/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

AI generated videos - creatures swallowing women Anonymous 10/05/2024 (Sat) 18:54:40 No. 57383
Since other current AI video thread has expressed a desire for creature vore to be in a separate thread multiple times. Post ?/F vore here. "Shot of a hippopotamus outdoors with a massive gaping wide open mouth. Quick camera zoom in - down the hippo's throat to a realistic endoscopic view of interior of a dark, dimly lit stomach with a disheveled, yet attractive woman in her 20s trapped inside. She struggles as her claustrophobic fleshy surroundings flex and squeeze around her. Her expression is of confusion and concern. Her face and body are wet and sticky with a clear viscous fluid."
>>62453 Definitely don't be sorry for the "mist" I'm quite a fan of steamy breath~
>>62573 Playground works well for making starting images for ai vids.
Good gulp vid from Doctor-Teeth
>>63124 No my type of pred, but gosh, ya'll have been doing great convincing the AI to actually show someone getting swallowed.
(12.05 MB 1920x1080 in a frog.mp4)

(11.99 MB 1934x1080 Beach girl swallowed by dragon.mp4)

This thread is so quiet, even though there's a lot of good AI stuff out there still. Here's some more from Nafoirm.
Kling 1.6 has got something AWESOME going on with it for vore
>>65797 No kidding, Kling is the first one that's finally starting to cooperate. There's been nothing to report except weird goofball broken attempts until now. This is actually something worthwhile
>>65737 Oh wow, I wasn’t expecting sound on the second one! The internal shots of those two animations are nice. I’m a big fan of internal shots.
>>65867 Make hay while the sun is high. Only a matter of time before it starts cooperating less.
(212.71 KB 480x270 5SkLwwfg8jHkRZw5.mp4)

Good one from Justin-Bailey on X.
It insists on giving the women flippers instead of feet for some reason. This would be perfect if they had ordinary feet.
>>66025 "Interesting reaction. But what does it meeeeeean?" Maybe just mention offside that her feet are in the wetsuit?
>>66026 I've started explicitly telling it she has human feet, not flippers
>>65909 You weren't kidding...my vore prompts don't work any more....CURSES!
Are there other places besides here that people are creating or sharing these types of videos?
>>66704 Some of them get posted to DeviantArt and Youtube. So far there are only two good channels, and they both post here as well. It's not a very widely done thing.
I have a weird request, but could someone please either make one of these with a busty pregnant asian woman in the stomach, or tell me where I can make something like that?
>>66803 >>66805 Holy fucking shit, now these are fucking bad!
>>66840 This is not new; I have been making 30 videos a day for 3 months, there are barely 2% of "acceptable" videos and even then, you have to see the face of the videos. I would have rather created a funny video channel where the AI ​​is crazy
>>66840 I did some tests on a local machine, it was really bad, I had to simplify it to death. In the end it's hard to change the size of a woman's belly, so how can we consider the future?! I did the same tests again on Klingai, and I understood that it doesn't do any better... If we can't make a simple pregnant woman correctly, then how can we make "vore"? AI can't make a snake or even a mouth that eats...
>>65867 And it's over, seemingly. Whatever Kling did with the Elements update completely killed vore prompts for 1.6. Its a shame, I should have focused on the important stuff instead of fooling around for that brief period of time where multiple generations were possible on free tier. Now all vore type prompts I put in result in the AI visibly trying to stop it in the generation, AND the free generations take forever, 38 hrs my last one.
Nafoirm on DeviantArt released a free video with sound. Name a better DA artist who knows how to do AI.
>>66953 I think you just need to change your vocabulary, because it's still working for me. You just don't want what I got, so I don't post it. 🦊
>>68780 The stock screams are kinda cringe. Would it kill them to do some basic mixing? Tired of people thinking just lowering the volume is how you do things. Throw a low pass filter over it to make muffled sounds, and adjust the reverb for enclosed spaces. You can do it with Audacity for free, GAH freaking idiot.
>>68813 Oh you're absolutely right. The relevance feature needs to be on full now, that's all. At least that's how it seems to work for me. I'm also in the same boat as you. Most y'all don't want what I'm generating because all anyone cares about is the bellies.
>>68850 Extremely bold to ask AI posters to put effort in
>>68852 For real, I don't even think they're actually into vore. They might just be into fat and pregnant chicks and don't want to admit it.
>>60196 Context. To get a coherent response, each new frame needs info from all previous frames, so it's not linear - longer vids (or any other type of response) become massively more expensive.

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