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Where can I download or learn how to create android malware? Anonymous 04/01/2022 (Fri) 08:22:42 No. 7984
I'm mainly looking for something that uses steganography or otherwise gets installed silently. I'd rather learn how to create it or find opensource code as I'm sure a lot of sites are just stings. It's just hard to find redteam stuff on the web these days.
It's not hard man you just have to do it the proper way and stop believing this "tutorial / stackoverflow is the way" bullshit. you learn your shit, write code, read code. Learn OS, networking, you see as much shit as you can see and then maybe you'll be able to actually read papers on new programming techniques or reports on exploits, reverse engineer malware, etc. There's a fuckton of info out there you just have to be prepared to eat shit and be confused for a lot of time and do it properly. Good luck and don't be discouraged.
I know. I found a github with a bunch of malware samples. What I'm trying to figure out is if there's actual guides out there. I know I should start with Android programming and I've done it before but it's very basic stuff. They tend to keep that stuff under wraps, it seems. It's not very common.

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