/vore1/ - Vore

Giantess, same size, female, loli etc

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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

Disposal Anonymous 10/04/2021 (Mon) 11:01:15 No. 1843
What goes in must come out, preds eating and shitting out their prey.
(2.24 MB 1137x2004 IMG_20240427_195602.png)

(1.96 MB 720x1600 English turd.png)

>>45845 holy shit, this is insane
why most of them are blonde chicks?
>>48086 Source?
>>46146 is that the same carla from devour the dinosaur hunter made by vivid lucidity?
https://aryion.com/g4/view/454561 is that the one but where's the other two, kylie and shantae
>>48495 that's the one, i can't count how many times i have cum while reading as carla got slurped into the dinosaur stomach and then turned to stinky dinoshit
(18.94 MB 528x1280 lv_0_20240603100735.mp4)

alternate Tasley91's Crop top audio edited
>>48921 Source?
(457.46 KB 850x1200 119693861_p0.jpg)

(345.80 KB 850x1200 119693861_p1.jpg)

>>52414 Oh this is great. Where did you find it?
(1.45 MB 1600x2259 NXnGu7G6BWU8sP8IvOaIF9z1.jpeg)

(1.67 MB 1600x2259 rDoq6Eo37UwIKJGR9mhFlDI0.jpeg)

>>52448 https://www.pixiv.net/artworks/119693861 These two are from the same artist's fanbox via kemono.
>>52453 Got a link to their kemono?

(1.96 MB 2000x2601 Dolsilyol-1021077-IMG_2216.png)

(476.83 KB 1500x1500 XRayGun-964606-CB00.png)

(704.96 KB 1500x1500 XRayGun-964609-CW00.png)

i have heard arcta9 new comic has disposal, release it
>>56319 no one yet to have it
>>57533 actually it's Birmingham
>>57533 What’s the source on this image?
>>57551 rule34
someone did upload it, well, somehow i recognized this "carla" like i heard of her before
(4.90 MB 6500x5000 ach21024-947889-厕所scat3.jpg)

(5.47 MB 6500x4000 ach21024-987880-POOP.jpg)

(1.55 MB 951x1853 IMG_20241202_182157.png)

(1.90 MB 769x1627 IMG_20241122_204431.png)

Does anyone have this kittyskatt video: https://www.femscat.com/store_view.php?id=303&item=8135
(2.13 MB 1800x2541 yyApAHfiKfMKQZwIvnEvWnqk.jpeg)

(2.13 MB 1800x2541 0kZTcipxfgQyItGbae2L7hta.jpeg)

>>68362 source
>>68403 Scroll up >>52453

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