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Stop complaining about loli you fags NO MORE REAL ANIMALS OR IRL THREADS. NO GOLDFISH. Ai art IS allowed and here to stay. Quit whining about it

JTVoreComics Paid Content Anonymous 09/29/2021 (Wed) 15:30:25 No. 1429
Could anyone share some of the JT content that isn't on kemono? Specifically the Stripper Packs with digestion if possible.
Kemono update pls?
>>48305 If you don’t mind me asking, which comics were they killed off in? Unless you just mean they were cancelled, of course.
>>50899 Ana Conda bites the dust in "Ana vs Darcy" and the nameless punk chick is offed in "The Sub".
>>50899 Nah they literally get eaten and digested. Well presumably Ana does although we never see it
>>50170 Hey anon, JT just changed name and made a new patreon account. Possibly because of your post? https://www.patreon.com/SatisfactionStudios
>>51180 His old acc is still up though?
>>51180 saw one of their posts and actually thought a patron was just trying to upload his content until JT made a post about it, weird he's seemingly selling the same content just somewhat cheaper? Also only doing comms there
>>51332 He's also calling Lexi, Alexi on there, super weird
>>50170 Any update on when you'd be able to get your hands on the Detention comic to share?
Kemono got updated but the detention remake comic it's nowhere to be seen, someone has it?
>>50170 Feed us bro
>>50170 Liarrr
Anyone have the Detention remake or Lexi's (pr Alexi's) New Job part 2?
>>58179 bump
bump for the full stripper new one.
can we get a reup for the ones posted her? links are dead
Now that Kemono is up and working again, anyone mind updating the Satisfaction Studios' page?
>>1429 crazy how just off looking at the thumbnail of this thread you can see the quality difference compared to the newer stuff
anyone can update his kemono plz? or share here?
there's over 30 pages for lexi's new job comic wtf
Can somebody update his kemono page or share the new comic here?
Saw someone updated his Kemono but there are very large gaps in it, namely the Lexi's New Job series, can someone fill them in please?
Anyone got the final Lexi’s new job parts?
I stumbled across this old page recently https://8kun.top/vore/res/7343.html you can see a handful of older comics but you can't get a lot of them in high quality. Any fixes/advice?
obligatory kemono update request
2024 Stripper Vore https://gofile.io/d/y27DGW
can someone hook us up with a file of his stuff plz? rly wanna see his graphic digestion/scat/vomit work i tried actually talking to him asking him to send me some of his work cuz ive seen him syaing he would (big surprise he ghosted me wich is understandable) sadly i cant buy his stuff cuz my country is sanctioned amd i cant transfer money so if anyone can be a hero it would be rly nice
https://8kun.top/vore/res/7343.html Found this but the images are blurry as fuck if anyone can make them clear and get them on here then this is a goldmine
bump for a kemono update
Don't mean to unnecessarily keep bumping this when I doubt anyone will post anything from him but why isn't anyone updating his Kemono?

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