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(179.43 KB 1024x946 lain.png)

Anonymous 05/14/2020 (Thu) 07:03:18 No. 49
Let's all love Lain
>>49 done
>>269 I hope the people who drew those pictures get bullied into killing themselves. And I hope that you get treatment before it's to late.
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>>268 god, i love nichijou
>>5145 inside Lain :-)
(389.21 KB 450x343 She'll be here forever.gif)

Let's all love Lain
(61.13 KB 640x1237 you.jpg)

>>85 >05/16/2020 damn, I'm late to the party. Anyone still got an active link?
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>>49 is this from that chinese cartoon called serial LAME
>>6201 Thank you fellow lainon.
>>376 https://fauux.neocities.org/ Afaik they're all from here. This site's a treasure to explore, it has an onion address as well. I stumbled on this site before I watched Lain and then after as well, rediscovering it and getting to understand what I had already seen was great.
(30.42 KB 700x700 Multics_logo.gif)

>>5142 I can't be the only one who thinks that the Navi logo looks like Multix? http://wikipedia.org/wiki/Multics
nah. maybe tomorrow.
(210.25 KB 1200x1180 Lain_PS1.jpg)

Anyone played lainTSX yet? There was this Japan-only Lain game for the PlayStation (which was barely a game, more like an interactive novel / companion piece). Then some fans translated it to English, but rather than just make a patch, they recreated the whole thing as a web-based experience. > https://laingame.net/
Lain stopped being cool the moment trannies became obsessed with her.
>>12285 They will never leave the surface level of the fandom. I wouldn't worry about it much. The most they'll do is "oh em gee she feels bad just like me!!! she is mental illness too!!!11!" They will never be a part of the fandom, because they won't find where she is appreciated. Nor do they care to find it
>>12285 If you stop liking something just because somebody else likes it, good riddance. I'll never understand this trend, especially on imageboards.

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