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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

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Laptop456 thread Anonymous 01/27/2024 (Sat) 12:52:26 No. 41333
Laptop123/456 recently got his patreon and deviantart nuked. Any chance folks can upload some stuff by him?
>>67518 Smaller on in case you need it
Also someone post some new comics on here. im doing it....
>>67520 I'll post Alley Cat if someone else can grab Megan Booth
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So brutal yet so hot
>>67532 >>67532 You got the Megan booths one?
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I got these sketches
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(1.28 MB 2400x3300 JEFM_9.jpeg)

>>67532 YESSSIR!!!!! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE. Keep it UP!!!!!
Does anyone have Megan boothe?
Does the Megan boothe one have vore in it?
>>67540 no, it's just 2 pics of her getting butt fucked
I’m seeing something called “coat rack” in this. Anybody know which comic that is? Not gonna purchase it beforehand https://laptop123-456.itch.io/168-page-vore-extravaganza
>>67968 Its where Julie Robinsons mother gets eaten in the coat room of a restaurant by an alien. she calls those tits the size of her head a coat RACK
>>67541 Bumping for this
(2.68 MB 2400x3300 IMG_5199.jpeg)

(2.52 MB 2400x3300 Megan's Reprimand 2.jpeg)

>>67541 Here
New content up fellas
Bought it. It was eh. Best to wait until the sheerah set comes out and he makes money before leaking.
>>69128 Why does this making money thing keep coming into play? The feeling isn't mutually from him to you.
>>69136 not the person you tagged, but if you want someone who monetizes their art to keep making art, they have to see that their effort is worth the money. If you leak something immediately, that's less money they make and an increase in the chance that they decide this isn't worth their time anymore. Just delaying a week or so from a release can mean hundreds of dollars (depending on the creator) Wanting an artist you like to not quit is more than enough reason to wait before leaking their paywall stuff, imo
>>69150 Again all made up reasons in your head. Loads of fake science too. It doesn't matter just upload it.
>>69155 I presume this guy is the same guy that goes round spamming all the other threads his in demanding new content the second it’s been released. Never posts anything, just expects others to and has a moan or keeps bumping it when no one does share. Acts like everything should be done for him and seems to disregard any one else’s situation suggesting we should drop everything to buy stuff we might not have the money for. It’s been bugging me for a while now, but seriously 1. get some f***ing manners to start with, 2. I’ve never seen anyone who lacks this much common sense or understanding of the real world and 3. can an admin seriously not just ban them? They’re clearly being a nuisance across the boards and quite offensive to other users too
>>69155 >>69155 Absolutely braindead retard
>>69172 Lay off the destiny streams.
>>69168 Also you soft boy, your just a parasite.
>>69168 Look who trying to burn another thread.... While acting like a twitch viewer.
>>69136 If you want it so bad go pay for it yourself. I’m simply waiting because he’s already threatened to stop posting content if his products continuously get leaked. I figured the least I can do is just wait until he gets sufficient money before actually leaking it.
>>69280 Have u got it? Also new prices may be 20 dollars too so...
>>69187 Hahahah what? What do you even mean by that? All I’m saying is you just bombard charts with begging for content and whinge when you get nothing and don’t thank anyone when they post something, just move onto pestering the next content. If anything pestering people puts them off posting stuff, I’ve seen it kill other leaking site forums before, so you’re doing the opposite of what you want. Offending people into buying shit is not going to get you anywhere. Plus surely no one is that desperate to see this shit, if you are then you seriously need to get a life
>>69188 Burn another thread? Hahaha You’re the one burning a thread with your begging. Acting like a twitch steamer? hahaha, honestly wouldn’t even know how a twitch streamer acts because I don’t watch that shit. Just trying to tell you to stop acting like a dick all the time and get some fucking manors
So does anyone have the new comic?
I have the comic but like I said it’s very eh. It’s just a simple ass tease in the first 2 pages and a swallow in the 3rd with an internal in the last. It’s not anything groundbreaking and doesn’t need to be leaked. I’ll show it eventually but I’m just waiting on the Sheerah set
>>69282 This isn’t true. This is only for the sheerah set. The rest of his stuff is still gonna be fairly cheap
his pricing is a lil wack tho cause a 10 page comic is priced at $15 but a 4 page is $12? ig
>>69893 Yeah it is a bit weird. Which is why I’m apprehensive when buying his stuff

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