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HAPPY~ NEW-YEAR~ #2025 Voxian 12/29/2024 (Sun) 05:40:44 No. 36021
This coming year I will focus on nothing butt myself and my happiness in the present and future... that means finding a GF for the fucking first time. What about yourself la~
Edited last time by Voxxe on 01/13/2025 (Mon) 05:03:23.
>>36642 SXO~ LA~
>>1225230 All females are bisexual except those with trauma and/or obsessed with monogamy. Personally, I prefer Yuri since I feel less vicariously cucked by that than some show where a guy gets gals that are far more perfect than IRL la~
>>36674 Okay I said I would stop posting random bitches, so let's do it la~

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