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Vintage thread Anonymous 09/16/2023 (Sat) 00:57:20 Id: 00ebd8 No. 53072
post any tickling/feet pictures or videos from yesteryear. From the early 2000s all the way as far back as you can find. No drawings, save those for the other threads.
>>53330 is there a full set of the first 2 ?
>>53430 The first pic at the top of the thread is the only other one I've ever seen from this set unfortunately.
>>53433 Probably more Kujman shit that will never see the light of day.
>>53246 Nice! Know if there are any vids of the cute buried blonde in those last two pics?
>>53248 Nice! Know if there are any vids of the cute buried blonde in those last two pics?
>>53443 I’ve never personally seen any clips of this video (Kujman?), these IIRC were posted on a “Beach Buried” thread on the old TickleTheatre message board.
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(22.33 KB 400x320 Squirm+little+guythats+it.jpg)

some vintage f/m
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>>53554 >tfw most of the vintage Terri Tickle shit is gone forever
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>>53558 Still holding out hope someone will show up with a google drive or clips4sale full of it. I don't care that David was a piece of shit, he coaxed out the best f/m content. random olds:
>>53593 my kingdom for a source on the first two
>>53117 >>53340 Jeez Darla Crane; a true legend. She was like our version of Betty Page back in the day and definitely catered to my love affair with pale redheads.
>>59073 Not sure about the actual magazine they were featured in, but here's another.
>>60015 Pretty sure it was a 90s tickling magazine. The woman on the right is pornstar Tiffany Storm. She appeared in three or four tickling vids from the late 80s and early 90s. The other woman I don't recognize, but she is almost certainly an 80s pornstar. A bunch of them appeared in photo shoots, but almost none of the shoots were ever released as videos.
>>53593 >I don't care that David was a piece of shit You don't care that he was a literal homosexual child molester?
>>67550 Damn I wish videos existed of these...
>>60448 Nope. That's some of the hottest f/m content to exist, shame it came about because of a horrible irredeemable bastard but he's dead and that's the deal. I exist on the bones of conquered civilizations. I eat innocent animals. I enjoy medical and electric advances made possible through terrible experiments. Anything I spend money on might go to an asshole doing asshole things with it because most of humanity sucks. I've made my peace with existence being fucked, I just want to enjoy it for however many years I have left.
(8.60 MB 1280x720 idea.webm)

Anyone have old tickle hell pics?
idk if I love or hate that the 1970s and the 2000s are considered the same caliber of "vintage"
>>70764 I'm cool with it. RealTickling and others were spurred on by the 70s/80s content and made their version of it. Tickler In Black specifically talked about how he had to dig through endless fetish mags just to find a little tickle content back in the day and wanted to bring that spirit out in their videos full force. There was a noticeable change somewhere towards the end of the 00s when things became a little less elegant and more assembly line, like the newer creators boiled down the previous content to the essentials and figured out how to factory produce.
>>70764 Yeah, anything before 2000 is "vintage." Hell, some of my stuff appears in there, which I resent! Not because it's pirated.I'm NOT that old!
>>70843 Okay Boomer.
>>53072 I'm genuinely curious what's the oldest known tickle porn. We have porn that goes back to the 1700s... sure there's tickle porn somewhere older than 1970
>>74428 this one looks pretty old. no idea what its from or what the context is.
One thing I've noticed is that the usage of hair brushes in the tickling kink is a relatively recent adaptation they are completely absent in any vintage stuff
>>74499 That's because on average women's feet used to be way, way softer back then. Tender pink soles comparable with literal silk were a much more significant symbol of beauty, especially among those who could afford regular self-care routines. A hairbrush would be too much since it can cause pain when used on such pampered feet. The feather tickling trope didn't come out of nowhere. Trust me, I'm a boomer.

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