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OCs in tickle art/Artists Anonymous 11/12/2021 (Fri) 18:37:28 Id: f2ed4e No. 6652
i've seen a couple of people in various threads discussing about OCs and i want to make a discussion thread about them. do you like OCs in tickle art? what makes you love/hate an OC in this art? is there a favorite piece of you with OCs in tickle art? what do you think about OC shilling? and finally do you have any OC you'd like to see tickle art of?
>>27310 What’s frustrating is the dude has a good 200 OC’s and tons of them are super appealing (and plenty that are nightmare fuel) but he never does anything with any of them. In the end he’s just another character factory artist constantly trying to top himself with the weirdness while still attempting to make it viable fetish fuel.
(2.74 MB 3500x3201 Aphrodite Tickled.jpg)

I really like this Unikran OC for some reason.
>>8009 I'm glad to see you preserved this picture as the original artist, Psylisiadragoon, has been absent for many years. Her artwork is truly a gem in terms of fetish work. She always had a unique of blending science-fantasy into tickle art. Its a shame she's not continued since.
>>11857 I recognize them as MILF characters from artists like Kandemrem, master417, codricor1, NSFWFunForAll, and a few others. Other than that, I can't say I possess many pieces depicting each of these characters.
Damn she's so pretty and hot
anyone got any of erimoto's older self-OC stuff? she deleted it a while back cause of some creep
>>56663 Seconded
>>56663 Lol what happened exactly?
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I wish Totty drew more art of her sona.
>>75064 >or else we'll tickle your upper body too
Cofu recently came back we should tickle them too
love seeing cofu in art. Seems like she's got a little clique of artist friends/ocs that regularly commission each other for pics. I know I've seen more but these are the sets I've got on hand atm.
Annabelle is the only good OC that has ever been created by any tickle artist and I will stand by this
>>76774 Apparently she’s going to be in krons gargelfetus game
>>76783 I'll believe it when I see it if she doesn't look like the same copy pasted kron body with an off model head
>>76774 Why don't you make more art then, Raspberry.
>>76849 if I was RJ i'd be crying about the woke twitter mob trying to cancel porn artists
>>76865 Woke nigger puriteens are already casting themselves off to Blue Cry, I hope they fucking stay there in their new cesspit.
>>76869 See? THIS is RJ.
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>>76865 I do not cry I bellow
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>>76870 >>76869 And frankly, since when do I complain about the 'woke'? I hate puritainism, but puritanism has no tribe. I don't buy into woke vs redpilled tribalism, full stop, and neither should you. You should not be able to ascertain someone's stance on veganism based on their stance on gun ownership, I reject this notion. It is a false dichotomy, crafted and cultivated by our masonic masters to foster division in the common folk, and keep their eyes from turning upwards. How can both sides believe that they are anti-establishment, anti status-quoe? that the other side is the one pulling all the strings? it's by design. Freemasons want the right to scream that it's jewish communists, they want the left to scream that it's rich white males, because it keeps attention off of them. I'll draw the moth, but do not presume things about me
>>76879 >schizo babble definitely raspberry tell us about the lizards again, joe
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>>76879 could've just posted the doodle man you're fighting air
>>76879 use this energy for drawing not complaining about retards on twitter
>>75116 Just saw this uploaded. Enjoy your food.
>>77542 Is CoFu the new Mei Gonzales? The next brown skinned girl who ticklefags simp after? More chocolate soles for my penis so it's all good.
>>77545 She deserves to be and I'm part of the problem amen to the chocolate soles
>>77542 >>77545 I wouldnt mind because I need to bust a load on those chocolate soles

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