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Tickling Content by people who aren't into the fetish Anonymous 12/06/2021 (Mon) 22:36:20 Id: cb9d8d No. 8685
I differentiate this from mainstream in that it's art or media involving tickling by artists or creators who clearly aren't known for having a tickling fetish but have indulged those who are. Could be commissions, or it could be random requests.
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Found this on instagram the other day. Definitely made for laughs (no pun intended) and to creep out normies https://youtu.be/sfGreQR4hIM
Commissioned this myself, was their first time with proper tickling involved :D https://www.instagram.com/p/CyQ2Fu7q_xN/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== https://linktr.ee/feylen
Commission made by Bulgemeister.
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Marked for spoilers because it contains chubby girls with big bellies. I know not everyone likes that. Made by SJRykerArt on twitter. He draws chubby girls, but he's not a tickling artist by any means. He's only made tickling art twice before and both were commissions specifically requesting tickling. The orange haired girl getting tickled was a commission he did for someone a while back, and the raccoon girl getting tickled was a commission he did for me very recently.
>>58192 Please, make more commissions if it is possible for you, this artist draw the best chubby bellies and I'm dying for some more art like this
>>58206 He's working on other commissions at the moment, but he told me he would let me know if he's up for another one from me when he finishes those. If he is, I may commission him to draw another pic of his chubby raccoon girl OC (her name is Pom) getting her big belly tickled, but i haven't 100% decided yet. If you are able, I highly recommend you commission him yourself someday, as he is very polite, easy to work with, and he works fast.
>>58356 That sounds great! I can't wait to see what you have in mind if you finally do it, I love that OC of him. I'll commission him someday, but not any day sooner sadly TwT
>>60427 No way. There's no way you can convince me this wasn't made by a ticklefag.
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This treat from Scott Malin of his OC Lucia took me by surprise. His replies to some of the comments honestly amused me a little bit. One comment said "Imagine putting over tickling, and not even spicy tickling" and Scott replied "she can't help it😔" Another comment said "who's the tickler scott" and Scott answered "we the viewer😳" and another comment said "Ooh she's ticklish! Great to know!✨😋" To which Scott replied "this is how we bully her" Makes me wonder if he secretly actually has a tickle fetish and just doesn't draw it so he can get a broader audience and bigger following. Certainly seems like his OC has a tickle kink, anyway...
>>71732 Dude hell yes. He's also drawn her barefoot plenty of times before, especially in the pose, so I want to see her locked up and tickled now
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>>71736 You actually just reminded me of THIS piece he drew. Yeah, tell me that Tentacruel isn't about to tickle the shit out of her. He's literally restraining her and stripping her boots off and fondling her bare foot. He's DEFINITELY about to tickle torture her. You can't convince me this didn't cross Scott's mind while he was making this. Unfortunately I don't think he does commission work at all, otherwise I'd look into commissioning him to draw Lucia bound and tickle tortured by a tentacle monster or something myself. What do you guys think are the chances he makes some blatant tickle fetish art of Lucia and plays it off like it's ironic, or just a meme? Like putting her in some stocks with a hand holding a feather inching closer to her bare feet, and Lucia having some dialogue like "so what am I supposed to do in these stocks again?" Or maybe drawing Lucia in cosplay and recreating some anime tickle scene, like the Fujiko Mine tickle scene from Lupin III or something like that.
>>71732 he used the autist emotes, that pretty much confirms it
>>71746 Best we can do is find someone willing to use a similar artstyle and draw exactly that, cause I really like your idea of her impending tickling. "What am I supposed to be doing in these stocks again?" Could be followed up with "You'll know, you're a natural after all" followed by the full on tickle pic
This piece from KujiKawaii, though I'm not sure if it's supposed to be belly button tickling, triggers the same dopamine in the brain from it so it might as well be. Either way its navel fetish stuff so He's probably a dude we can commission for some more Fighting Game Girl Tummy Tickling. Which speaking of which someone needs to gather a list of non tickling artists who are down to do tickling art since thats a goldmine yet to be discovered
>>74776 He's also got this on his NSFW alt.
Autotape is a bondage artist that mostly draws Deliah Ketchum tied up. So aside from this one instance of tickling this is pretty on-brand for him.
>>74776 First spoiler marked pic is a chubby girl with a big belly getting tickled, the other one is a very hung Dickgirl. Warning for those who really don't like that stuff. Also, TLDR for those who don't want to read all this shit: if you want to see feet tickles, szero art might do it for you. If you want to see chubby girl belly tickling, SJRyker will do it, as long as you don't request anything NSFW. If you like futanari/dickgirls getting tickled, Neayix might draw something for you. Anyways, first two pics are by szeroart. He is mainly a foot fetish artist, pretty much his entire gallery is feet art. However, surprisingly, he doesn't draw tickling. At all. He definitely doesn't care for tickling. He will, however, draw it for commissions it seems. He's done like 3 tickling pics in his whole career, and I'm pretty sure all 3 were commissions. Not sure what his prices are, never worked with him myself. Third pic here is by SJRykerArt. Chubby girls are his specialty. I've asked him personally, he is generally fine with drawing tickling. If you want to see chubby girls getting tickled on their big soft bellies, Ryker is your guy. His prices are actually really good for the quality of his art, if you ask me. Typically $70 for a fully shaded piece. There are many artist of his caliber who charge a lot more than that. Just note that he DOES NOT draw anything NSFW as far as I know. Last pic here is by Neayix. He loves to draw dickgirls and futas. More specifically, he loves drawing ridiculously hung dickgirls who are actually bottoms despite their huge dicks. He often draws super hung dickgirls getting topped (either railed from behind or pinned down and ridden by force) or being otherwise very submissive. He also really, REALLY LOVES Gardevoir. I've spoken to him personally, he said he would generally be fine drawing tickle torture. If you want to see a dickgirl bound and tickle tortured while her three foot long cock is mercilessly milked until her watermelon-sized balls are completely drained, Neayix MIGHT be your guy. Saying MIGHT for now because I have yet to see how an actual fully finished and shaded tickle pic from him would look, and because his commissions are very pricey, being over $100 if you want a top quality finished piece, potentially pushing $200 depending on the complexity.
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An artist called Jiin San just posted this pic of Wii Fit Trainer getting tickled. This artist does draw feet quite a lot, but also a lot of butts and boobs and other vanilla stuff. Generally just drawing hot girls. Putting a few of their other works here to give you an idea of what they usually post. There's NSFW alts for the Wii Fit tickle pic on the artist's Patreon, but I don't have them and I don't think they're on Kemono. Funny enough, a lot of vanilla artists are fine with drawing tickling for commissions, but I don't think this one was a commission. Just said it was a "Patron Reward." Jiin San possible closeted ticklefag who just doesn't draw it regularly because they want to appeal more to the normalfags? Idk, they made a pretty cute tickle pic either way, and Wii Fit Trainer is always a fun target to bully with tickles.
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Scott Malin just drew Lucia getting tickled again... Even if it's just accidental tickles during a massage, still counts. He literally drew an arrow pointing to her saying "TICKLISH" while the hands are squeezing her belly. My takeaway from this is that this means Lucia is so deathly fucking ticklish that she can't even handle a little belly massage without breaking out into giggles. And if we assume that >>71732 is canon, Lucia is a literal raging tickle slut who can cum hands-free if you tickle her enough. I swear it, anons, we are gonna see Scott Malin draw Lucia getting it GOOD before we die.
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found this series of pic by an artist with mix and match fetish that ends in tickling
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>>76844 the tickle part

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