend hours in menues sorting and midmaxing skills
>>59698 No, fuck that ideology, they're not all like that and i can even tell you that FF6 literally had "equip summon, learn skills" and even 5 had "equip class, learn skill" and it was simple and you still had lots of options to make the character like you want, even on CRPGs i spent less times in menus than in FF7 because i don't have to sort all the fuck ton of same materias in different levels and change equipment to see what the fuck has a link and then see if it even is a good equipment and if the link is worth, also haha don't you wanna equip this materia that doesn't do anything unless you level it up a fuck ton? Haha so funneh
>>59699 Well, at least it's not like in the original Trails games where your whole character build is a link and if you want to change a skill in the link you'll have to rebuild your character completely. There are way worse systems in FF series too, like in 8 where you just need to fucking grind for hours to build a character how you want, otherwise fuck you.
>>59700 Oh yes, 7 is bad imo but 8 is the fucking worst because it's a grindfest only bearable in the new versions with the fuckton speed up. You can see how FF9 had the best system with classes + weapon learning because they literally implemented the weapon skill system in FF7 Remake
>>59699 πŸ€“ummm aktually it's game philosophy not ideology
>>59702 I will call it that when Socrates makes a game instead of making a snarky 3 hour long game essays
Reimu is doing the same fucking mistake that she did in the OG and just unequipps everything from party members that aren't part of her core team, which results in the game constantly fucking her when it switches the party up
>"Do you wanna be ice guy again?" Oh i see how it is, just because Barret is black he needs to be Ice T
Fun to see they made Tifa become besties with the woman that is NTRing her in this game
Goose Goose Duck collab is starting soon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8jIFG5q1iE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrJGtPzMnts https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ee0tMXmQf-E Ver dropped out because he has some familly matters
>>59707 >Ver dropped out because he has some familly matters yeah, he's giving birth and I'm the babee
>>59710 Happy birthday
>>59710 Who's the father?
I love Globie girls with their Euro accents
>>59713 My ears got violated by the italian girl
God Ala's accent is so hot
>You're getting reported for harrasment >Yeah, so? Don't treat me with a one week break LMAO
I hope the spiritmates commission that NSFW art of Arial, Klara and Twisty
Klara voted Twisty out....
Twisty said Klara will be sent to the reprogramming center for being a backstabber
God, Vance is so fucking loud
>Klara is Alu's lover It should've been meeee
Klara is fired because she's a FUCKING CHEATER
Klara won by doing absolutely nothing
>>59722 That's Twisty's fault, she sounds too white unlike Ala
>>59726 It was a joke, but she actually sounds kind of black lmao
I feel like Klara actually got upset for voting Twisty out....
Fu-chan won by playing the role of a dramatuber
Watching Mumu's FF7R stream why is she struggling so much is it a skill issue or is the gameplay just shit
>>59730 I'm not watching right now but it's usually both
>Ringing the bell to reset the pigeon infection Holy shit that's actually really smart
Reimu is ragequitting because reverting to checkpoint after dying to boss doesn't trigger auto save
>>59733 Tbh i get it for a PS1 game but not for FF7R
>>59733 I was AFK but oh lmao. Is she going to finish the game next week?
>>59735 Tonight, her perms expire next week
>>59735 She's gonna try to beat it again later today because the perms is gone next week.
>>59736 >>59737 Can't she just ask for perms later or does she really want to finish the game before her break?
>>59739 Square Enix has shit perms system, the type where they need to ask for perms for each stream, she thought she was gonna finish it today and probably didn't ask for perms for next week
>>59741 Blame Fuuchan for this because Ryoma had no bombs
>>59742 It doesn't matter, Klara literally saw Ryoma kill the pelican because she was inside the pelican lol
Poor Arial always gets killed first kek
Fu-chan got himself a milky italian girl
>Twisty tells Ryoma she's not gonna vote for him even though she knows he's the killer >Tells everyone outside the meeting to vote for Ryoma Sasuga ojou-sama kek
Twisty is a retard and didn't get the bit to not vote for Arial...
>>59747 Twisty actually wanted to kill her with her own hands because she was avenger, she told Riko to be the sacrifice
>>59748 The point of the bit was to let her win this round, Twisty really didn't get it and just went "oh..." after the round ended
>>59750 Tbh Riko didn't either
>Is pissboy a role Ryoma.....
>>59751 Well yeah but Twisty was the one who wanted to take her out
>>59753 I'm gonna add that Klara should've told Twisty outright because this is someone that has the attention span of a fly
Aimee you're an abosolute retard
Doppio is ending Flayon's boyhood btw https://x.com/D_Dropscythe/status/1853172868571652185
It's so hilarious everytime to see people playing with Fuuchan these types of games for the first time. None of them expect what a menace he is
>>59757 During the round he died second someone in Twisty's chat said the game became 50% more predictable and i fully endorse that
Twisty saw Fu-chan kill and instantly killed him for the good of the balance of the game
>>59759 Oh he killed Klara, deserved
>>59759 Didn't he kill himself because he's a vigilante?
>>59761 Nope, vigilante can kill anybody once, sheriff kills himself if they kill a non killer. Basically Twisty saw Fu-chan and just killed him
Everyone was sooooooo fucking retarded that round, at least i expect them to learn WHY YOU SHOULDN'T GROUP UP WITH A PIGEON
Twisty left because her pizza arrived, also she's on 2 hours of sleep
I jumped into Klara's stream after Twisty ended but got ear raped because idk what the fuck she did with her sound settings so i'll guess i'll just watch Ryoma
These peopel are so fucking retarded
>Kohaku was Riko's lover God i wish i were Kohaku
Ryoma's BG
Holy shit Klara, just tell Meloco to give you raid perms. You even collabed together, this is just fucking dumb
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O7AKVrrEDNI Ewiwa is having a powerwash collab with Luca tomorrow....
Ryoma stream with Elyza and Hysteria from EVE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgM2jLAsDKM Btw Elyza's model is so sex
>Meloco just stopped streaming Meloco is a Euro streamer now
Ryoma is teaching the girls how to pole dance
>I see a post from a very small indie on my feed >Twisty follows her Sasuga ultimate groomer
>>59778 It's probably one of her old friends
>>59771 Amazing thumbnail
That was an incredibly fun cover
>>59781 By the way, it's a song from the same artist that did turing love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PuvNKWgCN0Q It's a banger and yeah, weird that nobody has covered it before Rose and Pio. Also, they did a really great job with it
>>59781 That's a very cute song, i feel like i need to watch the MV everytime it'll play on my playlist tho because it's also so good
Ryoma the only based american that hates well done steak
Fu-chan schedule
>>59787 Just started!
The cover has been in the works for 1 year after their last karaoke party in Japan
Neither of them know what the song is about
Doppio is going to get impregnated by Rosemi....
No...they are reactubers...
I wasn't liveposting but I've been listening to the zatsu in the background. TL;DR: >They got an idea to do a cover sometime after the Christmas Party >Because both of their new outfits were chunni as fuck, Doppio decided to make a unit together and Rosemi liked it >Rosemi was the one who brought up the idea to cover this song and Doppio liked it >They originally wanted to cover a different song but management said no due to perms fuckery. Fortunately, they'll be able to sing this song during the music fest >Doppio actually doesn't know wtf omegaverse is
>Doppio asked Melo for feedback >She said she liked it >Doppio said this was useless KEK true tho
Rosemi and Doppio say that EN just suck at giving constructive criticism. All of them just say "Oh yeah you sound good guys" which doesn't have to improve the song lol. They said they mostly relied on each other and the mixer
Kek Rosemi is trying to silence Doppio so he doesn't spoil the song they're covering for NJU
Pio keeps trying to spoil their music fest song kek
Rosemi almost died due to her astma during AR live and Summer Jam...
>Rosemi, if you die, the cover we work on won't come out Love how it's the thing that Pio is concerned about lol
No furniture hazukashiiiiiii!
Haven't seen anybody bullying Rosemi so much since Nina kek
>Rosemi has a box of tissues on her table She furiously masturbates every night
>>59809 That's actually a really cool pitch all thigns considered
Doppio and Rosemi say that Jeff Bezos controls all the pigeons, they're going to get a nice little visit from the glowies this night
>>59810 I'd say the same if it wasn't a ball
>What is going to happen after 1 mil >OH >Silence FUCK A FAN FEST LET'S GOOOOO
Doppio was beating it while Rosemi was pissing
>>59812 It's alive if it's not a pitch but if it's a pitch then it's redone, yes this is an actual rule
>>59814 He's just like me frfr
Vanta and Claude off-collab in 2 hours! https://www.youtube.com/live/UhmOMIGrdRY You can send them maros with topics to talk about! https://marshmallow-qa.com/5gevodz5i2jj54j?t=nwDenU&utm_medium=url_text&utm_source=promotion
Reimu is finishing FF7R even if she rages https://www.youtube.com/live/kreAhoTTwUg
Reimu has learned to pull out!
>Why is he so tanky Well I don't fucking know, maybe it's because you aren't attacking his weak spot?
Thank you ending of the game for reminding me why i hated the remake so fucking much
>>59822 Some people treat Remake as FFVII - 2 and I get it
>What if in this reallity Zack is alive and he's going to save us Hahahaha yeah it would be really crazy right hahaah
Whenever a developer doies "le quitky jab at the fanbase" i just wanna say cry me a fucking river, you built this monster, profited from it and now you're a saddy little boy angry that the fans will hate you for doing something different? Grow the fuck up, many games change their formula and great remakes that change a lot from the OG content exist and they don't spend hours crying about how the fanbase would be mad about it
>Correction πŸ˜­πŸ’’
Aren't these 3 whispers suppose represent those fuckboys from Advent Children?
>Game makes an event happen where you can't input commands >Meanwhile the boss fucks you up good while you can do anything Sasuga Nomura, great game
>>59829 *can't do anything
Tbh the "he interrupted your ability!" moments in this game are so annoying near the end because these fucks can interrupt your skills 3 times before you cast a high level spell
Damn Reimu, it's almost like this game isn't aimed at people that didn't play the OG or something
The fucking "i'm waiting, Cloud" always cracks me the fuck up because it's the same sound clip copy and pasted everywhere
Reimu you've played this game for 30+ hours and you STILL DON'T KNOW THERE'S ATTACKS YOU CANNOT BLOCK
>Summon Ifrit >Cloud dies >Ifrit disappears Sasuga Nomura
I must agree with Reimu, it was incredibly gay
Reimu you're so fucking easy
>"Haha everyone is happy don't worry the power of friendship won again!" I fucking hate this so much and i hate Nomura so much and how much damage he has done to FInal Fantasy with his shit stories for kids
>"What did you do Tetsuya Nomura?!?" I ask this every day
>>59839 Nomura watched original Star Wars trilogy and said "Holy shit let me do this but with alternative timelines, evil fate ghost and weird musical numbers like in Kingdom Hearts based on FF 7 compilation"
>>59841 Well that and he wanted to jack off to Sephiroth
If your first thought about a FF game is that it gives you Life is Strange vibes then there is something VERY wrong with it
Reimu is going to put one of the Life is Strange streams next week and will play FF7 DLC instead!
Mumu schedule since she showed it on stream
>>59845 Saturday is actually FF7 DLC
>>59845 Updated schedule
Mumu doesn't know that RDR can be emotionally draining
I'm more mad about the shameless milking, i'd be actually extremely mad if they gave this treatment to FF9 tho
Reimu, you barely ban people with how shit your chat is. I don't know whom you even block unless it's people that straight up tell you to kys
Kind of funny how Reimu straight up memoryholed bawling her eyes out during Nina's graduation stream
>Why do you put your name in capslock Pretty sure this guy used to watch Nina and put the name in capslock as a joke because it was easier to read for her
>>59853 Millie....
>Raiding an ASMR stream Reimu you retard......
>>59848 >*skins dog* >Jack : just like you taught me pop
Youtube thought Millie's last ASMR was too sexy and striked it
>>59857 Yeah, at the butt
Mariring cover waiting room is up, the cover is Pinky! Pinky! And it'll premiere in 5 days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QlOepJ0cUg
Willy schedule
Feesh's schedule. No Yakuza, sorry
Milord starting off with his movie milestone zatsu with a fictional heavy hearted tone, or at least I think part of it is an act lol.
F for the 3 men that died for that third outfit.
>>59865 Imagine eating 3 americans, your cholesterol would be over the clouds
With all the dumb drama amongst Vox's fanbase over the years every time he does a heavy hearted talk with his lore as the backdrop you can fit all the dumb drama into what he's talking about and it can fit really well.
Kindred know the importance of media preservation
>>59868 Oh damn, nice
Milord saw a little girl struggling to get off the train and no other commuter was letting her get off so he just yelled at everyone to stand the fuck aside. I think he just wanted to eat her.
Reimu this is not a super complex horror game plot, John's wife is back home, you know, where they can't fucking kidnap, rape and shoot her in revenge
Reimu is a horse girl
>>59874 In a normal way or in a white woman way?
Is mumu still at the start?
RDR1 looks pretty good, it holds up to the sequel as a pc port
>who invented the bank MUMU DONT
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>>59861 >no yakuza
I now understand why one of you guys here cant stand that kiryuu guy he's such an attentionsaint >boo hoo my main got banned imma make my alt username all about the ban
>>59880 I hate him for that and because he backseats wrongly in the most confident way, not only that but also argues with people in chat that say he doesn't know how shit works
Reimu is too young to know how cover buttons work
Youtube push adds harder these days because they're losing money
Wosemi schedule!
>Reimu triggers sticky keys 2 times >Someone in chat tells her to disable it next time it shows up >It triggers again and she doesn't I swear you gotta have a low level of reading comprehension to become a NijiEN liver
I'm with Reimu in this one, chicanos should be shamed away from every latino space
>"I'm not white" You don't get to say retarded shit, Reimu, being latina doesn't mean you're not white anymore
A dude drugged kid Feesh and Willy and tied them inside his shed
They found a ryuguard!
>"This is like SAW but with children" Must be Twisty's basement
Finana's screams scare me more than the game
Why dont they just do a shrek watchalong at this point
I wonder what is the evil gene inside horror kusoge devs that makes them think that standing in place to wait for 30 seconds for a slow enemy to pass through is considered "fun"
>>59897 The outlast brainrot
>David goes to see his neighbor friend >He just needs to walk through a dark forest dimly lit with 70% chances of getting raped I'm starting to believe this happens in Eastern Europe
Luca has been reciting Shrek and occasionally bursting into song for an hour straight.
>>59880 He literallly has like 5 shadowbanned accounts and he changes them everyday >>59881 Well no shit, he never plays the games that he talks about. He literally addmited that he just googles up the guide/watches let's play of every game that Reimu plays.
>>59886 Weird that nihoyo paid Rosemi from all people to shill ZZZ, but I don't mind
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deHmECBEhNE No schedule yet, but Klara's today stream waiting room is up.
>>59903 Overall, nobody in Denauth has a schedule yet. I've missed Ryoma's zatsu today but it seems like he will be travelling somewhere this week
>>59902 Enna got a sponsor too, but still weird imo both of them wont touch the game after the sponsor stream
Enna schedule
Klara schedule
Twisty schedule, kinda
>>59909 >hand simulator with Klara Klara... this hand fetish is gone too far...
The Gang Beasts collab this night is with Claude, Elira, Leo (Claude Harem EN), Narin (VSPO EN) and Remia (VSPO EN) https://www.youtube.com/live/1JnAAk31-i8
>>59906 Well, yhey got sponsored just because they haven't played the game yet. The issue is that I don't fucking know why the fuck mihoyo decided to do sponsorships almost 6 months after the game came out
>>59912 >The issue is that I don't fucking know why the fuck mihoyo decided to do sponsorships almost 6 months after the game came out If it's Niji specific, we might know the reason why, but if this applies to everyone else, fuck if i know
>>59911 I remember Finana said that she wanted to collab with Narin, nice. Also, glad that Remia is finally collabing with Niji. She's a pretty good Apex player but she barely played with anybody outside of VSPO.
>>59913 Well, JP had sponsorhsip streams right after release. I have no idea why EN did sponsorships so late
>>59912 idk, next update has a character nobody is hyped for so maybe they want to balance that out with a sponsorship?
>>59914 Huh? She has played with Denauth and Ryoma a lot tho
What is this new intro from Enna's mengen? Is this a new thing
>>59917 Oh right, my bad. I kind of forgot about it. I probably was thinking about Arya, she really doesn't like collabing outside of VSPO
>>59918 She's used it since Ethyria's anniversary. I don't think she elaborated on where it came from though but Patterns is credited in the description.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z99pw4xXXrg Meloco is playing keep talking with Ao btw
Ponta got put into timeout...
Any morning where Klara goes into a laughing streak because of dad jokes is a good morning
Klara is stealing everyone's phones...
This movie is too political and topical to have the DC moniker
Klara just grabbed Enna's ass
No way Alftred would just take that choke I call bullshit
>>59930 Many DC comics are political or have those kind of statements, Mr. Freeze is a tragic villain that got fucked over by a big pharmaceutical company and has turned into crime to save his wife
>>59933 i don't know if "eat the rich" is the usual political statement they would do imo.
>>59934 Literally the Penguin's story
I do give credit to the movie makers, Joker acts like The Joker in this interview. At least the one I seen in the Arkham games
Klara was called a potato by the game and she took it personally
That was a okay movie, Enna should watch American Psycho next
>"I am the kind of person that likes to deny pleasure" H-hot
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_4moCRaeyI Wilson is pulling merch with Shu and Zali
Enna's feet can handle 40 degree water
>enna collerates vtubing and catfishing Enna I'm not meeting you in public irl and I dont plan to
Wilson is wasting all his money trying to get a minecraft sheep plushie....
Wilson, that fucking sheep clearlly wasn't worth so much money...
>>59942 If i ever meet Enna in public i just know she's gonna try to evade any social interaction with me and then she's gonna go into a 1 hour tangent in her stream about how my hair was weird or something and how annoying i was because i asked her where the bathroom was
>>59944 Tbh, none of the stuff here is
>>59946 Nah, there are a lot of good stuff in the pile of garbage. Wilson got a Sonico figure before
All the stuff that WIlson got this stream
>>59948 Twisty is going to suck him off for that seal plushie
>>59947 I'm not saying there isn't but it's not worth all that money spent because they literally sell them for less in online stores
>>59950 Hey, at least the shipping fee is free!
>>59951 He probably spent more than what the shipping is worth...
>"It's ok i spent only 300 USD" >"You could buy a switch" KEK
>You could've bought a Switch Wilson....
>Foque is seal in French Hey Twisty, wanna foque?
>>59955 I can already hear her screaming "I'M NOT A POOL TABLE"
Wilson's face after he googled who Sonico is lmao
Shu would only agree to take a lewd figurine of Elira
>WIlson is going on break to do something too sus
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NO4MkUg7UYs By the way, here's the powerwash collab that Twisty mentioned. It's happening in like over a week lol
Sorry guys
>>59960 >VAllure Twisty just had to pick the grifter group...
>>59962 For those who don't know, also Immy is one of the grifters
>>59962 >>59963 Don't think a corpo that sells softcore nudes on fansly should be doing jabs like these lmao. Overall, I don't care. If you care, go and send a complain to management about the collab.
>>59964 Already did
>>59960 >>59962 >>59963 Why does Twisty keep getting collabs like this....
The yuri VN that fuuchan is playing has a really cute artstyle
>>59966 I don't think her manager does any proper investigation or anything, Twisty just goes "can i collab with NiggerSl4yer42%?" and she'll just say yes
>>59962 >VAllure Oh...the Riifu corpo where everyone is against her for being the bad manager when she made her corpo on the basis of her being mistreated by EIEN management. Honestly i don't know what to expect, from what i heard she got the most menhera girls possible, everything is a clusterfuck, she runs damage control on /vt/ on a regular basis, people are getting suspended left and right, there's actual cliques forming to overthrow the corpo. Honestly if i had to say the definition of "clusterfuck" it'd be VAllure
>>59966 >>59969 Management doesn't give a shit in general. Remember how Scarle commisioned that Mythic retard who openly was shitting on the company and was speculating how Kotoka was abused? Remember how Vivi collabed with MariMari, one of Pippa's best friends? Shit like this wasn't suppose to happen if management did at least a little bit of research who the fuck the livers are associating with.
>>59971 I'd honestly say Mythic's worst offense is siding with the LegalMindset retard and saying he was a serious lawyer going after the truth, i don't post Mythic art on the lewd thread or here anymore because i know what having morals mean
>>59971 >>59972 I'm just gonna say never trust artists that watch Phase Connect
Man watching fulgur makes me want to play some VNs
>>59972 His art is also just objectivly shit. He has an extremly bad "same face" syndrom where you can only tell that he draws different girls by their skin color and different hair. Also, he has stopped drawing all Niji girls besides Scarle alltogether after February, now he just leeches off Hololive, Mochi and Mata. Regarding Legal Mindset, that guy is a legitimate lolcow who defended fucking Dr.Disrespect from all people. The funniest thing that he ever did was publically reading Idol's contract and bragging how good it is, only for the corpo to get sold out several month later.
>>59975 >only for the corpo to get sold out several month later. Not only that, for it to have several cases of not paying their contractors (including Diego) and several instanced of their vtubers going into PL and saying how they weren't getting paid
>>59975 >as publically reading Idol's contract and bragging how good it is, only for the corpo to get sold out several month later. Man... Getting bought by Brave corp, I wouldn't wish that for my worst enemy. Even the diaper furry.
Did the site shit itself for anybody else or was it just me?
>>59978 I think the US erection is killing the site.
>>59979 And the polls didn't even start closing...added to that if we have to wait for fucking Nevada to count votes again then this site will be going up and down for 2 days
>>59962 You know what is the absolute failure of AVallure? Pretty much all of them fucking suck as AVtubers and ASMR artists, the verty things the agency was shilling. All of them are quickshots, they have extremly bad acting, the orgasms during scripted ASMRs are fake, barely any of them post their nudes even though they're allowed to do so and the scripts are cringeworthy. Like one of them unironically said shit like "your essence is primary". Bitch, wtf does it even mean? I'm not putting a ballot inside your pussy. Never watched any of their regular gamer streams besides the eyepatch girl (she's alright game choice wise, but bad at masturbating on stream too) Also, since it's more or less on topic, here are NSFW account of the girls that will collab with Twisty https://x.com/ImmyBisouNSFW/media https://x.com/StronnyNSFW/media Stronny actually sounds pretty good when she just masurbates and doesn't talk. >>59963 Funnily enough, that Icey girl is actually suprisingly good. I think she's actually somewhat experienced cam model as she's the only one who sounds really fucking good on script and also she's the only one among them who posts straight up nudes with no censorship and looks really cute there (her streams are pure aids though). So, I forgive her. Hell, I would even forgive Selen and Zaion if they start posting their nudes too. Honestly, it's just so bizzare how such a simple concept as a AVtuber agency could fail in such a spectacular manner. Just fucking copy emoechi: hire a bunch of camgirls that are really good at their job and make them play games from time to time on YouTube. But even here it turned out into pure dumpster fire with management making every wrong turn imaginable. Like it's such a simple formula of sucess with untapped market niche and instead doing it right, they've just made "we have Phase Connect at home" and made the girls masturbate on cam. Honestly, I won't be fucking surprsied that when the corpo inevitably implodes, there will be "we actually didn't lnow that we will be doing 18+ content when we were hired" type of revalations afterwards. EN vtubing doesn't stop to surprsie me when it comes to absolute incompetence and shittery.
>>59981 >So, I forgive her. Hell, I would even forgive Selen and Zaion if they start posting their nudes too. Anon you're kind of uh...really easy to please specially knowing how both of them look
Ryoma please stop with this crack addiction
>>59982 Don't know what to tell, I have a soft spot for saints. The people on green site told me that I may have Madonna complex
>>59985 Yeah you're probably a Medb apologist
>>59962 Honestly, I don't care who Twisty collabs with, I just wish Klara wasn't dragged there too...
>>59978 >>59979 >>59980 I actually thought it got DDOSed or something, didn't realise that /pol/ actually killed the traffic
>>59988 Imagine having a discussion and arguing with people online about who should win when we all know Rosemi is gonna be the new president and Claude the vice
>>59970 You made me curious what is EIEN up to since I haven't heard about them in ages >tfw they literally closed down 2 days ago >the talents had to literally buy their own models and IPs from the corpo to continue streaming >Those that couldn't afford it were straight up told to fuck themselves and just commision new models and stream on new channels I swear, it's like 5th small "we have Hololive at home" corpo that has closed down this year. What made them all think that it was a good idea to oversaturate the market with the same bootleg shit that nobody besides open groomers wanted to watch?
>>59990 Should've learned from FSP making "Luxiem at home" and thriving kek
Well now it was my turn to get chat shadowbanned on PC, sent a report and threatened to cancel my premium subscription
>>59992 The funny thing about FSP is that they're a mixed corpo like Niji. They just pulled reversed NijiEN and debuted the boys first to pave the way for the girls and mixed gens in the future. And honestly, it's working pretty well for them. Besides, SpecialiteEN which is under the same parent company is doing well too by focusing on gaming and e-sports. The issue with all those shitty "idol" corpos is that they're just fucking souless projects made by venture capitalists that looked at Hololive and went "holy shit, this is popular, let me do exactly the same thing and grab my piece of the pie" and fail miserably at it. For some reason, these retards treat vtuber companies like any other entertainment industry where you can just can pop out 10 sitcom clones and be sucessful at it, when in reality, vtubers are more like junk food: nobody will want to buy your brand new pisscola when there's pepsi and coca on the market. You need to make your own soda with your own flavour to stay afloat
>>59994 I really vibe with FSP and SpecialiteEN, i think we are really fortunate to have many of them as friends of the livers because they also got good talent and are an overall good thing for the EN community
Finana backed out of the couple suicide...
Claude is winning while doing absolutely nothing
>>59998 They gang up on him and he casually just knocks them out. It doesn't even look like he's doing anything.
>>59999 The difference between doing the tutorial and not doing it
Elira leads in self eliminations
While they were doing their skincare the bros where doing the fucking tutorial
Ngl i think Party Animals really improved on this game a lot
>>60003 This game used to be jankier which was funnier
Narin and Finana kinda scream in the same way lol
>"Hey Elira, you know she's gonna betray you right?" >Elira falls off on her own KEK
The little girls are cuddling
I just realized that Narin and Nana from NijiJP are sisters
>"Elira is to skinny" No...my plus sized onee-san...
Doppio schedule
Elira clicked out of the game for this
Narin's gotten louder as the collab progressed
>finana mixed up referee and goalie she's so fucking dumb
>>60014 They uh...both can touch the ball with their hands...
>"There's something wrong with my body" Body DysphoRemia...
Finana is too dumb to score
>"Let's just do green vs blue" Someone is gonna discover they have daltonism in this stream
>"Blue supremacy" This is getting mighty political Finana
Those Narin squeaks were heavenly
>>60020 She's got a good scream
I think Narin and Finana should play a horror game for me to finally lose my hearing
>Leo is getting beaten up by 4 women GIWTWM
Narin is blue team's strongest soldier
Misogyny LOST
The shark is slapping his double dick on Claude's face...
Elira's ass was so fat it broke threw two floors
Finana carried Leo to victory
>Police killing animals Where have i seen this?
Finana really wants to hopcon kek
That was a fun collab. I'm happy it happened, despite the rough lead-up to it. I hope this means more Vspo EN collabs with more members that aren't just Ryoma and Riko playing Apex together.
>>60032 Denauth and Remia GTFO...
【Pampering Voice Vol.2 & Scolding Voice Vol.2 announcement】 https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1853995939037618460
>>60034 First one is pampering, second one scolding
>>60035 >only pampering, no scolding for Ren what a good lad
>"Petra is like our hostess" Peto is a slut...
>>60033 Oh shit, I can't believe that one slipped my mind kek I'm just happy they're still getting outside collabs, it's been nice to see them hang out and laugh with more people.
>>60039 Yeah, what made me more happy was during Wiwa's birthday that you could see that the ex Kawaii girls were there to wish he a happy birthday, also Cassian, makes me happy that people are not afraid of collabing with Elira
Marie is showing some sketches she did for NijiEN and there was an Ike Pokemon AU
>>60041 Oh yeah. That's an old art, back in 2022 when she mainly drew Ike. She draws him so prettily, I always loved her art of him.
>>60042 And now she spends all the money she gets from the commissions back into NijiEN...
Twisted Tuesdays, topic today is husband applications so if it gets too cringe i might book it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DwEJ5MSrvmQ
>"You have to be smart to be a president" Twisty...
>Maro says that Twisty should make private ASMRs for each spiritmate for a price >She says she's not a slut Based
>"This is a purely GFE channel, Girl Furry Experience because i only like you guys as a fluffy cat" Kek
Twisty says to not let her be the reason you don't get a gf IRL
Spiritmate got Klara-zoned...
Twisty is gonna make her hard PP cum inside her pants when she watches the new globie debuts
Of course Twisty reached out for the grifter collab and they didn't even know who she was
>>60051 >Of course Twisty reached out for the grifter collab and they didn't even know who she was If something happened out of that I would not be surprised, at all. Just hope it's not gonna be a discord leak
I don'y watch much of Twisty, so I never noticed she had such a squeaky laugh. It's kinda cute.
Twisty basically said she wants to kill herself 24/7 so she does collabs because in solo streams she might be alone with her thoughts and doesn't want to break down on stream. Also she cannot say no to collabs and doesn't even like them that much because she totally burns out after a few hours
Twisty said that when she's feeling really menhera she messages Hex and he's a good moral support
>"Don't let your life be consumed by anime people and go outside and live your life, don't be like me" Best advice Twisty ever gave
>"I love you more than any other human possible could" >"YOU'RE NOT A HUMAN, YOU'RE A CAT, GET BACK INTO ROLEPLAY!"
Twisty dropped her cookie dough on the floor...
Wilson is taking the steps necessary to become less french, he wants to become more american but i think he needs to yell slurs every 3 words for that to happen
https://www.youtube.com/live/-w8dZ0DIMQ8 Koto is playing Valorant here
>>60060 >Ririmu 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
>>60059 >slurs every 3 words for that to happen Explain shu
>>60062 Too japanese
>>60060 Ok, seems like Kotoka is so cracked that she won both rounds despite her getting switched with Sophia "for balance" lmao. I'll check the VOD later on. Sorry for posting it late, these guerilla hopcons happen in the most shittiest time for me. I know it's already like third stream with Koto in it that I miss and I feel somewhat bad about it, but it's not like I can predict these streams as Koto ALWAYS collab with people that hate schedules and make waiting rooms like an hour before a stream starts. Also, hopcon is over, and Ririmu is now just playing solo lmao. I'll post her VOD + someone from the other team later on after she finishes
>>60064 It's ok anon, i didn't even know she was there because she either posts that she's there quite late or doesn't post it at all
>>60065 She reposted it, I just missed it since I was busy. It's not like there's any chat interaction or any live specific content, so it's fine, I'll check the VOD later
Zali came back today btw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XsF1ig0bw78 Also, here's his schedule
https://youtube.com/shorts/iX5kztYrV20 Meloco loves the fishy smell
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>>60060 >>60064 Ok, the teams were switching constantly, so I've optimised it up to 2 POVs. You can watch the first match with Riri https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-w8dZ0DIMQ8 The second and third match Koto was together with Genzuki, so here's his POV https://www.youtube.com/live/kDp9VSz0f6k?si=5izmglrjjEBRSJld&t=3271
>>60070 I swear I saw literally the same scenario but with Millie
>>60072 It's so similar because they both say females instead of girls or women.
>>60072 >>60073 https://youtu.be/_N7WtjR_CaQ Millie's advice worked, she is the female whisperer
Ryoma is playing with Riko and Bluebell https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nds54fmG49g
Ryoma took his sweet time, i planned my whole wedding with Riko already
Hand the kraber, RIko, you missed he last 4 shots
>You have health regen to full hp when they get you back up now What the fuck were they smoking?
>The last guy was a solo >He went up to Ryoma's team and just dropped everything he had >Riko used the Watson fences to cage him and laugh at him GIWTWM
>>60084 look at Shu's short ass skirt what a tease
Millie schedule
>>60087 I must say that Millie mentioned on her membership that she will be on Vivi's graduation stream, so I assume that either she will have a totsu or play some games with other members like Pomu did. I'm telling this because barely anybody has mentioned her graduation stream, which gives an assumption that Vivi hasn't invited anybody for it.
Feesh will look videos of the Nikke story on the plane
Ryoma is gonna backshot Hazumi, Bluebell and Elyza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwKP7zJbJh8
Marriage with Riko didn't go through, i'm now gonna marry Elyza
Ngl i also thought Ryoma's last name was Barrenworth for like 2 months
>Finana's dad let Finana play DOA volleyball on the living room TV in front of everyone explains a lot
Btw the Powerwash Sim stream with the VAllure girls has been cancelled, maybe that report i sent to Anycolor did do something
Rosemi Tekken, i'm gonna finally find out how the fuck Heihachi is still alive https://www.youtube.com/live/adSbWdKY740
Rosemi types "All your base are belong to us roflmao" in chat to like 150 people without even knowing
Rosemi HATES Nina
Rosemi wants to be reborn as a crazy strong old balding man
>"Heihachi just has a thing for evil demon women" He's just like me frfr
The collab with Twisty and Klara starts earlier btw because Klara didn't know that daylight time savings exist
Twisty doesn't know what daylight time saving is either....
Awwww the look so clueless and cute, i'm waiting for their reaction to the tiger
Twisty is trying to give Klara a handjob
This collab has become extremly homoerotic for no reason
Twisty is fucking dead
Wait, so is this game just Rust/ARK with hand grabbing gimmick?
>>60108 No, it's way worse
>>60110 how the fuck
They accidently put a fireplace in front of the ship and got out on first night....
>>60112 It wouldn't be Denauth if they weren't doing things right with some skill and a shit ton of luck
>>60113 Funnily enough, they almost died while trying to put the fire on
Klara killed Choco-san....
I want to be Klara's pet...
I sometimes wish Twisty was less of a holofag but i guess she likes AI merch
>Wait I'm in heat Rosemi???
Of course Twisty liked the cute and funny girl >>60117 Regloss is alright, they aren't that much aids enducing as EN
>Have ever deboned a person >Not yet Klara..?
>>60119 Oh i'm not against most of the talents, i'm against Cover itself for many reasons like using AI art, selling traced merch, fucking over 29 people for 2 years denying them payment, indulging their toxic fanbase to be CEO bootlickers and to harass others, etc
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Prrk_p3oczU Enna ZZZ sponsor strem Never gonna play this game ever but just gonna watch to see her roll till pity lmao
>>60121 >indulging their toxic fanbase to be CEO bootlickers and to harass others That's literally just EN phenomenon. Most of the people on JP side were shitting on Yagoo for being a retard
>>60123 Yes but also the company isn't doing anything to remedy that, they created a monster and now they don't want to take accountability for it, meanwhile over here whenever the fans presented toxic behavior the livers whose fans were being retarded take accountability and tell them to stop being retarded
>starts sponsor stream with her zatsu screen Enna...
>>60125 Hoyoverse actually paid or a 2 hour zatsu rant about airplane food
>>60126 Kinda based
Honestly with how boring the gameplay loop of HSR and how dogshit the story is, I dont intend of playing another Mihoyo game. Maybe if they went the Black Myth Wukong route and make a proper PC game.
>they're siblings
Twisty is reading cock and ball torture guide!
>>60130 She could just ask Maririn lmao
Honestly I'm not really feeling this EN dub of this girl. She sounds like she's taking a deep breath every word.
>>60132 The EN dub is pretty shit, mostly because the US VA union is basically a big clique of the same talentless hacks trying to get each other roles for characters they don't even fit, this is why the superior EN dub are usually british
>>60133 >this is why the superior EN dub are usually british Elira....
>Another unsheathe katana character Yawn... Cmon chinks... make a character that is a full on cultivation protag that does wushu instead
Enna... You know you can just press a button on the keyboard and it will swap to M+KB
>Enna likes Billy Dunno who this is but I guess he uses guns
For any Famelira, Scarlings, and Kotocats here, Elira, Scarle, and Kotoka will also be doing ZZZ sponsor streams.
>>60137 Billy is a funny dude that likes tokusatsu and soap operas
>>60138 I thank Hoyoverse for the Koto stream
>thank go you came
Enna pulled Rosemi-sama
I hope Enna missed the 50/50, it'd be funny
>She fucking lost the 50/50 LMAO
>>60143 SHE DID KEK
Twisty and Klara actually liked this kusoge so much that they want to play it with Ryoma next time
>game shows yen How long has Enna been in Japan
>>60146 Tbh they're the ones who actually got the furthest in the game out of all of NijiEN
>>60138 Nice. Are there dates when they will be happening?
>the nigger is back
>She came Yeah, from me
>>60148 >Furthest They never finished the first night. They managed to finish the game literally by chance
Just tuned into Rosemi's stream. Why is she playing as Billie Eilish?
>>60152 Yes, they at least got to the night
>>60149 No, I got that information secondhand, but I assume it would be within the next week or so, since Rosemi also has a ZZZ sponsor stream tomorrow.
>>60155 >Secondhand Source?
>>60153 She said she's dressed like a grandma...
>>60156 >Source? Post on the other board's NijiEN thread.
This game is just Honkai impact: 2024 edition in terms of gameplay
>>60158 No offense anon, but it's not a trustworthy source
>>60159 The only reason why i play it actually because i liked the Honkai Impact gameplay and this one is that but faster, also most ZZZ characters kinda stole movesets from DMC
>>60124 Well, what they can even do with them? I think Cover actually put a guidline due to chumbuds being turboretards to not harass people left and right, but I don't think anybody gave a fuck. Holo is just too fucking huge to contain it, thousand of people watch it and if some retard with Gura profile pic says "nill kiggers" somewhere online, he doesn't hold accountable for the company or the vtuber themself. Meanhwile in Niji if, let's say, a pentomo will tell to put someobody in a gas chamber, it will be extremly fucking notable for everyone
>>60160 I know, I don't take that place seriously 99% of the time, I just didn't see any reason why somebody would lie or shitpost about something like that. It didn't read like a shitpost, either. It was also said around the time Enna started her stream, so I'll go back and see if that information came from her.
>>60164 >so I'll go back and see if that information came from her. Her stream got playback, and she did say it. Sorry I didn't livepost about it.
>>60164 >>60165 It's ok, don't worry, sometime a liver says something important in the frist 5 minute of the stream and you get fucked if you miss it. Regarding the other site, anon, people will make up anything there just to get, like, 5 (you)s in the best case, and in the worst case, they will get a schizophrenic episode and will post their "it came to me in a dream" revelation just because.
People like Enna is the reason why we don't have HDD exploration anymore
>>60165 It does? I was watching other streams, I didn't see it had playback. But thanks for the clarification, and it's okay, I just thought I'd let others know, since all three have been a bit on a break. >>60166 Yeah, I get what you mean, I'm just autistic kek for a brief moment I lived in a world where shitposters didn't exist. But yeah, next time I'll just check for myself.
>>60095 Well, either this or Twisty realised that these two are fucking AVtubers and doing collab with them and Klara will give an extremly wrong connotation.
This is just HSR's Simulated universe but with top down movement instead of a limited moves TRPG game
>>60170 Cultured man
Enna, the game already makes the relationship between the brothers pretty weird but you just made it weirder
>>60168 A lot of EN livers have started to put playback on their streams. I don't think it's a mistake on their part because people put it on way too many times, so I assume that the managment just eased up regarding playback and doesn't really care that it's on or off anymore.
>>60174 >"Some schizoid is probably gonna record you anyways" - Management, probably
Seems like YouTube actually fixed the chat bug. I've been chatting on PC and it actually works now.
https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1854451050981568629 <Enna is considering to continue ZZZ next week >is asking twatter about it ENNNAAA NOOOOOOOO
>>60178 Sorry anon, this time next week she'll want to be knotted by Lycaon like all women out there
>>60178 After Elden Ring the gacha arc is happening despite all her past preachings against it and about her mother's past gambling addiction.
>>60182 I still have to make an edit with all the timestamps i have saved for a Meloco JOI ASMR
Meloco is already undressing
Meloco is creaming my ears
>This sounds like Miencraft sounds Fuck you Meloco, I can't unhear it now
Ok, Twisty and Klara are playing Goose Goose Duck for this small corpo girl Birthday https://x.com/RinaAstera There are a lot of notable indies and girls from Globie so it isn't a complete 1view fest. Here are the POVs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNtlhhk401M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnmpTQe2kyE
>>60189 >that amount of people The lobby is gonna be loud af
>>60191 Oh, Suri, Twisty is gonna rape her
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qa2boTXKF9U Enna is going to have chineglish zatsu tonight
I'm probably saying this during almost every colalb but God Ala's accent is so hot
Klara hawk tuahd....
Twisty is goign to force all the girls in this lobby to suck her cock
Twisty is going to kill herself let's gooooooooo
Love how everybody is always falling for Klara, it's so funny
Twisty is so bad at this lmao
This whole collab is just turned into everybody loveing Twisty
They never fucking learn to not stand in a group
They have switched to a classic mode because Twisty kept choosing imposter roles in every round
Twisty couldn't figure out how to do the brick task and was just trying to do it for half of the round
Hollow Knight is cancelled today btw, instead it will be Denauth weekly tonight because they forgot that Vivi is graduating tomorrow
Millie is a retard and raided Klara after she raided....
I know I'm not the target audience like at all, but this horror otome game that Reimu is playing is actually pretty fun
>>60205 Man...and i thought i was gonna have something to watch tomorrow...
>>60207 It's an interesting concept in terms of gameplay, and I like that it's not a typical genre or setting for an otome.
>"I've only done the tutorial" This could mean anything from the first 30 minutes of the game to chapter 2
Rosemi is the child of Lucy and Yanagi...
>"Oh she's a good character?" It better be, it's the one you're shilling kek
Of course Rosemi likes Billie
Rosemi got herself
Uki and Sani got new bros in FSP
Well this game seems to have improved presentation and UI wise
Twisty is banning Klara from big collabs with girls because she doesn't want them to thirst for her
This game is waaaaaaaaay harder now and has shit tons of ghosts holy fuck
This game would be easier if it was in an american school because they'd at least have guns
>Supermarket Sim now has dudes that restock the shelves >They just choose a random shelf and put whatever there >Luca is McFucking losing it because he wants to order things with a certain common sense This is amazing
I'm probably gonna be asleep for this but in 5 hours there's the NijiFES news stream with Peto https://www.youtube.com/live/hV3zd4Ls3Qs
I forgot how much I love enna’s zatsus kek. Her zatsu stream right now is so entertaining
>>60227 LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I wonder if they're gonna have Fantasia-like 3D models like they have in the graphic
>>60228 Probably. Seems like Overture is this Nijifes' Fantasia and Symphonia. The Nighttime stage also has the JP livers wearing the same kind of outfits
>>60229 Let's fucking go, kinda funny that we might see Mariring in the Overture outfit first
YOU CAN GO EVEN IF YOU'RE A FILTHY GAIJIN NOW! https://x.com/NIJISANJI_World/status/1854856586344513546
>>60230 Of course, they could still be in their original outfits. But it'd be really cool to finally have alternative 3D outfits for our livers
>>60227 >those thin hips on the girls WHO STOLE THEM >Maririn WILL THERE BE MARIRIN 3D SHOW???
>>60231 FUCK I DECIDED NOT TO GO TO JAPAN DURING NIJIFES BECAUSE I DIDNT WANT TO DEAL WITH TICKETS AHHHHHHHH I'm going Feb 1 to 15, I would have to extend my vacation for another week and a bit AHHHHHHH
>>60234 Hey at least you'll be able to watch Overture, i'll be on the plane coming back...
>>60236 Maririn holding wiwas arm and crying on her wiwa's...😭
>Vox looking for Anya >"Maybe she's in the cock" Uh...
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>>60227 LETS FUCKING GOOO!!!! now I really wish I can go since it’s no longer region lovked
Btw, there's also meet & greet in NijiFES
>>60235 hey bro wanna extend your vacation with me. I'm actually considering it. It would be a pretty good opportunity to use my airline points
>>60242 Nah sorry, i already have everything planned, have the tickets, the work vacations marked, etc. But if i'm lucky and get a lottery ticket then i'll be going one of the days
>>60241 Here's all the ENs meet & greets
Don't read any of this if you're having a bad day doggo passed away... https://x.com/Fulgur_Ovid/status/1854902502518411419
Well Vox thinks Mouthwashing is his favorite horror game
Not gonna lie to you Vox, Curly is also very at fault for everything and might be the reason why it all went to shit
Millie's Beginner's Guide stream, she's probably gonna cry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKrIoE0oY00
>>60252 Starting
We are probably getting Iluna 3D for December
Millie said you can't feel sad if you're asian
Millie says there's no projects, they were all fake to con people into giving her money for breast implants
Someone asked Millie if the 3D will have the livers in Overture outfits, she got silent, tried to say something and then stopped herself and said that we are gonna have to find out
>Millie is saying that the art has Elira's boobs be too small >The art was made by Kamame mama
>>60257 >Someone asked Millie if the 3D will have the livers in Overture outfits, she got silent, tried to say something and then stopped herself and said that we are gonna have to find out I guess she doesn't to spoil stuff.
Millie was diagnosed with acute insomnia, decided not to take meds and was feeling terrible, she took her meds yesterday and had the best sleep of her life
>>60260 Wouldn't that just be sleeping pills
>>60262 It doesn't seem to be something over the counter, they probably gave her something with benzsodiazepine
>>60245 >>60246 NO......................................................................
Sorry Millie, i'm gonna sleep through Vivi's graduation
>>60266 I mean, there's always the vods, right?
>>60267 I'm not gonna watch them
>>60268 I mean that's fair, I only watched Nina's graduation in full. the rest after than I just skimmed it and with Pomu's I just don't watch them anymore.
>>60269 the one i watched the most of is probably hex's. the others happened when i was focused on other things and i don't really care to watch the vods, especially when some of them leave a bitter aftertaste
Man...The Beginner's Guide still hits as hard as always...
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>>60227 >>60231 >>60244 >No Finana, Millie, Uki and Kotoka anywhere That actually sucks. Still, several pannels haven't been announced yet + there's >and more On several pannels, so there's a chance they will be there. I must note that I'm surprised that Klara got featured pretty much everywhere, and it's weird that Meloco didn't get in any pannel besides M&G, but regarding the latter, she may be featured in those unannounced pannels. I don't want to push negativity, so I really hope I'm right and everybody who's currently missing will get a feature on the pannels in the future. Unlike the previous NijiFES, almost everybody in EN is getitng a spot, so it would be really weird if 5 people will get a cut
By the way, Vivi's graduation stream is starting in an hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4C5RrJVDIA0 The time on her schedule is completely fucking wrong, so here blows all my plans for this evening
>>60272 Oh those are the free panels, Melo is in some of the interactive experiences that you have to pay for
>>60274 Is she? I've checked Niji Twitter and so far she only listed for M&G. Honestly, I don't see anybody on the paywalled pannels from EN
Millie feels a bit violated
>>60277 Thanks! Didn't expect Denauth to get payed pannels too, but happy for them. Seems like they really meant it when they said that Mane-san is fighting for them to get featured in more stuff. Still, no presence from people that are abscent, so I really hope they'll still get free pannels. Also, this pannel will go hard.
>>60278 Literally my 1st option when i entered the lottery tickets, wish me luck
>>60246 I've missed Denauth collab and wole up to this. Man, at least NijiFes news lift my mood up. >>60245 He was planning to go on his usual health break next week. It's not like the break was unexpected but fuck, I wish he didn't leave on such a sour note.
>"Good luck to my hole? Yeah my small hole" 😭😭😭
>>60282 Stinky stinker
>>60283 Millie said this one smells good
>>60286 Graduated livers are not off topic, their other lives are but you can still talk and post about graduated livers as long as it's about their Nijisanji personality
>>60288 Well, offtopic was a wrong word to use, I think irrelevant would be the right one
Holy shit, stop inviting people outside of Niji for graduation streams, it's retarded. You're going to collab with these people again in few months anyway, so what's the point?
>>60290 >so what's the point? Advertisment
Enter one of the idol girls
>>60290 Yeah it's kinda hard to believe Vivi's "Uhhh i may not return to content creation" sob story when she literally popped in a stream as her PL like the same week she announced her graduation, i'm just gonna assume the worst from her and then maybe she'll surprise me if she isn't awful
Vivi has a fat rode
>>60293 I mean, she defended Claude and outright told grifters to fuck off, so she already better than most of the people that graduated before. But yeah, people that say they're retiring are always outrigth lying. I can't recall a single case where a corpo vtuber straight up retired. Some retired from vtubing, but even those just started doing fleshtubing again
Juna is cute
Enter Remia
Ok, despite my negativity, the guests outside of Niji weren't bad so far
I'm gonna interrupt this moment to 😭😭😭 https://x.com/TheToTMachine/status/1854911592447852764
>>60299 >Fresh acc with 1 follower sus
Enter Riko
It kind of hitting me that this is Vivi's first and last totsu. Don't know why she never did those, she's actually pretty good in covesations
>>60300 I think they're probably a spiritmate that made a new account to have the lewd comms there, one of them already did something like that
Riko said that she watched Vivi a lot, even though she never interacted with her publically
Chibi Vivi drawn by Riko
Doodles that Vivi did so far
Vivi literally barely played Apex outside the last year's tournament. I don't know why these FPS girls remember her so fondly for that. Like she was pretty good but it isn't the thing that I will remember her for
Next caller is busy, so Ryoma is hoping in instead
Vivi almost said "I will drink Willy water"...
I still need to watch that Millie and Ryoma driving collab
>>60310 It's a good one. Ryoma is pretty chill considering the level of driving happening but even he was like ??? wtf are you doing at some points.
Enter Bonnie
>Bonnie's womb was hurting My bad
Vivi called Zali in just to make fun of him
Bonnie and Zali's interactions are always so funny
Enter Kanna
Bonnie's art of Vivi
Enter Ver with a phone mic
Aw, Vivi didn't want to do the totsu initailly but mane-san convinced her to do one
Ver left a conference room just to talk to Vivi lmao
>I didn't even have so many people for my Birthday Ver....
>I have a question on my mind >Oh yeah I'm actually single, hit me up with a phone number Ver wtf
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I know I make fun a lot of him and call him fuckboy and incel, but man, no jokes, but Ver is exetremly nice guy. He always has nice things to say and he's extremly supportive and reliable. I actually like him a lot.
Man, I'm getting emotinal now...
Vivi is going on break for like an hour, she'll do some chores and eat in meantime
Don't really know if I should say this, but Vivi said that she and Kunai decided to graduate on different timelines. Kunai was the first one and she decided to quit afterwards. So it isn't "they decided to quit together" situation as people assumed
>>60324 Yeah, it's easy to poke fun at him, but his heart's always in the right place.
God i fucking wish i were Elira right now https://x.com/3W1W4/status/1855030911513116733
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Pq0VXzzBT0 Second part of Vivi's gradaution is starting
All doodles from the first streams
>>60329 >>60330 Elira is a predator but it's ok because she's a cute girl
Oh, apperently, Vivi has/had daytime job, this is why she mostly stream in the evenings EST
>>60334 Honestly, I am kind of surprised. Vivi really gives a huge neet energy
Maririn in chat
>>60334 >>60335 Oh i knew all the time, Vivi is a college graduate who usually drives daily, i assumed it was to her job
Damn haven't seen this guy in forever, I though he'd retired
Don't know why all of them are so afraid to go overtime. Nina went like 2 - 3 hours overtime and nothing happened.
No offense Vivi, but you have a humour of a typical /s4s/ poster. It's funny only if you're on the same brainwave of autism
Vivi is finally resuming the totsu. Also, enter Uki
Uki is going to do a tarot reading for Vivi
Enter Serotina, it's one of the girls from SajamSlam
>>60329 >>60330 HOLYY😭😭😭
Enter Fumi
Btw the thing they're mentioning about Tekken is that some retard vtuber was yelling slurs at dudes on the online and then tried to justify herself saying "well if niggers can say nigger then i should be able to do it too" and stuff like that, needless to say she got banned for being a huge retard
>>60346 Playing stupid games got stupid prizes.
>>60346 KEK..... Why are tekken players likethis
>>60348 Rosemi was not the same after her first time on /vt/...
Fumi having such a whigger voice while being asian is probably the most buffling thing about her
Enter Nova
Honestly, the guest were fine so far. I was afraid she will just call in a bunch of PC and /vt/shitters but it's mostly been just Niji friends and girls from SajamSlam
Tbh i had the Jurassic Park turkey leg and it was pretty good
Enter Millie
>"Damn these people do not sleep" >Millie was diagnosed with acute insomnia Well...
Millie you won a Shadowverse tournament...you also made your coach go fucking crazy
Millie's doodle
Enter grenna
Haha Enna, Mafumafu has forgotten how to breathe after marrying that crazy fuck
Enna's doodle
You can find more of Enna's art on her Instagram lol
Enter Doppio
Doppio's doodle
>>60364 >this is what i see you as everyday This explains so much
Oh, it's that retard that leeches Pippa off
>>60366 >>60353 YOU JUST HAD TO JINX IT
>>60367 My bad....
Enter Reimu
Mumu wanted to include Vivi for NJU
>>60349 >>60351 It was really fucking funny because this was the first tweet that showed up on my timeline
>>60370 Oh, I guess she was suppose to be the one who would sing with Aia Can't wait to hear Aia to sing a Gundam SEED song now lmao
This girl is Vivi's PL friend. She did a lot of fan merch stuff for Vivi and she's also a huge Kuzuha fan. She's alright.
Enter Wosemi
>"What game should i play?" TEKKEN MAYBE
Well Rosemi, Roy was fucking raping everyone with Jamie so it's a solid pick
Enter Merryweather??? I actually didn't expect him to pop up lmao
>>60379 He's probably in your soup right now
I swear, he sounds more and more posh everytime I hear him on stream. He used to sound like Stewie Griffin and now he sounds straight up like Austin Powers
Kinda funny to think Merry is friends with everyone except Pippa
Enter Hazumi!
Enter Jowol
>Twisty calls me rotund >Rosemi now called me rotund Man...
>>60386 FAT FUCK
Btw since Jimmy talked about it earlier and now i remembered it when Rosemi said it, they had full control over many aspects of the outfits for Overture like what kind of top and bottom they wanted and the many accessories they have
Shoutout to those rosebuds that went to NijiFES 2023 and couldn't get in, got traction on twitter and the attention of the livers who passed the image to staff and made them make the new section for overseas fans
Jowol is pretty cool
>>60390 Man.. that was really sad
Everyone in Wose's chat acting like having face recognition for tickets is literally 1984 when the government ALREADY HAS YOUR FACE IN THEIR DATABASE YOU IDIOT
Enter Ike
>It's like 5 am >Ike is on the phone Where the fuck is he again?
Ike's doodle
>>60395 That's euro timezone
>>60397 I know, my point is that he's somewhere outside again
Vivi's doodles
Rosemi is the happiest she's ever been in NijiEN
>>60400 Honestly looking at how NijiFES finally is such a good light for NijiEN livers and such a boost to morale is heartwarming, it's like all their effort and resiliance finally paid off
I will sound like a contrairian, but I've never liked forums. It always eventually came down to circlejerks and abuse of power from moderation team and oldfags.
>>60402 Uh...we are kind of...in one...
>>60403 Well anonymous boards are better in the sense that there're no local celebreties and no any karma circlejerk system to abuse it
Ike and Vivi have a really fun dynamic together. It's one of those duos that I wish would collab together at least once
btw there's this one phase girl that nobody watches so I pretend that nobody is on right now
>>60404 I mean...depends HEAVILY on the site and board
Rosemi is really into gnomes
>>60407 Even on the most shittiest boards like /vt/ people don't like tripfags.The issue with most of the boards are the shitty admins and moderation in general
Fun bit of trivia but this girl is the reason why phasefags begged Vivi to get in so much. Ironically enough, phasefags don't even like her themself.
Enter Wilson
>>60410 Phasefags only like the ones that say "trannys should kill themselves"
Vivi, you're the first person ever to compare Virgil to Otacon
Enter Claude
I actually can't tell if Vivi thinks Dante has a son or she's pretending....
I get sad now...
Say what you want about Daiya, but her voice is really hot
I have no idea who this is
>>60419 Oh, it's another SajamSlam member
Enter Orihime
All west coasters laugh simillary
Enter Ewiwa
Somewhat contrarian opinion, but TGAA is extremly overrated, especially the second game. It's alright but it didn't live up to the expectations that /v/ set up for it.
Enter Sani
Someone said once that Vivi is female Sonny and this interaction kind of settles this in
Kind of sad that Sonny and Vivi never had 1 on 1 collab
Sonny is shitting on Deadlock kek
>Some guy died by trying go super sayan on a toilet >Both start laughing wtf
Everybody who's joine the totsu so far
https://www.youtube.com/live/ggrwdQwng8I Kotoka's waiting room for ZZZ stream is up btw. She'll be playing in around 24 hours
Enter Bluebell
Vivi says that a reference about King in Yellow in Singallis is retarded
The Outer WIlds is just horrible streaming game, plain and simple. The only ones who even finished it is Pomu with Elira's back up and Vesper by doing like 3 endurance streams.
>>60433 It is
Oh the Mint orbiter is in Vivi's stream...ew...
>>60436 Oh damn I was wondering why she kind of looks like her lmao
The last person for the totsu was gonna be Narin from VSPO EN but Vivi went heavily over schedule and she probably went to sleep so she left a message
Oh damn Narin from VSPO was suppose to join but she left because Vivi went overtime....
This girl is barely a vtuber, she just some attentionsaint who sells shitty merch on cons. We're scrapping bottom of the barrel here
>>60442 Also, I really fucking hope the last one is not that retard Oimo. Would be the worst thing to end a graduation stream with
Narin's doodle
>>60443 My favorite backstabber
>>60443 >Mariya Close enough but not that bad kek
>>60446 The other Mint orbiter who made her fanbase from crying about Pomu's graduation
>>60447 Anon, she pretty much sold herself as "I'm Pomu's sister" since debut, it didn't happen after her graduation, pomudachis just leeched up to her themselves (and all of them left after Mint redebuted). Ironically enough, Pomu barely even acknowledged her and wasn't even interested in collabing. It was cringe but I kind of feel bad for her.
Thank fucking God we will never see Oimo again after this since Vivi was the only one who this retard was still leeching off in EN >>60450 By this she meant that "oh yeah I'm still selling my old Elira merch btw I like her!"
>>60449 I'm just surprised that Oimo is a girl. Her art and her posts give off such coomer vibes that I always assumed she was a guy.
ngl y'all livepost are kinda funny
>>60452 She's worse, she's a phasefag
What I've learned from this stream is that Vivi will literally suck you off if you sell her merch at any con >>60452 That's because she's a femcel
This is the first time I hear Oimo live and she talks just as obnoxious as she types
Holy shit she's such a fucking sperg
Oimo is out, everybody can return
>>60451 I hope we never see many of the people attached to Vivi again, there were still some pomudachis that were saying she should graduate because "hurr durr black corpo", one of her followers is a huge fucking retard that went on a menhera outburst trying to get people to cancel Twisty for being a lolicon, yes a Vivi and Pomufag trying to cancel someone for being a lolicon
The chinese spyware app mascot sent a video message
>>60460 >The chinese spyware app mascot Do you understand how little that narrows down
>>60461 Ok the Norwegian made chinese spyware browser app
>>60462 Nord VPN????
>>60463 That's not a browser
>>60464 Also Nord VPN is from the Netherlands
>>60459 A lot of her fans were pomudachis, phasefags and fagoons, that much is true. Guess this was the final purge (although Scarle has tons of retards in her fanbase too)
>>60460 She banned Pippa and made her seethe live on stream, she's based
>>60467 Oh i don't have nothing against Aura, she's pretty cool, my concerns are with the company behind her
Ok Vivi said that some people wanted to hop in on her totsu too but missed it out. I'm not sure if she'll try to contact them again or not, but the main totsu is finished. She's now watching some fan videos and I really don't have a mental capacity to watch something made by a guy with Pomu profile pic, so if she actually decides to call someone else later, I'll just check the VOD
>>60393 i hate having to give up my anonymity but i hate scalpers more, so if this eradicates them, all the better
>>60466 >although Scarle has tons of retards in her fanbase too) Scarle doesn't have any drama involving her as far as i can recall compared to the other fanbase you mentioned.
>>60471 That begger shitshow from February was pretty bad
Sor for numberfaging, but I'm pretty happy how Klara's channel is slwoly growing. She's gaining around 100 subs every several days or so, which is really nice. She'll actaully be able to hit 70k in few months at this rate.
Aw, Klara is really happy that Denauth got an opportunity to participate at NijiFES
Never heard this idioma before
Klara payed off her debt!
Klara's goon cave
No offence Klara, but the octopus girl looks fucking ugly
Klara luckshited and caught a pike and a sea devil in the span of 15 minutes
>>60484 That shit would flatten and die on a fish tank...
I got raided into Doppio and he has a schizo meltdown
>>60486 >and he has a schizo meltdown So... doppio stream?
>>60487 Yeah but he's being extra schizo today
https://x.com/mariamari0nette/status/1854860617406165437 https://x.com/EnnaAlouette/status/1854867177125691593 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
>>60450 Oimo recently membered Elira again and I was sad that chat gave her attention. I was also shocked that her badge was only a 1 year badge.
>>60490 It's the fucking Mint brainrot, they think that they're the bestest wives ever and bla bla bla but Mint is a cunt who only wants clout, now that she doesn't need Elira she never mentions her nor alludes to her in any way and we've seen that it's not even banned by the amount of PL people interacting with active livers. Since Oimo has her pomudachi clique in the Mint server running things and some famelira are WAY TOO RETARDED to notice she's a backstabbing bitch who wants to use thier oshi to sell merch and nothing more we have situations where they go "ha ha hi old friendo"
>>60486 He looks like hes destroyed on wine and singing i got a feeling
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhddxJzujrk Mumu playing FF7R featuring The Handler from the Monster Hunter World Franchise
>>60489 >Enna maririn duet potentially YEAHHHH
>>60491 The worst thing about Mint is that she has a lot of people in her new fanbase that openly were harrasing Elira and Uki and she not only not condomned it, but straight up ignored it and keeps interacting with all these people. Like there wasn't even "don't harass my friends please" vague Tweet, nothing. She just rolls with it. In retrospective, such behaviour is kind of part of the course for her, considering never reacted when people that called themselves her fans harrased Nina and Finana back in Niji. She especially swept under the rag the whole schizo unicorn meltdown during offcollab with Uki and just told everybody "dunno Finana organized it ask her". It was extremly fucking shitty all things considered
Reimu says that more cool stuff is coming both in 2024 and 2025
Reimu's hatred of Yuffie arc is still one of the funniest things that I've ever seen to happen to a vtuber on stream
>What is mug You really should know what this is as a latina
Tbh OG Yuffie is probably one of the worst characters
Reimu is being racist towards Wutai
Reimu is gonna use her reicock to correct Yuffie in the ass
>I usually defend Florida... Untill recently kek Reimu
>I lived in Miami before. Well, the good part of Miami Reimu is not beating cartel princess allegations
>I was in the middle of attacking your ass GIWITWM
Yuffie is finally teaching Reimu how to dodge in this game
>I hate Enna but not to this point My sides
Reimu says not to compare Yuffie and Enna because both are chinese and have an affinity for Canada
>>60508 Both of them are ninjas too
>>60509 Yeah with shurikens
>>60510 I know have a headcanon that Yuffie has pointy nipples, thanks
>2 minute vtuber introduction in collabs Denauth...
Reimu is thirsting for Nayo
I'm Yuiffie's stimulator btw
>>60500 she had the best portrait in the menu.
Grandpa is gonna rape Reimu for a few minutes i guess
Mumu thinking to highly of her stomach and saying how good it is while also having fucking gastritis attacks every other week
>>60517 I can watch this every time I sin and It will reset my counter. SWEET!
Reimu can crush an apple with her butt
>>60520 Like with her cheeks or by sitting on it?
>>60521 That she did not clarify
Reimu says Colombian and Venezuelan's should not mix
>"You know how much ego they have?" Reimu you're from Colombia, the land of the petulant people that think their opinion is absolute and better than anyone else, they always have trouble in other countries because of how fucking prideful they sound all the time and then go "hurr durr the other countries are xenophobic"
>>60522 bummer
Ngl Fort Condor still stucks even with the improvements
>>60526 Why is she eating noodles in a soviet apartment?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JGJCi0ZJyOc Holy shit Aia this is a hell of a clickbait title
>>60524 i don't see the problem.
>>60530 Have fun with the spaniards
>>60531 >Have fun with the spaniards
>>60531 don't worry, i'll make extra sure to be insufferable to them next time i'll deploy all of my french social arsenal
I must addmit, Yuffie's gameplay in Remake/Rebirth is extremly fun
Reimu, stop being a retard, collect all flyers, buy all units and build a good board
>The battle is all areal now Art imitates life
https://x.com/CerenityVNU/status/1855339578737242343 This one V&U girl is organising Miencraft survival games. Twisty has retweeted it, so I assume she'll be participating in it
>Reimu opens up a room full of materia >Ok, I'm going to explroe first >Hits a cutscene >Still thinks it's an optional area and continues Reimu I fucking swear
Reimu loves a man who would literally fucking kill himself for her
Happy that she's finally using the assess materia because she was getting her fucking ass handed to her
>>60541 She has to because Yuffie is a glass cannon and she relies on elemental damage. The "just tank every attack and button mash" strat that she was doing in the main game just doesn't work
>>60542 Now i wonder if she will one day notice the attack names over the enemies names
Sonnon is cool untill you realise that he's basically a bootleg Cid with Ninja skills
I can tell that Nomura was jorking it when he shoehorned those Dirge of Ceberus guys into the game
Why the fuck did they get the Dirge of Cerberus dudes in this game
>>60545 And by it? Heh let's just say my Gackt
I wish Yuffie's pants fell down
>>60547 She's dirging my cerberus till I Gackt
>>60550 I think Reimu thought this was serious
By the way, Nomura said that he wants to remaster DOC, so there's a posibillity that Reimu will eventually stream this cringekino
>>60552 He also said he's planning to retire in the next couple years, which i seriously wish
>>60538 Looks kino, she said she used to play bedwars so I wonder if shes cracked at pvp
>The enemy can hit you during the revival animation 10/10 game, Nomura
This fight is peak Nomura cringekino
>They don't let you skip the edgy cinematic Just like the fucking Riku fight in KH1
>Can't I skip this edgy cutscene Knowing Nomura, he really meant to make it unskipabble
Well Reimu you should fucking heal yourself first because you literally summoned Ramuh and Sonon will fucking kill himself regardless of how much health he has
>"I hope this asshole dies" He will in a few years when Chaos rips him a new hole with his anti material magnum
Becoming gringo is a fate worth than death
I remember someone in chat compared Reimu's reaction to Zack to seeing your oshi that's on hiatus and I relate to it so much...
Reimu asks art commision of her and Zack
This remidned me that somebody actually drew porn with Reimu and Gojo
>>60565 That was a nice one, also she saw it and liked it kek
>>60567 He's no longer good at Yugioh... No...
It makes me wonder how the fuck Kanae scarred Reimu
Reimu is being so fucking relatable right now. I fucking wish my oshi would have a full scale figurine or a nendroid....
Reimu will be buying Zack's figurine now
I agree with Reimu, girls are always the biggest buyfags when it comes to merch
>>60572 That is true and even the Anycolor data tells us that where there's more male viewers but female buyers by a lot
>>60573 I don't know why sometimes i introduce words out of nowhere...i might be dyslexic or something...
Oh god she's watching Riverdale https://x.com/3W1W4/status/1855367651088036186
Reimu syas Leon is for cuming and dumping
Reimu is going on break next Tuesday btw
>>60579 Well yeah she's going to Taipei
Idk if it's plain vtuber retardation or whatever what makes them not go into Angela's hiding spot in this part
>Chat just decided to spoil the fact that everyone has their own POV of Silent Hill What a bunch of retards
>Enna realized all the monsters look like women >Now she thinks James is an incel MY FUCKING SIDES
>>60584 Ok she got back from the bathroom and realized James is not an incel
>"OMG MARIA IS THE WHOLE MASTERMIND BEHIND THIS" Nah, that's retarded, it's actually a dog
>"At least i know how to flip stuff in my brain" Elira...
Mariring, Feesh and Ike cover! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8QlOepJ0cUg
Smol Mariring stream, she's so excited for the concert! https://www.youtube.com/live/cRisdPjKOsw
Maririn is so happy
Seffyna left a honey citrus tea to staff to give to Mariring
I hope i was the thing Mariring dropped in the toilet
Aww Koto got a bit of cold recently, this is why she sounded kind of off during Valo stream
Koto i'd honestly wish you got into Honkai or ZZZ more than Genshin because that one is literally the worst game they have
I just went home from a local con in my country and it’s amazing how not just holo but there are plenty of niji items sold there (en and jp included). I chatted with a guy who cosplay as fuwa minato and I even found a booth where the two people selling their stuffs there are wearing hakka shirt and kaida shirt. It makes you realize that in great scope of things tribalism are just incited by loud minorities who barely even touch grass or speak up their opinion in public and irl
Koto wants to motorboat Yanagi
>>60597 Most stories we heard about shit that happens it's usually one or two retards that go and harass artists, they're not a lot but sometimes it takes only one retard to ruin your day
>"The white haired girl is me!" Uh...
I think this is the most serious ZZZ trailer that I saw, the others are usually jsut coomer baits or funny meme videos
Koto don't question it too much, oni magic happened now she's half oni
Koto thought that these two had futa sex....
>>60604 When mommy and oni mommy love each other a lot, mommy sinks her naginata into oni mommy's neck and then a full fledged half and half adult woman shows up
>"I hope it's ok to play this on stream" Koto, i don't think Hoyo will sponsor you just to strike you afterwards
Oh yeah Rin/Belle kinda looks like Chigu
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>Millie was drinking for 6 hours Is her liver ok?
>>60609 Yeah, Millie is built different with alcohol
>>60609 She is pinoy. For what it's worth pinoy can handle alcohol pretty well.
I think kusogaki gyaru describes Nicole pretty well
I don't get how some of the long-term peeps can still enjoy Enna's complaining and love to point out to her that it's good content.
>>60613 It has it's charm, but honestly I don't really watch her full zatsus streams anymore.
>"I wasn't listening" Doesn't matter because your decisions don't matter
Koto is rubbing herself against Nicole's tits
>>60617 Double gyaru!
Any time Koto is vibing with the song i can only see her tits bouncing all around
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>>60619 It really hits me that I don't notice it that much since I'm not attracted to her in this way
This is just a forum, Koto...
It's such a contrast between Enna who already was finishing the stream by this time and Koto who hasn't even reached the pulls yet
>>60622 Well Enna already did the tutorial when she started, this Koto stream is her first reaction o the game altogether, basically Hoyo paid for 2 different kind of streams
IF it weren't for people doing the tutorial i would forget Susie fucking exists, even Coco is a more relevant NPC
>>60623 I feel like Enna didn't want to bother to play the prologue on stream
>>60625 That has nothing to do with it, Rosemi and Enna started playing from the same exact point, most likely Hoyo told them from where to start
>>60626 Hm, probably makes sense. Way, I don't mind a longer stream either way
>>60614 I barely have anytime to watch any streams nowadays nor the energy to persevere whenever Enna goes on one of those tangents since I've recently got a job. I've even quit going on the other site too. So when she was once again complaining about the same things related to friends and communication when I randomly tuned in I just bailed lmao, I don't have it in me to endure those annoyances for the good stuff anymore. But it's alright I've kind of always planned to be a much more casual fan in the long-term around this period and I know she means no harm in the end. I can still enjoy her just as much before in other ways with my limited time instead of pushing through entire streams and there are many big things to look forward to in the future. Her and the other peeps can enjoy their ranting therapy sessions to themselves without me kek.
Wait...they didn't give her currency to gacha...
Koto pulled a bunc hof balls....
>Sponsor someone to pull for a character >Don't give them currency to do so Wtf is this sponsorship, i know the people at Hoyo are fucking cheapskates but this is ridiculous
Haven't seen her in ages lmao
Koto keeps pulling balls....
>"I had to get Nahida" Ok Koto i don't blame you, she's pretty cute 😭
>>60633 Yeah mine
>"I wasn't supposed to be this hard" K-Kotocock...
Kotoka's balls....
Koto is not skipping, she wants to look at the balls
Koto got Piper😭😭😭
How many Anbies Koto already got at this point? 5?
>>60641 Yeah
Funny how she got 2 Bens because he's the most useless character in the game
>>60645 She was stuck like this for like a minute btw
>"I love these kind of games" Well too bad the average ZZZ player was too ADD riddled to use the HDD system exploration and they got rid of it
It's kind of ironic how you need the grind station to be available to drink the ground coffee
Nicole is the kind of person that would get you to invest in crypto scams, Koto....
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>Self reported
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Kotsuhime! It was a really fun stream for a sponsored one. Also, I was really happy to finally spend several hours with her after all this time. Glad she's getting better
https://x.com/KotokaTorahime/status/1855542326858526957 >πŸ˜³γ γŒγ—γ‹γ—γ‚¬γƒγƒ£γ―γƒ»γƒ»γƒ»γƒ»γƒ»γƒ»γƒ» What did she mean by this?
>>60597 Yeah, I had the same impression whe I was looking up photos and selfies from Anime Impulse. A lot of guys that visited the girls also bought some holo merch and none of them acted any weird about it. Unfortunately, I saw recently an artist being harrased at a con again but honestly, they should just report this shit to the con staff instead of ignoring it. Less people would keep acting like retards if couple of them were kicked out from a con for that
>>60588 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
https://x.com/hazumiaileen/status/1855409414980981085 Rosebud your oshi just killed someone...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c12fFH3u_Q0 Meloco is playing Detroit. I think this will be fun
Meloco picked up JP language because there's some JP meme in the localisation lol
I would think with JP language Meloco would do better, but she's messing it quite bad lmao
Meloco is probably the only person who decided to play this game on mouse and keyboard among the lviers I've watched before
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pfA2qj8V1ts 1 hour delay because Mumu got something to do.
>>60661 >something to do Yeah, me
>>60662 Got room for one more?
>Are we in America No Meloco, we're in a Japanese city called Deturoito
A little rant, but it's kind of funny how Meloco basically become "JP streamer that knows English". I'm not against it and I don't really find anything wrong with it, she found her unique niche niche and is really sucessful at it. I just never expected her to become like the reddit dragon or the kettle down the line. Although I must admit that she's better than both of them at it since her EN audience are Twitter lesbians and not incels from reddit.
>Why Todd has money Chat asks simple questions that David Cage never bothered to think about
>>60665 >I just never expected her to become like the reddit dragon I never liked Reddit Dragon. Even during the days when I was still watching Holo clips. She's like our former purple dragon in how she makes her content and collabs about ME ME ME and she acts similar to her when she got out of that corpo. I don't really think they're comparable though imo. Meloco's is ways better in various aspect. >incels from reddit. They can't be involuntary because they wilingly browse reddit for years lmao
I always wonder how JP streamers and chat feel about Detroit become human's story, do they think it's kino, be indifferent or do they get Vanta level cringe over it.
>>60667 Oh no, don't get me wrong, her content was always dogshit and she's a horrible person. The comparison is more from attitude and the whole "JP streamer who speaks English" shtick >she acts similar to her when she got out of that corpo The funniest thing about her is that she REALLY tried to push "hololive bad" narrative with the whole "talent freedom" autism when she just joined Vshojo. The backlash from her own fanbase was so bad that she quickly shut it down and started shitting on Niji instead out of nowhere. That was the most pathetic attempt at trying to cancell anything that I've ever seen.
Now that i think about it, these games are just high graphics AAA Visual novel
Do the birds join the uprising too lmao
>>60668 I don't think they'd have the cultural or historical knowledge to quite understand the "nuances" of the game. I'm sure they understand the primary, and very blatant message, that xenophobia and excluding people and groups from society is bad. But they probably don't get things like why it takes place in Detroit or why the androids are placed in the back of the buses. I imagine it's a similar feeling to watching historical anime, like samurai anime, where you may not get the full connection and context that a Japanese person may get out of the show, but you still feel drawn and entertained by it nonetheless.
>>60668 Pretty much this >>60670 JPs like this game because it's pretty much an action game that functions like a visual novell. Don't think they care that much about the writing or subtelty, they more care about the vibes. That's pretty much the main difference between western vs. japanese gamer mindset. Westerners like to jerk off to deep thoughtprovoking themesβ„’ while JPs just love everything that looks and sounds cool. I've learned that difference when I've learned that JPs love Silent Hill because "it's a cool american horror with demons" instead of "it's deep psychological horror with symbolism".
>mumu does monthly endoscopy WTF
Welp I guess mumu stream is gonna be a bit later she's still at the hospital. I'll play some vidya while put Meroco in the other screen I guess.
>>60674 Anon, she had extreme heatburns, had to cancell a lot of streams due to "7-10 stomache ache" and she vommited blood several times. Her doing regular endoscopy is actually an improvement since before that she would just took carbon pills and "sleep the pain off untill the next stream"
>>60676 She also said her white blood cell counts have improved.
Dunno what training camp Mumu keeps mentioning in chat. Is it even related to niji stuff or it's just her local social gathering?
If you think about it, Carl is pretty much one of those boomers that reposts AI images on his Facebook page and says how awesome this is
Like how Meroco pronounce Conner as "corner"
Wonder if Meloco will ship Hank and corner
>>60668 from the ones i've watched and seeing JP fans' opinions on it, it's more like something to see which choices the liver would make, what routes they'd take, and their thoughts on the admittedly shallow moral dilemmas in the game. well that's for male livers who have typically majorly female fanbases. i imagine it's a bit like when fuuchan played the game
Love how JPs have the same 28 stab wounds meme
>rag Meloco please
Oh damn, haven't seen anybody going upstairs after Todd, that's kind of unique
Ok, this was fucking funny, haven't seen anybody do this on stream
Meloco compared this interrogation to Tocimemo lmao
>>60677 she's slowly becoming a gringo
>>60689 She would probably hate this but she is already half gringa with all the time she lived in the US, as a latino, she has clear holes in her cultural knowledge sometimes
>>60690 Don't tell this to latin americans, you'll make them upset
>>60691 I mean...i wouldn't say it to her face because that's a good way to get myself timed out buuuuuuuuuuuuut...
Ah...Melo was too much of a coward to rob the store
>Meloco is chosing mostly the same choices that Ike did in his playthrough Ike is a japanese woman
>Meloco will be sleeping in a car because she didn't chose the right option with Ralph on time Ok this is extremly funny and unique
>She decided fuck the car and went to rob the laundrymart My sides
EN chatters are telling Meloco that it's ok to steal if it's Detroit
>>60698 Kinda funny that your options to steal are all black people
Meloco decided that stealing is bad and backed down
This whole section feels like a sketch from a 4koma manga
Ok, Meloco had no good options and went to sleep in a car
Yeah Meloco, you're literally the only person who went to sleep in a car on stream

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