/ulgd/ - Yuri+LGD

Where yin and yang meet

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Welcome to /ulgd/ Anonymous Board owner 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:12:45 No. 1 [Reply]
Welcome to /ulgd/, the only board that combines yuri and LGD into one. >What is LGD? LGD stands for Lesbians Getting Dicked. As one can imagine, it's a kink that consists of lesbian characters or characters from yuri media having sex with men. Contrary to what one would expect from such an idea, most LGD enthusiasts are neither homophobic nor do they hate yuri, quite the opposite, they're usually some of the biggest yurifags you'll meet. Reasons for being into LGD are varied, but they all agree that loving yuri and wanting to see its characters dicked are not contradictory or mutually exclusive. >Aren't lesbians who have sex with men just bisexuals? By common sense, they would be. But kinks have a way of messing with logic and common sense. This board assumes that all females posted in it are lesbians by default. >What is allowed on this board? This board focuses on erotic/pornographic pictures that include at least two female characters. Doesn't matter if it's yuri, bisexual, or separate LGD, it can all be posted here, without being segregated by thread as they all share the same status here. However, other forms of pornography are also allowed. Solo images are very much welcomed, as this board celebrates female beauty, and so are LGD images with a single girl. Porn outside this scope is tentatively allowed but subject to higher standards. >What is not allowed on this board? This board is meant to be a rules-light one where you can post whatever floats your boat as long as you fall under the yuri+LGD collective. There are only three things that are hard-banned on this board: 1. Anything that violates Global Rules, as a matter of course.

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Kissing while getting dicked Anonymous 07/07/2024 (Sun) 06:20:34 No. 2 [Reply]
The most basic form of LGD, a cute couple enjoying their intimate love together, all while getting impregnated.
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Oneeshota/Shotalez Anonymous 07/15/2024 (Mon) 05:32:06 No. 9 [Reply]
Shotas exist to be sandwiched between the warm bodies of lesbian couples.
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Pregnancy thread Anonymous 10/07/2024 (Mon) 21:43:06 No. 260 [Reply]
Females fulfilling their biological purpose.
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