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Bleach Tickling Anonymous 10/01/2021 (Fri) 14:32:15 Id: 68badc No. 2116
A lot of hot girls
>>66917 tbh i’m still curious as to why we don’t have a commissions thread- lord knows it’d be easier than scouring DA and pixiv for people taking commissions, especially since DA apparently removed the commissions filter from the shop tab. i wanna pay people to draw bleach girls getting it god damnit
>>66918 My guess is that there's probably no more than five people in this place that ever commission anything. I mean, look at the requests thread. You have people begging for things you can get for 5 dollars or less and that's probably the most bumped thread on the board.
>>66918 If you’re not looking for a specific artist that you like I recommend using skeb.jp for commissions. It’s mainly only good for Japanese/anime art styles rather than Western though but you can easily filter for a variety of artists that are searching. It’s what I usually use for commissions since searching who has commissions open on DA or pixiv can be a pain.
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>>42265 took a while cuz i kept forgetting, but here ya go. i’m planning on another of her tbh, maybe with the rest of the tres bestias. anyways enjoy some tickles by idkworks :)
>>67129 Thank you! I love her so much
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>>61065 took a bit more time for me to actually to get it commissioned, but here it is, diamonddust anon. c̵i̵n̵d̵y̵ ̵a̵n̵d̵ ̵l̵o̵u̵ Yin and Yang tickled :)
>>69344 Damn bro, I actually forgot about that suggestion lol. It's a great pic too! Love it
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>>69388 >ai slop the first one is almost passable, but the pathetic attempts at “hands” by her feet ruin it. the second she’s just not even being tickled. the expressions are surprisingly good tho, ignoring the weird thing going on her eyes in the first image. anyway, have some cg Candice
bleachfag back again. i’m planning on getting some cg art of Lisa and Nanao, but i’m not sure how to have them tickled. any suggestions?
>>69409 Yeah, that first pic I'd actually say is really good, as long as you don't look too closely; Orihime's expression is quality and the feet actually look good, just a shame about the white hands. The second pic represents what I think is, aside from terrible anatomy, the worst thing about AI tickle pics; great lee in hysterics, then you notice nothing is happening to them to warrant the reaction. I've seen loads where the lee isn't being touched at all but still laughing for some reason. Huge buzzkill.
More art of the OG captains! This time we’ve got the Batsu’unsai Katori stripped and bound to her own Zanpakuto. Lmk if you guys have any other ideas for Bleach girls with little or no art!
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>>33648 decided there needed to be a more nsfw version of >>41474 ^this piece, so here we are ;)
>>72182 Looks great man, I'm honored that you liked my suggestion enough to commission it twice.
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my efforts are working. more people are commissioning bleach art >:)
I'm starving for Belly button content of Rukia, Rangiku, Nanao, Yoruchi, Soi Fon, Orihime, Candice, Tier, Isane, Lisa, and Nel, and pretty much all the bleach woman someone go commission that.
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Latest Kubo's answers on Klub Outside confirmed Bambietta as the most ticklish femritter! Q: Which of the Bambies is the most ticklish? Kubo: What kind of question is this? I never gave it any thought before but it’s 100% gotta be Bambi. Artists, you know what to do.
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To distract everyone from the kotetsu girls getting fucking merked by Lille recently, have a sisterly scuffle
>>76557 God bless you, anon...and God bless BP, what a guy
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Does anyone know when Pierrot published this? Or what title he gave it?

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