/tkr/ - Tickling Refuge

Kocho Kocho

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3D Tickling Anonymous Archivist 11/02/2021 (Tue) 18:09:02 Id: 179f7d No. 5819
Male, female, SFM, Genesis, whatever program it may be, post whatever 3D tickling and feet pics you have here.
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>>11453 Had to give Tsubasa her turn. Need to get better at camera work and posing.
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Just made this, let me know what you think
>>14381 I dig it quite a bit. I specially like Starfire's concerned and confused look, since her position is the most revealing, and makes me think sexual tickling all the way. Are you gonna do followups?
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I'm seeing a lot of good 3D stuff popping up on pixiv. Is it hard to make? I'm thinking about trying this shit out.
>>22500 Koikatsu is easy to use imo, there are 2 ways to get the posing done, being FK and IK. one is basically move this specific joint to here and it does it automatically, the other one is actually moving each joint however you want to make it more detailed if needed. Models are also easy to use, just download the png and drag it into the right folder.
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>>5878 >>5881 >>5941 >>6172 Owner's name is Elektratouch Extra hot shit like this on Kemono https://kemono.party/patreon/user/38474363 The Vid's link so that you won't waste time searching for it (IN HD + Smoother animation + VA): https://kemono.party/patreon/user/38474363/post/60407716 Enjoy ;)
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>>7919 >that tickle talk nice shit. that kinda stuff makes me diamond
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https://www.deviantart.com/kingroamhaus/art/Destiny-Treasure-of-the-Golden-Age-COMMISSION-951251717 Gentlemen, this is it. We have peaked. Pack it up. Theres no way but down from this. We have reached Tickle Art Nirvana
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>>14381 This is pretty good. Is there more of this?
>>14381 I know damn well you didn't make this fire picture and aren't going to make a hot sequel. Cmon man.
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This thread deserves a revival.
>>6013 when is his next upload...
>>56581 Looks like he vanished shortly after his last Patreon post in October of 2022. Figures; the really talented ones always realize how much they’re actually worth and move on to better things.
https://x.com/BaronStrap/status/1727031661647540295?s=20 new baronstrap vid that contains tickling but other femdom stuff in it. Thoughts?
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